Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 71 – A Wave in the Distance…

Days passed since Ye An came around with her crazy suggestion, and soon enough, my life returned to normal.

Climbing up the stairs and reaching the second floor, I immediately went to the third floor. A weightless feeling washed over me as I walked past the array. Unlike the first time, no illusion arrays or anything else tried to stop me.

Once again, I found myself on the third floor, seemingly alone. I couldn't shake the suspicion that Mao was lurking in some dark corner, just watching me creepily. I had yet to speak to him since our initial conversation.

This time, however, I had Speedy in my hands, and the little guy swung his legs around as if trying to walk on air.

But despite his apparent excitement to explore, as soon as I put Speedy on the ground, he immediately laid down and retreated into his shell.

Did he just fall asleep?

"You really are a dramatic turtle," I crouched and tapped his shell.

He popped his head out and looked at me curiously as I grabbed a bone-white pill the size of a pinky's nail. Speedy eyed it suspiciously before extending his head and munching on the pill.

"You know, you shouldn't get in the habit of trusting anyone who hands you strange things," I warned Speedy.

Initially, the turtle had been quite reluctant to eat pills, and I usually crushed them for him. But I really hoped he wouldn't become like one of those dogs who accepted snacks from anyone. People in this world could be pretty diabolical.

Having the librarian discreetly buy these for me was the epitome of having my cake and eating it.

Letting the little guy sleep, I walked toward the shelf and picked a book on one technique resembling Dancing Jade Armour. I wasn't planning to train in this new technique, as it would be a waste of time, but it seemed like a good comparison and might spark some ideas.

Dancing Jade Armour, while boasting an extremely high defensive capability when used correctly, had crippling drawbacks in any fight. So, I had to ensure a slow unraveling and development of the technique to reach a true Earth Grade level, retaining its positives while eliminating as many negative factors as possible.

Closing my eyes momentarily, I attempted to sense Mao, but anything beyond twenty feet was too convoluted to perceive. This was not due to my lack of Qi senses but the numerous arrays saturating the third floor. They filled the space with so much Qi that it felt like trying to peek through a dense mist.

"Mao, don't eat the sleeping turtle. He's a friendly guy, and his name is Speedy," I declared aloud.

Mao rarely left the third floor, and thus far, I'd only caught glimpses of him staring at me creepily. He should have heard my request.

By now, he had likely honed his skills to the point where I couldn't see him anymore, but he was likely lurking nearby, observing me.

Navigating the cave-like third floor, I felt as though the walls were shifting as I moved, accompanied by strange clicking sounds and a soft breeze tousling my hair.

Though my understanding of arrays was modest, the shifting patterns and moving walls indicated some form of sentient design. It was as if the library possessed its own subconsciousness.

This place's creator was undoubtedly talented.

However, there was still a discernible predetermined sequence of changes in the walls. Unlike mobile puzzle games, this one proved relatively easy to solve, and soon, I found myself back in the main library area without getting lost on the intricate cave pathways.

Returning the book to its rightful place, I ensured Speedy slept soundly.

"Where might a place like this have a window?" I mused aloud.

This was an intriguing puzzle, likely holding a reward at its conclusion. Even though I had never met the individual who constructed this place and knew little about them. Yet, the design of the third floor alone spoke volumes about their character.

He was a puzzle enthusiast and enjoyed treasure hunts, so there had to be some reward if I could decipher the library's third-floor layout. Or the guy could also be a prankster. But that was more unlikely.

However, for the moment, I had no time to delve into such pursuits. Scooping up Speedy, who was not so little anymore but had grown to the size of a football, I descended the stairs and left him on the second floor. Despite his change in size, his sleeping habits remained unchanged.

After settling Speedy on the second floor, I descended the stairs. It was still daylight, so some disciples lingered around. Paying them little mind, I exited the library, basking in the warmth of the sunlight on my face.

"Honorable cousin Fang!" someone called out from within the library.

Involuntarily cringing at the title, I turned around. My two cousins, now clad in gray robes signifying their status as outer disciples, waved at me. Their infectious smiles compelled me to return the gesture.

Though they were a bit whimsical with the formalities, they were good-hearted youngsters.

"Hey, how have you guys been?" I asked. "Sorry for not meeting up more often. I've had some catching up to do with work, and lately, I've been irregular at the dining hall."

"No need to apologize, honorable cousin!" Liu Long, the long-haired twin, chimed in.

Liu Lia, on the other hand, appeared more cautious as she glanced me over. Then, carefully looking around, she whispered, "Can we talk somewhere private?"

Curious about the sudden need for privacy, I considered the library a safe venue. Still, it might be bugged with listening arrays, or the creepy owl could be spying on me.

Family matters were best kept discreet within the sect.

"Follow me," I whispered back, turning away as they followed silently.

We ventured into the forest, and I extended my senses as far as possible to ensure no one could eavesdrop. Upon reaching a secluded spot deep within the woods, we halted, and I turned to face them. "This should be far enough. What's on your minds?"

"We met with honorable senior Liu Bo," Liu Lia said, her expression grave. He informed us about the Earth Grade Technique."

Liu Bo was the amiable fellow I had encountered from the Liu Clan. As an inner disciple, he seemed entrusted with significant responsibilities by the clan, evident in his role as a messenger. Such a position indicated a high level of trust within the clan hierarchy.

"Ah, good. Did Liu Bo warn you against using it against anyone unless absolutely necessary?" I inquired.

