Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 140 – The Size

Chapter 140 - The Size

The gigantic dark sword tilted ominously in the dim light, casting a long shadow over the mountain. With a deafening howl, it came swinging down with the force of a falling meteor.

Would it slash down?—The mere thought sent a shiver down my spine.

If it did, we were all doomed unless someone much stronger than the inner disciples acted swiftly. Either way, a war would begin if another great Sect dared to do this.

Strangely, I didn't feel as anxious about it as I thought I would. Perhaps it was the numbness of adrenaline, or I had gotten used to these things. Whatever it was, the impending slash seemed less daunting.

But as the slash came down, it halted with the tip of the gigantic dark blade touching the edge of the cliff, revealing the people riding atop the sword. There were quite a lot of them, at least around a hundred or more, their strength varying from Body Tempering to Qi Gathering, and even some at Foundation Establishment. Of course, there were a handful that I couldn't sense their strength, so they were likely Core Formation Cultivators.

The sight was both mesmerizing and intimidating. However, if I had to choose which feeling I associated with most among the two, it would be mesmerizing.

The people standing on the sword wore dark gray uniforms. It was the same uniform for all of them, and it seemed like they had one color to represent the whole Sect. Likely something done so their disciples wouldn't get confused with others since it wasn't likely that just the Blazing Sun Sect had the color thing to separate disciples, elders, and all the others in between.

There was a feeling of cohesion amongst the Titanic Sword Sect disciples, and they gave off a sense of being more of an army than a group of undisciplined cultivators.

Still, to think that this giant weapon was a flying sword. It was the closest thing this world had to a giant airplane. Perhaps no otherwolder tried to develop certain things because there were already things that were the xianxia-equivalent of it.

Arrogant cultivators would definitely kill someone if they tried to invent the airplane. There were certain things they took offense to that made no sense, but getting mortals into the sky where previously only Qi Gathering Cultivators and above could get with the help of flying swords.

Yeah, it was definitely a "courting death" kind of thing to do.

"Some say that this sword belonged to the Titanic Blade Immortal," one of the disciples whispered.

With how good the average cultivator's hearing was, many people heard him say that as he whispered it to what could only be his friend next to him.

The first person to descend from the giant blade was a tall man who appeared to be in his early thirties. He wore the same dark gray uniform as the rest of the Titanic Blade Sect members, but his was modified—the sleeves were ripped off, revealing his hairy, muscular arms. His presence was imposing, and each step exuded confidence.

After that, the rest of the Titanic Blade Sect members stepped off the giant sword, but they made sure none stepped ahead of the hairy man. Their deference to him was apparent, an unspoken acknowledgment of his authority. The line of gray uniforms followed in perfect order; their movements synchronized as they formed ranks behind their sleeveless leader.

The sleeveless man waved his hand with an air of effortless command, and the now-empty giant blade trembled. The massive sword began to shrink rapidly in a heartbeat, its towering form collapsing inward with an almost imperceptible blur of motion. The blade's transformation was mesmerizing, the dark steel compressing and folding upon itself with a quiet hum until it was no larger than a pinky finger.

The once formidable weapon, which had hovered menacingly above the cliff, now lay harmlessly in the palm of the sleeveless man's hand. He grasped it with ease as if it were a mere trinket. The spectacle was awe-inspiring and intimidating, a silent testament to his incredible control over the artifact. The members of the Titanic Blade Sect, standing in orderly ranks behind him, watched with a mixture of respect and reverence, their eyes fixed on their leader and the shrunken blade.

Realizing this man was much more important than he initially appeared, I examined him closer and tried to memorize every detail of his appearance.

He had sword-like dark eyebrows that slanted sharply, giving his gaze a piercing intensity. His physique was incredibly muscular, a common trait among cultivators who trained their physical bodies even after reaching Qi Gathering. However, his build seemed even more formidable. His hairy arms were like thick, knotted ropes of muscle. Each detail of his appearance etched itself into my memory. Even the notion that, based on the hair on his neck, he likely also had a hairy back.

But before anyone could exchange greetings, a figure in a striking red robe embroidered with intricate golden writings suddenly appeared before the sleeveless man. The crimson fabric billowed behind him, announcing his arrival. This new arrival was an olive-skinned man whose presence seemed to radiate intensity.

He looked nonchalant as he stared down the hairy man, his eyes cool and assessing. The contrast between the two leaders was striking: the sleeveless, muscular man brimming with raw power and the other exuding an aura of calm, controlled authority.

This olive-skinned newcomer was the Blazing Sun Sect Leader.

"It is surprising that someone like you decided to come here directly," said the Blazing Sun Sect Leader, his voice steady and authoritative. He glanced toward the purple-haired announcer. "Please declare that the Titanic Blade Sect Master has appeared."

The purple-haired woman, who had previously seemed brave and exuded the authority of a Core Elder despite her risqué outfit, now looked embarrassed. "Yes, Sect Leader! The Blazing Sun Sect welcomes Zhou Yong, the Titanic Blade Sect Leader!"

