Cultivation Retirement Plan (BL)

5. I’ll Live As I Died, Alone

“Other disciples?” Mo Yixuan echoed. “Are matters between a master and his core disciple open to scrutiny for every pair of ears in the sect?”

He was unimpressed, because this was similar to something in his past life. Back when he’d mentored Shangguan Yin in the company, the two had plenty of chances to work alone on projects. But somehow, little accidents would always happen and the details leaked to various staff members! Inevitably, Shangguan Yin was always the one getting injured and Mo Yixuan being seen as incompetent at looking after his juniors—or worse, plotting his mishaps on purpose.

Eventually, Mo Yixuan discovered that it’d all been an elaborate ploy by Shangguan Yin to win sympathy for his side, but by then everything was already far too late.

So what was really going on between the injured master and his hopeless charge? A scheming mentor aiming to highlight the uselessness of his disciple? Or a crafty student leaking evidence of his teacher’s misdeeds despite popular opinion supporting the elder? Perhaps it was all really nothing but a series of unfortunate accidents. Perhaps Mo Yixuan really was that meddlesome, and Nan Wuyue truly that clumsy.

None of that mattered in face of the fact that these were their affairs, not his.

Before him, Mu Yelian opened and closed her mouth a few times. It was true, there was something strange about Mo Yixuan’s recent injuries after every task he undertook with Nan Wuyue. But it was equally odd that news of it spread throughout the sect every time! Cultivation was a private affair, and when it came to core disciples, matters between teacher and student were kept under wraps to preserve the secrets of the teachings. Mu Yelian didn’t have core disciples of her own, but she understood the basic logic. So why were Mo Yixuan and Nan Wuyue’s doings as public as city wide proclamations in the secular world?

“It’s only because you’re too nice!” she decided after some thought. “I had to drag the answers out of you plenty of times, and the rest came from your disciples that saw you injured and spread the word amongst themselves! It’s not like Big Brother Xuan was walking around announcing his slights to the world.”

He didn’t have to. Things like that required subtlety to sell themselves off as sincere, and there were plenty of mouths under “Mo Yixuan’s” tutelage that were willing to do the work when requested. Mo Yixuan only marvelled at the naivety of the girl before him and wondered how she’d managed to secure her position as peak lord with such simple views.

“Few see the world as straightforward as you do, junior sister,” Ouyang Che remarked, giving voice to Mo Yixuan’s own thoughts. “I suppose we should take this to mean that Junior Brother Mo has no objections towards Nan Wuyue, as usual?”

Mo Yixuan looked up to meet Ouyang Che’s gaze. There was no expectation there, only an open-minded curiosity, leaving him free to choose. He thought over everything he’d heard so far, then compared it to what he knew about this world. In the end, the choice was obvious.

Sometime later, a freshly bandaged Nan Wuyue was led back to the doors of Mu Yelian’s estate, where he stood waiting patiently for his master to emerge. His talk with Qing’er had went well enough that she shyly patted his sleeve in reassurance before leaving him alone.

What surprised him was that Mo Yixuan reappeared not only with Mu Yelian, but Ouyang Che as well. The regaled scholar and medical genius of Star Pavilion Sect was effectively second-in-command after the sect leader, an unreadable man who had even aided him a few times in his last life. That didn’t mean he considered Ouyang Che trustworthy; no, it was more likely that the man did whatever amused him at the moment, as long as it brought no injury to the sect. But it was true that Ouyang Che harbored an intense dislike of Mo Yixuan, so to see the two men standing side by side without coming to verbal blows was a revelation.

Still, he was inconsequential at the moment. Nan Wuyue pushed the man to the back of his mind as he approached his master. “Shizun, are you ready to return?”

“Mm.” Mo Yixuan only looked long enough to check that his bandages were secure before averting his gaze.

“Then disciple will lead the way,” Nan Wuyue declared, only for Mo Yixuan to shoot him down.

“You stay here.”

Nan Wuyue visibly faltered. “Shizun?”

“I don’t need you at the moment, so remain at Mt. Luojia,” Mo Yixuan elaborated.

A confused, somewhat crestfallen expression crept onto Nan Wuyue’s face. “But this disciple is a student of Mt. Jingting…”

“Little brother, you don’t need to be at Jingting to be a disciple of the peak,” Ouyang Che cut in smoothly. “Besides, you’re wounded. Staying with the healers is the wisest course of action.”

