Cultivation Pet Shop

316 Chapter 316

On the way to Snow Wind City, the Lin Family ancestor and Lin Fan once again sat in silence.

After seeing that Lin Fan was determined to head to Snow Wind City, the Lin Family ancestor knew that there was no other choice, so he decided to take Lin Fan there in his airship.

As for Mu Bo Hai, while he did feel for the people of Snow Wind City, there was no way he could just give up everything and head there. After all, he was the crux of the Mu Family and he was responsible for them.

But when Mu Bo Hai separated from them, he did tell Lin Fan that he would try to convince the Union Government as much as he could.

While they both knew that these were empty words, Lin Fan still thanked Mu Bo Hai.

While flying across the land, the Lin Family airship did come across two of the beast waves which they avoided.

These beast waves could only move as fast as their slowest members and they did have quite a few Iron and Bronze Realm beasts among them.

While they were beasts, so they could move at a decent speed, their cultivations were still too shallow, so it was hard for them to move fast enough. At the very least, they weren't able to move as fast as the airships and that was for normal airships.

The Lin Family ancestor's airship was custom made and was several times faster than normal airships, so it was hard for these beasts to catch it.

Moving through all these beasts, they finally saw Snow Wind City on the horizon.

The city was still untouched since not a single beast wave had arrived, but it was a bit too calm.

It seemed like the city still didn't have information that the beast waves were approaching them, so they didn't set up their defenses yet.

With the way things seemed to be going, it seemed like the city would definitely be destroyed.

They didn't waste any time as they landed the airship in the airship yard in the field and quickly headed to Lin Fan's pet shop first.

It was already the afternoon, but Lin Fan was certain that the people he needed to see would be gathered there.

Once he arrived, everyone inside the pet shop was surprised to see him.

There were all his friends that were inside the store like it was any other day, just hanging out.

Most of them were surprised since Lin Fan had just set off three days ago, but now he was already back. By normal standards, he shouldn't be back already since it would have taken him another two days to come back by airship.

Still, they came over to welcome him back even if they were surprised, but Lin Fan didn't give them a chance to do so.

Lin Fan immediately found the person he was looking for, Wang Da Dong.

Ever since the incident with the Feng Family, the remaining three royal families had all treated Lin Fan as one of them even though he was only a single person.

After Lin Fan had left, while others didn't pay attention to information on Lin Fan, they had kept track of him the entire time.

It really wasn't hard since it was hard to miss news of a pet shop that was as special as Lin Fan's. So they had a good idea of what Lin Fan had been doing during this time.

With each story that they heard and with each stronger opponent that Lin Fan defeated, the three royal families fell more and more into line. After Lin Fan had even defeated an upper realm representative, they immediately took Lin Fan's little pet shop as the number one force in the shop.

They came together and decided to follow Lin Fan.

Wang Da Dong was the one who approached Lin Fan first, so the Wang Family behind him profited the most off of this.

They were now the leading family of the three royal families and Wang Da Dong was regarded as an important person by all three, since he was their contact with Lin Fan.

Lin Fan had heard of this from Momonga way back, but he didn't mind since this meant that Snow Wind City would be united and peaceful, which was good for his family.

But with how dire the situation was, Lin Fan needed Wang Da Dong to contact the three royal families to gather them all together.

It didn't take long for the three royal families to gather. It would have taken longer, but they had been shocked since this was Lin Fan's first time gathering them all together, so they reacted quicker than normal.

The family heads of all three royal families gathered in Lin Fan's shop, sitting around an impromptu meeting hall right in the center of the store. Lin Fan didn't actually have a table big enough in his shop, so he had to borrow one from the restaurant down the street.

With all four of them gathered at this table, the heads of the three royal families all looked at Lin Fan with confused looks as they waited for him to start.

Lin Fan looked around him and after a few seconds, he said with a sigh, "Snow Wind City is about to end."

All three of the family heads revealed even more confused look as they looked right at Lin Fan, clearly not understanding what he had just said.

The Wang Family Head asked, "Owner Lin, what do you mean by that?"

Lin Fan paused again before explaining what had just happened.

He started with the Union Government meeting to the fight with the King Beasts to the ambush, and finally he arrived at Snow Wind City's situation. He clearly told them the Union Government's plan for Snow Wind City.

The three family heads didn't know how to respond to this since this was just too much for them.

There were seven beast waves that contained fourteen King Beasts that were currently heading for Snow Wind City.

It had to be known, Snow Wind City was only a B Rank City with a few royal families, it wasn't even an A Rank City. They definitely didn't have a Legendary Realm Expert and even if they did, what would that do?

There were basically fourteen Legendary Realm Experts that were heading towards them.

The first thought they had was to run away, but they knew that it was too late based on what Lin Fan had told them.

The second thought they had was to give up since they knew that there was nothing they could do.

The only regret they had was that they couldn't believe the Union Government that they believed in would just sacrifice them like this. They had faithfully served the Union Government for years and now they were being treated like this.

But even if they felt wronged, what could they do in this situation?

Was there even a way to escape this with their lives?

Seeing that the three family heads had all given up, Lin Fan could tell what they were thinking.

It was at this time that he said, "I don't know what you all plan on doing, but I plan on fighting."

The three family heads looked at Lin Fan with depressed looks before the Wang Family Head said, "But Owner Lin, how can we take care of all those King Beasts? We don't even have a single Legendary Realm Expert…"

Lin Fan shook his head and said, "That's not true, there's a few here."

The three family heads looked around and realized that he was right.

They had of course done their own investigation into Lin Fan's store and they knew that the ones that worked here weren't simple.

It was clear that there were experts here that they couldn't fathom, but would that be enough?

Lin Fan could see their doubts, but he didn't alleviate them. Instead he looked over at the three family heads and asked, "Will you fight with me?"

The three family heads immediately fell into deep thought at this as they began weighing the pros and cons.

If they fought, it meant clashing directly against the beast waves and they would have to suffer the consequences of that.

But if they didn't fight, while they would be able to bunker down and hope that the beast wave wouldn't attack them, there was still a very high chance that they would be destroyed when the beast wave came.

In the end, all three of the family heads were sitting on the fence about this.

That was until Lin Fan said, "Don't you want to defend your home?"

This struck a chord with all three of them.

Their families had existed before their generations and they had all been born in Snow Wind City, so this city did have a special meaning for them.

While they could leave this city at any time and resettle in another place, the city still had a special place in their heart since it contained most of their memories.

In the end, people just weren't willing to see their homes being destroyed.

The three of them looked over at each other and then with tacit understanding, the three of them said, "We'll fight."

Lin Fan nodded when he heard this and then he cupped his hands to the three of them as he said, "Thank you."

The three of them cupped their hands back.

Without wasting any more time, they began their strategy meeting.

This was a meeting that would decide the lives of everyone in the city.

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