Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 115 – Foodie and Shameless Shadow Guards

Aiko felt so stupid for not checking the currency, but it couldn't be helped, she was so excited about food and visiting the town that she completely forgot about it.

Aiko fiddled with the clothes, reflecting on her excitement.

"Thank you." Aiko thanked the shopkeeper and he smiled at her.

"Be careful around here." He warned her.

"I will be." Aiko smiled and left the shop.

The shopkeeper returned to his lazy demeanour. 'She is probably here because of him. The Mayor will be happy when he finally disappears.' He sighed, but he didn't expect the Fox Village to take such a long time...


Aiko went to a nearby forest to dress up, fortunately, these clothes were much better in terms of ease of use.

It didn't take that long before Aiko could enter the Town once again.

"Halt." A guard stopped her.

"Yes?" Aiko asked innocently, charming the guard.

"1 S-silver to enter the Town." The guard stuttered.

Aiko nodded gently and placed 1 Silver into his hand.


It was as lively as a few moments ago when she was sneaking around. Aiko was staring left and right and an alluring smell drifted from everywhere, making it difficult to pick and choose.

There were buns, soups, porridges, breads, roasted meats, dried meats... anything that you could imagine they would have.

Aiko couldn't decide where to start first, so she went to the first stall.

"Hello~, I would like 4 buns." Aiko smiled, blinding the young stall owner.

"Here, that will be 12 coins." He smiled back at her.

Aiko took the buns but noticed there was one more. She stared at him.

"That one is on the house." He blushed, not meeting her eye.

Aiko nodded, she liked free stuff.

She bit into the bun. It was very soft and filled with meat. The meat quality was alright, but paired with the bun it was delicious.

The second bun was... vegetables... Aiko somehow managed to munch that down, but she didn't enjoy it much...

Others were likewise either meat or vegetables, so Aiko had to vow to herself to remind them to give her only meat buns next time, as she didn't like the vegetable ones.

The next stall was one that served a fragrant soup. It had a light pinkish colour and a few petals drifted on top of it. Aiko was curious and slightly mesmerized.

She didn't know why the petals were in there and if they tasted any good.

"Little Miss, would you like to taste this Lotus Soup?" The old grandma gently smiled at the young girl.

Aiko looked at her, she was the classic kind of grandma who would stuff you full of food.

"How does it taste?" Aiko was curious, but not curious enough to have a taste, so she would rather ask about the taste than then have to swallow something not tasty.

She would have to be careful as wasting food is bad.

"It has a light taste, perfect after a heavy meal." She smiled explaining.

"Oh." Aiko nodded. "In that case, I will try the meaty food first and return here for a taste." Aiko smiled.

The grandma didn't say anything and returned to her work.

Aiko went to a nearby stall with roasted meat.

"20 pieces please." Aiko smiled, smelling the fragrant meat.

The stall owner was slightly surprised when he heard the number.

Glancing at the little girl, he said somewhat sternly. "I don't have meat for lone children." She was too cute to completely kick away, but he would still dismiss any orphans that would want to try his meat.

Aiko glanced at him. It seemed that the meat was spoiled.

Aiko went to another nearby stall. It was roasted meat again, but this time it smelled of garlic. At first she didn't want to try it since her nose was irritated by the smell, but since the previous meat was spoiled... She didn't have any options left, as the others weren't as nice or fragrant as these two stalls.

"I would like to try one piece." Aiko asked the stall owner.

"Alright, that will be 5 coins." The stall owner smiled. He already saw what happened in the neighbouring stall and he didn't agree with his attitude. How can he treat something so small and cute so harshly...

"Here." Aiko placed 5 coins into his hand and exchanged them for the meat.


Aiko's invisible ears twitched. This meaty thing was delicious! She devoured the meat on the wooden stick and turned around.

"A wuf lihe to haf mof!" (I would like to have more!) Aiko's eyes sparkled.

"How many?" The stall owner smiled from ear to ear, seeing her enthusiasm.

Aiko gestured 20 with her tiny hands.

He laughed. "That will be 100 coins or 1 silver, Miss."

Aiko placed the one Silver into the small basket and waited for her meat, still munching the rest in her mouth.


Aiko travelled around the city eating from every stall and soon a group of people followed her.

They would tail her and watch her eat, yet they had no idea why they did it themselves. They were just happy that she was happy!

There were also a few bad Humans between them, but they were quickly suplexed by the others and Aiko was unaware of this happening as she was too engrossed with her food.

Of course, it would be completely different if they had any murderous intentions, as it would be picked by her [Intention Perception].


Arrived in front of her target which was 'Drunken Water Inn'. It was very lively inside and there weren't many seats free, but that didn't discourage Aiko as she cared more about quickly finishing, since there were too many Humans stuffed inside this somewhat small place.