“They’re only minor injuries,” Nan Wuyue protested. “Most of them will heal by tomorrow. I can still train—”

“Then it’s better you keep to yourself!” Mu Yelian cut in next. “With all the times you’ve hurt Big Bro—Peak Lord Mo in your training, it’s a wonder he isn’t joining you under those bandages!”

Nan Wuyue had more to say, but Mo Yixuan abruptly silenced him with his final words. “If you still consider me your master, then do as I say.”

There was no physical force willing him to agree, but the inevitability of his position made Nan Wuyue feel helpless all the same. He bowed his head to hide his resentment and muttered out a pitiful, “Yes, shizun.”

When he was soft and meek like this, he looked as obedient as a mouse. But Mu Yelian only sniffed, while Ouyang Che smiled and Mo Yixuan said nothing. Between the three peak lords, Nan Wuyue’s words fell on deaf ears and blind eyes. His fists clenched inside his sleeves as he willed himself to stay calm. Now wasn’t the time to act out, not before he grew stronger and got what he needed from this accursed sect.

“Yelian, look after your big brother’s disciple,” Ouyang Che tossed back as he unsheathed his sword and tossed it airborne. “I still have some things to discuss with Yixuan, so I’ll see him back.” As his blade floated to settle at their feet, he got on and gestured to Mo Yixuan to join him.

This time, Mo Yixuan stepped on without hesitation and rested a hand on Ouyang Che’s shoulders for balance. The next second, the sword shot into the air, leaving Mu Yelian alone with Nan Wuyue.

“Hmph!” Mu Yelian kicked at a pebble by her feet. “Don’t get comfortable, you’re not hanging around forever. I’m only keeping you here for senior brother’s sake!”

Nan Wuyue only bowed his head lower. “As Peak Lord Mu wishes.”

“Tsk!” Mu Yelian curled her lip before raising her voice. “Qing’er! Take him away. Make sure he’s staying somewhere far from the other disciples—from the other patients too!”

By the time Qing’er had arranged for Nan Wuyue to stay at the very corner of the guest halls at Mt. Luojia, word had already spread throughout the sect of his latest fall from favor. Restless mouths were even speculating on whether the lofty Peak Lord Mo had given up on his core disciple at last. Perhaps he’d even choose a new one to replace him! After all, the inter-faction competitions were coming up, and it’d look bad if Mt. Jingting’s top disciple couldn’t win any of the fights…

None of that reached the ears of Ouyang Che and Mo Yixuan as they flew towards the summit of Mt. Jingting. Up in the air, they had a clear view of the Star Pavilion Sect grounds, which consisted of nine separate peaks surrounding the lush valley. According to Ouyang Che, the mountains here were the tallest in the mortal world and collectively known as the Nine Heavens Range. At night, even someone standing in the valley felt like they could simply reach out and pluck the stars from the sky, thus giving the gorge the name of ‘Star Pavilion.’ From there, Star Pavilion Sect was born.

Many of the mountain peaks here were covered in snow, which was why most peak lords preferred to live at the base, like Mu Yelian, or mid-way up its reaches. However, Mo Yixuan soon found that his own Mt. Jingting was an exception. Although snow greeted them upon arrival, it quickly gave way to a warm green oasis nestled between the peaks, an island of summer bordered by a hardy bamboo forest amongst a wall of white. He saw mist rising in the air and followed it to its source: natural hot springs bubbling from the depths of the mountain that kept the small region green. Ouyang Che directed the sword to land right by the springs, which were situated in Mo Yixuan’s back courtyard, before gesturing towards the door.

“After you,” he said politely.

Mo Yixuan stepped on a carpet of soft grass, then guided his steps over a stone pathway before finally climbing the wooden steps to his home. The doors opened as he approached, sending a breeze into the rooms that lit up the candles one by one until they were flooded in soft, warm light. The interior was decorated in the style of a gentleman scholar, with rows of books upon the shelves and tasteful ornaments in every corner: porcelain vases, jade statuettes, and various wall scrolls of calligraphy or painting. There was just enough decoration to remain elegant without being overdone, though Mo Yixuan could feel that the owner was walking a fine line between refined and ridiculous. Eventually, he found a sitting room and stopped to take a seat, inviting Ouyang Che to do the same.

The man had an exceptionally amused smile as he plopped straight onto a long wooden couch. “To think I’d live to see the day Mo Yixuan invited me into his chambers,” Ouyang Che shook his head. “What a difference a single soak makes.”

Mo Yixuan checked the teapot on the table, saw that it was magically full, and didn’t hesitate to pour them both drinks. “I take it that you two didn’t get along.”

