Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 174 – Politics Are Lame

Chapter 174 - Politics Are Lame


Song San stared at me, his gaze unreadable, a small smile gracing his lips. He looked as calm as always. Though my words might have cut deep, revealing his hidden desires, he no longer appeared like an ambitious man.

But I could sense his greed for the Clan Leader position. After all, why else would he have agreed to send me to the Sect Leader back then, knowing what I intended to do? At the time, I had wanted to release Song Song and success in that meant the Sect Leader would have to metaphorically butt heads with the Song Clan Leader—Song San's father.

A poison recipe had been a cheap payment; he wanted chaos in the Song Clan. I thought back on those days, trying to determine his true intentions—not by what he said, but by what his actions revealed.

He raised a questioning brow as if inviting me to speak. We didn't have much time; the monstrous beast was captivating, yet some might notice us. The more perceptive Core Elders likely already noticed but simply didn't care. 

Perhaps when he had helped me meet the Sect Leader, he wanted to force the Song Clan Leader to choose a successor soon, with himself as the most likely candidate now that Song Song no longer had support. Or it could be something along those lines. Perhaps he just wanted me to believe that all along. Either way, it didn't matter as long as he accepted.

I didn't want his untrustworthy self around, either. But the people backing him were another issue entirely.

Only one group in the Blazing Sun Sect could completely erase its presence, like Song San. It was probably a technique similar to that used by the swamp people, though more refined and effective anywhere.

We already knew who his father was, and Song Song no longer had the same support. She didn't have the technique he did, either. So, it was safe to assume he had backing from his mother's side.

"What can be given can also be taken," Song San said, breaking the silence. "If Song Song hands me the Clan Leader position, she can take it away just as easily."

Though greedy and ambitious, he wasn't stupid by any means. I didn't enjoy clashing wits with others; I'd rather face a dumb opponent, easily angered, than deal with this. But people rarely got to choose their battles. 

Without waiting for me to respond, Song San smiled, his eyes lighting up like green fire. "My dear sister might just decide to destroy the Song Clan when she gets that power. I can't be a Clan Leader with no one to lead."

"I think you're overstating Song Song's sense of justice here," I said, trying to play his words off like a joke.

Song San met my jest and added, "Well, perhaps she might have a righteous hero whispering in her ear."

For every secret he revealed, he kept back five. But no matter how much it annoyed me, this was not the place to show such emotions.

"I'll give you my word that she won't do that as long as you're the Clan Leader," I said. He surely caught the play on words, but that was exactly what I wanted.

“Your word? What does your word even mean?” Song San asked, his gaze drifting toward the corpse of the monstrous beast.

“Song Song hasn’t killed anyone since she’s been out of prison.”

“Except for that one guy she absolutely butchered in the tournament, that girl she maimed, and a couple of other people,” he added.

“You know what I mean. She hasn’t gone on a blind rampage. Because I gave my word to the Sect Leader and others that she wouldn’t immediately revert to her old habits once she was out. My word means something,” I refuted calmly.

I knew I was taking too much credit, but I needed Song San to believe my word carried weight.

An eerie calmness settled between us for a few seconds before he shrugged.

“Perhaps the Sect Leader decided to trust you, and maybe he was right. But your words and promises don’t mean anything to me,” he said, shrugging. “I can’t base my future on the hot air you spew out.”

The smile slipped from his face, and his eyes darkened. For a split second, his gaze flickered toward his sister. It was no surprise—Song Song was staring straight at us, meeting his gaze.

“Let’s talk seriously now. Give me some actual guarantees that you won’t annihilate the Song Clan and kill me as soon as you’re in a position of power,” he said, his voice deeper, more serious now that the false smile was gone.

“You mean as soon as your sister is in a position of power, right?” I asked, taking his stance and smiling to hide any betraying thoughts that might be written on my face.

Song San mirrored my smile. “Of course, just a slip of the tongue. You’re clearly sticking by my sister out of sheer devotion and nothing else.”

What a dick.

But I wasn’t here to engage in pointless arguments. It was clear he wouldn’t be convinced by just my word. He needed a logical reason. If he wanted logic, I would give it to him.