"You're as attentive as always," sighed the hairy man, now revealed to be Zhou Yong, the Titanic Blade Sect Master. He placed a friendly hand on the Blazing Sun Sect Leader's shoulder. "But you are still a young man. You should relax more. Look at me; even at this age, I enjoy my life to the fullest."

Zhou Yong was also the Sect Master of another Great Sect, meaning he was a Nascent Soul Cultivator.

But that was the weird thing about these two; if I judged a book by its cover, I would assume that Zhou Yong was just some random brute.

Even the way he spoke sounded uneducated, different from how someone would expect an intelligent person to speak. Though I was not foolish enough to think of someone in his position as simple-minded, people didn't reach such heights by being naive. Furthermore, judging by their conversation, he seemed to be older than our Sect Leader.

The Blazing Sun Sect Leader's smile tightened slightly as he gently brushed off Zhou Yong's hand from his shoulder. His movements were deliberate, each action measured and controlled. Despite the casual gesture, a hint of tension lingered in the air, underscored by the sharpness in his gaze. There was no overt hostility, but the atmosphere crackled with the unspoken suspense between the two powerful sect leaders.

Zhou Yong's expression remained neutral, but there was a subtle edge to his demeanor, a silent challenge mirrored in his eyes. The brief moment of contact and its aftermath spoke volumes—an acknowledgment of their positions in the cultivation world, each vying for dominance over the other.

"Usually, other Sect Leaders do not appear at these events," remarked the Blazing Sun Sect Leader, his words carrying a subtle but dangerous edge. There was no overt threat towards his rival Sect Leader, but an underlying tension simmered beneath his tone.

"I know, right?" Zhou Yong chuckled, his demeanor relaxed but with a hint of defiance. "Many of us prefer the trick of indoor cultivation during these gatherings. I remember feeling excited to host these events in my early years as Sect Leader. But after the 136th, it all becomes rather mundane."

"Many of us also strive to uphold our duties, though the years seem to pass us by in the blink of an eye," remarked the Blazing Sun Sect Leader with a reflective tone.

It felt peculiar listening to them converse. Despite Zhou Yong's more animated demeanor and his excited words, his eyes had a distant look, as if he were detached from the present moment. It was as though he didn't care about the current situation unfolding before him despite standing face-to-face with another Nascent Soul Cultivator.

This indifference mirrored that of the Blazing Sun Sect Leader.

"Come on, Shan Yi. I can sense something exciting must be happening. What has got you so riled up?" Zhou Yong pressed, his tone urging his counterpart to reveal anything.

The Sect Leader was riled up? Was Zhou Yong making that up? To anyone else looking at them, the Blazing Sun Sect Leader appeared as nonchalant as ever. Perhaps ancient relics like these two had their own methods of understanding each other's intentions.

But I didn't have time to dwell on the revelation of the Blazing Sun Sect Leader's name or any other details as a sudden chill descended upon the air. It seemed to wrap around us like an invisible shroud, casting a palpable sense of unease. It was not just a temperature drop but a foreboding sensation that tingled down the spine.

The two Sect Leaders glanced into the distance, their gazes locking onto something imperceptible to everyone else. Even amidst this chilling atmosphere, they remained composed.

"We welcome the Azure Frost Sect!" the purple-haired announcer said. Despite her status as a Core Elder, she appeared more reserved in the presence of the two Nascent Soul Cultivators.

Suddenly, a palpable chill swept through the gathering, causing disciples to draw upon their Qi to ward off the cold that seeped into their bones. I did the same too. The temperature plummeted noticeably, starkly contrasting the earlier warmth of the day.

Amidst the chill, I caught sight of the Azure Frost Sect's mode of transportation—a massive ice construct, meticulously carved in the intricate shape of a giant snowflake, slowly glided into view. It carried about a hundred disciples, each clad in white robes that shimmered like frost under the sunlight.

What stood out most about the newcomers from the Azure Frost Sect was that most of them were women.

Of course, it would be unwise for them to only accept women in their Sect since that would severely limit their strength. But they likely had techniques that helped female cultivators advance faster or something similar.

Surprisingly, the Blazing Sun Sect's libraries contained little information about the other great sects. Whether that was intentional or not, I wasn't sure.

The Azure Frost Sect didn't try intimidation tactics; they landed calmly. They wore pure white uniforms with dark blue spots on their sleeves. Some of the more powerful cultivators from the Azure Frost Sect turned toward the two Sect Leaders and bowed.

Then, a couple of elders from the Azure Frost Sect approached the Sect Leaders and started conversing with them about something. However, no matter how hard I strained my hearing, I couldn't hear anything. They had a silencing array around them.

It was a brand new experience being on this side of the silencing barrier.

Judging by how they groveled toward the two Sect Leaders, it is safe to assume that the Azure Frost Sect didn't bring their Sect Leader.

However, it wasn't safe to underestimate them either because no doubt anyone would have done the same if they were in their position. Also, I could sense that they had quite a bit more Foundation Establishment Cultivators in the younger generation than we did.

If nothing major happened, they could become the strongest Sect among the great four as the next generation matured.

