Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 96 – The Lovers

Chapter 96 - The Lovers

Hong Dosu was just another young man from the Hong Clan. The only notable thing about him was that he stood a head taller than most of his peers and possessed a traditionally handsome face. His father had been mortal, and his mother a cultivator. It was quite an achievement for a mortal man to capture the attention of a female cultivator, indicating that Hong Dosu had inherited the best from both sides of his family.

Currently, he stood by the Hong Clan Leader as the clan leaders, governor, and the new strategic leader discussed plans for the future.

The meeting took place around a large dining table in the governor's mansion, which was devoid of food or drinks. Trusted guards and servants were the only people here allowed to stay in the same room as the only four Qi Gathering Cultivators in town.

Bright morning light streamed through the window as the city's rulers calmly deliberated.

Hong Dosu's gaze wandered toward Liu Feng, a young man of similar age to him who occupied a vastly different position in life. Liu Feng's status surpassed that of the Clan Leaders, a position Hong Dosu could only dream of attaining.

Life seemed unfairly distributed, with talents unevenly spread. Hong Dosu felt a twinge of jealousy toward the young man who had already achieved what seemed beyond his grasp. Despite this, he maintained a calm facade, assuming the role of a background guard.

"So, what are your thoughts on this letter?" Liu Feng presented a piece of paper to his fellow Qi Gathering Cultivators. Hong Dosu was too far away to discern the contents, and even if he were closer, he knew a single misstep could cost him dearly.

As the clan leaders and the governor approached Liu Feng to examine the letter, their expressions shifted from shock to confusion.

"Our adversaries are cunning," Liu Feng remarked knowingly.

With no context, Hong Dosu remained oblivious to the situation.

"I possess an artifact capable of traversing long distances to deliver messages to nearby cities," the governor disclosed, revealing a short sword hidden beneath his sleeve.

While the revelation was significant, the reactions of the others remained inscrutable behind their stoic expressions.

Unversed in politics and lacking leadership training, Hong Dosu was merely a handsome face, serving as a bodyguard in name only. He questioned why a Qi Gathering Cultivator would require his protection.

Nevertheless, having been privy to numerous political discussions among his clan leader, Hong Dosu sensed the tension in the room. One wrong move could escalate into conflict, though the reasons behind it eluded him.

"Then my Hong Clan proposes to dispatch one of our finest scouts to deliver the letter should the governor's method fail," the Hong Clan Leader offered, maintaining his ever-present smile.

Further discussions ensued about strategies for impending monster attacks. However, Hong Dosu understood that the actual planning occurred when only the four Qi Gathering Cultivators were present.

After the meeting, the Qi Gathering Cultivators dispersed with smiles adorning their faces. However, discerning genuine from feigned expressions proved challenging. Yet, as the Hong Clan Leader exited the mansion, he refrained from engaging in his usual bickering with the Lu Clan Head.

Observing his clan leader's peculiar behavior, Hong Dosu refrained from questioning it and followed him like a shadow.

While traversing the streets, the Hong Clan Leader's smile gradually faded, replaced by a scowl.

"Tch," the Clan Leader spat on the ground. "That bastard Mao Shaoqi, relishing being manipulated even as the governor. Can't he see the kid is playing us against each other? Blind fool!"

Hong Dosu listened silently as his clan leader vented his frustrations. Offering words of comfort seemed futile amidst the man's palpable anger. This ritual of venting his rage on the way home was all too familiar, as the clan leader maintained a facade of civility in the presence of other powerhouses.

Approaching the Hong Clan Compound, the streets grew quieter, with fewer houses and passersby.

"By the way, I want you to act as our scout and deliver the letter to this Song Song," the clan leader suddenly instructed, catching Hong Dosu off guard. Typically, the clan leader only spoke to him when issuing orders.

"Yes, sir!" Hong Dosu affirmed.

"But that's not all," the clan leader continued, his demeanor softening slightly. "With your striking appearance, seducing this Song Song should be effortless. Persuade her to aid us, and our clan will seize control of Whitewall Town and potentially neighboring territories after the war."

