Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 – 【All The Way To The West】

Chapter 53 [All the way to the West]


Someone was talking to him, and Xie Guangan became interested in an instant. He talked endlessly, but it didn’t affect the movement of eating noodles at all.

“In this peaceful world, interesting things always emerge in endlessly.”

“However, my old Xie always travels between Huaifeng Mansion and Long’an Mansion on weekdays, so I only know about the affairs of these two places. Those farther away are just rumors. Random rumors.”

“Just say that my Huaifeng Mansion has recently been regarded as a prosperous literary style. Last time, eight people passed the state examination at the same time. This is the first time in thousands of years.”

“They are preparing to go to the capital to take part in the examination. I don’t know how many of them failed this time, and how many of them went to high school. I hope they will be good officials after they become officials…”

“There is also Long’an Mansion. Three months ago, an old man became addicted to listening to operas, and he also held a martial arts competition for his daughter to recruit relatives. As a result, when the competition was halfway through and the winner was not yet decided, the daughter who was unwilling to do so went to her mother and cried. .”

“Then the old lady became violent and beat up the old man in public. Naturally, the martial arts competition failed to go on. That scene was really joyful, tsk tsk tsk…”

During the conversation, more than half of the noodles in the two bowls had gone down.

Xie Guangan continued:

“The most sensational thing around here is what happened last time in Huqiao Town. It was just before and after we met last time. Do you know, sir?”

“I was also passing by here at the time, and I only knew the beginning, but not the follow-up.” After Fang Chang finished speaking, he took a chopstick of noodles and put it in his mouth with mutton.

The noodles and meat are mixed and chewed, quite soft and delicious, with a smooth mouth, and the poached egg is just right, the yolk is dark orange and steaming.

Xie Guangan heard Fang Chang’s words and said enthusiastically:

“But it turned out that the victim’s family came out from the county government office and sued the evil gentry Pang Yuanwai’s family. It happened that the county magistrate Yao was upright, so he immediately ordered people to arrest the town’s servants and evil gentry and sentenced them to death.” For a felony, five thousand miles will be issued.”

“Furthermore, it is said that the clerk Qian, who was in collusion with this Pang Yuanwai and overshadowed the sky in the mansion, was sentenced to beheaded. On the day of the execution, many people went to see it, and they all applauded.”

“It’s a pity that I have to run around all day for my livelihood, and Nanning River Mansion is really not on the way, so I couldn’t see it.”

“Liu Changqing’s family is really lucky. Combined with the previous rumors about Pang Yuan’s family, people in the town say that his family is blessed by gods. But I think that people must help themselves and God helps them. It must be his family members who help themselves first.”

Fang Chang smiled without saying a word, and buried himself in eating noodles.

What Xie Guangan said is right, that dog demon is indeed a member of Liu Changqing’s family, if it weren’t for the frequent occurrence of strange things here, I would not have paid attention to it.

Man must help himself and heaven will help him, that’s right.

Leaving the noodle stall, Fang Chang suddenly moved, turned a corner, and went to Liu Changqing’s house to have a look.

The thatched cottage and the fence are still the same, but laughter has already been restored here. It seems that the injustice a few months ago did not leave too many scars on this family.

The empty cowshed became a utility room, full of tools and firewood.

A child is playing with his yellow dog in the yard. I saw the little boy throwing the sandbag out from time to time, and seeing the yellow dog bring it back, he clapped his hands and laughed, and the two played very harmoniously.

The yellow dog turned his head occasionally, and suddenly found Fang Chang looking at him not far from the fenced yard, his face was instantly overjoyed.

But it couldn’t get away from playing with the little master. It could only stand up when the little boy turned around to pick up the sandbags, and arched his front paws towards Fang Changyuan, but Fang Xianchang raised his head to return the salute, smiled and turned away. go.

It turned its head and continued to grab the sandbag.

Leaving Liu Changqing’s house, Fang Chang is going to go to the land in Huqiao Town to say hello.