Of course, something like that was unlikely to happen as I didn't know the higher-ranked cultivators to have gotten there without a fair amount of scheming.

There would either be a war about this, or the Azure Frost Sect would have many tragedies in the younger generation. I couldn't see the other Sects just standing around and doing nothing.

Or, I could be reading this all wrong, and they were all best friends. Either way, this had nothing to do with me because, hopefully, by then, I would be strong enough to leave the Blazing Sun Sect.

"The seniors were right," gossiped one of the younger inner disciples. "The disciples from the Azure Frost Sect are all beauties!"

"I wish I was one of the male cultivators in the Azure Frost Sect!" another whispered.

I didn't turn around to see who they were. But that latter guy had a lot of guts and very little brain to say something like that with Core Elders and Sect Leaders around.

There was a sudden, deep sound reminiscent of glass shattering, and the very fabric of space seemed to tremble. I instinctively raised my guard. Even the usually composed purple-haired Core Elder appeared taken aback by the unexpected disturbance.

Before us, the air near the cliff began to twist, and dark fissures materialized within the fabric of space. Unlike previous encounters, no sudden surge of pressure or ominous aura accompanied the phenomenon.

A pale-white hand emerged from these eerie cracks in space, gripping the edges as if pulling itself from another realm. With a deliberate motion, the hand widened the rifts, unveiling a swirling, dark dimension beyond the breach.

"The air here is quite different," stated an old woman as she stepped through the spatial crack. She was tall and imposing, her presence commanding immediate attention. Sharp and penetrating, her dark eyes studied her surroundings with an air of sinister, seasoned wisdom. White hair cascaded down her shoulders, starkly contrasting her dark eyes, and her posture was regal and proud.

Behind her, many others in black uniforms walked out. Unlike the other disciples who had come proudly, without showing any fear, these seemed relieved to be out of their dark dimension.

As the last person stepped out of the crack, a low hum filled the air, signaling a shift in the atmosphere. But the spatial rifts didn't seem like they would close on their own; instead, they began widening.

The old woman approached the widening spatial rifts with purposeful steps. She extended her hand toward the empty air beside the cracks. She grabbed it with a decisive grip as her fingers sunk into space itself, and the scenery behind her shimmered.

A ripple of energy coursed through the fabric of space, and the cracks began to shrink under her command. With steady power, she closed the spatial rifts like a forceful clamp, the dark dimensions beyond them folding and dissipating until only seamless air remained.

Her actions were met with a collective hush among the gathered sect elders and disciples.

"We welcome the Void Piercing Sect within our holy grounds!" the purple-haired announcer declared.

These were the four great sects. Among them, the Void Piercing Sect had left more of an impression. Though no matter how cool their entrances were, the four sects were of roughly the same power.

But just as I thought that all the great sects had completed their entrances, the biting cold in the air, which had descended with the arrival of the Azure Frost Sect, dissipated instantly.

With the cold disappearing, an overwhelming heat took its place as a crimson dot in the sky blazed through the clouds. It appeared as though a second sun had ignited in the heavens above, casting a fiery glow over the landscape below.

As the fiery orb descended closer to earth, its brilliance intensified, revealing its true form—a colossal ball of swirling flames pulsating with raw energy and heat. Atop this fiery spectacle stood a figure: a muscular, bald-headed man.

The air shimmered with heat waves as the fiery entity drew nearer, casting long shadows and bathing the assembled sect leaders and disciples in an otherworldly glow. The sight was awe-inspiring and surreal as if a mythological deity had descended from the heavens.

"Elder Sun Gon, from the Blazing Sun Sect!" declared the announcer, her voice ringing amidst the awe-struck silence. As suddenly as it had appeared, the sun vanished, replaced by the imposing figure of Zun Gon, who landed with a thunderous impact next to the Sect Leader.

Even though he stood before the Titanic Blade Sect Leader, Zun Gon did not shy away. He crossed his arms and stood by the Blazing Sun Sect Leader's side, a cheerful smile on his face.

Why did he have to appear like that when we were already within Blazing Sun Sect grounds?... Was this all just a dick-measuring contest or something? Sure, it looked cool, and I wasn't complaining about the opportunity to see something like this. But was this all necessary?

I no longer had the leisure to continue contemplating things like that. Now that the spectacle was over, many people were glancing at Song Song. Thankfully, as I had planned, people concentrated more on Song Song than the guy behind her. So I quickly began noting in my head the people who blatantly showed their emotions of hate toward her.

People from all the sects kept sending glances at her. A handful of people couldn't hide their surprise as they noticed that Song Song had broken through to Foundation Establishment.

However, just as I was doing my job and memorizing the faces of any potential enemies, my heart almost jumped out of my chest as I glanced at the Azure Frost Sect and noticed that one of their disciples was staring straight at me.

It was a young girl around my age, with straight dark hair that reached her shoulders and an aloof look in her eyes. Though quite pretty, she seamlessly blended into the background among the other Azure Frost Sect disciples.

She seemed to be the only one who gave me more than a passing look.

Comparing a certain face from memory and this girl's face… Yep, this was her.

She was Fu Yating, my fiancée.

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