"Clan leader, I'm aware of the dangers posed by cultivators from the Blazing Sun Sect. What if this plan backfires?" Hong Dosu expressed his apprehension.

As someone of lower status, a Qi Gathering Cultivator could easily overpower him.

"Put your worries aside," the clan leader dismissed. "Women are often susceptible to charm. Look at your father—he won over a woman who had everything, despite him being a mere thief with debts."

Though anger surged within him, Hong Dosu remained silent, accustomed to such insults since childhood.

Why did his mother succumb to a gambling addict's tricks? She held the upper hand as a cultivator and could have killed him anytime. Yet, she tolerated his infidelities and illegitimate offspring.

"Of course, I will carry out your orders, clan leader," he replied.

Hong Dosu comprehended his mission: seduce Song Song and return to ensure retribution against those who had scorned him—starting with the Hong Clan itself!

"Good," the clan leader smiled. "You have no chance of reaching the neighboring town faster than the governor's artifact. But we're banking on this Song Song girl being outside the town she's supposed to defend. If all else fails, ensure you meet her under the guise of delivering a message and let her see your face."

The clan leader strode toward the clan compound with a smile adorning his face. At the same time, Hong Dosu trailed behind, no longer a mere guard but now searching for any chink in his leader's armor. It was an opportunity he had never anticipated having.

"However, keep an eye out just in case. Liu Feng may be young, but he's shrewd and harder to read than his age suggests. He might be plotting a trap with this ordeal," the clan leader cautioned, leaving Hong Dosu uncertain whether to believe him or consider it a ploy to unsettle him. "Being around him is quite uncomfortable; that much is certain."

With nothing to say, they hung in awkward silence until they reached the gates, where Hong Dosu finally spoke up: "When should I depart?"

"Immediately," the clan leader replied casually. "The governor likely dispatched the Messenger Flying Sword. Are you in need of anything extra for the journey?"

"Perhaps some spirit stones for trading-"

"No," the clan leader interjected. "Spirit stones emit a Qi signature that monstrous beasts can detect."

"Ah, I see," Hong Dosu acquiesced.

Handing him a talisman, the clan leader instructed, "Carry this with you. Though you're not a Qi Gathering Cultivator, it will help suppress any Qi you emit."

"Thank you, clan leader. I won't let you down!" Hong Dosu exclaimed, his words filled with fervor. Yet, beneath his facade, he harbored thoughts of witnessing the clan leader begging for mercy.

Without waiting for a second command, Hong Dosu turned and strode toward the gates. As he traversed the streets, the populace eyed him warily due to the color of his robes, but he paid them no heed. Instead, he envisioned a future where he manipulated a Blazing Sun Sect member to do his bidding.

Being handsome certainly had its advantages. Hong Dosu might have already seduced the clan leader's daughter if he had not been related to everyone in the Hong Clan.

The pristine white walls contrasted starkly with the crimson inner walls, which emitted a scent of blood—a barrier erected by the newcomer, as Hong Dosu had heard. Though its purpose remained vague, he knew the clans had invested significantly in its construction.

"Where do you think you're going?" a guard in green robes questioned as Hong Dosu approached the gate.

"Do you think you can speak to a member of the Hong Clan like that, you Lu pig?" another guard clad in red attire interjected with a scowl.

As mere gate guards, weaker than Hong Dosu, they had no authority to question his actions. He owed them no explanations since he was a more powerful cultivator; they should be seeking his forgiveness. With an air of indifference, he strode past them while they bickered. By the time they realized he had slipped through, their attempts to call out to him were futile—he had already vanished, utilizing his movement technique.

Surprisingly, he encountered no resistance as he passed through the barrier, not even a slight hindrance. Hong Dosu had heard of barriers capable of distinguishing between humans and monstrous beasts. Still, he doubted the city could afford such advanced defenses, but perhaps they did. It wasn't like he was privy to the city's exact resources.

Once beyond the city's protective confines, an invisible tension gripped the air. Racing across the grass at top speed, he hoped to avoid detection by any lurking monstrous beasts. Though the clan leader's talisman would cloak his presence, he could still be seen.

