Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 – 【Good Mountain, Good Water, Good Place】

Chapter 51 [Good Mountains, Good Waters, Good Places]

Carrying a bronze shovel, Fang Chang walked to the stream.

Looking at the terrain and the direction of his bamboo-wood thatched house, he made a little comparison. He started from the stream and drew a line on the ground with a shovel to the edge of the cliff.

There are faint clouds and mist lingering under the Xianqi Cliff. A few tea trees grow on the cliff, with their branches extending obliquely upward.

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking at it, he nodded, bent down and swung the shovel to dig.

Always going to the stream to get water is not close, Fang Chang is going to open a tributary to the water source and pass by the door.

Fortunately, there are no villages in the lower reaches of Huanhuaxi. The stream just flows out of the mountains and flows directly into the Baigou River outside the mountains. It can be treated at will without any other impact.

Even so, he is only planning to open a tributary, and will not divert the original stream.

The mountain torrent after the last rain is still vivid in my mind, and the original waterway can be preserved to prevent the tragedy of “water flooding the fairy cliff” when there is another mountain torrent.

The bronze shovel is very wide and heavy, but Yu Fangchang is as light as nothing. When turning up and down, the soil and gravel are quickly thrown to the sides. He was at ease, as if he were not digging, but walking.

This is just a tributary of a small stream, about one step wide and half a foot deep, and the amount of earthwork is not large.

He didn’t straighten the new stream, but just swipe it randomly, following the terrain, passing the low place on the cliff, bypassing the melon field in the Fangchang hut, and reaching the edge of the cliff.

He started digging from the edge of the cliff, repaired the entire stream, and then went to the valley below the cliff to fetch gravel and sprinkled it into it. After covering the bottom of the ditch, he dug the last bit.

The stream is rushing, pouring into this newly excavated route.

While the water was churning, Fang Chang poured the crushed stones from the basket next to him into the last part of the excavation. He stretched out his hand to lay the stones in the water, and then stood up to admire his achievements.

It has been a whole day to do this. Under the setting sun, after filling the new ditch to half full, the stream has become gentle, gurgling past the cliff.

The water flow jumped down from the edge of the cliff, forming a waterfall.

Walking slowly to the edge of the cliff, Fang Chang looked at the situation below. Since the source is only a small stream, the waterfall is very gentle. The water flowing from the Huanhua Stream splashes on the occasionally protruding stones and plants, and then keeps falling spilled.

The water vapor brought by the waterfall made the clouds and mist on the edge of the cliff denser. As the setting sun slanted, a small rainbow rose from the edge of the cliff, like an arch bridge.


Fang Chang was a little surprised.

He could vaguely sense that after the new stream was connected and the small waterfall formed on the edge of the cliff, the feng shui on this fairy cliff was even better.

Because I practiced here, I had an inspiration on the slowly rising cliff and lived for it.

In sight, everything on this fairy habitat cliff is more agile, the air is fresher, the vegetation is stronger, the animals and insects are more active, and even the soil and stones have become full of vitality.

This change even spread to two or three surrounding hills.

Good thing.

Fang Chang smiled, took a broom to clean up the surrounding area, then put away the tools, returned to his kitchen thatched shed, and began to prepare dinner for himself.

Today is vegetarian.

The changes on the cliffs of the immortals in Yunzhong Mountain can’t be hidden from the gods who manage this mountain and river.

The mountain **** Zhang Chun was in his cave, and the chestnuts fell to the ground in surprise. He turned his head and looked west.

“Is it Fang Shangxian? What happened?”

He was having dinner just now, and he didn’t expect to suddenly feel some changes in the west of the cave. Fortunately, he was able to tell that the changes were for the better.

The crutch lightly touched the ground, and the figure of the mountain **** flashed on a nearby high mountain. With the light of the setting sun, he looked at the Xianqi Cliff from a distance.

In his eyes, Xianqiya has become completely different.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, the originally aura-rich fairy habitat cliff has become like a treasure land, and now it can be called a blessed land and cave.

But thinking of Fang Chang living on Xianqi Cliff, the mountain **** is not surprised:

Change the world, what a great skill…

However, this is only worthy of the status of an immortal.

In my heart, the Mountain God’s evaluation of Chang Fang has increased several levels, and I respect this expert even more in my heart.

He didn’t rush back to the cave, but carefully observed the direction of Xianqi Cliff. This change not only benefited Xianqi Cliff and the mountain peaks behind, but also benefited several surrounding mountains.

After sighing, the mountain **** muttered silently:

“This is really ‘where there are immortals, there are spirits’…”

“This is really Yun Zhongshan’s luck.”

Fang Chang was arranging his blue cloth package again.

Be sure to take the two books with you when you go down the mountain. They can not only practice at all times, but also keep mosquitoes away.

Then use the cloth bag that the mountain **** sent plums, put two catties of nuts in the package, and use it as a boredom snack. Nuts in Yunzhong Mountain are very delicious. When Fang Chang was wandering on the mountain, he would often collect some, mix them together, and put them in a basket to eat every day.

Since I decided to use the descaling technique, it is no longer necessary to change clothes, so I don’t need to bring them. He wrapped a pair of chopsticks and put them in again, wrapped the package well, tried it on his back, and it still fit snugly.

Two months have passed, and the empty gourd on the wall has decayed.

Fang Chang thought for a while, went to cut a fresh bamboo tube, walked up the Huanhua River outside the door, filled the mountain spring at the source of the stream with water, plugged it with a cork, tied a rope and hung it around his waist.

Maybe this time I go down the mountain, I can bring some more wine up.

He looked up at the distance, but felt that the autumn rain was coming, so he took off the bamboo hat from the wall and carried it on his back.

Money matters are easy to talk about.

Fang Chang didn’t touch that piece of rough jade again.

Since the mine, the shed next to him is full of copper, and copper is almost equivalent to money. In many places, the same weight of copper is more expensive than the same weight of money. Therefore, there are often people who melt copper coins into copper castings. People, the human government will severely crack down on this.

Choose a piece of copper ingot and hold it in your hand, everything is perfect.

It’s like going out for a stroll in the mountains, this trip, he still doesn’t lock the door.

And he doesn’t have a lock either.

Sprinkle some quicklime in the house, close the fence door of the thatched house, and Fang Chang tied it with a string to prevent it from being damaged by the wind.

Then he walked to the edge of the cliff and jumped straight from the newly formed waterfall of Huanhuaxi.

It’s still the same path, but the water sprinkled next to it, washed the soil, and formed a small pool, which is quite wild.

Linxi Village has entered the harvest season.

At this time, it was already high in the sun, and the villagers were busy harvesting the corn in the field with small blades. They gently cut off the full ears and put them in bags to transport back.

Wait until evening before rubbing the corn. This is a technical job that requires the whole family to do it.

Fang Chang deliberately did not attract attention, so he passed by busy villagers one after another on the mountain road, but no one noticed him.

On the official road, it is still as lively as in the past.

Those who sat in Chinese chariots, those who rode donkeys, mules and horses, those who carried carts and carts, and those who walked alone with packages on their backs. These people wore leather boots, straw sandals and even bare feet, and wore silk brocade cotton linen clothes, coming and going on the official road.

Walking among them, Fang Chang seemed out of place.

After a closer look, it is more in tune with this road than pedestrians, and it feels a bit misplaced.

Before the middle of the sun, Fang Changxing arrived at Huqiao Town. After checking the sky, he crossed Fuhu Bridge and walked straight towards the town.

Second update

Thank you Roze, daughter for your reward

(end of this chapter)

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