Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 81

Chapter 81 – 【Two Dudes】

Chapter 81 [Two playboys]

The bearers did not say a word, but silently quickened their pace.

As physical exertion accelerates, the sweat on their foreheads becomes denser, which is very conspicuous in the sun. This is obviously different from the officials on the official road in early summer.

Fortunately, the bearers were dressed in relatively thin clothes, and they were not too hot—the people in the sedan chair would not let them have time to stop and take off their coats.

The small sedan chair continued to tremble up and down, and there were several boy servants running beside it, all panting and red-faced.

The mountain wind passed by, rolled up the corner of the green door curtain, revealing the people inside. I saw a young man with a sharp mouth, white cheeks, brocade hat and embroidered clothes, and a fan wearing jade.

“Faster! Faster! And…”

At this time, the leader of the bearers in front finally couldn’t help it, and turned around while carrying the chair pole and said:

“Young Master Song, we are not built with iron. If we try to go faster, if we get tired halfway, one or two people will fall, and you will be missed. ‘Stand’ is slower than ‘slow’. And according to the rules, If someone is injured, you have to pay for the soup and medicine.”

Passenger surnamed Song’s urging words were blocked, neither up nor down.

He wanted to have an attack, but he was really worried that these bearers would give up and leave themselves here. There was no front to the village or back to the store.

Seeing that the mouth of the person in the sedan chair was blocked, the bearer who had spoken just now did not continue to pursue, but kept his mouth shut and silently lifted the sedan chair.

It is his job to carry the sedan chair, and it is also the support for supporting his family. He still needs to pay attention to harmony and prosperity. If the Song Gongzi in the sedan chair hadn’t been too hasty and excessive, he would not have said anything.

Afterwards, Xu Shi was really afraid that he might miss the itinerary, so the people inside did not dare to urge the bearers any more, but began to curse the boy servant bitterly:

“And Song An, Song Quan, you dog slaves! After learning the news, you were not strict, and let the child surnamed Lu know! I am so angry!”

“After I get back, my lord, I will definitely find out who leaked the news, and beat him hard! If I can’t find out, hum! None of you can escape, and you will all be punished!”


The servant next to him hurried up to apologize, coax and appease.

Then, Mr. Song began to curse his coachman again. In his opinion, if the car hadn’t broken down, why would he choose this sedan chair, and why he walked so slowly, it was all the old coachman’s fault.

The person in the sedan chair is called Song Hongye, he is a little younger, probably a son of an official family.

However, he only has distant relatives who are officials outside, and Song Hongye’s family is very talented and can be considered a wealthy family, but his family education is average, which made him develop an arrogant and lawless temperament at a young age.

It’s just that in recent years, during the process of fighting against Lu Yangcheng, who is the same age of the Lu family in the same city, he has fallen in love with the matter of asking immortals and asking for immortals, and compares them on it.

The two families couldn’t control it, so they had to send servants to guard, and let the two wander around the nearby state capitals.

“Stop! I’m hungry!”

“My lord, there are still two miles ahead, do you want to rest after getting off the official road?” Hearing a loud shout from the person in the sedan chair, the bearer in front turned around and asked towards the sedan chair curtain.

“Stop now!”

Hearing that the bearers yelled a chant, they all lowered their bodies on the side of the official road and put down the sedan chair.

Immediately, a person carrying a food box stepped forward, and someone pulled out a thick tarpaulin from behind, spread it on the ground skillfully, and put a soft cushion on it.

“What’s up today?”

Then Song Hongye stepped out of the car door, sat on the mat, and asked the people next to him.

The servant hurriedly opened the lid of the food box, saw someone offering chopsticks and wet cloth, and introduced:

“Young officer, here are your favorite roast goose, **** bean and ice cream. You are not afraid to let it cool down. Next to it is your favorite liqueur, which has been filled with rose water. Please use it.”

“It’s okay.”

Song Hongye said something emphatically, wiped his hands after being served by the people next to him, then grabbed the leg off the roast goose in the food box, and chewed it in his hand.

The bearers next to them also took the opportunity to rest, took out towels to wipe off their sweat, and took out dry food from their arms to make up for it.

Along the way, the dry food was warmed by the body temperature, and there were slices of pickles in it, just in time to replenish strength and salt.

Among the servants next to them, someone also brought dry food and water, took out a stack of sesame seed cakes to distribute, and gave one to each of the bearers, so that they could relieve some of their grievances.

After drinking and eating, Song Hongye immediately began to urge, and the group set off again.

Seeing that they were about to get off the official road, when they entered the small road next to the entry, a carriage was driving towards them at a fast speed, and the two horses were side by side, trampling loudly.

The familiar follower immediately shouted to the sedan chair:

“Young officials, it’s Mr. Lu and the others!”


The curtain of the car was lifted suddenly, Song Hongye poked his head out and looked towards the opposite side, just in time to see the curtain of the opposite carriage was also lifted, and a face that made his teeth itch was looking at this side.


Song Hongye shouted, and the bearers stopped and stood at the entrance of the path. Seeing that the road was blocked by the carriage on the opposite side, the coachman lightly pulled the reins and let the carriage stop slowly with a groan.

The car in front of me is of good quality and beautiful in appearance, with carved patterns and colorful paint.

Seeing this scene, Song Hongye was furious. He also had a car like this, but it was still being repaired when it broke down. Otherwise, it would be much faster to come here, and he would not have to meet this person.

Only this kind of car can sit without bumps, which is why he chose a sedan chair this time instead of those cars in the car and horse dealership—those cars in the car and horse dealership are really not friendly to the buttocks.

The person on the opposite side lifted the curtain of the carriage door and said with a smile: “Brother Song, long time no see, are you here?”

Here, Song Hongye couldn’t control his temper at all, but he still maintained his rationality, and just said fiercely: “My surname is Lu, you actually bribed my people, you have broken the rules! I will remember, sir!”

“Hehe!” Lu Yangcheng on the opposite side laughed contemptuously: “You still use these three melons and dates to buy you? You can ask the source of the news, but I can’t? Sure enough, you are a fool who is ignorant of the world.”


“What me? Can you hit me or scold me? Just make way, Brother Song.”


Lv Yangcheng looked at Song Hongye with a victorious expression. The latter was even more angry, but he couldn’t speak. Then he held back for a while, and angrily said to the porters and servants next to him: “No! Keep going!”

Lu Yangcheng in the back didn’t care, and said to the driver in front and the people around:

“Don’t worry, follow him slowly.”

Beside him, Tong Pu, who was close to him, asked: “Young official, do you not exceed him?”

“No need.” Lu Yangcheng said with a grin, “Song Hongye, thinks he can walk quickly? This is not the boys queuing up to buy sesame seed cakes. First come doesn’t mean first served, the fairy fate should be mine!”

“Young officials are smart, and they will definitely be favored by immortals.”

“Hahahaha, well said.” Hearing the compliment from his subordinate, Lu Yangcheng said complacently.

Thanks to the book addicted boy C, Chi Chi and others for the reward

(end of this chapter)

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