Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 – 【Frightened Bamboo Spirit】

Chapter 6 [Frightened Bamboo Spirit]

Seeing the woodcutter disappear from the foot of the mountain, Fang Chang smiled and stopped chopping bamboo.

In the bamboo forest, there is a delicacy called bamboo shoots.

It is the young shoots of bamboo when it first grows. The bamboo shoots are available all year round. The most delicious seasons are spring and winter. It is not this time. Even so, it is still a delicacy and easy to obtain.

Fang Chang had already spotted them just now, but because the woodcutter was at the side, he needed to finish cutting the bamboo first.

Due to the crude tools, picking is still a bit difficult. Fortunately, at this time, you only need to find the tips of the bamboo shoots that have emerged from the ground. Picking the bamboo shoots carefully so as not to damage the underground rhizomes and scales of the bamboo, Fang Chang filled a small half of the basket before stopping.

After going back, in the bonfire, roast the bamboo shoots with their skins on and eat them. It should be good.

In the process of looking for bamboo shoots, Fang Chang also found some traces, which belonged to another delicacy, a kind of rodent-bamboo rat.

Looking around carefully, on the sunny hillside where the bamboo forest is located, there are quite a few caves under the grass, which is quite in line with the living habits of bamboo rats. This hillside will be a better source of food in the future.

Although the bamboo rat is very agile, it is not a problem for Fang Chang. After practicing, his skills are getting better and better. He no longer needs traps for hunting. However, considering that he currently does not have any cooking utensils other than the bonfire, Fang Chang temporarily let go of these delicious ingredients.

He picked up the stone ax and continued to cut bamboo.

The bamboo spirit in the distance continued to tremble, but did not dare to move. It knew that it was moving slowly, so if it moved rashly, it might be caught up and cut.

After all, no matter for ordinary people or the person who is practicing in the distance, his whole body is good material.

However, Fang Chang still found this unique bamboo.

After all, in the straight bamboo forest, a thick bamboo that twists itself into a crooked pattern and keeps shaking is hard to be inconspicuous.

After knocking down the last big bamboo, Fang Chang walked over with a stone ax in his hand.

The bamboo spirit trembled even more.

It knows that it has been discovered and will soon meet a miserable end. The bamboo spirit has accepted its fate, but it is still afraid.

I am so miserable… I have grown up silently in this deserted mountain for so many years, and after my spiritual enlightenment, I have endured endless loneliness and loneliness, and I don’t even have anyone of the same kind to communicate with…

This short life is about to end…Maybe soon it will become all kinds of bamboo bowls and chopsticks, mats and stools, flagpoles and poles…

I really envy humans…

Bamboo Essence couldn’t help but think of the human beings he saw. As the spirits of heaven and earth, they were born with wisdom, bodies that could move freely, and the number of communicable species that he envied.

The most important thing is that they live much safer lives.

If there is an afterlife, it must be reincarnated as a human…

Fang Chang walked to the side of this twisted big bamboo, circled it twice, amazed. The white-haired monkey also ran over, jumping, spinning, and somersaulting on several bamboo poles nearby.

Tapped the big bamboo pole lightly with the handle of the axe, Fang Chang said to the monkey next to him:

“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

The monkey jumped up and down on the nearby bamboo pole, looked around a few times, and squeaked in agreement.

The bamboo shakes more violently.

“Let’s go, let’s go back to the cliff, the roof hasn’t been built yet.” Fang Chang said with a smile to the monkey beside him.

Then while the bamboo spirit was trembling, he gathered forty big bamboos together, and without cutting off the branches and leaves, he found twenty rattans and tied them in bundles, put the stone ax back into the basket, and took a deep breath:


Using inhuman strength, Fang Chang put two bundles of bamboo on his left and right shoulders, greeted the monkey, and walked towards his residence.

Along the way, it was still like walking on the ground.

The bamboo spirit dared to straighten up when he saw people and monkeys walking away.

Who is this person, who obviously found himself, but didn’t cut himself off like in the legend? Could it be that he thinks he is too thin and wants to fatten up before cutting? Will they come again in the future, can they stay here…

Although born hollow, bamboo spirits have intense thinking activities.

After straightening up, the bamboo spirit is taller than other bamboos in the bamboo forest, like a mast in the sea.

Fang Chang carried two bundles of bamboo, and when he returned to his hut, the sun had already passed the middle.

Bundling the picked bamboos in the open space, he walked to the stream, washed the bamboo shoots one by one by the clear stream, and put them back into the basket.

The bonfire had been extinguished. Fang Chang took out hay and fire tools from under the bed, pulled the fire bow, lit the fire again, and then put the washed bamboo shoots in without peeling them to roast.

After thinking about it, he baked the fruit together.

I will eat cooked food for lunch today.

Sitting on a stone bench next to the big stone table, Fang Chang waited until the heat was up, took out the whole roasted bamboo shoots, peeled them, rubbed them with a little coarse salt, and took a bite.

After roasting, the taste of the bamboo shoots becomes very sweet, with a little salt, it is very delicious.

After the fruit is roasted, it is sweeter and has a special flavor. Some fruits even become soft and waxy, like roasted sweet potatoes.

Fang Chang lightly tossed a roasted bamboo shoot to the monkey in the tree far away:

“Brother Monkey, I invite you to eat the roasted bamboo shoots, be careful not to burn them.”

Ling Kong took it, and the monkey grinned, flipped the roasted bamboo shoots back and forth several times, and then peeled them off like Fang Long, eating them deliciously and quickly.

Seeing the monkey’s eyes rolling around the food on his table after eating, Fang Chang smiled and threw another roasted fruit over. The monkey continued to take it, bowed to Fang Chang, and then changed to a higher branch to enjoy.

Taking advantage of the sunshine, Fang Chang took out “The Way of Practice” from the shack and read a few more chapters.

The road of practice is like water dripping from stone, it is a process that accumulates over time. According to this book that guides the way you practice, you must follow the principles of nature, polish your body and mind, and make the gods and the body, and the body and the heaven and the earth, so that the road can be hopeful.

After enjoying a while of leisure, Fang Chang closed the book, then got up, and walked towards the bundle of bamboo he had cut in the morning.

In my spiritual sense, it will rain in two days.

Add a roof to the new house, and there will be a place to shelter from the rain.

Untied the ropes of the bamboo bundles, Fang Chang selected a few, removed the branches and leaves and split them into two pieces, and then went to the stream to find long, sharp stones to use as chisels, cut them off at a suitable position on the bamboo, and used the stones to cut them off. and a chisel to carve the recess.

He tied the six half-split bamboos into three herringbone characters, and then added a small crossbeam near the intersection to form a triangle. The sides of the glyph brackets are neatly tied at the same height.

Fang Chang is going to make the roof on the ground, and then install it on the house frame together.

Use endless strength, just so willful.

The next step is to use bamboo branches and leaves, and green thatch found not far away, and weave them on the new roof along the direction left by the rainwater.

The ridge part of the roof is covered with thick and long thatch, and the two ends are also downhill to prevent water leakage.

It is the easiest to install. Compared with the big stone that was carried over and used as a table, the new square roof is as light as a feather.

He easily added the roof to the frame of the house, and tied it with thin rattan to ensure that the roof can remain strong in the wind and rain.

When it rains, there is a high probability that there will be wind, so it is necessary to prevent “thatched huts being broken by mountain winds”.

Since the old book is not yet finished, it will be updated every day for the time being~

The new book asks for a recommendation ticket!

(end of this chapter)

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