Cultivation Pet Shop

257 Chapter 257

Lin Fan was confused again as he asked, "Mission? What mission?

The Leo puppet answered, "You should have seen the past of this realm since I can sense one of the special items from the prize shop on you. That item is something that you can only get if you finish the impossible mission and learn our past. That is why I gave you this special test."

The Leo puppet turned to the corpse of the mother bunny beast and picked it up to pat it on its back, causing it to suddenly wake up like nothing had happened.

Seeing the shocked look on Lin Fan's face, he said, "Normally you would never see this part since the normal test would be indeed a test of determination since we need determined individuals to help us take our revenge, however if you know our past, there's something else we need to test since you are eligible to inherit our mission. That is why we had to test your compassion and you certainly passed with flying colours."

Lin Fan then asked, "You still haven't told me what the mission is."

The Leo puppet revealed a smile and said, "Right, right, I was getting to that. The mission of our realm is to collect the twelve tokens of the Zodiac Realm and open it to revive the Saintess. We needed someone who would actually keep their promises instead of running away with the true inheritance, which is why we tested your compassion. We needed to know if you could be trusted to help and you've passed with flying colours."

The Leo puppet went back to his throne and he suddenly reached into the space beside it, causing a vortex to appear before something appeared in his hand.

When that item appeared, Momonga immediately knit his brows since he felt a familiar aura from it. It was the aura that he had felt from the token Lin Fan had brought back before from the Inheritance Realm.

p The Leo puppet held the token out in front of Lin Fan as he said, "This is a token that's only given to the Twelve Zodiac Knights. If you can gather all twelve, the Zodiac Realm will be opened once again. I now entrust this to you in hopes that you will collect all twelve and help us revive the Saintess."

Lin Fan was stunned when he saw this.

He had actually put this in the back of his mind and had almost forgotten about it, but seeing this token now, he remembered where he was and what he had been trying to find. It was one of the twelve tokens that he needed for the mission from the system, the mission that would unlock a top grade cultivation realm for him!

Lin Fan gave a nod as he took the token and said, "I'll be sure to help you with this when I find them all, I'm really interested in this Zodiac Realm."

When the Leo puppet heard this, it revealed a faint smile before saying, "Now, it's time for me to go and time for you to meet the Ruler, are you ready?"

When Momonga heard this, he actually took a step forward since this had been what he was waiting for.

Momonga had been waiting patiently on the side during this test because he knew that this test would give Lin Fan something that he lacked. He had found that from time to time, it seemed like there were two different personalities that were inside of Lin Fan and they seemed to clash.

It made him hesitate when certain important decisions should be made and it seemed like there were key triggers for him.

Momonga had already guessed what the contents of this test would be, so he wanted to see if he could use it to push Lin Fan to finally make a breakthrough. When he saw Lin Fan suddenly decide to step forward to protect the smaller cage, he knew that Lin Fan would change from now on and he was deeply happy for him.

What Momonga didn't realize was that slowly he had begun to accept Lin Fan as part of his family. Perhaps he had been lonely too long, but after spending all that time with Lin Fan, teaching him, he almost saw him as a little brother, which was why he went this far to take care of him.

But the reason why he had stepped forward was because he wanted to talk to Leo, the main fragment of Leo's soul left in this realm to maintain it that would be appearing now.

There was a sudden glow around the Leo puppet before his expression suddenly changed.

It went from that smile to a dignified expression which it used to look over Lin Fan. But that didn't last long since that expression soon filled with shock the moment Leo noticed Momonga standing beside him.

Leo immediately bowed down like the other fragment had done and said, "Lord Momonga, what are you doing here?"

Momonga just said, "Call the other fragment of your soul and you'll find out. It's troublesome to explain again."

Leo slightly knit his brows when he heard this, but of course he still followed Momonga's instructions and called the other fragment of his soul over.

Leo closed his eyes for a few minutes as he organized the memories before opening his eyes again and giving a deep bow, "Lord Momonga, thank you for agreeing to help me with this request."

Momonga nodded before saying, "What can you give this kid?"

Leo turned to Lin Fan and said, "Since he has Lord Momonga's approval, I'll give him the full inheritance. He will receive this entire castle and all the treasures contained within, but…"

Lin Fan had been filled with excitement when he heard that he would be receiving the castle, but he knit his brows when he heard the word but.

Lin Fan quickly asked, "But what?"

Leo revealed an awkward look as he said, "The castle's power system isn't charged at all and there isn't any more power source for it in this realm, so there's no way to move this castle."

Lin Fan immediately revealed a disappointed look, but then he remembered that there were still treasures. This was treasure that had once belonged to a top grade cultivation realm, it would definitely be something good.

But once again his hopes were shattered again with Leo's next words.

Leo hesitantly said, "Also while I say all the treasures contained within, most of the treasures were lost when the realm was destroyed. The few treasures that were hidden in stashes around the realm were also raided and they've already been emptied, there's nothing really left. But at the very least, you can have everything in the point shop since there's no need to leave them there with the inheritance being given."

Lin Fan felt a bit of consolation when he heard this. There were indeed quite a few treasures in that point shop, including a Ruler Grade Artifact, but of course it was too strong for Lin Fan to use right now and even if he did reach a point where he could use it, it was actually quite the weak artifact according to Momonga.

But still, he was in no position to criticize since he was being given something for free.

Before Lin Fan could say anything else, Momonga cut in, "Do you know the location of any of the other tokens?"

Leo was surprised to hear this, but he shook his head and said, "No, I've lost contact with all of the other Zodiac Knights after the fall of the Zodiac Realm, so I have no idea where the rest of them are. I pray that you'll be able to find them eventually."

Momonga took a deep breath and paused for a few minutes before suddenly saying, "Do you know where the rest of our people are?"

Leo's expression filled with sadness when he heard this, but once again he shook his head and said, "I lost contact with them after that incident and I was taken in by the Saintess after that. I tried finding them, but I never received any news. I think they know it's best for them to hide if they didn't have anything to rely on like me with the Zodiac Realm."

Momonga nodded before saying, "You're all disappearing on me, what am I supposed to do?"

Leo's eyes filled with sympathy as he said, "Lord Momonga, at least you're not alone now, right?"

Momonga couldn't help turning to Lin Fan and Angela before turning back to say with a faint smile, "Well, you're right there." Then after a pause, he added, "Do you want me to keep you alive?"

Leo shook his head immediately at this, "Lord Momonga, I'm only a fragment of a soul right now. You and I both know that death is the better option."

Momonga didn't say a word in response to this. He just turned and walked away, almost as if he had been betrayed.

He had finally stuck himself out like this, but he had been rejected, so it was no wonder he felt this way.

But there was nothing that Leo could do. Being a fragmented piece of a soul had many implications and he was right, it was better for him to die than to remain in this world any longer.

Still, before Leo left, he turned to Lin Fan and Angela and gave them a bow before saying, "Please take care of Lord Momonga. He might seem hard on the outside, but he's quite the soft person, or at least that's what my master always told me."

Lin Fan just said with a solemn look, "We will."

Leo gave them one last bow before the light drained out of the eyes of the puppet and it crumpled to the ground.

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