Cultivation Pet Shop

402 Chapter 402

While everyone was worrying about whether to go in or not, there was someone who suddenly approached Lin Fan.

This was a short young man with a large cap that had goggles on his head with scruffy hair underneath, which made him almost look like an orphan, but no one should look down on him because he was actually in the Embryo Soul Realm.

This young man was actually one of the few seeded candidates that had appeared in the second realm.

Lin Fan noticed him, but he didn't say a thing as he just watched the people hesitating on whether to go in or not.

Finally, that young man was right beside Lin Fan and he said, "How about we work together to take down that True Soul Realm monster?"

Lin Fan was surprised to hear this, but he still turned to look at that person and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

That young man had a smile as he looked at Lin Fan and said, "If I told you that I had a way of weakening the True Soul Realm monster so that you could kill it, would you be willing to work with me?"

Lin Fan raised a brow in doubt, but he still asked, "Tell me, what kind of power do you have that can do that? If it sounds feasible, I'll consider it."

The young man didn't respond right away, but rather he reached out a hand and said, "I'm Mo Ze Chen, what's your name?"

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes to look at this person, but he didn't take his hand as he said, "Lin Fan."

Mo Ze Chen didn't mind this as he said, "Well, let's just say that I have a special ability that would let me weaken the True Soul Realm monster. As long as you're willing to work with me, I'm sure we can both benefit from this."

Lin Fan didn't agree right away, instead he said, "Show me your power then."

Mo Ze Chen revealed an awkward look as he said, "I can only use this power once, so I can't really show it to you now. But if you believe me, I promise that you won't regret it."

Lin Fan looked at him for a bit before turning and walking away.

Mo Ze Chen was actually surprised when he saw Lin Fan turn and he quickly came forward to say, "Wait, I promise that you won't regret it. Just give me a chance."

But before he could grab the hem of Lin Fan's clothes, Lin Fan had already disappeared from his line of sight.

He looked all around, but he couldn't find a trace of Lin Fan at all. Instead of being disappointed, Mo Ze Chen revealed an excited look.

From the moment Lin Fan had appeared, Mo Ze Chen knew that he wasn't a normal person. He knew that as long as he found a way to attach himself to Lin Fan, he would definitely be able to go far.

Mo Ze Chen wasted no time to go looking for Lin Fan, it was just too bad that he wouldn't be able to find Lin Fan at all since Lin Fan was using his shadow laws to hide.

Of course, Lin Fan's shadow laws alone wouldn't have been enough to hide him, so he also hid inside of a void in space to avoid detection. With these two laws working together to hide him, there was no chance that anyone in the Embryo Soul Realm would be able to find him.

Though when he did use this, he also drew the attention of Shi Yan who had been ushering along the people who had just come out of the ruins.

He narrowed his eyes in the direction Lin Fan was hiding since he had never expected someone to have multiple laws like this. Not to mention how skilled Lin Fan was in controlling this, it was clear that he wasn't a novice at this.

Shi Yan even wanted him for a few of his hunts because his laws would definitely be useful, but before that, this kid had to pass the Hunters Exam. Though Shi Yan did decide that he would try to contact this kid after the exam was over, whether he passed or not.

After this interlude, Lin Fan went back to waiting, but that didn't last long since there were more and more teams that were being forced out. They all said the same thing, that there was a True Soul Realm monster that was hiding inside these ruins.

At this time, more and more of the seeded candidates were getting worried about whether or not they should head in or not.

The only thing that kept them going was that there was no seeded candidate that had gone in that had been forced to leave.

Maybe they had died, but they chose to believe that the seeded candidates had some way of escaping the creature, which meant that they must have some chance as well. As long as there was this hope, there was still the chance that they could pass this exam.

However, that hope was getting smaller and smaller the longer they waited.

Finally, the people waiting had no choice but to go in as well and test their luck, otherwise there wouldn't be enough time to do this.

More and more seeded candidates went in, but Lin Fan still waited outside.

He waited another ten minutes after the last seeded candidate went in before looking at his watch. It showed that two hours had already passed and there were only ten hours left.

At this point, there were only two people who hadn't gone in just yet. They were Lin Fan and Mo Ze Chen respectively.

After looking at his watch, Lin Fan looked around himself once again before standing up and moving towards the building. No one noticed him since he had still wrapped himself up in his laws, no one except for Shi Yan that was.

He watched as Lin Fan made his way into the building before waiting five minutes and then turning to Mo Ze Chen who was still walking around looking for Lin Fan.

Shi Yan said, "Hey kid, you're the last one left. Are you going in or not?"

Mo Ze Chen was surprised when he heard this and when he realized that it was Shi Yan, he was even more surprised. But even though it was Shi Yan, Mo Ze Chen said, "But I'm still looking for someone. Wait, last person? What happened to the person who was with me earlier?"

Shi Yan calmly said, "He already went in. Aren't you going in as well?"

Mo Ze Chen revealed a shocked look when he heard this, "Went in? Are you sure? I didn't see anything at all."

Shi Yan didn't bother saying anything else after that, but Mo Ze Chen didn't mind.

Rather, he was quite excited when he thought about it. Lin Fan had the ability to sneak around like this, he must be someone who had powerful laws or some kind of powerful artifact. There was definitely no harm in trying to get close to someone like that…

So Mo Ze Chen didn't hesitate at all as he ran into the building. His first target wasn't to get an artifact, but rather his first target was to find Lin Fan.

As for Shi Yan, he secretly revealed a smile as he watched Mo Ze Chen go in.

He had felt something special coming from this kid, so he knew that he must have some special power. Perhaps he could work with the other kid to take care of the nuisance that was bothering him inside these ruins.

That nuisance was the main reason why he had been unable to fully excavate these ruins, which was also why he brought these kids here. If they were able to take care of it for him, that would be killing three birds with one stone.

After Lin Fan headed into the ruins, he immediately felt the change in the atmosphere around him.

The first change he noticed was the change in quality of the air. As soon as he entered the ruins, he could smell the mold that filled these ruins.

It was clear that there hadn't been anyone in these ruins for a long time, but that also meant that there must be some things that were quite old in these ruins. The inheritance from these ancestors was always something that was welcomed because they usually had quite powerful things.

Lin Fan made his way forward after coming into the ruins and as he spread his spiritual sense around him, he could sense the people who were hiding around the entrance. These must be the people who were going with the strategy of waiting to ambush those that left with artifacts.

Based on how they were anxiously pacing back and forth and the twitches that they had, it was clear that they were getting impatient. After all, they had waited all this time and there was no one that had come.

It was too bad that they didn't know anything about what was happening outside.

Lin Fan ignored these people and these people ignored Lin Fan, but of course that was for two very different reasons.

Lin Fan ignored them because there was nothing for him to gain from them and they ignored him because they couldn't sense him at all.

But after Lin Fan took a few steps into the ruins, there was a roar that suddenly came from in front of him.

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