Still nursing a smile, Ouyang Che paused to wave a hand in the air. Something shimmered into form around them before disappearing, too quick for Mo Yixuan to see. The next time he turned towards Ouyang Che, the man was already sipping a cup of tea.

“No, we were perfectly civil in public,” Ouyang Che continued. “We simply couldn’t stand to see each other in private. I knew too many of his nasty secrets, you see.”

“Not that I was trying, but what gave it away?” Mo Yixuan asked.

“Well,” Ouyang Che cupped his chin in one hand. “You don’t hate me enough.”


“No veiled looks, no sneers—you’re even letting me drink from your tableware despite being obsessive about keeping me away.”

“What makes you certain that I’m not the same Mo Yixuan with a new world view?”

“If that was the case, you’d still be a different ‘Mo Yixuan,’ wouldn’t you?” Ouyang Che reasoned. “And well—you’re not channeling your qi properly. Let’s fix that first, shall we? It’s not healthy.”

Sensing no other motives from the man, Mo Yixuan carefully followed his instructions until he sorted out his qi, and felt an instant lightness take over his body. He breathed easier as he admitted, “I wouldn’t know the first thing about it. What makes you so interested in my case?”

“Think of it from my perspective. A so-called stranger has just replaced my junior brother. Leaving aside personal curiosity, I’d have to consider the safety of the sect with you sticking around. That aside, I even owe you my thanks for getting rid of an admittedly terrible personality.”

Mo Yixuan broke into a wry smile. “You don’t like him much at all, do you?”

“Not a bit,” Ouyang Che confessed fully. “I would have found a way to expose him eventually—perhaps with help from that discontent disciple of yours. But for reasons beyond my understanding, the sect leader and our junior sister both adore you. Unless you want them to pick you apart from the inside out, it’s better to stick to your role first and change your personality gradually.” He frowned. “If you have to keep Nan Wuyue away, make it no longer than a week. The original Mo Yixuan wouldn’t have let him out of his sight.”

“And why is that?” Mo Yixuan asked.

“Unfortunately, that’s between the two of you. I wasn’t privy to your personal affairs nor interested in the details. I will say, however, that he’s been more ‘active’ as of late. It might be dangerous to leave him unattended.”

“Is there no way to get rid of him permanently?” Mo Yixuan asked.

Ouyang Che leveled a look at him. “Generally speaking, killing one’s disciples is frowned upon in the sect.”

He was rewarded with a quick glare from the man. “Not that. I mean by letting him find a new master or releasing him from the sect.”

“You think someone that stubborn would agree to either of those options?” Ouyang Che scoffed. “He’s set his sights on you. Whatever happens later, you need to sort things out with him first.”

“I don’t want him around,” Mo Yixuan said flatly.

“Then lock him up or send him on a distant errand,” Ouyang Che reasoned. “It’ll serve the same purpose without raising a row like the other choices.”

“You said it’d be dangerous to leave him unattended.”

“So check in on him.”

“That defeats the purpose of avoiding him outright.”

“So earn his trust first, then send him off. If he likes you enough, he’ll walk the world for you.” After a pause, Ouyang Che shifted in his seat and gave Mo Yixuan a curious look. “He’d be loyal enough once he’s won over.”

“I’m not interested in such things.”

“Then help me out. Now that you’re in this body, what do you want?”

Mo Yixuan thought back to his years on the run, guessing and second-guessing every person that he’d met. His mind reflected on the half day he’d spent here, and all of the cultivators that wanted his attention. It was tiring to consider wrangling with a group of strangers all over again, especially when one had designs on him already.

“To be left to my own devices,” he said finally. “I died alone, and...I’d rather I live alone, too.”


Ouyang Che (歐陽澈)

Ouyang - a two character surname. Ou can mean "to sing, a ballad," Yang is "positive," the yang in "yin yang."
Che - (of water) clear, thorough.

Visual Inspiration:


Second oldest of Mo Yixuan's senior brothers, a scholarly type skilled in the medical arts. Although intelligent, he is also lazy. Rumors have it that he was on bad terms with the original Mo Yixuan, but he seems to take a special interest in his replacement and actively helps him out. Besides Mo Yixuan, he's only member of Star Pavilion Sect with the power to change the sect leader's mind.

Updated glossary with more character visuals! Also, now that I'm back from vacation I'll be shifting focus to my translation project Poison Genius Consort as the readers are in the middle of an exciting storyline. Have fun in the meantime. :3

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