Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 5 – I Like Turtles

Chapter 5 - I Like Turtles

"So you're still around here looking for some new techniques?" asked the librarian, a friendly smile gracing his face.

A week had passed since I learned the Rushing Bull Step. Despite that, I made it a habit to visit the library daily, pouring over texts and absorbing knowledge before my training sessions. While mastering many Mortal Grade techniques was a waste of time, reading about them didn't waste too much time and was my way of giving myself a break.

Who knows, maybe this knowledge about Mortal Grades techniques would be useful when fighting against someone who used them.

Progress with the Rushing Bull Step remained reasonable, as expected. Yet, the challenge of mastering it and devising countermeasures against its straightforwardness was exhilarating. However, I struggled with its backlash; I couldn't use it more than three times a day, and even that was pushing it as I no longer would be able to walk for a couple of hours.

Nonetheless, it was good training for my legs, and I wasn't complaining. Yet, unless I miraculously achieved an eight-star or nine-star Body Tempering, that limit wouldn't budge.

"I'm searching for a defensive technique. Something that shields against both external and internal shock," I stated. The librarian nodded, though he offered no further input.

I wasn't disheartened by his lack of engagement, as I was closer to the old janitor either way.

Some disciples cast odd glances my way while I conversed with the staff.

When I was courteous to the dining hall staff, they thought nothing of it, since they were mortals. In their eyes, I was no doubt a fool wasting time talking to the servants. But having a good relationship with the librarian was another matter altogether. The guy was essentially an elder in the sect who guarded many techniques. Many might try to leverage that relationship and get preferential treatment if they were in my place.

Hence, the old librarian was more approachable during off-peak hours, when fewer people were around and away from prying eyes.

"Look who the cat dragged in here," remarked the old janitor. He was suddenly beside me.

I glanced toward the front door. Nobody had come in a while.

How did the old guy slip in unnoticed? I hadn't seen him on the first floor or enter from the front door.

"Where did you come from?" I whispered.

If the old janitor harbored hidden monstrous cultivation, he was good at concealing it. He cared little about trivialities or sugarcoating words to placate him.

"Second floor," he replied nonchalantly, brandishing his ever-present broom. "Got to tidy up upstairs too."

The librarian chuckled discreetly, masking it as a cough to avoid drawing attention from the half-dozen disciples scattered throughout the library.

Why did it feel like I was the victim of some inside joke?

"By the way, why do you keep coming to the library so often? I haven't even seen you take any martial technique books with you," the old man inquired, raising a skeptical eyebrow. "It would be better to spend that time training or resting."

"How could I miss meeting my favorite old man? Training wouldn't feel the same without your daily rants about how everything I do is stupid," I replied with a grin. "Besides, who else would bring you your tea if I didn't come?"

"I'm old, not crippled. I can fetch my own tea," the old man grumbled, though his tone betrayed a hint of jest.

I knew he wasn't entirely serious. Despite his gruff exterior, he was surprisingly friendly.

"Also," the old man continued, "I thought by now you would have tried to read and learn every technique here, covering all bases and minuscule things. You seem like the kind of person who would attempt something like that."

"I can't deny the temptation to learn a ranged attack, just to cover all bases," I admitted.

Unfortunately, pre-Qi long-range attacks were rather ineffective, typically involving the use of a bow. While some techniques allowed for curved arrows, their practicality was limited. Arrows did little against opponents above six stars, and the time investment outweighed their usefulness.

"Good, it's wise to keep such impulses in check," the old sweeper remarked, taking a sip of tea.

Where did he get that cup? Hadn't he already finished the tea I brought earlier?

"Well, perhaps if I ever transcend to immortality beyond the Nascent Soul Realm and have all the time in the world, I'll return to learn every Mortal Grade Technique here," I mused, settling onto a nearby desk to read the defensive martial arts manuals I had gathered the previous week.

"An immortal learning Mortal Grade Techniques?" The old man chuckled, settling into a chair opposite mine and savoring his tea with continued amusement.

"If I had eternity at my disposal, I'd seclude myself from the outside world and explore, witness, and experience the supernatural wonders of these martial techniques," I shared my dreams before I got back into my reading.

