Cultivation Pet Shop

299 Chapter 299

The soul fragment began telling the story of the Beast King from many generations ago.

The Beast King was a talented individual, but he hadn't always been that way.

The Beast King was a sly person and had slowly made his way up from being a lowly beast, killing various mutated beasts and slowly gathering divine blood until it had become a second mutation beast.

Once it had become a second mutation beast, its cultivation had soared, but it had always still acted alone, which was why no one was with it when it came down to the Blue Star Planet.

The Beast King had heard that there was a special artifact that had fallen down onto this human lower realm, so he had snuck down here to try and find it. However, it wasn't that easy to find and unknowingly, time passed quickly. Before he knew it, he had already spent over ten years on the Blue Star Planet, wandering all over it.

He had found the general area of the artifact, but he still couldn't find the specific artifact in the end.

But he didn't get a chance to keep searching.

For someone as high profile as one of the Kings of the Beast Race, naturally there were people who were keeping track on him.

If he only disappeared for a short period of time, perhaps he could go unnoticed, but the more time passed, the more likely he was to be noticed.

Ten years was a long time for a lower realm, but for an upper realm with higher levels of cultivation, it wasn't considered a long time, but it also wasn't considered a short amount of time.

Eventually the Beast King was discovered and there were human experts that had descended down from a Stellar Kingdom who came looking for the Beast King.

The Blue Star Planet at that time was still a realm that hadn't discovered cultivation yet, so all of these experts hid themselves among the normal people, making it hard for them to find each other.

Finally, the Beast King was revealed because the upper realm experts had used a pet that could track the aura unique to all Beast Race members to find him.

The one leading the experts from the Stellar Kingdom was one of the princesses from the Stellar Kingdom. She was one with ambition and she naturally wanted the throne, but that was unlikely in this male dominated society that was the Stellar Kingdom that she came from even though her cultivation was much higher than the rest of her competitors. The only way she would be able to take the throne was if she performed some brave acts and gained merits.

Taking down one of the Kings from the Beast Race would definitely be a good option.

But along the way, the princess had also heard rumours about the various questions the Beast King had been asking in this lower realm. It didn't take much for her to put it together that this Beast King was searching for something special.

The princess and her group secretly followed the Beast King as he headed to the location he believed the artifact was hidden.

As for what happened next, the soul fragment didn't know.

When the soul fragment suddenly stopped its story, Jiang Zhi Shu couldn't help saying, "Don't just stop there! Tell us what happened next!"

The soul fragment stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before saying, "I can't, I don't remember what happened. All I know is that both my main body and the princess mutually destroyed each other and our souls were scattered across this lower realm. After that, the servants of the princess found one of the local upper realms to take over this world while the rulers of the Beast Race felt the disappearance of one of their Kings, sending their forces to investigate. Once they found that my main body's soul was scattered across this lower realm, they sent their forces in to collect the parts of my soul to bring me back. That was what caused the war between beasts and humans to start in this lower realm."

Jiang Zhi Shu and Jiang Qi Tai couldn't help being awed.

This was a story that they had heard many times as part of the Jiang Family.

Even though the Jiang Family hadn't been around during that time, they were still tasked with protecting this Blue Star Planet. Naturally they would continue passing down the stories from the past.

Only they never got the full story, they only received a partial recounting which started after the war.

Lin Fan wasn't surprised by what he had heard since he already had some idea that this realm was special. He was in deep thought for a bit before asking, "What was the artifact that the Beast King was looking for?"

The tiny dark figure shook its head before saying, "I don't remember, but I just know that it was a special artifact. I remembered that it was something that could even tempt Rulers."

Jiang Zhi Shu and Jiang Qi Tai were a bit confused by these terminology, but Lin Fan wasn't after his trip to the Sacred Rock Realm.

He had a good idea of the power structure of this universe and he knew that Rulers were at the very peak of this universe. If even they would have been tempted by this artifact, it must be something very special.

Then there was the information that there was a Stellar Kingdom princess that was behind the various upper realm factions that were on the Blue Star Planet…

Lin Fan had been feeling confident with his increase in power, but now that he knew that there was someone from a Stellar Kingdom pulling the strings, his confidence once again deflated. It seemed like he still needed to keep his head low, he still wasn't powerful enough.

Lin Fan looked at the tiny dark figure in his hand and said, "Is there anything else you know?"

The tiny dark figure looked awkward as it stood there hesitating.

Lin Fan knitted his brows when he saw this and he just gave a soft snort before saying, "It seems like you might need a bit more training."

The tiny dark figure flinched at this before giving a sigh and saying, "There is something that I've noticed recently, but I wasn't sure if I should bring it up."

Lin Fan just said in a snappy voice, "Spit it out already."

The tiny dark figure gave another sigh before saying, "Recently I've noticed a stronger connection to the other soul fragments, in particular one powerful one."

Lin Fan asked, "What does that mean?"

The tiny dark figure said, "It means that there is probably another fragment that is gathering fragments and gaining power. If I had to say what it is, it should be the main fragment slowly recovering itself by taking in other fragments."

Lin Fan knitted his brows when he heard this.

If this was true, it meant that the Beast King was slowly recovering and if there was a day that it did recover, that would be a bad scenario for the Blue Star Planet.

If he could, he would want to destroy this main fragment before it could recover…

Lin Fan didn't bother with this any longer as he let the soul fragment return to the crystal.

Even though he had just learned the story behind the Blue Star Planet, there was still nothing for him to do right now, so it was business as usual. His current first priority was finishing the mission and seeing what his next mission was.

In addition to that, he realized that even if was considered the big fish of this small pond, that was all he was in the end. His next hope was that the mission after this current one would bring him up to the next realm since all his hope lay in the system and his pet shop. If he didn't have those, he definitely couldn't compare to other geniuses.

It almost seemed like all signs were pointing towards him reaching the Legendary Realm.

However, he knew that before he could reach the Legendary Realm, there was still something that he had to take care of.

So time passed and with the help of both of the top powers in this city, Lin Fan's shop became more and more popular.

Unlike before, this time he even had a full support team behind him which allowed him to purchase as many advertisements as he needed. After all, all the money that he earned with his other business was naturally used to help him and since his power relied on the shop, there was no reason for him not to spend his money on the shop.

During this time, Jiang Qi Tai and Liu Mei had also been spending more and more time at the shop, even going as far as helping out with the store.

Lin Fan didn't mind this since Jiang Qi Tai and Liu Mei were both quite popular in this city, so there were quite a few of their fans that came to see them.

Even Jiang Zhi Shu and Yuan Xiang Qin all had fans that came since they were all quite beautiful.

Of course, none of them could compare to the amount of fans that Angela had.

If it was the previous Lin Fan, he definitely would have thrown them out since they were all flirting with each other in his store, but now he was different.

But that flirting did hurt the customers who did see it, especially the lowly dogs. They definitely didn't like being fed dog food.

A week passed and another week passed before Lin Fan finally heard the voice of the system that he had been waiting for.

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