“Killing off everyone from the Song Clan as soon as Song Song takes power would be disastrous. There are many Inner and Core Elders from the Song Clan,” I said, sighing as I turned toward the dead monstrous beast. Even lying there beaten, broken, and dead, it had a certain grotesque charm—a reminder of how such a mighty creature could fall. “The Song Clan is deeply integrated with the Blazing Sun Sect; they’re almost one and the same at this point. Killing all the Song Clan members would cripple the Sect. If that happens as soon as Song Song ascends, the other big sects might see it as a moment of weakness and attack. First, they would kill Song Song, and then my head would be next to hers.”

I was mixing in a lot of bullshit, but that last part wasn’t a lie. Being associated with Song Song had its perks. Even among this group of young Foundation Establishment Cultivators, some were drunk in their pride. Yet, none dared give a nasty glance or underhanded remarks. There was unlimited access to the library of one of the oldest clans, abundant cultivation resources, and unquestionable support from someone destined to rise to the peak of power.

Then, there were the downsides; people knew I was associated with her. If someone managed to kill her, they’d place my head next to hers. There was no other way about it.

Song San was right; I had my own reasons for joining Song Song. Just thinking about the access I'd have to everything once she became Sect Leader sent shivers down my spine. All those secrets I'd been mulling over would be revealed in one fell swoop.

Perhaps I wasn't willing to kill everyone and everything that stood in my way. I didn't really have the stomach for bloodshed, no matter how many times I partook in it. But I had my own greed and desires too.

"What about after everything stabilizes?" he inquired.

Holy shit, this guy was really something. He still remembered we were scheming, and he had his part to play in this.

Did he want me to hold his hand while he peed too?

His question might sound logical if he were applying for a corporate job. But my guy, this was a cooperation that would end with people dead. Of course, there was going to be some risk. Hopefully, the ones who died wouldn't be our psychos but the psychos from the other side.

What kind of stability would anyone expect from an arrangement like this?

Despite my thoughts, I shrugged. "By then, we'll both be dead, and only Song Song will be around to rule as a Nascent Soul Cultivator."

"True," he added. "But what if that isn't the case? What if things stabilize too fast?"

This guy wasn't leaving anything to chance. But there was nothing more I could say besides some cheap lies that we both knew wouldn't be true.

"Believe my word," I said, smiling sweetly at him.

Song San initially looked confused, remembering what he'd said about words and promises earlier. But he figured it out soon enough.

I essentially said: Figure it out on your own.

Suppose he was a supportive brother who actually cared about Song Song. In that case, we might have gone further with this and actually supported each other. But we were both using each other to reach our own ends—there was no need to play the loving sibling. He'd be a useless ally if I had to hold his hand through everything.

I dismissed the silencing array before he could say anything more and walked away.

When I reached Song Song and stood beside her, she raised a questioning brow. "How did it go?"

"About as well as expected," I shrugged.

"Well, I expected it to go nowhere. But I can tell my brother seems to have accepted the deal." Song Song placed a hand on my shoulder as she noticed the monstrous beast twitch. The grip was a bit painful like she planned to drag me away.

Some Core Elders were chopping the beast apart, storing anything useful in their rings.

"I know how troublesome you consider things like this. But thanks," she said, surprisingly sounding genuine. "If things don't work out with my dear brother, we can deliver him to the Kong Clan girl he technically defeated during the tournament. She's glaring daggers at him. I bet she would be willing to become our ally if she could get her pund of flesh off my brother."

"Trying to bring outside powers into a Sect's inner conflict is a dangerous game. We could end up with a war on our hands—best case scenario. Worst case, the whole Blazing Sun Sect could turn on us," I said, trying to dissuade her from even considering such thoughts.

Song Song looked like a deer caught in headlights before snorting and saying, "What? Of course, I thought of that. She… would be like a… secret ally?"

She was clearly making something up as she said it, perhaps even jokingly. But this was no joking matter.

"No," I stated firmly.

