Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 62

Chapter 62 – 【Retired Jianghu】

Chapter 62 [Retreating from the rivers and lakes]

The old man’s habits have not changed since then, and he is dressed in black, which makes his white hair stand out even more.

Looking from Fang Chang’s angle, he could find a wooden crutch leaning against the door.

But the old man walked steadily, and the crutch was also covered with dust, which showed that he didn’t need it for the time being.

Fang Chang just watched quietly, watching the old man surnamed Fan walk into the courtyard, put on bunt and practiced two sets of punches, watched the old man sigh while watching the sunset, and watched the smoke rising from the kitchen in the courtyard…

He didn’t jump back to the ground until it was getting dark.

Throwing up a cloud of Zhongshan pine nuts, Fang Chang caught it with his mouth, chewed it carefully while walking slowly, and walked in the other direction of Lulin Town.

After simple consideration, he was not going to ask the old man surnamed Fan face to face, because seeing the old man, Fang Chang couldn’t bear to disturb his life.

Moreover, if you come to ask directly, you may not necessarily get an answer, and you may not necessarily get the truth.

People working outside the town began to return home one after another.

The aroma of dinner wafted everywhere, and mothers began to call loudly at the gate of the courtyard for the children who had forgotten to go home. Their loud and high voices spread to every corner of the town, reminding those children of the taste of fried meat on bamboo boards, and their hearts shudder.

Several small shops in the small town were close to closing. Fang Chang found a grocery store, went in and asked:

“Shop, do you have rice paper?”

The owner of the shop put down his rice bowl and came out, bowed slightly and said: “The guest is joking, there are not many scholars in this town, and they can’t afford expensive rice paper—the shop only sells raw paper.”

“Urban paper is also acceptable, please give me two knives.”

“Alright! Wait a minute, sir.”

The store owner wiped his hands with a cloth, and opened the curtain on the shelf to pick up the goods.

The raw edge paper is made of bamboo pulp, which is relatively cheap, delicate and light.

As far as paper is concerned, according to the rules, seventy sheets are one knife, and two swords are one hundred and forty sheets. If you are more frugal, you can use it for a long time.

After receiving a large stack of papers from the shopkeeper, Fang Chang held them in his hand without counting them.

He thanked the shop owner and came to the edge of the town.

There is an earth temple here.

When Yuanshen came to this town to look for it, he knew the location of this temple, and Yuanshen even put incense sticks in front of the temple, praying for success in finding his parents.

Of course, it didn’t work: the public authority of the land never includes the item of “responsiveness to requests”, and this kind of thing is obviously beyond the ability of the land.

Walking in front of the temple, Fang Chang twisted half a formula as usual. For things like visiting local gods, he has become familiar with it after this period of time.

A moment later, the land of Lulin Town appeared in front of the door, and bowed long: “I don’t know if the God came here, but the little God greeted me at a distance, and I hope to forgive my sins. What orders does the God have?”

Digong’s reaction was no different from those he met before.

It even made Fang Chang feel a little boring.

It seems that when they come into contact with people who know how to restrain the gods, they will default to the other party’s cultivation base and power, and their postures are all placed very low. Seeing Fang Chang’s demeanor again confirms the preconceived notion in his heart .

But he didn’t know that Fang Chang’s cultivation was only miraculous, and he could cast spells at will, and his own cultivation base was not very advanced.

Fang Chang also used this appearance before, intimidating all kinds of monsters and gods. Without fighting, he wandered around far and near, and handled a few things properly.

Of course, these gods from all over the world cannot be blamed. After all, Fang Chang’s situation is very rare, and in this era, lack of information and narrow knowledge are common.

Besides, the way of life, of course, must be adapted to the general situation. From the perspective of probability, only in this way can we live stably and live for a long time.

Fang Chang returned the gift to the land of Lulin Town, and said: “I take the liberty of visiting, but I have something to ask the Lord of the Land for help. I hope I can explain the ins and outs.”

This action made the land princess feel a little more at ease, and the head of the party sent an invitation: “I also hope that Shangxian will come to the mansion to talk about it.”

The two entered together, sat down as guest and host, and chatted for a few words.

The surname of the land owner is Lin.

This is the common surname in Lulin Town.

Similarly, although the name of Lulin Town seems to have a poetic origin, it is not the case. It has this name only because there are a lot of deer and forest people here, not because there were “deer-producing forests” here in ancient times.

“Shangxian is too polite, too polite…”

After receiving the two knives of rough-edged paper, the Landlord could not put it down, his face was full of joy, and he was not even willing to refuse.

Those who can take up positions such as mountain gods, land city gods, etc. must be literate, or literacy is also a basic requirement for these positions, so they must have demand for paper stationery.

Because most of the audience are ordinary people, for the two types of land and mountain gods, paper that can belong to them for their own private use is also considered a luxury.

“As long as the land owner likes it.”

Seeing the other party’s expression, Fang Chang knew that he had chosen the right gift. If he had those digital golden fingers in the novel, he might be able to see a series of green “favorability +1” on the head of the land.

Lin Tutu stopped his thoughts, put the two pieces of rough-edged paper aside, and the other party said: “Thank you Fang Shangxian for the gift, this is indeed of great use to the little god…but I don’t know what the Shangxian wants to do, specifically?”

Fang Chang smiled and said:

“Recently, I am investigating a past incident, which happened nearly twenty years ago. I just found an insider in the town today.”

“But I only need to know what happened in the past, and think about it. Only by letting the Lord of the Land take me into his dream, can I have a chance to know all the things of the year, and I will not be affected by memory decline and personal emotions.”

Responding to Fang Chang’s request, Duke Tudi laughed and said, “This is an easy matter, but when will Shangxian want to do it?”

“Tonight will be fine.”

“The Immortal wait a moment, when the night is quiet, we will go together.”

The art of entering a dream is where the gods are stronger than the practitioners. As a local god, this is something within the jurisdiction of the local gods, and it is as natural as instinct to use.

In addition, these city gods’ lands are not physical bodies in the first place, so the operation must be more delicate and mysterious.

Of course, gods like the City God and Land are by no means ghosts. If you have to study them carefully, they are a wonderful state between the body and the soul under the rules of heaven and earth.

Lying on his couch, Fan Zhou slept deeply.

Since the golden basin washed his hands, he returned to his home with all his savings, repacked the collapsed house, hired some cooks and servants, and prepared to spend the rest of his life here.

He was very tired after wandering for most of his life.

Once you enter the rivers and lakes, you can’t help yourself.

Over the years, he has done both good and bad things. On the road, he has many friends and enemies. He has seen the noble and the despicable. He has laughed and never lacked sorrow.

When the old man looked back, Fan Zhou found that he actually got nothing.

Notorious, childless, alone, not to mention not saving much money, those Jianghu affairs are more like wasting time.

After figuring this out, he was disheartened.

Thank you Jianheng Yanzhu and Crazy Moxiao for your rewards

(end of this chapter)

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