Cultivation Pet Shop

390 Chapter 390

This was a voice that no one could recognize, but the words that he said had a special meaning.

p It was someone who was connected to the Hunters Organization, which means that the One Shadow Organization must have some connection as well.

While he was still only taking the Hunters Exam, the fact that he was able to get in meant that he was either powerful or he had some connection with someone with power in the Hunters Organization. It didn't really matter which one it was, they were both bad for the Xu Family.

But Lin Fan didn't panic at all since he knew that it wasn't a problem for him to take this person.

He could tell from this person's aura that he wasn't in the Child Soul Realm, so that meant that there was no threat to him at all.

Even if the Hunters Organization wanted to interfere, Lin Fan also had his own connection with the Hunters Organization since he was also qualified for the Hunters Exam. Not only that, he was qualified to skip the first round of the Hunters Exam, which meant that the person who was backing him didn't have a low status.

While he felt bad about letting the old man protect him, the logical side of him knew that this was the right move.

The Xu Family Head was hesitant after hearing what was discussed in the room, so he turned to look at Lin Fan with a questioning gaze.

Lin Fan looked at him before giving him a nod to assure him.

With this promise, the Xu Family Head cast aside his hesitation and moved into the throne room.

Everybody followed him in, but it didn't take long before the conversation in front of them suddenly stopped.

The One Shadow's voice suddenly asked, "What's going on?"

The other voice said, "Someone's here."

The One Shadow revealed a confused look as he asked, "What do you mean?"

The other voice said with a smile, "It seems like the easy prey that you mentioned isn't that easy after all. They seem to have quite the bite."

The One Shadow turned in the direction that other person was looking in and soon he saw what was coming towards him. As soon as he did, he narrowed his eyes and said, "It's you!"

The Xu Family head didn't hide in the shadows, he walked straight up towards the One Shadow with the other Xu Family experts following behind him.

The Xu Family Head looked right at the One Shadow and said, "It's me, what are you going to do about it?"

The One Shadow was surprised to see that the Xu Family Head was so confident, but then he burst out in laughter before saying, "You really have changed compared to before."

Then he suddenly narrowed his eyes and glared right at him as he said, "I wonder what has changed."

The Xu Family Head just gave a shrug and said, "Why don't you come and find out?"

The One Shadow looked at him for a bit before saying, "I'm sure that you think that I'm alone since you killed off all the ones outside, but I assure you that you don't know anything."

He suddenly gave a snap and there was a change in his shadow. There were several forms that suddenly came out of his shadow and appeared around the One Shadow.

The name the One Shadow Organization had really was well named since these elite troops that they trained were all like shadows.

These people were the true elites of the One Shadow Organization and they were the personal guards of the One Shadow Organization.

Of course, it wasn't them that had the shadow laws, but rather the One Shadow did. He used those shadow laws to keep them in his shadow at all times just in case that he was attacked and he only sent them out on truly important missions.

Each one of these shadows were in the peak Fragmented Soul Realm and there were ten of them present.

All of these shadows were the final fighting force, the ones outside were actually more strategy officers than actual experts, so killing them didn't really bring any harm to the One Shadow Organization.

But even after these appeared, the Xu Family Head didn't panic at all.

He just had the elders that had come with him step forward and prepare to fight these shadows.

In terms of peak Fragmented Soul Realm Experts, the Xu Family was at a disadvantage since they didn't have as many of them. However, they made up for that in terms of numbers.

There were enough high Fragmented Soul Realm Experts to make up for this by ganging up to hold off the peak Fragmented Soul Realm Experts.

As for the others, the only thing they could do was provide ranged support, but in a battle between experts, just a single distraction was fatal. If they were to make a single mistake during this fight, it could cost the life of one of their experts, so the weaker people just stayed back and watched the fight.

The Fragmented Soul Realm Experts of the two sides clashed with each other in their own spaces all around the throne room, leaving the Xu Family Head and the One Shadow to stare at each other.

Behind them were two cloaked figures, one of them being Lin Fan and the other being the Hunters Exam examinee that the One Shadow had found.

Seeing that the fight between the Fragmented Soul Realm Experts wasn't going anywhere, the Xu Family Head looked right at the One Shadow and said, "Shall we get started as well?"

The One Shadow looked at the Xu Family Head for a bit before suddenly giving a laugh. After that laugh, he said, "You really think that I would fight you myself?"

He turned to the cloaked figure beside him and said, "Senior, if you would."

The cloaked figure gave a nod before coming forward to stand in front of the One Shadow as he said, "Un."

Then he raised his palm as he prepared to attack the Xu Family Head, but something happened before that that suddenly caught him off guard.

Before he could attack, there was a spatial rift that suddenly appeared in front of him before Lin Fan popped out of there, grabbing him by the collar. Lifting him up by that collar, Lin Fan swung him before throwing him right into another spatial rift that appeared behind him.

Before anyone else in the room could react, the cloaked figure had disappeared and Lin Fan had also disappeared in the spatial rift.

The One Shadow stared at the location of where they had disappeared in a daze for a bit before suddenly shouting, "What happened? Who was that!"

The Xu Family Head on the other hand had a relaxed smile as he said, "You think you're the only one who can hire helpers?"

The One Shadow trembled when he heard this and for the first time, he didn't feel as confident. He felt that something might go wrong and everything would end here…

But he couldn't allow himself to be weighed down by such thoughts, so the One Shadow shook his head and pulled out his weapon. The weapon that he pulled out was a dagger that was shrouded in daggers.

The One Shadow stared right at the Xu Family Head and shouted, "Let's settle this then!"

The Xu Family Head also took out a giant two handed sword with a wave of his hand and said, "Just what I wanted."

After that, the two of them charged right at each other.

In another part of the underground base, in another room that was even bigger than the previous throne room, Lin Fan and the cloaked figure appeared.

After appearing, Lin Fan threw the cloaked figure across the room before landing on the ground.

The cloaked figure did a turn in the air before sliding to a stop on the ground.

The room that they were in was a training room for the One Shadow Organization that was near the throne room. Brainy had found this room earlier with its spiritual sense as they had been moving through the base and Lin Fan had asked it to create a spiritual sense mark for Lin Fan.

Using that, Lin Fan had teleported both of them here with the spatial laws.

After all, the room that they had been in before was filled with people and if he was to fight this person there, it would be hard to protect the rest.

As for taking care of the One Shadow, Lin Fan had confidence in the Xu Family Head. After all, he had also given him another trump card as well.

After landing, the cloaked figure stood up straight and in a surprise move, they suddenly took off their cloak to reveal their true appearance.

This cloaked figure was a large man with a bald head and bulging muscles. He looked like the definition of a bodybuilder.

After taking off his cloak, the large man said, "That feels so much better, that cloak felt so restrictive."

After stretching himself out, the large man looked at Lin Fan and said, "I'm Yin Qiang, who are you?"

Lin Fan was taken aback by this direct introduction before asking, "What are you up to?"

Yin Qiang just gave a laugh and said, "I'm not really into that being mysterious stuff, it's easier if I'm direct. So, what's your name?"

Lin Fan couldn't help being speechless. This man really was something…

But of course, Lin Fan had no intentions of playing along as he said, "Does it matter when you're about to die?"

Yin Qiang said, "Ze, ze, you really are a hasty young man."

Lin Fan gave a cold snort before five balls of light suddenly shot out in five different directions around him.

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