Cultivation Pet Shop

201 Chapter 201

The deer had quite the imposing aura when it came out, but all of that disappeared when it saw Lin Fan.

It could tell from the aura around Lin Fan that this human was dangerous and what Lin Fan did after that proved it right.

Without even waiting for the deer to even react, Lin Fan's fist had already punched out, creating a golden fist out of his laws that flew right at the deer.

This deer was a beast known as the Forest Deer because of the foliage that decorated its horns.

This deer wasn't a small beast, it was actually three times higher than Lin Fan, so it actually stood quite high and the foliage in its horns were quite wide. Hanging off those horns, the foliage almost looked like the trees that were inside a forest, which gave the Forest Deer its name.

That also wasn't the only reason why the Forest Deer had this name, but before it could even show off its abilities, it was smashed into the ground by Lin Fan's golden fist.

This Platinum Realm beast naturally had its own pride, so it wouldn't go down that easily, but it didn't have a chance to get up again.

When the Forest Deer tried to get up again, Lin Fan had already sent another gold fist that had knocked it right back onto the ground.

Every time the Forest Deer tried to stand up, it was knocked down to the ground with another golden fist.

As Lin Fan continued sending out golden fists that knocked the Forest Deer onto the ground, he also slowly moved forward towards the Forest Deer. He approached step by step until he was right by the Forest Deer.

Now that he was beside it, instead of using his golden law of power to punch the Forest Deer, he began punching it with his fists.

The Forest Deer had been struggling to stand up since its pride wouldn't allow itself to back down to this human, but once Lin Fan's fists hit it, its expression changed. Instead of fighting back, after revealing a shocked look, it began moving towards Lin Fan's fists, allowing him to punch it again and again.

As the rain of punches landed on the Forest Deer, its expression once again slowly changed.

It went from the look of surprise that it had at first to a look of pure ecstasy. It wanted Lin Fan to keep punching it forever!

But after a while, Lin Fan stopped to the Forest Deer's dismay.

As soon as Lin Fan stopped punching it, the Forest Deer looked at Lin Fan with a distraught look. It began calling out for Lin Fan to continue to punch it, but Lin Fan just stood there with his hands crossed.

No matter how much the Forest Deer begged, Lin Fan didn't send out a single punch.

Soon it began looking like a wife that had been ignored, begging their husband just for the tiniest bit of attention.

When Lin Fan saw how the Forest Deer was acting, he couldn't stop black lines from appearing on his head.

He had to admit that the effects of his suction power really was effective against beasts, but the reaction they had to it really did make him feel mixed feelings.

But now that thing had reached this point, of course there was only one thing left to do.

Lin Fan raised his hand and Brainy came out of his sleeve to put a seed in his hand. Lin Fan placed that hand in front of the Forest Deer and just waited.

The Forest Deer looked at the seed in Lin Fan's hand and it could tell that this wasn't anything good, but then it looked at Lin Fan again. That feeling just now, it knew that if it followed Lin Fan, it would be able to achieve its dream of reaching the higher realm, but that would mean selling its soul to the devil…

In the end, after a bit of hesitation, the Forest Deer came down and licked the seed out of Lin Fan's hand.

As soon as it did, it could feel the seed's effects appearing inside of it, but it didn't resist at all. It was doing this for its future and since it had already made its decision, there was nothing to fight.

Since the target was willing, it didn't take long for Brainy's seed to quickly spread through the Forest Deer, allowing it to take control over it.

Once Lin Fan received the confirmation from Brainy, he pulled the Forest Deer into his pet storage space for the future.

Even though the Forest Deer didn't get a chance to use it now, it actually had quite the useful ability. It would definitely be of great use to Lin Fan in the future.

As soon as the Forest Deer disappeared, the Voice Orb in the air rang out again.

Lord Yin's voice said, "Congratulations on clearing this stage, but it should have been a little too easy right? Don't worry, the next stages won't be as easy as this one."

Once his voice fell, there was a grinding sound that sounded like rocks pushing against each other that rang out. After a few seconds of this, the wall on the other side of the open space suddenly opened to reveal a passageway for Lin Fan.

This was a game that relied on seeing if the player could defeat the enemy they were given, so there was an array that was here that monitored the vital signs of the beast opponent that was sent out. Once those vital signs weakened far enough or disappeared completely, there was the assumption that the beast could no longer fight or it was completely incapacitated.

If that was the case, then naturally the game was considered over and the player could pass since they had finished their task, which was what had happened.

Lin Fan knew that based on the first room, the others should be the same, so this time he didn't send any scouts out first.

There were only two paths to choose from this time, one left and one right.

Both of the paths looked exactly the same, so they just had to choose a single path.

After flipping a coin, they decided to head down the left path.

After walking for a bit, they came to another open space, but this time this open space was filled with trees and bushes, creating a jungle like environment.

Just like with the first room, there was another Voice Orb that was floating in the air and the moment Lin Fan and Angela walked in, the Voice Orb activated.

Lord Yin's voice rang out once again, "So you chose to go left, it seems like you're more of a sneaky kind of person. Most people would choose to go right since it's their natural dominant side, but you somehow chose to go left. Either that is your dominant side or you are quite the thinker, knowing to go against common thought. But in the end, it didn't matter which way you went because both the games have the same level of difficulty."

After this rant, the tone of Lord Yin's voice changed to become more playful, "Now let's play a simple game of hide and seek. Inside this room, there is a beast that is hiding, all you have to do is find them. If you can find them within twenty four hours, it will be considered your victory. Once you take longer than twenty four hours, a vicious beast will be released into this room for you to fight. Good luck!"

This was much different from the previous game. The last one was a direct fight and now this one was a game of hide and seek, but that didn't matter since Lin Fan was good at both. Or rather he had a pet that was good enough to carry him in this game.

Brainy once again released its scouts and had the Desert Horror Queen release her ants.

His scouting forces headed out in full force, scouring the entire forest, but the area they could search was limited and this forest was actually quite big. To put it in earth terms, it would have been equal to the area of over a thousand football stadiums, which when roughly converted was over five square kilometers.

The beasts under Brainy's control began spreading out in different directions, creating a net that spread outwards with Brainy in the center, looking for any traces possible. But the strange thing was that they couldn't find a single thing.

​ These beasts were all small beasts that were at least in the Bronze Realm, so they had their own spiritual sense. As they released their spiritual sense outwards like a net, they still couldn't find a thing.

The ants had their chemosense which would allow them to search for what they wanted to find by scent, but there wasn't any strange scent here either.

All they could find was the normal scent of the leaves and wood, there was nothing that seemed out of the ordinary.

As time passed, Brainy's scouts swept across the entire forest, but strangely they couldn't find a single sign of what they were looking for.

For the first time in its time following Lin Fan, Brainy actually couldn't find what Lin Fan wanted it to find which frustrated it.

Brainy used even more spiritual sense to bring out even more scouts that continued to sweep through the forest, but still it couldn't find anything.

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