Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 – 【Huangchen Hundreds Of Dramas】

Chapter 28 [Huang Chen has a lot of dramas]

Accompanied by the amazement of the young passers-by, his third uncle changed the subject again and began to tell him about various delicacies in distant cities, which made the young man gulp.

Fang Chang walked slowly past the two of them, smiling slightly.

The incident narrated by an elderly passer-by is obviously very old, and with the exaggerated expressions and movements of the narrator, it must be a bit watery, and it is impossible to judge whether it is true or not.

But come to think of it, if this story is true, the vicious tiger in it must have become a demon.

After all, in this story, it can distinguish the poisons and traps of good hunters from all over the world, and it can fight wits and courage with professional humans, and its “infinite strength” is also an obvious sign. It’s just that this tiger demon hurt people too much and blinded its spirituality, so it simply fell into the Tao and died in an extremely ridiculous way.

There is no need to delve into the story itself, and Fang Chang doesn’t want to delve into it either.

However, there is this tiger-subduing stone bridge here. I think it is not without reason. There should be tigers who died here.

Well, you can try the famous food here, tiger pancake.

Fang Chang walked to the town again, and by the way, he looked at the various forms of life here, seeing the adults running around, children playing, amidst the rolling yellow dust, it was quite vivid.

It costs money to buy food.

Fang Chang is penniless now, and all the funds he sold to sell his property at the beginning were used up when he left his hometown and went to the mountains, leaving him with nothing left.

He is considered to have achieved success in cultivation now, and the money in the world cannot be taken casually, such as “robbing the rich to help the poor” or “turning a stone into gold” is not advisable, otherwise it will be contaminated with too much karma, which will damage the cultivation base.

But he has his own way.

Looking at both sides of the stone road, Fang Chang found a gold and silver shop and walked in. Although the town is very prosperous, it is not comparable to the big city. Although there are many pedestrians, there is still no special jewelry store here.

It is the gold and silver shop, which also serves as a **** and gold and silver jewelry making exchange, has the function of a jewelry store, and even sells groceries part-time. In this small town where people come and go, the business is flourishing.

“Guest officer, what do you want?”

When I entered, I saw rows of large cabinets covering the walls, quite old, only the counter seemed to be newly made. The shopkeeper of the gold and silver shop was leaning behind the counter, fiddled with the abacus with his index finger, and when he saw Fang Chang walk in, he immediately put on a smile , ask aloud.

Looking at the person in front of him carrying a green cloth package, he is regarded as an official person. Even if the other party’s clothes are rough, as a professional shopkeeper, he is very professional and will not treat him slowly.

“I don’t know where jade materials can be collected?”

“Of course it is accepted.” The shopkeeper said seriously.

It seems that it will be a big business. Is it time to test your vision again? Since the other party said “receive”, it should not be a pledge, but a sale…

“Help me see this jade in the rough.”

Fang Chang reached out his hand from the package, and when he took it out, he broke off the piece of jade and put it on the counter.

After the jade block was stabilized, the shopkeeper reached out to take it, and looked carefully at it through the light from the window to see the jade quality and inner texture.

“Good jade!” The shopkeeper first praised, and then said: “It is crystal clear and flawless, but unfortunately it is not big, and it is only rough jade. It has not been carved by craftsmen, so the value will not be too high… I don’t know the customer. Are you satisfied with the price?”


Did not discuss the price, Fang Chang simply agreed.

“That’s it, please wait a moment, guest officer.” After saying that, he took the money and a simple document, and asked: “Does the guest officer need a deed? It will state the size and price of this piece of rough jade.”

“No need to do that.” Fang Chang shook his head and refused.

“Okay, please take it away, guest officer. This is eight hundred civil officials’ money.” The eight hundred copper coins are quite heavy, and the shopkeeper picked them up with both hands and handed them to Fang Chang.

After a brief look, the quantity is roughly not bad, so I thanked the shopkeeper and packed it up to go out. The gold and silver shop must have made some money from this transaction, but Fang Chang didn’t care.

Exchanging what the other party needs at an equivalent price is also a normal way to get money, so there is not much karma involved.

If there is no treasure to exchange for money this time, Fang Chang even considers taking a part-time job in the town to carry goods for pedestrians and merchants.

There are no ready-made clothing stores in the town, but only in big cities.

However, the four major industries of food, clothing, housing and transportation are the necessities of the people, so there is still a “Shaojia Silk and Satin Shop” in the small town. Fang Chang heard from the people around that this place also serves as a tailor.

There is a flagpole hanging obliquely at the door, with the word “cloth” written on it, but the inside is seriously inconsistent with the name of the shop—they are all ordinary cloth, not even a piece of silk.

“What would the guest officer want?”

“I’m going to make clothes, so I just use this kind of cloth.” Fang Chang patted a piece of soap-colored muslin beside him, and said to the people inside.

The tailor came over and measured the body length, shoulder width, waist circumference, and limb length using a ruler. He negotiated a price, took a deposit and left his name. The two parties agreed to pick it up in three days.

Clothes are expensive items. Fang Chang lost half of the money he earned from selling jade after customizing.

As a well-known local specialty snack, tiger pancakes are sold everywhere.

There are official shops with a signboard of tiger cakes, and there are clerks at the door to attract customers; there are small stalls on the street, and most of them are busy with couples.

Fang Chang chose the stall with the most people, went up to line up, and bought a few cakes for more than ten yuan.

Take a bite, it is really crispy and fragrant.

The noodle cake is filled with sugar lard, baked crispy, dotted with sesame seeds, and sandwiched with a thin straw paper.

Walking to the corner of the street, Fang Chang found a place to open the package on his back, and took out the cooked meat that was brought down from the cliff and tied with broad leaves.

The meat is a little cold, but it is still delicious. It has been wrapped in broad leaves for a period of time, and it has a hint of fragrance. Split the biscuit into two halves, then cut the cold meat and stuff it into the steaming biscuit. The hot cake and the cold meat are delicious.

Not far away, the stall owner is still telling the customers: “Everyone can eat at ease. This cake has reduced the sugar and oil content compared to when Fuhu was in the past, but don’t be greedy.”

Hearing this, Fang Chang smiled and wiped out the few meat pies in his hand.

Next, he wandered around the town of Tiger Bridge.

People traveling by horses and horses traveling from south to north, most of them rest here for half a day and overnight, or pass by at noon to pad their stomachs. There are row upon row of paving and sheds on the street, and it is very lively, with the sound of conversation, hawking, neighing of mules and horses, rattling of wheels, and clapper bells.

Although his hearing is excellent after he has completed his cultivation, the noise has no effect on him. To the bustling Huqiao Town, he is like an outsider, walking alone on the stone road.

Fang Chang enjoyed this state of mind very much.

There is a tavern in front of it. There is a word “wine” on the pole at the door, which is blowing in the wind, and there is a faint fragrance of wine.

Thinking of the sorghum wine in Linxi Village, he was going to ask the price.

At this time, the woman next to her in a skirt and holding a dustpan, talking with her neighbors reached Fang Chang’s ears.

“…The strange incident at Pang Yuanwai’s family is getting more and more serious.”

“Yes, I searched for several mages, Wu Zhu, but they all failed. They didn’t even know the reason. Some said there were ghosts, and some said there were demons.”

“It’s really scary, but fortunately only his family had an accident…”

First update~

Thank you Yuxuan, book friend 20170830145041818, and Hello O_o World for your rewards.

(end of this chapter)

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