I went down the mountain this time just to touch the opportunity, without a clear goal and a clear time, there is no need to pass the door of a friend and not enter.

Walking around the town casually, he bought a pack of sesame candy and carried it in his hand.

People do not blame.

This land temple is backed by a prosperous town, and the incense is still abundant, at least far stronger than the mountain **** of Yunzhongshan.

Fang Chang twisted half a tactic at the door as a knock, and then was welcomed into the mansion by the land lord. The two sat down and chatted for a while.

Wu Huaijin, the land of Huqiao Town, is considered to have a wide range of friends among the gods, and he has a lot of friendship with the people around him.

According to the land lord, the Qian scribe did not escape after all. After being beheaded at the execution ground, he was detained in the City God Hall and punished according to the previous judgment.

He received a thousand sticks and had his legs cut off for fifty rounds before being thrown into reincarnation, reborn as a larvae, and incapable of a human body for millions of years.


Fang Chang commented in this way.

The official road passing through Huqiao Town is facing north and south.

Although it is an official road, the original origin is no longer available. We only know that this road has existed since ancient times and has been repaired every year.

Going north from Huqiao Town, the official road leads directly to the vicinity of Linxi Village, and then faces east at the southern foot of Yunzhong Mountain, leading to Long’an Mansion. Not far from Huqiao Town to the south, the official road turned here and passed westward until it reached Huaifeng Mansion.

The geographical transportation in the vicinity has been like this for thousands of years, which also makes the road between Huqiao Town and Ninghefu City in the south quite difficult.

Fortunately, there have been rumors over the years that several magistrates have plans to build an official road from Ninghe Mansion to Huqiao Town, which will make it much more convenient to travel from Ninghe Mansion to the two neighboring prefectures.

It’s just that the plan can’t keep up with the changes, and Ninghe Mansion always doesn’t have the conditions.

Fang Chang came out from the south of Huqiao Town with a burden on his back, and turned westward.

The mountain spring water in the bamboo tube around his waist has been drunk, and now he has replaced it with a whole tube of sorghum wine, but he is not in a hurry to enjoy it, but takes out a handful of variegated nuts from the package, and slowly peels and eats them as he walks.

The broken shells are thrown on both sides of the road. These will degrade into fertilizer in a short time and will not pollute the environment.

The official road spreads across the wilderness, passing farmland dense forests, ponds and rivers, with idyllic scenery on both sides. Roadside canals are relatively rare, but the bridges passing by the official roads are still well repaired.

The roadside weeds in this season also have full ears, bent like golden corn ears in the fields near and far.

Like Linxi Village, there are people harvesting everywhere. On the big and small roads, farmers carried or carried, or drove donkeys and mules to push wheelbarrows, and moved the annual harvest from the fields to their homes.

Large carts are valuables, and even wealthy people may not be able to afford them. You can see large carts on the road for long-distance hauling, and they are rarely used to go to the fields to harvest.

People who come and go are busy.

There is only Fang Chang, who walks leisurely and quickly on the road, without worrying about food, clothing, fame and fortune, and is at ease.

Even if I went down the mountain this time, it was just to take a chance.

Whether it is successful or not depends on God’s will, but nothing is achieved, and it is just a tour down the mountain.

The remaining veins of Yunzhong Mountain are on the east and west sides, stretching towards the south, as if embracing Ninghe Mansion, forcing the official road to turn slightly and pass through the foot of the mountain.

Fang Chang passed a section of hillside road, and after passing a short valley, he saw that the front suddenly opened up.

Not far away is the boundary of Huaifeng Mansion.

The sky is a bit gloomy, with moisture and coolness in the wind.

Not far away, a group of people were resting under the big tree. They seemed to have had enough rest and were getting up one after another.

Seeing these people from a distance, Fang Chang’s eyes suddenly froze.

Thank you user_Fengchuan, book friend 20191206180325476 for rewarding~

(end of this chapter)

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