I never thought about it before about how immortal life might suit me. How would someone even spend all that time? One thing I knew for sure was that I wasn't conquering worlds or anything like that. Well, it mattered little either way. That kind of realm was something I would never reach.

However, something was troubling. Despite spending considerable time, the books I had gathered contained none of the defensive techniques I wanted.

Perhaps I should make another attempt to scour the library for defensive martial arts?

The first floor had a vast collection, and there might be overlooked books holding the techniques I wanted. Since my current selections proved not that useful, it would be a good idea to give it one last look.

Amongst the books I had, the Iron Skin technique seemed the most promising option available. However, it wouldn't suffice for handling the internal shock from combining the Piercing Fang Fist and Rushing Bull Steps.

Could I even handle using three techniques simultaneously? Utilizing two already taxed me mentally and physically. Nonetheless, I might need to experiment or seek guidance from someone more knowledgeable.

Deciding to take a break from reading, I rose from my seat and strolled back toward the library shelves, enveloped in the comforting aroma of books.

Several disciples checked martial technique books, skimming through volumes before returning them to their places.

As I traversed sections I had already examined, something caught my eye—a black book nestled in a corner, titled Turtle Shell Body.

Though its name lacked the flair of something like Thousand Stone Diamond Skin, practicality outweighed aesthetic appeal in my opinion.

However, something was bothering me.

Had this book been here all along?

I couldn't recall noticing it before. Due to my new body or maybe my cultivation, I had a keen memory. I surely would have noticed if the black book had been here before.

Could a disciple have returned it?

Regardless, I seized the book and began checking its contents.

Meanwhile, two other disciples whispered nearby, instantly putting me on edge.

I slid behind a shelf, feigning interest in the black book while discreetly eavesdropping on their discussion.

"We should be out there practicing," remarked one of them.

"Yeah, but we need a good technique. We got trounced last time," grumbled the other.

"We need a technique that will allow us to get stronger faster."

"I think we need a more catchy and flashy technique. Did you see that guy who lost but was still able to get noticed by the inner elder? Even though he lost he was still able to enter the inner sect. He had eye-catching techniques."

"That's just bullshit. I heard that the guy bribed one of the inner elders."

Okay, so they weren't discussing ambushing me. It would be odd if they did, considering I didn't know them. Yet, in this Xianxia world, some young masters made the spoiled rich kids from my previous world seem like Mother Teresa.

"I don't care about any of that. We need something that will get us strong fast!" insisted one of them, prompting me to tune out and refocus on my agenda.

The only potential issue I had was their sole focus on the power their martial techniques provided. They took them for granted without questioning their significance. Even the simplest techniques held supernatural potential to some extent. However, I wasn't here to impose my perspectives on others. They likely wouldn't adopt my viewpoint anyway.

The Turtle Shell Body Technique's description hinted at a permanent defense boost, aligning perfectly with my current needs.

Fate had smiled on me today to stumble on something like this. Sure, it was no cheat like a protagonist might stumble in every market around the corner. But it was neat!

I had to test it right now!

Returning to the librarian, I presented the book. "I'll be taking this outside to train with it."

The librarian narrowed his eyes at the book, worrying me for a second. But he eventually nodded and replied, "Good luck. Disciples may take one book from the first floor to learn a technique contained within."

Everyone knew that rule, so why did he phrase it so pointedly?

Shrugging off my needless curiosity, I exited the library, excited to unravel the secrets of the new technique.


Xin Ma removed his glasses, observing the young boy's departure. He polished the lenses, his gaze shifting toward the goat-bearded old "janitor" Shan Sha, a frown etching his features.

He felt tempted to confront Shan Sha immediately, yet he restrained his emotions. Several disciples still lingered in the library.

Hours slipped by, the sun dipping toward the horizon. The library emptied, with Shan Sha only ascending upstairs for tea refills.

"How did a book from the second floor end up here?" Xin Ma inquired calmly.

"What are you talking about?" Shan Sha feigned innocence, his fingers grazing his goat-like beard.

"I saw the book the kid had. That's not something from the first floor. Do you take me for a fool, old friend?" Xin Ma pressed. "What you've done violates the library's codes I oversee. Why jeopardize our friendship like this?"

