Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 600

~ Completion Testimonials And New Book Projects

End of this testimonial and new book plan

It’s over, it feels like a long time has passed since the book was opened (it’s true).

Several endings of Fang Chang will be placed outside the episode, and will be released before and after the release of the new book. Please keep the book in the bookshelf and keep it. Zhuzi humbly begs here.

The reason for writing this book is actually quite a coincidence. The reason is also mentioned in the testimonials on the shelf. The originally planned work did not feel very good, so I temporarily changed the theme of Xianxia, and I started to release it after preparing for a period of time. I like it very much.

Actually, there are quite a few problems with this book. I had a fluke mentality when I started the book, and then gradually discovered its fatality during the writing process. In the final analysis, I was still insufficiently prepared. I started the book without straightening out the outline, and the theme of “Wild Survival” was written too short in a hurry. Storytelling is the main thing, and the end is a bit like a road essay.

In fact, it is also possible to fill in the water next time, interspersed with some small stories or something, but the original prepared story has already been told and ended, and after thinking about it, I feel that there is no need to continue, so I plan to finish the book in 600 chapters, but in the end it is still The six hundred chapters were not written, and the fixed-frame word count was more than 1.2 million words, which is not too long for an online article.

The results of the book are about the same as when it was put on the shelves, and the average order is about 1,200, because the update before the shelf is stretched, and the update in the middle is even more problematic. Not only Cavin, but also because of work and life, the pressure in middle age is high, the children are gradually naughty, and they dare not touch fish codes at work, coupled with the sense of emptiness caused by the outline problem, so the procrastination is getting worse.

If you have the ability to keep updating, you may have better results. After all, the core of web articles is still updating.

The new book is about to write science fiction.

In the last book, I set the flag to write science fiction, but I responded to Jie and wrote Xianxia.

This time I still plan to start on the things I have accumulated before. As for the content of the new book, I will roughly use some stories to explain the various solutions to the Fermi Paradox. I hope that the new book will also have some breakthroughs and gains for me in terms of writing. I hope I can bring wonderful stories and stories that everyone likes.

I want to learn the lessons of this book this time, and I will be fully prepared to straighten out the outline before starting to write. It may take at least a month or two. As usual, no matter what the grades are, the new book will definitely be finished. There are two completed books in front of you, so you can guarantee your integrity and read with confidence.

I hope that the update of the new book will be better.

After the new book is released, I will post chapters here to let everyone know. If anyone likes the subject of science fiction, please support it when the time comes.

I wish you all a happy, healthy and safe life, and a happy and comfortable life.

Bamboo Thanks again.

(end of this chapter)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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