It had a very rustic feeling, but nothing was worn down or creaking, everything was clean and spotless. At least the basic hygiene was alright...

Aiko entered and almost immediately attracted the attention of half of the people inside the inn, staring at her with their attentive gazes which gave her a scare.

"Oi, you bastards! You know the rules!" The Innkeeper glared at them and they all avoided his piercing gaze.

"My apologies, Miss. They might be ruffians, but they like cu- *Cough*. Would you like to have a seat?" The Shopkeeper changed his sentence when he felt almost everyone glaring at him, so he gently smiled and beckoned to the cute little girl.

Aiko had her tongue-tied and didn't speak. She instead gave a nod before immediately hearing a bunch of the nearby patrons falling from their chairs.

'This place is too strange and scary!' Aiko cried inwardly, but she would finish this mission one way or another.

He moved her closer to the main counter since he could oversee her and pacify the others.

Aiko didn't mind and was looking forward to the food.


"Did you hear about the princesses?" One guy spoke somewhat loudly.

"Which ones?" Another guy stared at him.

"From Golden Flowing River." He said somewhat softly.

"Oh?" Others felt interested. "The Warring Kingdom?" They asked if they remembered correctly.

"Yeah. That King already purged one Kingdom, but what is more shocking is that he is yet to stop!" He shivered. "I hope his influence won't reach here."

"That's unlikely. It's too far, but what's with the princesses?" He asked since that question wasn't answered.

"Ah, right! Those princesses all ran away towards some of the 8th or 7th Ranked Kingdoms, but for some reason, they weren't deported back and there are even talks about marriages!" The guy shocked the others.

"""What?!""" They stared at him speechlessly.

"It's true! I saw one in the nearby Empire!" Another guy chimed in.

The room quietened as if everyone thought about something.

"I want my own princess." One guy murmured.

"You said it, did you see those massive-"

Aiko ignored the upcoming conversation from that part of the room and perked her ears towards the upper part.

"Have you heard that yet another Senior Brother was almost crippled because he proposed to the Saintess?" A somewhat feminine voice spoke slowly.

"I heard about that, but I also heard that the Saintess is already betrothed." A masculine voice mused.

"Oh?" The somewhat feminine voice was interested. "To whom?"

"Coin." The masculine voice gaggled.

"Tsk. Here you bastard." There was a heavy thud.

"My, my~. Thanks. I heard that he was a prince from a 1st Rank Empire."

"Hiss! Seriously?! Which one?" The feminine voice was startled.

"Han Li." He spoke with a sneer.

"The Han Empire eh?" The feminine voice mused. "So I still have a chance."

"You have not given up yet?" The masculine voice was startled.

"Of course not! Have you seen the Saintess? The temperament with that body, it would be a sin if I didn't pursue her!" The feminine voice sounded rough.

There was a sigh. "Sure, sure, just don't get castrated like the other guys." He snorted at him.

"Hmpf! As if they are my match!"


Aiko returned to her food, it was soup, followed by whole chicken. So it took her quite a while to finish.

She paid her bills and left the Inn without looking back. She would go for the Lotus Soup and carry on the assassination mission as she had only 1 day left to kill him.


Aiko went outside the Town. It was already night. The Lotus Soup was indeed light, but a bit too light for Aiko's taste.

She went inside the forest and undressed picking her Assassination Uniform.

She frowned a few times. A battle was ahead, a battle about how well she could wear this thing...

She slowly got inside that Assassination Uniform, but the first time it was the wrong side. The mask was nowhere to be seen and the hood was in front of her.

Aiko frowned and wanted to cry, but she suppressed that feeling and tried again...

This time it was upside down...

The next time it was sideways!

Aiko was furious and only on the 26th try she was finally able to wear the goddamn outfit!

Aiko snorted coldly, but then she noticed something. It was morning!

'Oh no! I don't have much time!' Aiko was unaware that she spent 6 and a half hours wearing that outfit.

She rushed towards the Town with her stealth Abilities at maximum capacity. She bypassed the guards and dashed on top of the rooftops towards the Mayor's Mansion.

It was hard to miss as it had 2 huge lions on the front gate which stared intimidatingly at the passerby.

Aiko jumped a few times, bypassing the walls and hidden guards before arriving at the top of the main wall overlooking the Mansion.

It was... quiet, eerily so.

Aiko slowly jumped down, moving in the shadows until she encountered a few Assassins? Or Guards? Shadow guards? Whatever they were Aiko sneaked up on them, wondering what they were doing.

Only to pause since she saw huge tiddies on that piece of parchment and they were-!

'Ugh.' Aiko wanted to vomit from that disgusting sight.


Thank you, esThr for the fixes~! ^-^

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