Entering the forest, he silenced his steps, the tall trees casting eerie shadows despite the daylight. Reassuring himself that he could outrun any beasts that spotted him, Hong Dosu pressed on.

But his confidence shattered when he felt a sudden impact, a furious hand striking the back of his head, sending him careening into a tree. Pain exploded across his face as his teeth shattered on impact, the tree splintering under the force.

Confusion and fear swirled in his mind as he tried to process the assault. Before he could react, he was slammed face-first into another tree, the pain intensifying with each blow.

Who was attacking him?

Struggling to speak, he received another brutal punch, sending him flying through the forest, crashing through trees. Agony engulfed him as he glimpsed the twisted angle of his arm, his vision clouded with red.

A scream tore from his lips, abruptly cut off as a hairy foot smashed into his face, sending him crashing to the ground, darkness creeping at the edges of his vision.

Just as he teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, a powerful grip seized him by the hair, lifting his battered form. His once-handsome face was now a grotesque mask of blood and bruises, his long hair matted and disheveled.

The creature looming over him, a four-armed gorilla, wore a furious expression. "Dirty human," it growled.

"Da Xing, don't kill the human. We need to ask some questions from him," intervened a softer voice, belonging to a small monkey with two tails, contrasting starkly with the intimidating gorilla.

Hong Dosu's thoughts veered away from his mission as the monkey drew nearer, consumed instead by a desperate plea for survival. He refused to meet his end in servitude to those who scorned him.

There was so much in his life that he had not done! He never experienced real love or anything else that was outside the clan. Despite being middle-aged, his mother often spoke about love like a young girl with her head in the clouds.

I-I don't want to die! Please, any gods out there!—his inner plea echoed as the small monkey addressed him.

"Human, you know how to read, right?" the monkey queried.

Shock gripped Hong Dosu at the creature's ability to speak, his heart pounding with fear. Yet, he understood that any hesitation could prove fatal. Drawing upon years of training as a servant, where punishment awaited even the slightest error, he responded without hesitation.

"Y-Yes," he managed, each word causing pain to ripple through his throat and jaw, his broken teeth a stark reminder of his ordeal.

"We captured a sword with a letter attempting to reach a nearby town, and we need you to read it," the monkey presented a familiar letter, thrusting it close to Hong Dosu's face. "What does it say? Read it aloud, word for word. We'll know if you lie, so don't attempt deceit."

"D-Dear Song Song, it seems like more monstrous beasts are attacking us than we initially assumed. Thankfully, the barrier is stronger than ever. We even worked on the side to strengthen it after our first attack. But despite that, I couldn't change the barrier's main effects as it was made to handle stronger and fewer monstrous beasts and not many weaker monstrous beasts. In a way, its weakness is quantity against quality…" Hong Dosu paused, disbelief washing over him as he continued reading. "The killing arrays are still here, but it could still be dangerous if many weaker monsters attacked and triggered it needlessly. We could use some backup. Thankfully, we have one Foundation Establishment Cultivator, even if the monstrous beasts can break through. But I would feel more comfortable with some backup."

The gorilla and monkey-like monstrous beasts exchanged frowns and growls, the monkey addressing a tree as if seeking confirmation. Suddenly, the space shimmered, and a human-sized butterfly with rainbow-colored wings emerged. The butterfly released a strange aroma that permeated the air, even penetrating Hong Dosu's broken nose.

Without uttering a word, the butterfly monster fluttered its wings, emitting a vibrant display of colors. The monkey, seemingly understanding its silent communication, nodded in response.

"Huh, he was telling the truth all along? Well, one can't fake their emotions," the monkey mused. "Humans have more tricks up their sleeves than we thought. This is going to be much harder than anticipated. We were supposed to easily crush these towns."

As Hong Dosu's adrenaline waned, groans of pain escaped his lips. But before he could fully comprehend his predicament, he found himself staring into the gaping maw of the gorilla, its powerful fangs descending upon him.

Ah, he is going to bite my head off—Hong Dosu's thought, just before his head was crushed like a watermelon followed by a sickening crunch as darkness enveloped him.

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