Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 86 – Incompetent or Mastermind?


Breaking through was much easier than I anticipated.

To transition from Body Tempering to Qi Gathering, one simply needed to release all the Qi in their body in a powerful burst, akin to how I unleashed killing intent. Then, they had to halt that Qi from escaping their body. Eventually, the body should acclimate to its presence, instinctively drawing it in, thus completing the final step toward preparation for Qi. Subsequently, the Qi Gathering Cultivator would gain the ability to perceive Qi, control it, and manage other related aspects.

The breakthrough to Qi Gathering depended significantly on the quantity of one's spirit roots. These roots facilitated Qi production, regeneration, control, and other related functions.

In my case, I was already so close to Qi Gathering that the typically arduous process, where the Body Tempering Cultivator had to contain their Qi within their body for hours, was unnecessary.

It came as a surprise to me as well, although in many aspects, I should have anticipated it. I could already sense Qi and even harbored Song Song's foreign Qi within me. Moreover, I had almost broken through twice before, purely by accident.

There were numerous methods for breaking through to Qi Gathering, and the one I employed involved forcefully dismantling the barrier, or in my case, the thin sheet separating me from the breakthrough. Nonetheless, I wished the breakthrough could have been more natural, allowing me to savor the experience.

Nonetheless, this wasn't entirely unfavorable. Instead of experiencing a natural breakthrough, I could document the journey as someone who forcefully broke through. While it might be considered the less exciting route, I would need to encounter someone in the future who broke through naturally to compare. As far as I knew, there were no significant drawbacks, but I still desired confirmation. It was regrettable that regression of cultivation without damaging one's spirit roots was impossible.

My fingers itched to record these discoveries while fresh in my mind. However, with the governor present, it wasn't the most opportune time to indulge my scholarly inclinations.

Instead, I smiled and nodded as if this had all been part of my plan. "Thank you for your help, governor. It seems like the breakthrough went smoother than expected."

Turning toward him, I found the old governor lost in thought. His gaze fixed on me with an unreadable glint, and he smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You're a good kid, Liu Feng. Keep doing what you're doing, and perhaps you could even become a Core Disciple," he remarked before turning away, smiling. However, as he neared the gate, he halted and glanced back at me one last time. "If you ever need any help, don't hesitate to come and ask me for anything!"

As he departed, I watched his retreating figure, unable to suppress a frown.

A tingling sensation behind my eyes accompanied a misty aura enveloping me, gradually solidifying into a transparent-like mucus.

But this sensation paled compared to the sight of the golden vine extending from the stem of my brain, trailing along my spine, and terminating at my lower back. It resembled a lengthy worm with peculiar outwardly extended legs.

Counting them carefully, I noted it had fifty-three legs.

This was my spirit root, now easily perceptible since attaining Qi Gathering. It served as the sole organ responsible for my cultivation from this point forward.

Even in idle moments, I could feel a subtle suction force emanating from the spirit root, absorbing minute amounts of Qi from the surrounding environment. Through a meticulous process, it would then replenish my Qi. It functioned like a filter, converting external Qi into my own energy, thereby averting harm to my body.

"This is fascinating," I murmured, a smile gracing my lips as the tingling sensation behind my eyes subsided, and I adjusted to my newfound vision. With concentration, I could discern various misty auras surrounding me.

This experience transcended anything I had previously experienced and could not be described in simple words. It was like trying to explain to a blind man what red looked like.

Taking a deep breath and concentrating, I sensed warmth moving beneath my skin, coalescing into my right fist. Simply clenching my hand imbued me with the power behind it. However, I refrained from expending too much Qi, wary of overwhelming my fist's capacity.

The process was sluggish, akin to waiting for tea to boil. Nonetheless, I endeavored to spread that warmth throughout my body, gradually feeling an unprecedented surge of power coursing through me.

Before long, an unnatural fatigue draped over my body, prompting me to cease reinforcing my body with Qi and instead focus on catching my breath.

This underscored just how formidable Song Song was in manipulating her Qi. For her, it seemed effortless, whereas it felt akin to pushing a heavy cart for me. Though theoretically possible, transferring all my Qi from one part of my body to another while transitioning from offense to defense seemed daunting, requiring extraordinary reflexes even for seasoned cultivators.

Yet, despite the challenges, a vast new realm had opened up before me. I was filled with a burning desire to experiment with constructing arrays using my own Qi and to refine my martial arts with Qi augmentation.

Gazing at the morning sun, I couldn't help but smile.

I had ample time for training, and the day brimmed with potential. Moreover, I possessed over a dozen spirit stones to expedite my Qi recovery.

"Let's go, Speedy," I called out to the little companion trotting across the grass toward the pond. "We're embarking on a brand new journey."

However, my words fell on deaf ears as the little creature approached the pond, a morsel of bread clutched in its mouth. Upon reaching the water's edge, it refrained from entering and simply tossed the bread into the pond.

Immediately, the fish swarmed around the food. Speedy's neck moved at astonishing speeds without hesitation as he seized one of the fish with his mouth. With a swift crunch, he crushed the sardine-sized fish between his jaws, devouring the meat and pulverizing the bones casually.

Each chew echoed with splattering blood, the fish's head tumbling to the ground. By the end of his feast, Speedy sported blood around his mouth, turning toward me with blood still dripping down his chin onto the verdant grass.

What the actual fuck?


A day had passed since my breakthrough and Speedy's bizarre episode. While it was customary for an animal to act in such a manner, witnessing it firsthand felt unsettling. Moreover, I had never realized turtles could be so aggressive. Then again, he was a xianxia world turtle, so who knew how closely he resembled real turtles.

