Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 26

Chapter 26 – [Shortest Path Downhill Method]

Chapter 26【Shortest Path Downhill Method】

When Fang Chang woke up from this body, he also received the past memories of the original body, but when he recalled them, it was like a different perspective, reminding him that these memories did not belong to him.

Before that, he just lived alone in a small town. Like his neighbors, he hoeed the field every day, worked at sunrise and rested at sunset.

The old man who raised him didn’t know his origin, he only knew that he was sent here, and the old man didn’t leave a word after his death.

So Yuanshen has been looking forward to finding his parents, figuring out why he was sent away, and at the same time taking another look at them.

Even this idea has become an obsession, lingering on this body, although it is gone.

Fang Chang knows that he needs to find an opportunity to fulfill this last wish on behalf of the original body, otherwise this obsession will become a big obstacle when advancing on the road of practice.

It’s just that his spiritual perception told him that the opportunity has not come yet, it is not suitable to go down the mountain, and there will be no results in searching for it by force, and he still needs to wait for the opportunity.

This kind of waiting that goes with the flow is more suitable for one’s own practice path.

The charcoal kiln took longer to cool down. Fang Chang first went to check the bricks. The bricks inside had not cooled completely, but they had already formed. He reached out and took one out of the kiln, and tapped his fingers to listen to the sound.

What sounds good is a good brick.

Of course, the quality is incomparable to that fired in a real brick kiln, but only reaches the “usable” level.

Stacking the bricks together and moving them into the new shed next to him, he thought about it, and planned to use these bricks to dry build a brick pool in the middle of the shed, and sprinkle quicklime inside.

After the charcoal comes out of the kiln, you can put the appropriate charcoal into the pool for storage, so as to avoid getting the black charcoal powder everywhere.

Standing up straight, looking at the distance down the cliff, Fang Chang suddenly felt his heart skip a beat.

In that direction, it should be a small town?

The charcoal kiln is still hot, but this one won’t break, and it’s the same when you come back to collect it after a while.

Fang Chang opened a bamboo tube first, and poured some water on the melon seedlings in the melon field next to the shack. The land on the cliff is very fertile, and the melon seedlings that have just grown are not tall, but they are very strong, and the green shoots open to the sky, full of vitality.

When I come back from this trip, I should look for thin bamboos to put up a shelf for the melon seedlings, maybe they will grow better.

Fang Chang is going to go down the mountain.

Just when he finished collecting the bricks and looked down the mountain, his spiritual sense was suddenly touched, as if something was happening there. You have to follow your feelings, just go down the mountain to have a look, and by the way, after spending the time on the mountain, take a new look at the world of mortals and the fireworks in the world.

This is beneficial to practice.

It doesn’t require much preparation. When Fang Chang returns to the house, he needs to simply pack up and go down the mountain immediately. It’s just like the saying goes: a happy person does happy things, and he has no worries and a clear heart.

Put the tea leaves on the shelf outside into the long bamboo tube and plug them in. Then he took the green cloth furoshiki he had brought, and put a change of clothes and his two books in it together.

The “Cultivation Path” and “Practice Method” are must-have items. One is that they can be studied at any time, and the other is that they can repel mosquitoes.

After thinking for a while, Fang Chang picked up the uncut jade that the monkey gave him from the corner of the bed, and broke off a piece of it. The monkey Sun Yun gave two pieces as a gift, and it seems that they should be produced by Yun Zhongshan. Among them, the slender one has been polished by him into the straight-backed knife on his body, and the other one has been left unused in the corner of the bed.

He wrapped two pieces of cooked venison with two layers of broad leaves, wrapped them with thin vines, and packed two plant tubers. These should be some kind of potato, and wild boar was stewed with it before. . After roasting, the potato tastes sweet and sweet, and the taste varies with the heat, either crispy or soft, which is very good.

Wrapped the furoshiki casually and tied it on his back, Fang Chang put the fence door back and went towards the outsider.

The sun is just right, and the side where people are illuminated is warm.

Going down from Xianqi Cliff, you have to cross the valley from the side of the cliff, and then turn over three hills.

Looking around, Fang Chang had an idea, and his childlike innocence grew. He walked to the boulder where he sat cross-legged and practiced every morning, looked at the misty clouds below, and then—


The wind whizzed past my ears, and the clouds and mist were wispy, trying to move towards me at high speed.

The cloud and mist were slightly stirred by the falling Fang Chang, and it took half a quarter of an hour before it returned to calm.

Falling lightly from the cliff, enjoying a free fall, Fang Chang secretly smiled and said, this is the fastest and shortest way to get down from Xianqi Cliff, there are neither rough rocks nor overgrown vegetation in the middle, but only You can do this yourself.

There is a **** below. After landing, Fang Chang simply patted his clothes, and only walked a hundred feet to the outside, and then saw a faint path.

This path was obviously stepped on by humans. Due to the lack of frequent passing, the path is still full of weeds, but the growth is not as good as the sides of the road, which can be clearly distinguished.

Not far down, you will find Linxi Village.

Fang Chang tightened his pack on his back and walked towards the mountain village. Not far from the mountain village was the official road.

The disaster of cutting off the water source not long ago did not have too much impact on this small mountain village, and the peace and tranquility of the past has been restored here.

The only difference is that the mountain people all remembered that there was a kind fairy elder Fang on Xianqi Cliff who helped them through a catastrophe, and the mountain **** in the nearby mountain temple also contributed a lot to this. .

Recently, it was the slack time for farming. It was close to noon, and no one was working in the village or in the terraced fields on the hillside below.

The last time I came to Linxi Village, Fang Chang only looked at the entrance of the village and communicated with the villagers twice, but did not go in. Now passing by here alone, he observed it carefully with great interest.

During the Taiping period, the houses in Linxi Village were fairly tidy, but most of them were made of earth, stone and thatch, with no bricks or tiles to be seen.

Houses are full of smoke, and there are not many children playing outside. At this time, they have all been called home for lunch—thanks to the fact that the world has not been chaotic for hundreds of years, and now even commoners have three meals a day. .

Because it is close to Yunzhong Mountain, which is rich in products, there are a lot of livestock in the village, and more grass is fed.

The most common ones are pigs, sheep and chickens, and there are very few precious cattle.

In addition, chickens in mountain villages are very precious, or in other words, chickens in the world are also very precious, especially those that need to be fed with rice in the city.

Everyone raises them all year round, and they are used to chime the time and lay eggs. They will be slaughtered only when distinguished guests come. If they are killed for no reason, the whole village will hate and hate them.

Because Fang Chang was always in harmony with the natural world, several mountain people in the village chatting with each other subconsciously ignored him, so he was able to pass by calmly and headed for the official road not far below the mountain.

In Linxi Village behind him, a child playing with stones in front of his house suddenly threw the stone in his hand, turned his head and said to the adult next to him:

“Father, I just met a fairy.”

“What fairy??”

First update~

I tested the waters this afternoon, asking for a book list, asking for a collection.

Thank you octocat for your tip.

(end of this chapter)

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