"Huh? He didn't teach it to us," Liu Long replied, while Liu Lia narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

Well, that was a slip-up.

They hadn't received any detailed information about the technique beyond its existence. Yet, Liu Lia appeared sharp enough to detect that I possessed prior knowledge of the Earth Grade Technique from my manner of speaking.

She was a smart one...

"The clan leader believes that the clan is now sufficiently strong, and they intend to announce their possession of an Earth-Grade Technique," Liu Lia explained. "Soon, those taught the technique will be allowed to use it openly."

"Well, when that time comes, seek me out, and I'll teach you the technique," I assured them with a smile.

It would undoubtedly be a bothersome task, but my options were limited. This was likely the clan's intended course of action. Since I spent most of my time on the library's third floor, Liu Bo must have sought out the twins instead.

One aspect puzzled me. How did the Liu Clan plan to disclose their acquisition of the technique? It was unlikely they would attribute its discovery to the disciples they had within the Blazing Sun Sect, as such a claim could be countered by the Sect accusing them of theft. Given the Blazing Sun Sect's formidable reputation, it wouldn't be implausible for them to possess several Earth Grade Techniques.

Revealing the truth in this situation posed its own challenges.

Putting myself in the clan's shoes, it became clearer to predict their next move. Fabricating an expedition to ancient ruins where the new technique would be 'discovered' seemed the most plausible course of action. In such a scenario, only the Liu Clan Leader and a few elders would be privy to the truth. The clan's historical records would likely be altered to maintain the facade out of fear of reprisal from powers like the Blazing Sun Sect.

How many times had such events occurred throughout history? I now harbored doubts about the authenticity of the Sect's historical texts. Questions lingered, such as how the Blazing Sun Immortal's bloodline disappeared with only two branches remaining.

Man, there was so much bullshit happening in the background. I was relieved I hadn't gotten entangled in it.

Just as I was about to speak to the twins, someone entered the edge of my sensory range and then swiftly withdrew.

Instinctively, I signaled for the twins to remain silent, bringing a finger to my lips.

I scanned the surroundings, straining my eyes to discern anything I couldn't sense.

Nervously, the twins assumed fighting stances.

"Darn it, I accidentally stumbled into your sensory range," came a familiar voice as Ye An emerged from behind a tree. "Since when did your sensory abilities improve so much?"

Before responding to her, I turned to the twins and gestured for them to depart. "You two can leave now. I have matters to attend to."

They nodded understandingly, though their expressions betrayed their suspicions toward Ye An as they departed.

As they ran off, Ye An's gaze lingered on their retreating figures, "I didn't realize you had relatives in the outer sect."

"One learns something new every day," I replied with feigned astonishment. "Now, why are you following me?"

I harbored no trust for her. Was her intrusion into my sensory range genuine or a deliberate ploy? It was plausible that her internal Qi, in disarray, had weakened her sixth sense. However, it was equally plausible that she intended to be discovered.

"Well, I wasn't actually following you. I have better things to do, and if I were tailing someone, it would likely be for more sinister purposes," Ye An clarified before addressing the main issue. "Anyway, Song Song reacted strangely when I delivered your message. She actually laughed... and it wasn't one of her usual eerie laughs."

I nodded, scrutinizing her, expecting her departure at any moment. Yet she lingered as if anticipating something from me.

"What? Do you have anything else to say?" I prompted.

"Well, I'm not supposed to mention this, but Song Song urged me to persuade you by any means necessary. I'm pretty sure she hinted at using my charms for that purpose," she remarked matter-of-factly.

"Just to be clear, that won't work," I interjected firmly.

"I know, so I'm trying to think of another way to persuade you to join. Can you give me some space? Song Song didn't make it easy with all her conditions either, so I actually have to put in some effort here," she muttered, cursing under her breath. "I'll make sure to settle the score with her once I regain my cultivation."

"Wow, you two seem to get along famously," I remarked sarcastically.

But Ye An made no indication of even hearing me. Instead, she locked her gaze with mine and asked, "So, is it working?"

"No?" I sighed, rubbing the back of my head. "What are you even talking about?"

The situation was getting increasingly awkward.

"According to Song Song, maintaining eye contact can seduce a man. Even a fleeting glance from a beautiful woman can reduce men to acting like dogs. And I know I'm absolutely beautiful," she explained.

She was clearly humble, too.

"Well, staring at someone is just creepy," I pointed out.

It felt doubly unsettling when someone who had previously attempted to kill me continued to gaze at me so coldly.

Song Song teaching Ye An about romance was akin to a fish teaching an octopus how to breathe. While both girls were physically attractive, they seemed clueless about human interaction.

Furthermore, I couldn't shake the suspicion that Song Song might have simply sent Ye An my way to torment her for amusement.

"I see," Ye An nodded. "Then I'll have to try another approach to convince you. Luckily, Song Song has given me until we depart for the Beast Wave to figure something out."

With that, she turned on her heel and began walking away. I watched her retreating figure, left with more questions than answers. It felt as though I were caught in some bizarre fever dream. Witnessing people so oblivious to the intricacies of human behavior was disconcerting.

Despite my frequent visits to the library, I remained keenly aware of the preparations underway to combat the monstrous beasts. This was an annual occurrence, with the beasts venturing out during the cold weather in search of prey. Usually, it was manageable.

However, with the presence of a particular red-haired individual this time, I couldn't help but wonder how different the upcoming Beast Wave would be compared to previous ones.


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