Taking a deep breath while outside the mansion, the clean air entered my lungs, and I could feel every process in my body. A cultivator had an almost superhuman degree of control over their bodies.

If I wanted to, I could stop my heart from beating. Though I wasn't going to try experiments like that, even though I was confident I should be able to restart it.

With those thoughts in mind, I began practicing.

I moved my fists so swiftly that they blurred; whiplash crack echoed with each move I made, and the rush of wind pushed my hair back.

Facing my former self from just two days ago, I could now defeat him with a single punch. It was frustrating how vast the gap between major stages could be.

I halted my training as I sensed someone approaching. Turning toward the source, I found the old governor's scarred visage oddly softened by a friendly expression.

"Liu Feng, apologies for interrupting your training, but there are reports of monstrous beasts nearing the city walls. Would you be interested in seeing them?" he inquired.

His demeanor had grown warmer since my breakthrough. However, it felt disconcerting how people's attitudes shifted now that I had achieved this milestone. Undoubtedly, this behavior would continue in the Sect. In contrast, a Qi Gathering disciple under twenty was eligible to enter the inner Sect.

"Yes," I simply replied, mustering a somewhat forced smile.

The old governor seemed to be orchestrating something, and his demeanor suggested that I played a significant role in his plans. If my suspicions were valid, I might be a significant pawn in his schemes.

Walking alongside him, we made our way out with minimal exchange, merely nodding to the guards.

"So, how are you adjusting to your newfound powers? When I reached Qi Gathering in my youth, it felt as though my entire perspective had shifted," the governor remarked.

"Yes, I've had a similar experience," I replied, keeping my response vague.

It would have been more enjoyable to test my abilities within the Sect, where I could afford to exhaust myself and experiment. However, here in this setting, there were few opportunities for experimentation, especially since it would require depleting my Qi. I harbored a curiosity about the rate of Qi regeneration and the efficacy of Spirit Stones, but such inquiries would have to wait.

"As long as you remain dedicated to your training, I have no doubt you will achieve great heights. When talent is coupled with hard work, the realm of possibility expands exponentially," he offered, the words drifting into silence as we continued walking.

Then, after a brief pause, he added, "If you don't mind me asking, how many spirit roots do you possess?"

Ah, so that was his aim all along.

However, such a question was rather impolite in the world of cultivation. Talents often dictated one's worth, and revealing a lack thereof could undermine one's standing.

"I am content with my level of talent," I replied, divulging nothing about the specifics.

Had this inquiry come from someone within the Sect, I might have been inclined to answer truthfully. However, in this context, adopting a more guarded approach was crucial. The governor evidently saw potential in me, affording me some latitude. I doubted he had the means to conduct a thorough background check amidst the chaos of war.

"Good," he nodded, a slight twitch forming at the corner of his lips, almost hinting at a smile. "I'm aware of your association with Song Song…"

What was he insinuating here? Was he referring to the rumors circulating within the Sect about her and me being romantically involved or some other nonsense?

Did he have informants within the Sect? That was a perilous game he was playing. Despite his current status as an outsider, if the Blazing Sun Sect caught wind of his activities, it would likely result in severe repercussions for him. Yet, I refrained from addressing the matter directly and instead opted for a more cautious response. "There's nothing noteworthy between us. She's my team leader, and I'm just one of her many followers."

The old man should not be surprised by my vagueness. However, if he had spies, they might discern the underlying context.

"I may not appear as more than a provincial governor of an obscure city," he continued, the words "obscure city" uttered with apparent difficulty. "But I have connections within the Sect, and they have divulged some intriguing information. I understand that you and Song Song are adversaries in all but name."

Upon hearing this, my thoughts screeched to a halt, leaving me momentarily stunned.

What was he talking about?

I scrutinized his expression, searching for any indication of jest or insincerity.

Spies? No, it seemed more plausible that this poor man had been scammed, ripped off, and bamboozled. It appeared that even in this world, the elderly were susceptible to scams.

Even Yang Cho, with his penchant for gossip, seemed to possess more reliable information than whatever purported spies this man claimed to have. I was inclined to believe that he had no spies and was merely fabricating stories to bolster his image of sagacity.

Despite his assumption, the likelihood of this man having spies was slim to none. Even if he did, they would have at least reported the rumors circulating within the Sect. So either his spies were grossly incompetent, taking his money without risking their necks on a task like spying on one of the most powerful Sects, or he had no spies. Personally, I was more inclined to believe the latter.

Despite this, I saw no reason to correct him. Why stop an opponent from making a mistake?

"Sure…" I responded cautiously, contemplating my following words carefully. "What do you intend to do with that information?"

"Nothing, just wanted to inform you," the governor replied with a smile, a knowing glint in his eyes as though he had just imparted some profound revelation.

What game was he playing here?

Nevertheless, more pressing matters were at hand as we reached the walls. I ceased pondering whether the governor was a mastermind or merely inept. After all, he couldn't be entirely incompetent if he had been entrusted with governing a town... Then again, it wasn't as though governors were chosen for anything other than their cultivation prowess.

We climbed atop the walls and surveyed the vast grasslands and the distant forest just outside the town. Since attaining Qi Gathering, my vision had improved, allowing me to discern some monstrous beasts concealed within the trees. Though too distant to discern their exact forms, their presence felt ominous, as if they were not merely stragglers but rather observers.

Wait, were these creatures scouts?

A shiver ran down my spine.


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