Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 598

Chapter 596 – 【Tao Follows Nature】

Chapter 596 [Tao follows nature]

“Why do you say that? So what if it’s true?” Fang Chang was a little curious. After all, he didn’t see any connection between the other party’s storytelling and whether there are gods in the world.

Speaking of this topic, the young storyteller became happy, and he said excitedly: “If everyone knows that there are real gods in the world, they will definitely be more interested in the book I am talking about, rather than just listening to it for fun. You Do you know, there are immortals in the world, maybe a passer-by on the road is one.”

While talking, the storyteller glanced outside the teahouse, looking at each passerby one by one, as if hoping that someone would suddenly become a fairy.

An audience member who was about to leave next to him heard the storyteller’s words and said sarcastically, “What you said is quite pleasant, but after listening to it, everyone still has other things to do. What does it matter to us whether there are gods or not? People always have to eat.”

The young storyteller was quite shocked, his face was flushed, and the veins on his forehead were bursting out. He hesitated but couldn’t say anything. And the audience also left straight away, and soon there were fewer people gathered in the teahouse.

Fang Chang saw that the storyteller’s eyes were a little straight, thought for a while, and then explained: “There are no gods in the world, we still have to look at the real way, maybe we can find a way to write faster.” Looking at the opponent’s face, a cloud formed under his feet, floating half a foot above the ground, and then flew out through the window, riding the cloud away.

I think this scene can give the storyteller enough stimulation, and maybe it will bring some changes to him.


When riding a cloud in the sky, looking at the ground under your feet is very different from walking on the road.

The speed of the cloud is very fast, and there is a whistling wind beside it. Due to the sunshine, all kinds of scenery on the ground below are very clear and bright. , Weaving into a rough net, including villages, cities, farmland, and wilderness together, it is tight and tough.

Suddenly felt a familiar breath, Fang Chang’s heart moved slightly, and then he slowed down and pressed Luo Yun’s head.

There is a thick fog in the valley. If ordinary people walk in, they will definitely feel that they can’t see their fingers. The surrounding mountains were covered, and there were no plants due to lack of light, but the white light scattered by the mist still gave birth to weeds everywhere.

The fog had no effect on Fang Chang, of course. He could clearly see that there was a path among the weeds, and it seemed that people often walked around. Then use your eyesight to look into the air, and you can vaguely see a picture, and then stare hard, and then you can see the true face of the picture clearly.

The mountains, rivers, trees and fields full of crops are drawn on it, and there is a small village in the middle. No matter what kind of scenery it is, it is very clear and real. Most strikingly, the scenery above is alive.

Trees and blades of grass are swaying, proving that there is a wind blowing. Birds and animals in the forest are flying and jumping, butterflies are flying in the grass beside the road, and the water in the river is flowing slowly. The most obvious thing is the people on the screen, people basking in the sun in the village, people watering the vegetable patch, children playing in the village, people chopping firewood on the mountain… They are lifelike, or they are living people.

This picture is exactly the map of mountains and rivers that Fang Chang placed here at the beginning, and it forms a world inside, which is constantly improving as time goes by. If it weren’t for the past hundred years, Fang Chang’s cultivation base has also been continuously improved. If Fang Chang was here a hundred years ago, it would be really difficult to find traces of the Mountain and River Map.

He didn’t go into the picture, and he didn’t disturb the clean life of the villagers in Liuliang Village.

It was a very interesting place on the map of mountains and rivers, which attracted Fang Chang’s attention and made him look at it a few more times.

There is a building next to the small village in Tuli. It seems that it has been built for some years. It has small characters written on it, but it is an earth temple. And the **** statue in the temple is emitting a light that is difficult for ordinary people to see. It is obvious that a **** has been born and is protecting this small village.

It seems that the world in the map of mountains and rivers has become very complete.

What Fang Chang finds interesting is that the new **** in the map of mountains and rivers has no affiliation with the outer heaven. It seems that the heaven does not have jurisdiction over this separate world.

The heavenly court mainly maintains the order of the gods. Even the heavenly court will not interfere too much with mortal affairs, let alone dare to interfere. At most, it will respond to praying for rain and deal with out-of-control monsters. Since the problem of the fusion of the two worlds was solved by the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Court has gradually begun to shrink its power, and it does not extend its tentacles to every place as it did at the beginning.

Fang Chang knew the reason. About a few decades ago, when he was watching the sky at night, he discovered that hundreds of years later, the world would experience a disappearance of ideas.

The inspiration of the two worlds scattered in the heaven and the earth will return to the heaven and earth, and the impact on the world may be profound. Practice will become extremely difficult, the number of goblins will be greatly reduced, and even the quantity and quality of elixir will decline rapidly, and even the life span of practitioners will be shortened.

As for how long it will last and when it will recover, it is not clear, because the celestial phenomena have not yet reflected it. Regardless of whether the aura has completely disappeared since then, or it has recovered after experiencing a trough, that is a matter for the future.

Fang Chang didn’t care much about this. For him, even the practice itself was not worth caring about, and the changes in the world were all natural and in line with the Dao. For ordinary people, this change may be a good thing, because other ethnic groups will decline and humanity will flourish.

Before leaving the map of mountains and rivers, Fang Chang checked briefly to ensure that the changes in the world would not affect the map too much.

It’s not far from the emperor, and the road is smooth, so let’s go and have a look.

After the passing of time, the newly built imperial city wall has become old. For the people here, it is only natural that this big city stands here. After years of running the city and the imperial court, they have become a little tired. However, due to the efforts of the previous emperors, the government of the world is still strong.

The prosperity of various places will be reflected in the imperial capital. This is the economic center of the world and the center of culture. Everywhere is like a scene of burning oil. Food, clothing and housing are all available, and the popularization of education in this dynasty has also allowed even the waiter and porter here to speak elegantly.

Fang Chang also saw the railway around the city. Many people still went up to take a look for novelty, and some people found it convenient. It is quite convenient to use it to travel or transport some things. Due to its high popularity, small stalls are also crowded next to several small stations, attracting many surrounding residents to come here to buy things from time to time.

(end of this chapter)

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