Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 34 – Queen’s Might and Backstory


There is simple system in this Chapter. There are [Past] and [Present]. If you don't want to hear her backstory or what happened in the past, you can just find [Present] and read everything that is under it.



Somewhere in the past, the timeline of the Olden Age.

"Sister, sister~" A small cute girl resembling the Queen was running after her sister.

"You need to improve your Lightness Technique." The Sister reprimanded her.

"So I can catch Senior Brother?" The girl giggled.

*Sigh* "You are still in love with him?" Her Sister shook her head. "He is not a good person."

"I know! But he is hot!" The girl smiled.

"Stop thinking about him and keep practising!" Her Sister reprimanded her again. She needed to teach her that technique so she wouldn't get in trouble and could escape.


"You have failed, huh?" Her sister teased her.

The girl cried, startling her. "Come here, I told you he is not a good person. He is not worthy of you."

The girl continued crying. "But he is so hot!"

Her Sister shook her head again. She would need to teach her a lot more and steel her mind so she isn't affected by pretty things.



The Queen dashed through the City with the 'Market'. She would kill anyone who would stand in front of her or try to block her.

She didn't care if that person was a Golden Core or Nascent Soul Cultivator.

In her eyes, everyone looked the same. 'Someone I have to kill.'

Yet another Cultivator fell in front of her and drowned. 'I'm sorry, Sister, I'm so sorry.' She apologized to her Sister every time she used this technique. It has become her habit and she just couldn't stop herself.

She dashed out of the city. She was pursued by the mayor's private Cultivation army.

'This is annoying...' She thought.

It was not difficult to kill all of them, but it would take time, time that she didn't have.

'I don't know if she isn't suffering right now, I need to hurry.'

She dashed much faster forward, easily shaking them off of her tail.



"Sister... do you need to go?" The girl asked gently looking at her Sister.

"A Mystic Realm is a much more precious Realm than a Secret Realm. I need to go and improve."

"But..." The girl looked sad and uneasy.

"No, buts, Sister will return much stronger and help you improve, okay?" She smiled gently. 'I will never forgive that bitch for cracking your Core and I will definitely solve this issue!' She vowed in her heart.

The girl nodded with moist eyes and was hugged by her Sister.



The Queen was quick on her feet and almost reached another city. There were already Cultivators waiting for her.

"This is the end Beast."

The Cultivator shouted, but that didn't stop the Queen. She gathered her momentum and used her Divine Ability to clean them.

[Ever Flooding Earth]

A tsunami was created behind her and it matched her momentum. The faster she got the greater the wave. This wave was very special in the sense that it relied on the User's acceleration, even if it would be interrupted midway. That accumulated acceleration of the wave would persist and crash into any Cultivator standing before it. It was an extremely rare technique since it was hard to interrupt.

The tsunami got bigger and bigger. The Cultivators already sweated buckets as they saw it getting bigger and bigger.

"This... is no normal Beast." His legs turned to jelly and he fell down to the ground from his flying sword.

The tsunami crashed into the city, submerging it. Few lucky fellows escaped the flood, but most were killed by it.

The Queen used her other Divine Ability, which every Fox that lost her Virginity could use. Well, she still had her Virginity, but since she already experienced the inner workings of this Divine Ability, she was able to recreate it.

[Harvest Festival]

The Souls of the dead were torn from their bodies. They then rushed above the Queen where they were washed again.

They were washed multiple times as the Souls were dirty, full of malice and other Sins. If she didn't cleanse them she would lose her mind and become a Demonic Beast, which she didn't want to.

The Souls were washed and she slurped the outer parts, letting go of the rest. She didn't want to increase the difficulty of her Tribulation, so she would take just bits.

That was still enough to boost her prowess and Core. She almost reached the Peak of [Magical Beast Rank].

'After finishing them all I will be able to become a Spiritual Beast, but I will hold it for later. I need to locate her first.'

She stored the rest of their Souls into her tail and dashed away.



"This is ####, my mate." The girl's Sister introduced her mate, which she got during the Mystic Realm expedition.

He was a handsome young man who looked honest and smiled all the time. Yet the girl felt unease whenever she looked at him.

"Are you alright Sister?" The Girl asked looking at her.

