Cultivation Is Like This

Chapter 156: horse on head

Chapter 156 Horses can run on the head

She Chang did not retreat after all.

The reason is simple, Zhao Shiran clocks in Sanqingfeng every day, rain or shine, and he doesn’t consider himself an outsider at all.

There are so many difficult things in the world, except for women chasing men.

She Xiang was thinking about the water drop and stone wear. With Zhao Shiran’s perseverance and perseverance, even if Lu Bei was wholehearted with her senior sister, she couldn’t stop the beauty from falling in love with her. She really dared to retreat for a year, and the younger generation should be the older generation.

At that time, you can run a horse on your head, but you will not be so angry that you vomit blood.

This level is not closed!

She Chang regards Zhao Shiran as the enemy of her senior sister, and is quite scheming. She predicts that Lu Bei is not an opponent.

In fact, Sect Leader Zhao is used to being quiet, and he is still ignorant about matters of men and women. He is not much better than her with a half-knowledge. It is purely encouraged and encouraged by the female nuns in the sect.

A few days ago, Zhao Shiran met with Lu Bei, and was dragged for various discussions. After returning to the mountain, he was dragged and questioned by the nuns. He explained the situation truthfully, complained that someone did not understand Lianxiangxiyu, and his chest was still aching. . .

The female nuns were stunned for a moment. Four of them suggested that Lu Bei was steel and iron and did not understand her daughter’s heart.

This kind of person is tougher than wood, but once you surrender, you don’t have to worry about him getting into trouble, whether it’s tied to the house or released for a walk.

is many times stronger than a dog man.

They advised Zhao Shiran to seize the opportunity, otherwise it would be too late to regret missing a good chicken.

Zhao Shiran didn’t understand very well, and felt that the female nuns in the door made some sense, but he couldn’t shirk it, so he clocked in once a day and brought some snacks made by himself.

She was very happy when she met, but she was disappointed when she left. She thought she liked it.

Lubei’s side does not refuse visitors. During the day, he eats the special pastries of the Fragrance Pie, and at night he instructs She how to prepare the ingredients in the kitchen. Occasionally, they are introduced to meet each other and encourage them to increase their curling.

has no other meaning, I just want a chance to prove that I am a righteous gentleman.

It may be that he has been running around a while ago, or it may be that he does not want to go out near the end of the year. In short, he is not addicted to women’s **** and secretly having fun. Lu Bei has been honestly staying at Sanqing Peak these days and has not gone anywhere.

On the    forum, players found that the price increase was not as good as before, and complained that the number of people online in the game was increasing, which spoiled the NPCs.

Smartly put down the air, and found a suitable mountain gate nearby to grieve himself. Those who are not smart enough also ride a donkey to read the songbook, join the novice village, and strive for quick upgrades. When the foundation is established at level 20, there are more choices with capital.

After eating a wave of traffic dividends, Sanqing Peak suddenly attracted a wave of novice players. Due to the expansion, the entire Jiuzhu Mountain became lively.

made all the chiefs laugh till they could not close their legs.

Laugh now, cry later.

suddenly ushered in a wave of leeks entering the pit, which greatly exceeded Lu Bei’s expectations. He thought that the low tide period would last at least two months, and he was even ready to end the alchemy in person.

But there is one thing that Lu Bei is very sure of. Players are here only for experience, just passing by. Once the experience of alchemy cannot satisfy their growing ambitions, the head of Jifeng kneeling down and hugging his thighs can’t stop them from yearning for the world.

is very good, both sides take what they need, and Lu Bei is less stressed.

is that the resources are being consumed too fast. It would be better if the Dashengguan side was more lenient.

Two days ago, Lu Bei got a message from Hu San, fluttered his wings, and met him in Hongling County.

Because of his repeated achievements, Hu San was able to be promoted to an official position. The news has been put down, and he will be promoted to Ziwei after the year. With his promotion, he has a lot of work to hand over. After thinking about it, it is better to be cheaper for outsiders than for your own brothers, and ask Lu Bei if he is interested.

Lu Bei has no interest in undercover work. Although he has a lot of experience, it takes too long to round up. It is better to knock on the sap of the emperor’s disciples with a mask.

However, Lu Bei is very interested in the task of arresting people and arresting wanted criminals. With his movement speed, as long as he has sufficient information, his experience is the same as Bai Jian.

Dream is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Ningzhou is not a Yuezhou with a tyrannical cultivation force. The local monks are all very ordinary, and the fugitives are also low in ability.

The ruthless people who came from other places were also concocted by Huangjizong himself, and it was not the Xuanyin Division’s turn to meddle in his own business.

Lu Bei also asked Xuanyin Division if he had any need for medicinal pills, and got Hu San a blank eye. The secret agent’s most taboo identity was suspected, and his daily travels were low-key. ?

This is indeed the truth. The Xuanyin Division and Huangjizong are two completely different institutions. The former belongs to the army and is only responsible to the emperor. The arrest of the most important criminals also starts with court officials.

Lu Bei heard a pain in his chest and rounded up, only to feel that he lost 50 billion experience.

Hu San saw the second brother’s dead brother’s expression, and rolled his eyes several times in a row, so that Lu Bei didn’t need to worry about it.

Isn’t it just to earn some rebates, it’s all wrapped up in him.

Hu San patted his chest and said that he was promoted to Ziwei, and he was also a figure in Ningzhou. At the Ningzhou branch of Xuanyin Si, there is an old man who has known each other for many years. In addition, he and Xuan Wei, who is in charge of military intelligence in Wuzhou, are close friends. It is not a big problem to win a pill supply in the military camp of Xuanyin Division in Ningzhou. .

