Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – 【The Back Mountain Becomes A Sea Of ​​Clouds】

Chapter 9 [The back mountain turns into a sea of clouds]

Fang Chang smiled and looked around.

The spring water here is higher, so you can see a farther and wider area, and the sight is clear now.

The scenery in the mountains behind is vivid, and the clouds and air flow above, vaguely showing the shape of mountains, rivers and vegetation, and it seems that there are tigers, leopards, deer and sheep hidden in it, fresh and full of vitality.

Below the mountain is the human world, and the human race is prosperous, and you can vaguely feel the grandeur.

Only the nearby mountain villages are not in danger.


Fang Chang looked intently, and saw that the mountain village at the bottom of the mountain was surrounded by a trace of decay, and it seemed that there was black air wrapped around it, so he couldn’t see clearly for a while.

There is only this village near Yunzhong Mountain, and there is an official road near the village. When Fang Chang came to Yunzhong Mountain before, he turned directly from the official road and did not pass through this small mountain village.

But considering the distance the woodcutter can travel on foot, there is nothing else. That small mountain village should be Linxi Village where the woodcutter Lin Hai is located.

What happened here?

Or is something about to happen?

Regarding the situation of Linxi Village, Fang Chang didn’t pay much attention to it, because with his eyesight, he could see the clouds above Linxi Village, which was gestating a trace of vitality while decaying.

The so-called sky is endless, there must be a way to solve the crisis under the crisis, Fang Zhang secretly sighed in his heart: I hope they can survive this disaster.

Fang Chang had a slight liking for the mountain village where the villagers pooled money together to treat Lin Hai’s seriously ill friend.

However, he knew that he was not good enough at calculating now, so he couldn’t immediately figure out the situation in Linxi Village, so he put it in the back of his mind and ignored it.

Beckoning, Fang Chang led the monkey to continue wandering in the mountains.

The sun rises gradually.

He moved quickly in the mountains, stopping from time to time to check the soil quality, while the white-haired monkey tried to follow not far away—although it didn’t know why he wanted to follow the person in front of him so much.

As the rising sun sprinkles the sunlight, the water vapor in the mountains rises, which is formed by the evaporation of rainwater before, and the water vapor interweaves with dense fog, gradually thickening.

With a heartbeat, Fang Chang returned to the mountain peak behind Xianqi Cliff, and began to climb up.

The monkey hesitated for a moment, but followed suit.

Along the way, the strange peaks are steep and interspersed with strange rocks. It is quite difficult to travel, and sometimes you have to go to the sky to grab the monkey.

The precipitous peak can only be climbed up by Fang Chang’s skill, and the remoteness of Yunzhong Mountain makes this peak invisible.

Standing on the highest point, the field of vision suddenly opened up, and a boundless sea of clouds spread out in front of Fang Chang.

Here can already feel the high altitude cold, the wind is quite biting. Looking down, Xianqi Cliff was separated by thick clouds and completely disappeared.

Surrounded by clouds and mists, surrounded by high and low, it is like facing the shore of the sea, with surging waves and splashing waves.

This scene makes people feel complacent and fascinated.

Feeling the vastness and magnificence of nature, Fang Chang felt that his mood was broadened, his thoughts were clear, and even his breathing became a little smoother.

Unknowingly, I have made some progress in my cultivation, which makes people even more delighted.

Noticing that there was no movement nearby, Fang Chang turned his head to look aside.

This sea of clouds is already making the white-haired monkeys look crazy.

The white fluff on its body kept shaking in the wind, but the monkey was as stiff as it was, motionless.

In this mountain, no monkey has ever climbed to such a high place.

Somewhere in the heart, the monkey suddenly moved, and put on a posture with five hearts facing the sky. Fang Chang saw this, smiled slightly, and gave way a little far away.

From this posture, monkeys with four limbs have a considerable advantage over most wild beasts. Many monsters cannot take this standard posture even if their joints are broken. It’s a pity that the way of heaven is balanced, and most monkeys are irritable, difficult to open their spirits, and even harder to practice. This little white-haired monkey can be regarded as “the hope of the whole monkey group”.

Fang Chang knew that it was preparing to refine Henggu, which was an important hurdle on the way of monster cultivation.

The wind and cloud seemed to be gathering, but it was difficult because of the top of the mountain, and there were a few thunderclaps in the clouds below.

Although refining the crossbone is important, there will not be too many obstacles. This monkey has never done evil, cause and effect are not entangled, the sympathy between heaven and man is not intense, and there will usually be no catastrophe.

Ghosts are usually stuck in the front part. It is a chance for the white-haired monkey to encounter the long dial and then come to the sea of clouds on the top of the mountain after the rain.

The wind dissipated, and the monkey made a “boo” sound.

Seeing this scene, Fang Chang understood that the monkey had successfully passed the gate. He gave the monkey a thumbs-up, and said with a smile, “Congratulations, Brother Monkey, it will be more beneficial to consolidate your savings for a long time. I will retire first, and I have other things to do.” So he withdrew and went down the mountain, leaving the monkey alone in the distance.

Yunzhongshan is really rich in products.

Fang Chang returned to the foot of the peak, walked around the valleys and slopes, and easily found suitable pottery soil, and the location was not too far from Xianqi Cliff.

Fang Chang, in order to prevent his clothes from being soiled, found broad leaves to put on the basket, took out the thin stone flakes from the basket, dug a basket full of pottery soil, and prepared to carry it back for testing.

The surrounding mountains and forests are still steaming and very humid, so it is not suitable for looking for firewood.

Fortunately, Fang Chang had accumulated enough firewood before it rained, and the surrounding woods were vast, and he was very strong. The firewood filled up the previous shack, and even made a circle in the new house, and his bed was also neatly arranged. There are firewood and a lot of hay.

Relighted the fire pit that had been extinguished, and the moisture in the house gradually began to dissipate.

Fang Chang left the house and dug a pit and mud in front of the door. What he used was not pottery clay, but ordinary soil in front of the door. To cook pottery, a stove was needed first.

Dig a small hole in the ground, and Fang Chang used a large piece of mud to make a flat plate with holes, and put it aside to dry. This is the grate, and it needs to be fired for it to work.

Then, he began to add water to the clay, and after it was formed into a block, he kept beating and cooking it. After it felt right to the hand, he began to pinch some utensils, jars, jars, and bowls. He made four or five pieces and put them aside to dry.

Poured water to wash his hands, wiped his face, Fang Chang made himself a cup of tea.

It will take some time for the utensil embryo to dry, and the grate will also need time to dry. During the waiting time, Fang Chang planned to upgrade the bed for himself, and at the same time continue to polish his little jade knife.

Use a small stone chisel, take out a few bamboos and split them, cut them to a suitable length, like bamboo rafts, and tie them side by side on the horizontal bamboo slices.

Tried it, it is still very strong.

There is no need to install the bed legs. He still puts this bamboo bed board on the firewood pile, between the hay and firewood, so that the body can be flatter and more comfortable when sleeping, and no longer need to be hit by raised wooden knots.

Fang Chang ate something and took a leisurely nap for a while.

At this time, he really found some happiness of “man in the mountains”.

In the afternoon, he carried the rattan basket on his back and loaded it with stone axes and bamboo slices. Fang Chang was going to go to the hillside where he discovered the pottery clay, and then dig another basket back.

After identifying the direction, he chose another way to go around.

While passing halfway up a mountain, Fang Chang found out by accident—the continuous mountain grass covered a small temple half the height of a person, only a corner was exposed.


Digression: The book has been signed, and the contract will be sent tomorrow. Everyone can rest assured to invest and earn some coins~

(end of this chapter)

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