Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 – 【Shangxian Spares Life】

Chapter 15 [Shangxian spares life]

It is the instinct of the pangolin species to roll into a ball when encountering a strong enemy.

In this state, it can rely on its own hard scales to protect itself. Even if it becomes a demon, its first reaction to danger is to shrink back.

The feeling of being in danger is because the pangolin saw a scene that frightened it.

I had poor eyesight before, and couldn’t see clearly across the mountain. Now, when I looked closer, this person who almost buried himself with his foot, and came up to scream, seemed to have mixed into this world. Whether it was observing or smelling, he was very Hard to notice.

This is “integrating into the nature of the world”!

The pangolin has a little insight, so it is a little frightened.

And it thought of the respectful appearance of the two humans just now, and Fang Chang’s body, which was exactly the same as the mountain god, with a faint chestnut smell, and felt that this should be the helper invited by the mountain **** Yunzhong after he fought with him.

It is common sense that the helper you invite is always better than yourself.

When the mountain **** came over, the pangolin felt that it was trying its best not to lose the wind. Now it still has injuries on its body, and its muscles and bones are still tired and sore.

And seeing this situation, I don’t know how high the Taoism is. Maybe he just moves his fingers and he disappears.

My life is over!

At this time, the pangolin was a little angry, didn’t it just dig a spring? I have grown up so much, and I have done countless similar things, why did I have to suffer this disaster this time.

At the same time, he hated the former Yunzhongshan mountain **** so much that his scales itched.

If he was stronger and killed that Laoshizi mountain **** directly, there would be no such powerful character coming.

The pangolin demon’s rich mental activities are only in an instant.

Seeing such a huge pangolin jumping out of the grass at the bottom of the slope, Fang Chang was also a little surprised, but he didn’t show it at all, but slowly shouted righteously: “Wu that monster, how dare you cut off the water veins and destroy people’s livelihoods? Get caught without a fight!”

“Otherwise, wait for me to strike, and you will be turned into ashes!”

While shouting, he thought, no wonder Zhang Shanshen said that it was the big demon who cut off the water vein with his natural ability, and the pangolins often dig holes in the mountains, isn’t it just their natural ability.

Fang Chang’s angry words completely frightened the pangolin.

It seems that this person is going to kill him. For this, Pangolin is not surprised, but thinking of the great age, he will be buried here, and he can’t help but feel sad.

It has the heart to say a few tough words to the cultivator on the other side, so that it will be more dignified, such as “well water does not interfere with river water, why come to stop me” and “thief! Why destroy my cave”, and is afraid that it will be completely annoyed The other party will lead to a fatal disaster even faster.

Seeing that the pangolin monster is not coming to attack, Fang Chang is also not good at taking the initiative.

He continued to shout at the pangolin: “War and don’t fight, surrender and don’t surrender, why!” The lingering sound of the words continued, and the rumble rolled around in the mountains, quite powerful, which made Fang Chang feel a little complacent.

On the opposite side, the huge pangolin, one and a half tall, suddenly knelt down.

Facing Fang Chang’s oppressive force, the pangolin would never be able to defeat it. Curling up into a ball with talent would only slow down the loss of life. It would be better to beg for mercy and have a chance.

It knelt down and cried out:

“Shangxian, spare me!”

Fang Chang was a little surprised. He saw the large pangolin jumping out just now, and stared at him blankly, thinking that he was looking for a suitable direction to attack from. He didn’t expect the opponent to surrender.

However, the process still needs to be followed, he continued to shout loudly:

“It turned out to be a pangolin that only had its horizontal bones refined.”

“Are you convicted?!”

Facing this big monster who was already able to speak, and his strength was on par with his own, Fang Chang couldn’t lose his momentum.

“I don’t know!” This method really worked. The pangolin kowtowed to the ground and shouted, “I grew up in the mountains since I was a child, and I became a demon in the mountains. I have never had contact with humans, let alone hurt anyone. Why did you kill me!”

Hearing the demon’s defense, Fang Chang paused, and continued: “Do you know that because you cut off the water vein, the livelihood of Linxi Village at the foot of the mountain was cut off? If the situation continues, I don’t know how many people will be displaced and their families destroyed because of you!”

What do humans have to do with me?

The pangolin wanted to say this, but was afraid of being beaten to death on the spot, so it continued to shout:

“Shangxian Mingjian! The race of the little demon has always been digging through rocks, digging through mountains, and digging through mountains. He was attacked by the mountain **** of Yunzhong Mountain, and after he retreated, he invited the Shangxian again, so it makes no sense!”

“You are in this mountain, and it is understandable for you not to obey the management of the local mountain god, but you were not moved by the mountain **** to dissuade you face to face, and you resisted violently. This is also a serious crime!”

“I’m wronged!” the pangolin cried, “I was digging a hole in the mountains yesterday. After the mountain **** came over, he did it without saying a word. I was confused and had to rush to fight in order to save my life. Knowing this, it was when the mountain **** retreated. Said.”

“…then you were still digging?”

“I just want a way out!” The pangolin just kowtowed.

Fang Chang pondered.

There is not much difference in strength between myself and this big monster who can only talk to people. If I have to deal with it, the rabbit will bite people in a hurry. It is not worthwhile to do it.

It is better to intimidate them instead and drive them away, which can be regarded as achieving the previous purpose.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but feel a little relieved.

While the pangolin kept kowtowing, seeing the other party’s expression loosen, he exclaimed with great joy: “Shangxian! I am willing to swear that I will never come here again, and only seek a way out!”


Fang Chang suddenly raised his head and said:

“Since you are willing to repent, then make an oath that you will never do evil again, never take the initiative to hurt others, and let you leave Yunzhongshan.”

The pangolin was overjoyed, with its paws facing the sky, and swore a solemn oath: “From now on, I will never do evil again, never take the initiative to hurt others, otherwise I will be discovered by the gods, and my body will be decapitated!”

After accepting the demon oath, Fang Chang admonished: “Because you have never hurt anyone or made a big mistake, I will let you go this time. You must know that if you do evil in the future, you will not be like the one who comes to subdue the demon.” I am so easy to talk. As a monster, you should devote yourself to practice, accumulate merits, and get a human body as soon as possible. The ancients said that knowing your mistakes can correct you, and there is nothing good about it. Since you have broken the veins of this spring, can you restore it?”

When Fang Chang said the previous words, the pangolin demon just kept kowtow, looking forward to getting out sooner, and hearing the question of whether the water veins could be repaired, the pangolin complained: “Shangxian Mingjian! The small ones can only dig holes and dig mountains, comb water The matter of the pulse is beyond my control, just like a tiger can hurt people, but it is really difficult to heal them.”

This remark makes sense.

Nodding his head, Fang Chang said: “In that case, you go away and don’t go back to Yunzhongshan again.”

The first update

(end of this chapter)

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