No matter which world you are in, making money depends on your connections.

Lu Bei had some insight, and his spiritual realm was raised by one point. Because he was the beneficiary, he would not criticize this materialistic world.

Saying goodbye to Hu San, Lu Bei counted the days and asked the Zhu family business to send a letter to Zhu Kui. Next time the settlement of medicinal herbs must come in person. There is a business to be determined. Ready to work.

Another two days passed, Lu Bei sent Zhao Shiran away on the front foot, and came to the kitchen on the back foot to teach She how to handle the ingredients.

When a master leads an apprentice, it is inevitable that there will be dawdling.

For example, at the moment, Lu Bei is standing behind She Hean, with his hands around her, holding She Hean’s hands, his front chest is tightly pressed against her back. She didn’t take it seriously, seeing that it was useless for Lu Bei to give opportunities, and didn’t think the latter was deliberately taking advantage.

Besides, the bigger bargains have been taken, so where is this now?

“Master, someone outside is looking for it, saying that it is the steward of Emperor Jizong.”

“The steward of Emperor Jizong?!”

Lu Bei raised his brows, let go of the soft grass in his hand, and let She Hean practice cutting vegetables without using spells.

There was no hot stove behind him. She Xiao claimed to answer. After Lu Bei left, he patted his chest and breathed a long sigh of relief, and Dang Dang Dang cooked the ingredients easily.

“It’s stupid, I used to live a life of licking blood with a knife, do you really think I can’t learn to cut vegetables?”

Speaking of this, She Hen’s face flushed red, recalling the scene of hugging each other just now, he spat lightly, grabbed the golden-scaled snake on his wrist and rubbed it vigorously.

Sister Snake: (Φ_Φ)

“What, you said that the surnamed Lu deliberately took advantage of me?”


“Impossible, if he can get enlightened, I still need to work hard?”


“That’s not true. Why should I be angry with the woman surnamed Zhao? I just help him learn to be gentle and considerate. Otherwise, how can he capture the heart of Senior Sister?”


“Shut up!”

In the front yard, the two stewards from Emperor Jizong gave off an air of impersonation, and persuaded players who wanted to come forward to take advantage of the opportunity.

“I heard that Huangjizong is the largest faction in Wuzhou. There is a saying that ‘Huangji will not fall, Wuzhou will not be destroyed’. What level is Huangjizong in charge?”

“Never mind, as long as we can’t kill Huashen with one move, we are not as powerful as our village chief.”

“Is it my illusion? Why do I think that the man in charge looks serious, but he is actually a sullen man, not talking nonsense, he just peeked at my H91.”

“Do you have eyes on your butt?”

“That’s right, I’ll be right. Although you’re a girl, you’re a guy with hairy legs. Why are people peeking at you and asking where did you get your hair removed?”

The player with the ID name ‘Love Dirt and Dirt’ said disdainfully: “Besides, it’s not called sullenness, it’s called passion in the heart, don’t ask, because I am also such an excellent man.”

“I don’t believe it, dare to ask this outstanding male compatriot, dare to say what advantages he has, and if you can say three, you will win!”

“Good at thinking, obsessed with hobbies, in-depth and concise, not fond of nonsense, especially good at managing time, five.”

“Like daydreaming, addicted to games, have no friends, lack social interaction, can’t afford to sleep during the day and don’t sleep at night, you are an otaku!”

“I’ll go, I’ll be anxious for Sister Li at night!”

Hearing the dialect of the dialect whispering in his ear, Huang He raised his brows sharply. He sounded familiar, and seemed to have heard it somewhere.

But it’s not important, he found that Yuhuamen has raised a lot of good-looking fox spirits. Although he has not seen the so-called head of Lu, he has become a confidant.

It’s a pity that this head Lu’s understanding of beauty is still superficial and has not grasped the essence.

It’s useless to be beautiful, a few little foxes have dry buttocks, and there is no feminine charm at all. Maybe it will be interesting in a few decades.

“Lu was late, and the two stewards have been waiting for a long time.”

Lu Bei clasped his fists and saw two stewards, a man and a woman, and found that they were still acquaintances. Needless to say, Huang He is an old friend. The remaining women stewards had a relationship in Wanmo Cave. If I remember correctly, the name It’s called Jiang Lei.

“Huang He, the manager of Ningzhou of Emperor Jizong, this is my junior sister Huang Han. Sect Leader Lu is very polite.” Huang He clenched his fists in return.

Lubei: “…”

Changed his name so quickly, as expected of your Emperor Supreme Sect.

“Master Lu, is there something wrong?”

“There’s nothing wrong, it’s just that old friends met, and Boss Huang suddenly became so different. I was a little surprised for a while.”

“Yellow, Boss Huang…”

Huang He’s eyes twitched. He has been a Huang who has been in Ningzhou for many years. There are many bandits in the rivers and lakes. There are many old friends who call him a broken leg and a little yellow man. Only the name of Boss Huang is only called by one person.

That was the shame of Huang He’s life, which repeatedly woke him up from his boudoir in Goulan Land, and has not been cured until now.

“Your Excellency, you, who are you?”

“Hahaha, did you forget Boss Huang, when you were in Langwu County, you were controlled by a thief’s illusion, and I couldn’t wake you up. I had no choice but to beat you half to death…”

“Hold, hold back.”

(end of this chapter)

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