"You should address her as 'Senior Sister'." Her Sister's mate reprimanded her.

She didn't like him, she really didn't. That egotistical and condescending attitude. His actions of trying to take away her only Family. She didn't like it. She hated it!



She left the ruins of the former City. There were no Cultivators with high enough Cultivation that would be able to stop her, so she had free reign over this side of the plane.

'I will have to break through before getting to her, there is no telling if some kind of old fool appears out of nowhere and 'Contracts' me.' She was cautious about that. She needed to save Aiko, but she wouldn't be able to do that if she was captured first.

She dashed towards the mountain range along her journey. This breakthrough wouldn't take her much time as she could just eat the rest of her stored Souls to recover her Vitality and energy.

This would allow her to pass her Tribulation without danger and still keep her body at Peak.

She was once at ####, which meant she didn't really need to 'stabilize' her energy as she already experienced that change.

She didn't need to spend a month to adjust to the changes, but a mere few hours at most!



"S-sister!? You are bleeding!?" The girl's Sister was bleeding and her energy was a mess.

"I almost failed my Tribulation. I will teach you about it later, just let me rest for now." Her Sister asked her to help her to get in her nest.

The girl helped her and her growing distaste and hatred for her Sister's mate intensified.

'If Sister didn't need to keep her body just for him she would be able to hunt more Human Souls to protect herself during Tribulation.' She wanted to tear that mate apart, but she was worried that her Sister would hate her.


"Remember, gather as many Souls as possible whenever you want to improve your Rank. Those Souls can act as nutrients for your own Soul strengthening it and protecting it from the Heavenly Dao." Her Sister explained.

"That way even if you are caught off guard after finishing your Tribulation, your body and mind would still be in tip-top shape and you wouldn't fail like me, okay?" The Sister was caressing the girl's hair, very gently.



The Tribulation clouds had gathered. Covering vast sky and darkening everything.

'I wonder if that little rascal would have any advantage during Tribulation...' She was slightly distracted, which upset the Heavenly Lightning quite a bit. So it increased the difficulty for her.

The First lightning fell, but a mountain was erected above the Queen. She used another of her Divine Abilities.

[Heavenly Mountain Range]

A vast mountain range appeared above her blocking the lightning. The Heavenly Lightning was unable to pierce the mountain which angered it.

Second, third, and fourth lightning strikes, but it didn't even dent the mountain range.

Heavenly Lightning is a petty being. It gathered the fifth to ninth lightning and struck with it at the same time.

The mountain range received that blow, but it was too powerful for it, and it slowly started to crumble...



"Congratulations on attaining a Human body Sister." The girl's Sister was happy that she finally had a body.

"T-thank you." She was shy as this was the first time after quite some time she was praised so much by her Sister.

"You are a real beauty. Tsk, tsk. I will have to keep those horny dogs from you, otherwise, you might wipe out the whole Human race." Her Sister giggled, staring at the blushing girl.

"You are alright." Her Sister's mate told her coldly.

She really wished she was at full strength, but since she just attained a Human body she wasn't all that strong.



The Queen was charred and she could feel her energy was starting to converge into a single place, but she shattered that place.

She didn't wish to attain Human form just yet, she couldn't afford to be weak, as she hadn't found Aiko just yet.

She used the numerous stored Souls and ate all of them, replenishing her lost Vitality and energy. She was able to recover from her injuries and greatly increase her Soul Strength by this.

Now she would be unmatched in Soul Arts for quite a while.

She dusted her fur and used [Clean] many times as the lightning forced a lot of impurities out of her body. Her current purity reached 99%.

The last 1% was incredibly hard to obtain as even breathing would cause impurities to enter the body. She would need exceptional Cultivation or Divine Abilities/Arts to stop that from happening, but unfortunately, she didn't have those.

She stretched, Cultivators were just about to approach her, but they spontaneously started to drown.

'I'm sorry Sister...' She apologized again and dashed away from this place, now she would be able to reach her destination much faster.


[Past: Warning almost rape territory, please stay away if you don't want to read that!]

"Come here!" Her Sister's mate chuckled as he tore another piece of clothing off that girl.

"No! Stay away!" She screamed, but nobody could hear her. There was a formation surrounding her cave.

