Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 120 – Tie em’ up!

"You said that the Herb was here!"

They yet again screamed at each other, irritating Aiko.

'Why can't they just fucking leave...' Aiko had a headache since she had to keep her senses sharp all the way and that exhausted her mind. She just wanted to rest here, since this place didn't trigger [Filthy RICH Den Master].

Aiko waited a bit more, looking over to her system in the meantime.

[Happy Birthday!]
[You are now 3 years old!]
[Please choose a gift:]
[1. Meat - 300]
[2. Beast Core Formation]
[3. Stat and Skill Points - 300]
[4. Surprise - Surprise]

She wanted to know what [Beast Core Formation] did, but at the same time, 300 pieces of meat were very tempting.

The 300 Skill and Stat Points were pretty much useless for her since she was in the thousands, so it wouldn't make all that much difference.

The Surprise one... let's not touch it. Previously she got the Essence of something, but the system refused to tell her what it was exactly just that she needed to prepare if she wanted to use it.

Aiko pouted. Her [Appraisal] was even more useless since it only told her that it was a Vial...

Aiko pondered for a while, she already had Beast Core, but maybe the Beast Core Formation would allow her to glance at some secrets on how the Beast Core works.

[Beast Core Formation]
[Innate Ability]
[It allows the User to form a Beast Core.]

Aiko blinked a few times. This was indeed a nice thing if she didn't already have 2 Beast Cores...

2 Beast Cores... Aiko pondered upon it. What if she had 3 Beast Cores? Was that possible? It says that it allows the forming of Beast Core, but it doesn't say she can make only one...

Aiko clicked on it.

[Beast Core Formation]
[Please select Qi-imbued items or Spirit Stones to power this Ability.]
[Required Energy: 100,000,000 Qi]

Aiko was left speechless, completely forgetting that there were humans around. Her mind couldn't wrap around how much that was, so she used one Spirit Stone to gauge it.

[Required Energy: 1/100,000,000 Qi]

Aiko vomited blood, feeling unwell. Once again, she was cheated by the system, it was trying to rob her blind.

She was curious how much worth the Spirit Crystals have, but her heart ached too much to actually use them on this shitty system.

Aiko pondered quietly. On second thought, it was not that bad of a bargain since she would finish that delicious meal in a day (System Meat), but with this, she had assured a way to expand her energy storage. She would be able to Inscribe more Runes before running out.

This also allowed her to gather more [Moonlight Qi], which was needed for the [Moon's Eyes] and [Moon's Crust]. Especially [Moon's Crust] since that freaking bastard of a skill, costs 1,000 [Moonlight Qi] per average use. That was just too much and she could only form 52 of those wonderful barriers.

Aiko turned her senses towards the people who were still screaming at each other, it was now evening and closing in on night. Yet they didn't stop.

Aiko wondered if they were trying to attract some monsters, with how loud they were.

Aiko shook her head. It was not her place to say anything... but they really grated her ears!

"UGH! SHUT UP, YOU BASTARDS!" Aiko roared at them.

"WHO-" *Ding*

The guy who was about to scream towards her voice was put to sleep with a rock.

The others stiffened. That was clearly a female voice, yet those rocks were enough to knock the Cultivators unconscious, without shattering those rocks.

They felt a shiver down their spine, but it was simply too late to do anything.


They all were subdued by rocks.

Aiko observed them with [Moon's Eyes]. They were all out cold.

Aiko jumped down and immediately tied all of them, lest the previous incident happen.

This was an incredible chore, as she almost couldn't use one hand, but she persevered.

They were all tied, but now they were disturbing to her sight. She looked around, but there was not really a place where she could put them without their legs or hands sticking around. Not to mention, it would be bad if they untied those ropes and tried to take revenge on her.

Aiko picked a nearby tree and used another rope to lift them up. She then tied that rope around a nearby rock so it would hang in the air. This time if they untie themselves they would make a sound while falling on the ground.

She hangs one guy after another. She didn't want to kill them since they only disturbed her and didn't have any hostility towards her, but she also couldn't just shoo them away, since they wouldn't leave considering their previous conversation.

Aiko sighed. This was such a bothersome task, it would be easier if they were lighter. She was strong, she could lift them up, but with one hand everything was a lot more awkward.

As she was hanging the last girl, she noticed she was staring at her wordlessly.

Aiko was startled for a moment but continued her craftsmanship.

"You won't kill us?" The girl asked.

"Why should I?" Aiko tilted her head. "You were just making a ruckus, in a forest that is dangerous." She shook her head. "I just want to sleep, but you just stirred the trouble."

"Oh..." The girl nodded slowly. "What will happen to us?" She asked, she had sharp senses and knew this strange girl didn't want to hurt them.

"As long as you behave, I will release you after a good nap." Aiko slowly nodded, a mask concealed her smile.

"Okay." The girl nodded, clearly relieved.

Aiko didn't understand where that calmness was coming from... Humans were truly strange creatures.