Shan Sha met his gaze, embodying the stubbornness often associated with his moniker, Goat Geezer. "I'm just an old man who sometimes misplaces things."

"You misplaced something an entire floor down?" Xin Ma raised a skeptical brow. "You're only permitted to fetch tea from the second floor. You weren't authorized to handle the books."

No ordinary servant would have access to items on the second floor without explicit consent. While Shan Sha's demeanor was cantankerous, he had always been trustworthy and had never acted out in this manner before.

Yet, Shan Sha's actions endangered his life.

There was little they could do about the youngster, as instances of disciples discovering martial manuals not belonging on the first floor weren't uncommon. Disciples were permitted to learn techniques from these books before they were returned to the second floor. Such rules governed the discovery of materials by disciples.

However, Shan Sha would face severe consequences if his transgression came to light.

"If the Judgment Hall decrees death as my punishment, so be it. I have only a few years left at best," Shan Sha declared, effectively acknowledging his wrongdoing.

Xin Ma replaced his glasses. "I won't disclose this in light of our longstanding friendship. But understand that it strains our relationship. Should you repeat this offense, I'll personally advocate for the maximum penalty from the Judgment Hall."

"Thank the ancestors! This turned out better than I feared. I don’t want to die just yet," the old man breathed a sigh of relief, sinking back into his chair.

It appeared his bravery earlier had been more facade than substance.

"Also, just to clarify, I left the book for the kid to stumble upon. I never explicitly handed it to him. If he hadn't noticed it, I wouldn't have pointed it out. The book would've remained there for someone else to find," the old man explained.

"Ah, yes. Concealing the book in the section where we house most of the Mortal Grade defensive techniques. But you're assuming the youngster, who we know meticulously covers all his bases and isn't swayed by flashy names, would miss it," Xin Ma sighed. "Let's be honest, you practically served that martial technique book to him on a silver platter. You knew he'd find it."

The old man shrugged, showing little inclination to dispute the accusation. "It'll give him a headstart against those born into more favorable circumstances. He's a good kid, and it'd be a shame to see him fall behind just because he lacks the Blazing Sun Sect's lineage."

"He has his own clan, don't forget that. He's not some resource-poor mortal," Xin Ma reminded.

"Yes, but I chose to assist him regardless," the old man sipped his tea. "Just think of this as a lucky encounter for the kid."

"Except there was no luck involved," the librarian interjected.

Shan Sha shrugged once more, taking another sip of tea. Xin Ma couldn't help but sigh.

It seemed the kid had won over his old friend simply by bringing him tea, despite there being free tea refills on the second floor.

No wonder someone like Shan Sha hadn't progressed far in cultivation. He was too driven by emotion in Xin Ma's estimation. Yet, that was also why he enjoyed the old Shan Sha's company and would forgive him for this lapse. Few cultivators were as genuine as Shan Sha.


I stood atop a boulder in the forest, engrossed in the intricacies of my newfound defensive technique.

How had such a remarkable technique ended up on the first floor? It felt like a stroke of luck, the first time I could genuinely call myself fortunate in both of my lives.

It was akin to hitting the jackpot!

Despite being a mortal-grade technique, Turtle Shell Body far surpassed those typically found on the first floor. It was a passive martial technique designed to gradually enhance the body's defensive capabilities, addressing a significant issue I faced. I struggled with using three techniques simultaneously, a feat made difficult by the Rushing Bull Steps and Piercing Fang Fist combination. However, Turtle Shell Body was a passive technique that would permanently increase my body's durability, promising to mitigate the strain and damage to my legs after each use of Rushing Bull Steps and Piercing Fang Fist once mastered.

Yet, there was one peculiar requirement for practicing this technique.

"I need to get a turtle."

However, turtles were not commonly sold in the Sect's Market. There might be Monstrous Beast parts, pills, and other things I didn't need. For the first time since maybe ever, it was inconvenient the Sect's market only sold cultivation-related things.

Moreover, finding a turtle within the Sect's grounds presented its own challenges, as most animals had been purged out of fear they might evolve into Monstrous Beasts.

With this realization, the next step in my plans became clear.

I had to travel to a nearby mortal town and buy a turtle.

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