One thing was bringing in support from outside, like the Liu Clan. Involving outsiders like the other great Sects was something else entirely. We might end up making an enemy of the Sect Leader—the last thing we needed.

As I thought of the Sect Leader, my gaze drifted again to the dead monstrous beast. 

The massive crow-like creature sprawled across the ground, its body a stark contrast against the barren landscape. Its four large, mangled and tattered wings fanned out awkwardly, draping over the crater's edges. Dark, thick blood seeped from numerous wounds, pooling into a small lake. Its four crimson eyes—two of which were still intact—were now dull and lifeless, staring blankly into the void. But not for long, as the eyes were plucked out and the beast was cut up, the Core Elders took what they wanted and stored it in their rings.

Honestly, I didn't have any grand dreams for this alliance either. Song Song's brother would stab us in the back the moment the other side offered him more benefits. We weren't much better—it would be pointless to go above and beyond for someone like that. He wouldn't reciprocate the effort.

The Core Elders seemed to have decided while I was talking with Song San on what to do with the old swamp guy. The nonchalant brutality inflicted upon the old swamp man was chilling. They had severed his legs and arms, plucked out his eyes, and even cut out his tongue. He was left helpless, with no will to fight.

The casual display of cruelty left me a bit queasy. But I knew when my opinions were pointless to voice.

I understood why they had done it. They were cautious, ensuring that the technique he was planning to use wouldn't activate if they killed him. They placed a strange artifact on him near one of the few monstrous beasts that had survived.

They wanted to kill the man and be far away in case the sacrificial technique was dangerous. Most suspected it was meant to summon the crow-like monstrous beast, but with so many techniques out there, no one was taking chances. The crow-like beast could have had a mate, or perhaps another monstrous beast could be summoned with a sacrifice.

After that, it was another stretch of traveling—this time uninterrupted. As we journeyed, I couldn't help but dwell on the brutal manner in which we had left the old man.

When it came to killing, I always tried to do it quickly. But at the same time, I understood where the Core Elders were coming from.

The rest of the trip wasn’t as idyllic as it had started, and we finally reached a jungle. Within that tapestry of trees and vines lay old ruins, stones covered in algae, and vines wrapped around them like ancient scars.

It was at that moment that Song Song’s brother decided it would be a good idea to travel next to us. He had a smile on his face and said nothing at first. From an outside perspective, it might even seem like he was a supportive older brother.

Song San spoke as we ducked and dodged branches that seemed poised to snag our clothes.

“Do you know why this joint expedition even happened?” he asked, drawing the attention of my cousins and some others nearby.

“Obviously not,” Song Song replied. “It’s supposed to be a secret. Wouldn’t be much of a good secret if everyone knew about it.”

Song San ignored his sister’s confrontational tone. He looked around, and when no one else answered, he continued, “Some strange pulse of Qi has been stemming from this place, almost like a smoke signal, but with the rhythm of a heartbeat.”

That description made no sense under normal circumstances, but it was perfect when it came to Qi and how it felt.

“Many assumed it was an immortal who wanted his tomb found at this exact time,” Song San continued. “You know, immortals have strange powers, like how the Blazing Sun Immortal can see the future in the fire.”

What? Obviously, no one would know that.

After that, he didn’t say much more, letting the others discuss his revelations.

We traveled deeper into the jungle until we saw what looked like a statue.

It was a large head, structured in such a way that suggested the statue was much larger, but everything below the neck was buried deep underground.

The statue depicted a handsome man, his features carved with meticulous attention to detail. It was an almost lifelike piece of art. However, the passage of time had left its mark. Fine cracks meandered across the edges of his forehead, tracing lines that spoke of age and exposure. These imperfections added a layer of fragility to the statue—it looked like one good hit would shatter it to pieces.

Suddenly, a shuddering sound emanated from the statue, and everyone went on guard, their Qi flaring as they prepared for a fight.

But then, the statue turned almost lifelike as it opened its mouth, saying, “Welcome, tomb raiders.”

Its voice was deep and gravelly, like a man who hadn’t drunk water in a while.

Well, the voice suited a statue.


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