Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 42 – Grandmaster is always right! And Test

The Grandmaster was leisurely sitting on the rock, gently caressing Aiko. She was so gentle that Aiko wouldn't even notice, less wake up. She was peacefully sleeping as the Darkness told her to rest since it was safe now.

It took a few hours for Aiko to properly rest, but nobody complained. Who would dare to complain about their Grandmaster? Only those that had short lifespans, which was almost no one.


"Elders." The Sect Leader said seriously.

The Elders sweated, especially the one that sent that Spacial Ring.

They didn't say anything and were playing dead. The Sect Leader shook her head and glanced at the screen.

It was quite a long time since she saw the Grandmaster. She was known as the most stoic and stern person, but that was only because she was able to read others' thoughts to a certain extent as such she saw much more of the hideous world, especially her mate.

The Sect Leader shook her head, she was almost at the end of her lifespan because she lost her tails.

The Sect Leader was happy that she appeared before she completely vanished, but she didn't expect to be this kind of appearance.


"You don't mind right, Sect Leader?" The Grandmaster spoke gently. They were good friends as such they were very polite to each other, unlike other proud Grandmasters.

She asked the air, but the Grandmaster knew she was staring exactly where the Sect Leader was. She got a telepathic message in response. Approval. She was happy.

It was such a long time since she was able to enjoy herself.

Aiko woke up and yawned, feeling refreshed. She didn't want to leave this cosy place but also didn't want to trouble this nice person.

She was happy enough that that bastard got kicked by her. She grinned happily and her tail swished.

The Grandmaster smiled, she liked pure and happy people. Aiko was one of them as she didn't feel repulsed by her condition.

Aiko stared at the Grandmaster with some sadness. She was a great sleeping pillow and she wouldn't be able to find such a nice one in a long time.

The Grandmaster finally couldn't endure it and laughed at Aiko. "This is the first time someone thought about me as a pillow." She laughed heartily.

Aiko shyly looked away, her thoughts were read and she felt embarrassed.

'But it's such a nice and cosy place!' Aiko tried to defend herself.

The Grandmaster chuckled. "Yes, yes, now we should move to another part of the test."

The Grandmaster glanced at the girl with the mask. Every Fox was wary of this Grandmaster and they felt scared whenever they looked at her, so they wouldn't go with her. The Cat Masked girl was much easier to get along with, so they were willing to follow her to another stage.


The girl guided them to the Teleportation Array.

"You will be teleported to a forest rich in resources. There you will be tasked to ruin as many humans as possible and bring as many resources as possible. The time limit is 10 days. Your main objective is to capture 100 Human Cultivators. Killing them is alright, but in that case, you have to kill 1,000 of them to pass." The girl explained slightly trembling. "As for resources... the more you bring the better the contribution points you will earn. Those can be used to earn different Martial Arts or buy time of esteemed Elders, so they can improve your techniques."

The girl wasn't as enthusiastic, since the Grandmaster was 'breathing' at her back.

"You will receive this Pouch. You can store living things inside." The girl pointed at the multiple pouches around her arm.

She gave each Fox one and returned to her place.

"Now please enter the Teleportation Array, in the pouch is a special Spirit Stone that if you break it, it will send you back here, so use it. Don't lose your life meaninglessly." She said seriously.

Aiko didn't want to move away from those fluffy tails, but she had to, so she sat on the Teleportation Array with the other foxes.

The Teleportation Array shined Teleporting them away.


The Queen frowned, while she could see Aiko through her projection, Aiko's body was out of her Divine Sense range as such wouldn't be able to protect her or help her as she had done with that little bastard.

The Elder was sweating again since the Jade Fox was staring daggers at him. He didn't understand why but cursed that prodigy again.


Aiko was in an unfamiliar Forest. There was no one around. She didn't feel all that good about this place. It gave her the creeps.

Sure the Qi was abundant, but there was this creepy feeling in the air. Her senses were also warning her of everything around her.

That thing is poisoned. This one causes vomiting. That one causes blood loss.

It was just too much information from the Darkness and [Intention Perception].

She activated her hiding abilities and most of those warnings disappeared. She was confused by this but moved away from this place. This place was too scary!

She hid in nearby bushes, cancelling her stealth Abilities and observing.

The Forest was very shiny and light-coloured. There were many fruit trees and bushes with tasty-looking fruits. Fortunately, she already tested those fruits once, and she wouldn't do it again, but...

She would take every single piece that looked really expensive and leave anything that didn't!


She sneaked around the forest with her Skills active. She already spotted a few humans, but they were accompanied by some powerful Cultivators, so she would not attack them just yet.

Aiko tailed those Cultivators eavesdropping on their conversation, which was a mistake.