She returned to her little 'nest'. The girl was still staring at her with curiosity. Aiko didn't understand why that was, but then she realized that she didn't have the bracelet on.

She equipped it and sure enough, the girl lost that interest and no longer stared at her.

Aiko sighed. She should keep in mind to wear this bracelet whenever she attacks. Always finish her enemies. Not to upset Mei... so many things she had to keep in mind.

Aiko closed her eyes and slept peacefully.


"Ugh..." One guy woke up, tied up and hanged. As he was about to scream, he was kicked in the gut by his female colleague.

He winced from pain as his head throbbed, he was about to scream at her when she said chilling words to him. "If you can't keep quiet you will die."

Her calmness froze his heart, he didn't understand what she meant, but he knew who she was. She was a prodigy when it came to Cultivation and Human emotions. Yet her own emotions were hindered. She talked very little, but whenever she talked, he knew that it was a serious matter.

He kept his mouth shut, only lightly groaning. The others also woke up, but seeing the loudest person in the room quietly groaning they didn't say or make a sound.

The girl narrowed her eyes. She was surprised that the usual aloof and arrogant Seniors would be so quiet. She slowly recovered her energy since she used a bit of that energy to heal her wounds, but as she didn't have the proper Body Constitution or Qi for it, it was a very slow and tedious process.

Fortunately for her, she had nothing but time on her hands.

They followed suit and recovered. This took them a whole day, but they were still hanging on the tree branches.

They stared at their Junior Sister for an explanation, but she just shook her head and stared somewhere.

They followed her gaze to find a small black-clothed figure sleeping.

That figure was asleep, but her face was distorted like she was in pain.

They stared back at their Junior Sister. Couldn't they just escape these simple ropes and finish that person? That person doesn't seem healthy so it would be easy!

She understood their thought process, but she had no intention of doing anything. She would stay still until she was released.

They grinned at each other. Since that person looked injured they will have an easy time dealing with her. They ignored the fact that they were knocked out. That was because all of them thought that if she didn't ambush them, they would not be in such a sorry state.

Three of the guys tied up in the tree broke free from the rope.

Aiko's invisible ears twitched.

They fell on the ground.

Aiko was already looking at them with a bunch of rocks in her hand.

They recovered and were about to move towards the sleeping girl on the tree when 3 rocks were already in front of them.


The loudest guy who was still tied up as he didn't follow them was now in utter terror. His entire body spasmed as he looked at his headless colleagues. He gulped down and looked at the still-calm girl, who had her whole body lowered in submission.

He breathed heavily and played dead like his Junior Sister.

Aiko swept her gaze over them. She was looking for any signs of cracks on the rope or anything that could threaten her.

That guy shook like a leaf in the wind, whilst the girl just shivered, neither able to fully keep their composure under that intense bloodlust.

Aiko narrowed her eyes. Everything seemed normal with the two of them, outside the fact that... that guy shat himself.

Fortunately, she was high enough in the trees that the smell wouldn't reach her. This will also be their punishment for not stopping their colleagues.

Aiko returned to her normal position but winced. She subconsciously used her dominant hand, which now hurt like a bitch. She still needed a rest, but with how much it hurt, it was impossible to sleep.

The girl was observing her. "I have some Soothing Pills." She said slowly after thinking it over.

An intense glare locked on her body. Her body shook and she lowered her head.

"What do you want?" Aiko growled.

"Please move me to a different tree." The girl pleads.

Aiko was taken aback by her demand. This was, but a simple matter and if the Pill worked, she would be able to sleep...

Aiko jumped down silently. The guy was even more terrified than before. He didn't dare to make a sound.

Aiko moved her to another tree and the girl gave Aiko her Storage Pouch.

"This one is poison, that one too, this is the one." The girl helped Aiko identify the Pills.

"What if this one is also a poison?" Aiko narrowed her eyes.

"I don't dare to antagonize someone who is stronger than I." The girl shook her head. "And even if it was poison, it couldn't stop you from killing me. It's useless for me to give you a poison, as I value my life." The girl said with determination.

Aiko nodded. Licked the Pill. 'Bitter.' Aiko frowned startling the girl.

Aiko munched on the Pill with a crunch. It was bitter and her whole face scrunched up.

"Blegh, so bitter..." Aiko whimpered. She will have to ask Mei for more Pills later since those from Humans were unsuitable for her tastes.

The girl's lips twitched. While those Pills weren't of the highest quality, they were still very expensive, alright! It cost her half a year's worth of points to buy them!

She could only silently curse this prodigal person.



My intestinal track is torturing me, but the good news is that the report is almost over so everything should return to how it previously was, unless that mod pulls up something from nothing. Thank you for your continuous support and I hope you will enjoy today's chapter~! ^-^ <3 <3

Fixes later, since I just finished editing everything... ;-;

Fixes are up! Thank you so much esThr, SeriousBlueJewel and Brick_Turtle~! <3 <3

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