"Don't worry, I will treat you well." He chuckled again, ripping the rest of her clothes off, revealing unparalleled beauty in front of him.

His loincloth was strained as he stared at her spotless body, it was so supple and soft that it stroked his sadistic desires.

'I will break her slowly and then go after my 'mate'.' He chuckled in his mind as he lowered his pants.

The girl screamed and thrashed herself, but he just pinned her down. His impressive-ly small member was on her stomach. It felt like it was burning her skin.

As he was about to take her purity his Sect Token shined. He picked it up quickly as it was a colourless shine.

"Yes, Master?" He spoke without any changes in his tone.

"But, I'm doing something important Master." He tried to make excuses only to stiffen.

"Y-yes! I'm going immediately, Master!" His body shook as he was picking his clothes.

"You are lucky I have something important to attend to." He scoffed at her and left her place.

The girl was still paralysed and sobbing on the ground until her Sister found her.



'As I thought, rapist Souls taste like shit.' The Queen frowned as she destroyed yet another city. The Cultivators were desperate and set up numerous Formations, but those formations were only as strong as their Users and materials.

The True Formation Emperors would never leave their mountain Peaks as they tried to comprehend more advanced formations, as such they would send their disciples to learn about the world, but those disciples were much less than their masters, and as such they were unable to restrain this Lunatic Fox.

"Out of my way trash." The Fox spoke slowly, not because she was tired, but because she felt like she was trying to speak to a road-killed turd.

Those Cultivators shivered, losing their will to fight. Her Divine Ability triggered and extracted their Souls, but she would leave them be as she wouldn't be able to contest against a Formation Emperor.

'You are lucky that you have bald bastards backing you!' She scoffed at those Souls that were drifting to their respective sects.

Everyone knew that Formation/Array Masters would lose their hair from the insane amount of runes and combinations they had to learn.

She ate the normal Cultivator's Souls and resumed her journey. She could feel she was getting close.



"Sister~! Look~" The girl brought her another girl of the same race. "She is my mate!" The girl proudly proclaimed, making her mate blush beet red and her Sister giggle.

"She is pretty~" Her Sister also teased the girl's mate and the mate was now completely red wanting to run away.

"I-it's a p-pleasure to meet you." She had an incredibly soft and soothing voice.

"Kyyaaaa~!" The girl's Sister immediately became this girl's fan. "She is so cute, her voice is so cute~!" She rubbed her cheeks against her.

"Lucky you~" The girl's Sister teased both of them and both of them tried to beat her shoulders, but it came out more like a child being upset at her mother for revealing her secrets.



The Queen arrived at a completely empty City, there was no living Soul, no Cultivator, nothing. Just emptiness.

She didn't mind this and rushed ahead without stopping.

This was the perfect situation for her as she didn't need to deal with useless Cultivators trying to stop her. She rushed ahead. There were only a few cities left, probably...



"Sister come, run!" The girl yelled as she used her Divine Ability to grow an Earthen wall in front of her.

"We can't shake them off!" The Sister yelled back.

"This way." The girl's mate guided them towards a cave that had an air current inside. It had another exit.

They ran through the tunnels, being pursued by the other Cultivators, but since Earth was everywhere around her, she used her Divine Ability to the best of her abilities blocking their paths with walls and rocks.


"We made it!" The Sister was incredibly happy as they were able to shake those Cultivators off.

"Yeah! We mad-ARGH!" The girl screamed as mind-numbing pain assaulted her Mind and Core.

She turned around only to see her mate being pierced by a sword. Her life was snuffed, like a candlelight.

She was dumbfounded, not believing what she saw. Her Sister's mate killed her mate.

Anger clouded her mind and her Bloodline completely awakened. She appeared in front of him. He was trying to mock her, but he soon stopped as his heart was no longer his. It was now inside the girl's hand, beating slower and slower until it finally stopped.

"ARGH!" Her Sister yelled snapping her out of her madness.

"S-sister... n-no. I-i-no, no." The girl's body and Soul shook.

Her mate died and now she killed her own Sister. She couldn't believe it.

She rushed towards her Sister as she was still alive.

"I-i-" She couldn't mutter a word about anything that just happened.

