Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – 【The Monkey Is Numb】

Chapter 1 [The monkey is numb]

Good mountain!

Green pines and cypresses, beautiful peaks and strange rocks, have the beauty of clouds and mountain springs; apes leap and eagles sing, green bamboos and dense forests, without the disturbance of the world of mortals.

“What a good place!” Fang Chang walked halfway up the mountain, looked at this beautiful place not far away, his eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help admiring.

Standing at this position, you can see a spacious flat hill not far away, lying quietly among the continuous peaks surrounded by clouds and mist.

There is a small open space on one side of Pinggang, except for the open space, there are dense forests. Behind it is the ridge line of the mountain peak, which goes deep into the clouds, and in front of it is a long and bottomless cliff, separated from Fang Chang by a deep valley of tens of feet, there is no danger of flooding.

The stream originates from the mountain spring on the slant above, gathers the mountain trickle, flows from the side of this place to the deep valley, and the sound is clear. The dense vegetation and woods are distributed far and near, and it seems that there are small animals indistinctly.

What a clean, comfortable and blessed place!

Fang Chang looked around, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, knowing that the opportunity was approaching, he couldn’t help secretly happy: “This place is destined for me.”

Next, you need to find a way to go there and observe the surroundings. Fang Chang feels that it will take some effort.

Tightened his luggage on his back, he stepped lightly on the protruding stones and the branches that he could borrow, and deftly approached the gentle open space from the mountains.

Halfway through the journey, Fang Chang stood still on a slightly larger footing stone, identified the direction, and found that the sun had passed the highest point.

From the current position to your destination, you still need to go around the peak. This distance is quite long, and the mountain is quite steep.

Looking at the top, the clusters of vines are winding and layered, and occasionally a few hang down, like long ropes trying to reach the ground.

He had an idea, found a thick rattan, compared the length and position, stretched out his hand to test whether it was strong, then put his hands together, and kicked hard!


Fang Chang opened his mouth and swung lightly to the opposite side of the mountain.

Feeling that the soles of his feet were solid, he immediately let go of the rattan in his hand and grabbed the nearby bushes.

A few small stones that were stepped on rolled down the hillside, and some small animals below were frightened and jumped around.

Putting on the rough clothes on his body, Fang Chang climbed up tens of feet, and when he turned over, he was already standing on the ground. The sun shines through the branches of the tree in spots and sprinkles on him, making him look even more heroic.

He is wearing a square scarf, like a scholar’s dress, but Fang Chang moves nimbly and nimbly, without fireworks, as if he is a link between the mountains, rivers, heaven and earth.

Through the woods, it is the open space I saw earlier. The soil here is fairly thick, but there are also rocky beaches outcropping.

Finding a small piece of clean space with few weeds, Fang Chang unloaded his luggage and prepared to settle down here.

Fang Chang’s luggage included a few changes of clothes, a set of old bedding, a few needles and threads, a pack of coarse salt, half a piece of leftover dry food, and two books. Other than that, there was nothing else.

He looks around.

The beautiful mountain peaks with light clouds and mist, varying in height, far or near, faintly surround this flat hillock. Surrounded by the mountains, there are monkeys jumping around, chasing and playing on the tall trees that are continuously distributed.

Fang Chang identified the direction again. The place where he was standing was a huge gentle slope. To the north was a high mountain rising into the clouds, and at the end of the south, the terrain gradually rose and stretched towards the cliff.

The east and west directions have a wide view, and there must be the beauty of the sun. The scenery in the morning tomorrow is worth looking forward to. The wind blows from the mountains, bringing freshness and coolness, blowing comfortably on the face.

The next step is to start the fire.

The mist and dew in the mountains made Fang Long’s hair, clothes and shoes feel damp. Although Fang Chang was no longer afraid of heat and cold, he still felt uncomfortable after all.

There are forests all around, collecting firewood is very simple, as long as you look for dead branches and leaves, they are everywhere. But a considerable part was not dry enough. Fortunately, Fang Chang found a few pieces of dry grass from under a big rock in the sun, which made him quite happy.

The mountain stream was dozens of steps away. Fang Chang walked over to drink some water, then walked back to the firewood pile, and picked a large piece of juniper wood and a straight and hard branch.

The process of making the fire was lackluster. He just maintained the pressure from top to bottom and quickly rubbed the branches. It took nearly half an hour before he saw sparks.

Put the spark lightly on the dry grass, blow carefully, and the flame will start to rise.

Put in the thinner branches first, and then put in the thicker branches after the fire is a little stronger. Then pick out some damp firewood and stack them neatly aside, so that they can be dried by the heat of the flame.

Fang Chang first dried his coat, untied his hair to dry, and tied it up again. Then he took out the last half of dry food from his luggage and skewered it on a tree branch to roast. This is the only remaining and most suitable cooking method under the existing conditions.

The fragrance quickly spread.

On the tree not far away, monkeys are jumping around. There is a little monkey with white hair, which behaves very differently.

It squatted on the tree and observed the whole process quietly.

Regarding the strange behavior of this strange human being, this spirit monkey squatting on the tree has a simple thought in his heart:

Shall I throw a rock at him?

Finally, the white-haired monkey relied on the wisdom it had acquired, held back the idea, and stopped its own kind.

The little monkey who has already opened up his intelligence has already known to seek good luck and avoid bad luck.

Fang Chang happily finished eating the delicious roasted dry food, added some more firewood to the fire, got up and walked to the woods. He wanted to build a shelter before dark, otherwise he would be able to bear the dew at night, but the luggage he brought would not be able to bear it.

Only three long logs are needed to build a triangular shack, which is the simplest shelter. Finding a few suitable snags wasn’t too difficult in the surrounding dense woods.

Dragging the wood and throwing it to the fire, adding more firewood to prevent the fire from going out, Fang Chang walked to the stream again, bent down to pick.

The creek is full of stones of all kinds. Fang Chang chose a thin and sharp one as a stone knife, cut some vines at the position where it swung, and then went to find a clean broad-leaved tree, and cut some with the stone knife. Long branches and leaves come down.

He moved the fire to a different position, tied a few branches and leaves together as a broom, and swept the ground clean. The ground baked by the campfire is dry, except for a little bit hot for a while.

Three long logs remove excess branches, two short and one long are stuck together to form a strong shack frame. Immediately afterwards, Fang Chang tied some slender branches on both sides with thin rattan cut down, and then spread broad-leaved tree branches and leaves to build a qualified temporary shelter.

The sun has already set in the west.

Fang Chang spread some hay in the shack, opened the luggage, took out the bedding, and then threw the rest of the things into the shack.

He took a few steps back, admiring his work.

There is a green triangular shack on the open space, with sundries piled inside, a raging bonfire facing the exit of the shack, and there are several firewood piles beside it. This scene is very wandering.

This is a good start, which is quite satisfactory.

The sky was getting dark gradually, Fang Chang got into the shack, and there were crickets chirping in the surrounding grass. Since crossing, today is the first time I feel so relaxed and so close to this world.

The white-haired monkey not far away was still observing, the more frightened it became.

It has been observed that the body is a little numb.


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PSS: The old book “Mentor of the New Era” has been completed with a million words, you can watch it with confidence

(end of this chapter)

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