"Have you seen Senior Martial Sister's ass?" He licked his lips loudly. "I would slurp that stuff from morning to night!" He chuckled.

"Nono, have you seen OUR Senior Martial Sister?" He chuckled at this ignorant bastard. "Those tits bounce so much when she practices her Martial Technique that it's impossible to concentrate!"

"Nononono, have you seen our Senior Martial Sister?" He laughed with glee. "Those long legs and thick thighs could crush watermelons!" He drooled. "She could crush my head any time~!"

Aiko regretted eavesdropping so much, why was everyone so... ugh... this brought her bad memories from the dildo incident.

She shook her head, she would definitely tie those bastards and shove them inside her new pouch.

She waited till nighttime. They were gathering around a campfire, cooking food.

Aiko was almost charmed to come outside the bush from the smell, but she resisted with all of her willpower. She would not be tempted!

She sat and waited, waited until they assigned their sleeping duties, but then she realized something...

'How the fuck am I supposed to tie them and shove them inside my pouch?!' She was frozen stiff, she ignored that gnawing question till now that she was too distracted to think about this important issue.

Her mind was blank and she looked at the nearby rock.

She then nodded. 'This will do.'

She would hammer their heads until they pass out and then shove them inside her pouch, problem fucking solved~!

Aiko praised herself in her mind, feeling happy about her genius plan.


The roles were finally set after they talked about the colour of their Senior Martial Sisters' underwear.

Aiko really wanted to bash their head in already but resisted. She can do that later, no, soon.

She slowly made her way into the first tent. Those guys were already out and Aiko bashed their heads with the rock.

It made quite a loud sound, but those Cultivators outside were talking about the best way to push female Cultivators down and weren't paying attention to the insides of the tents.

Aiko stored her first 2 Victims inside the pouch. 98 were left and beat one red fox.

She moved to another tent, banking another 2 Victims, but this time those outside noticed her and she had to run, while behind her flew fireworks, but for some reason... her [Intention Perception] didn't perceive any danger?

She turned around and threw another rock with her tail.


'... what?' Aiko was left speechless as she was able to put that Cultivator to sleep without ambushing it.

What she wasn't aware of was that the rock reached sub-sonic speed and thus packed punch compared to a cannonball with the speed of 'throw'.

Those Cultivators didn't believe that such a tiny creature would be able to pack such a heavy punch and didn't protect themselves properly and as such on her first day, she was able to stockpile 10 Victims. 2 of which were foaming from their mouths.

Aiko moved through the Forest to another camp. She saw faint light between the trees, so it was easy to find them.


The night guards were put to rest, she then waited as those from the tents rushed outside.


Yet another 5 Victims. 2 of which were once again foaming from the mouth.

'This... isn't this too easy?' Aiko thought.


The people watching in the stadium were left conflicted. They still cheered for Aiko, but felt bittersweet inside, since they didn't remember this part of the test being so easy. They were chased around the Forest by the Cultivators. They only tried to survive as such most of them didn't get over 10 Live Human Cultivators.

That little furball had already 15! On her first night that didn't yet end! They were upset, but not upset enough to stop cheering!

They would definitely demand an explanation from the Elders!

The Elder on the stage sweated even more as he noticed that more and more disciples glared at him.

'Bastard! What did you do now?!' The Elder operating the projection could no longer see it as all his concentration was on the faint energy. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to display those images.

He sighs in his mind. He will have to demand a raise in pay, this is so not worth it...


The Sect Leader was also speechless. 'Something doesn't add up.'

The Elders were frowning. They couldn't assess their lethality as their enemies were too weak...

"Sect Leader..." One Elder pleaded.

"We will solve it later, be ready for battle, something is wrong." She wouldn't interfere in the tests but would defend this Village if they came.

"We are always ready." The Perverted old man said and everyone stared at him.

'You are the most unreliable fellow in here.' All of them had this exact same thought, even the Sect Leader, but because that pervert was strong they didn't say anything.


Aiko found her den deep inside the ground. She used her [Burrow] to soften the dirt and haul it outside with her pouch.

She realized she could use that to store that dirt as long as she made it into small dirt balls. That was slightly difficult, but it was easier than hauling all that dirt individually.

She was able to clear quite a large area. She would be able to stay in here since the entrance was well hidden inside bushes.

The only unfortunate thing would be rain... that could flood her den and she would have to make changes to it tomorrow, but for today she was too exhausted.

She would sleep and take out some food that she still had in that special pouch.

She didn't take out all of them once Queen took them from her, but once she took them out she felt an inexplicit shiver down her spine. She didn't understand why...


Last one for today~! Tomorrow we are going for our regular schedule~! But our promise has been advanced successfully~! I'm very happy you are still enjoying my story~!

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