"It's alright..." The Sister gently spoke, slowly bleeding out of her mouth. "I'm sorry, for everything. I should've killed him myself, but I-" She coughed. "I couldn't leave you all alone and now my selfishness killed your mate, your love and your other half."

"I'm sorry." The Sister apologized as she grew weaker.

"N-no! Please don't, don't leave me!" The girl cried, tears of blood. She just lost everything, nothing mattered to her more than her mate and Sister.

"Here, take this and eat it. You will obtain my Bloodline and Abilities." Her Sister gave her a beautiful marble.

"S-sister! I can't this-" The girl shook and cried even more.

"Take it, while I'm still alive, once I die it will disappear. Don't make me angry." The Sister tried to threaten her. The girl unwillingly swallowed it.

"Good... I'm so sorry, I love you, Mei." Her Sister had the purest and most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

"No, no, please don't leave me An, please." The girl pleaded with her, but her Sister no longer heard her.



The Queen made it into the capital, many Cultivators stood before her and her destination. She was so close yet so far...

The Cultivators tried to suppress her, but she was now in [Spirit Beast Rank] and with a powerful Soul, they wouldn't be able to suppress her even if they used artefacts.

Those Cultivators gathered their Qi inside their bodies and conjured their Martial Arts.

The Queen snorted and summoned her mountain, suppressing them completely. Now they were forced to use only their bodies, there were a few body Cultivators, but this was much better than having to fight hundreds of normal Cultivators.

She needed to see that, that little rascal was okay. She would never leave her again. She would take her to hunts and feed her delicious meals. It was definitely not because she was reminded of her mate. Definitely not!

She fought those Cultivators head-on, she didn't have any time to spare and as such she used her movement technique in tandem with her Tsunami. Most of the City was immediately crushed, but the inner parts were left untouched as there was a great Defensive Formation protecting it.

'Tsk. I will have to break it if I want to reach my destination...' She thought, annoyed by this fact.



Somewhere in ####

"Queen." Her servants bowed to her. The girl had a grand Palace, great servants, and endless wealth, but that was not enough.

'Those shitty bastards from the Golden Palace are protecting those two fuckers.' She made the mistake of not shredding his Soul. The one who killed her mate.

''I don't understand how he managed to survive when he was only Golden Core.'' She clicked her tongue.

"Are you displeased, my Queen?" The boy toy asked her a bit scared. He was trying his best to massage her feet.

"No, continue." She shook her head and gently replied.

She stared outside. 'Another shitty day, in this shitty realm. I can't wait till I rip them apart!' She vowed in her heart that she would definitely avenge her mate and Sister.


She was stabbed by the boy toy that she painstakingly raised. She felt empty, the hole in her heart only widened and she couldn't stop that feeling. She felt free, she felt like she could forget her Sister and mate. She was terrified but soon drifted away.



The Queen abruptly stopped. She noticed the energy on the barrier dissipating. Her little sweetie was also running away from the Palace.

'That rascal made it!' She laughed.

The Cultivators felt a shiver down their spine but soon felt relieved as they saw the Lunatic Fox rushing away.

"W-we survived." One Cultivator collapsed on the ground completely drained, but others soon followed.

The Queen rushed towards that faint energy but didn't measure the distance properly and crashed into Aiko.

Aiko was upset and was trying to scold her, but Queen only had the silliest smile on her face.

'S-she is alright! And uncontracted!' She almost cried, but trying to retain her Immortal dignity she used [Clean] on her and licked her happily.


My cat died and I'm in no way in good shape to make any jokes, so let's get straight to the point. How was this chapter? I never liked chapters about the past since it would not be able to retain my attention, so I thought of this kind of thing. It was a pain in the ass to edit, even more so because of the no spoilers you Cookies, so generously voted for. I hope I did at least a somewhat good job editing. I'm not sure if I will be able to keep my release schedule, so please excuse me for that, I will first and foremost stabilize my mental condition. I will probably binge-read something or maybe return to writing to forget my pain.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading my story! You guys are awesome, amazing, kind readers and I couldn't wish for better. We are only at the beginning of the first book and there is still so much to cover, so please stay tuned and I hope you will enjoy future chapters.

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