Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 46 – Titans

"Sect Leader, she entered the deepest part, we can't see her." One Elder said, concerned about the golden goose.

"I can see that, tell me something that I don't know." Sect Leader scoffed at him.

"Well..." They didn't have anything to say about that since only 2 Elders had the far-sight Martial Technique, so if they couldn't see what was happening, nobody could.

"That lazy bastard! If he actually operated the projection we would also know the exact coordinates!" One Elder Cursed.

The hall was left bickering and the Sect Leader was observing the projection.


'This doesn't seem right...' The Queen frowned. 'but I can't leave this place since they didn't give me the disciple token. Lazy assholes that can't create them immediately.' She clicked her tongue, worried about the little furball.

'Fine, I will ignore that shitty food, just please return safely.' She hoped Aiko would be fine as she didn't know where that place was.

The audience was also worried especially when the Elder was bleeding from his nose.

That Elder tried to peek at the coordinates but suffered a backlash from the protective barrier made out of the Spirit Crystals.

He didn't dare to do that again and nursed his wounds. If the projection dropped Sect Leader might order him to go to the Enforcement Pavilion for his punishment.

He didn't want that as one of the people in charge was the extremely scary and ugly Grandmaster. He was terrified of that person and so he didn't want to break the rules.

'Even King Yama is not as scary as Grandmaster.' He thought about circulating his Cultivation Technique.


The Old Soul invaded Aiko's body. He has been flying for who knows how long and he was still unable to find her soul.

Suddenly a bright light shined upon him. He had not experienced such pure and bright energy in a while and he yelled at it.

"Who is the bastard who is trying to invade my body?!" He shouted, angered.

"Amitabha fellow Taoist Cultivator." A soul with a Golden Body greeted him.

The Old Soul immediately froze, terrified. 'W-what?! I-i-it can't be! This isn't right!' He was going insane.

'T-t-t-that madman who travelled through 36 Heaven and 'blessed' many people?! No way it's him, right? Didn't he die a painful death?!' His Old Soul shook and wanted to escape, but that oppressive nature stopped him.

"W-what can I do for you esteemed Buddha?" He stuttered a bit, his Soul was unstable from the shock.

"It is alright fellow Taoist, I have come to bless you." Buddha smiled gently.

The Old Soul shook and he burned part of his Soul to escape, but he was not a match for Buddha, as he had transcended everyone.

"Amitabha." A bell appeared above this whole empty place and chimed 3 times.

The Old Soul screamed as he was 'blessed'. A blessed visit to the underworld and cycle of reincarnation.

The Old Soul ascended down where there was no light. He will be forgotten in time as Blood Tyrant of the Olden Age.

"Amitabha. This world will be safe now." The Buddha chanted but noticed Aiko.

"Hmmmm... curious, but you are not supposed to be here little one." The Buddha wanted to use his Reincarnation Bell on Aiko, but the mountain slammed into him.

"You old bastard!" A Nine-Tailed Fox hissed at him.

"Amitabha Sister." The Buddha smiled. "I'm only balancing the worlds as per the agreement."

Buddha used his Golden Body which enlarged to unimaginable size. He suppressed the Fox as he was much stronger with his Reincarnation Law by his side.

"You shitty baldy! You will pay for this!" The Nine-Tailed Fox growled at him. She had less time to solidify her body. She would destroy the Lower Realm from her Soul pressure if she manifested her might without preparation.

The Reincarnation Bell enlarged and was about to chime.

A Huge spear flew at astonishing speed shattering the Reincarnation Bell. Making the Buddha cough up his blood. It might've not been the true Reincarnation Bell, but even this shadow of a Reincarnation Bell can injure him if it's broken.

"There are more insolent children than I remember." A sweet and gentle voice drifted through this empty space.

The Buddha bowed. "Amitabha Senior Sister."

The gorgeous female with a serpent-like lower half smiled. "You still know how to joke, Junior."

She had the perfect body coupled with the perfect voice. She was sought by many, but her looks were often deceiving.

"I never joke Senior Sister." Buddha chanted his Sutra healing his Golden Body. "As per the agree-"

Another serpent spear blasted past Buddha ripping off his arm.


The Buddha groaned as this was not a simple spear, while she was slowly losing her strength as her Providence decreased, that was not the same for Relics and Artifacts.

"Amitabha, I have come at the wrong time. I hope that Senior Sister can excuse this Monk." The Buddha kindly smiled.

"Sure." She smiled. "But you don't have to come back." She added with the same smile.

Buddha bowed and left this place.

The Nine-Tailed Fox was freed and tried to sneak away.

"Where are you going, Junior?" She smiled.

"T-that-" She stuttered. "N-nowhere, mmm." The Nine-Tailed Fox nodded tears slowly moistening her eyes.

"That's good." She smiled, but the 'little' Nine-Tailed Fox shivered.

"I-i'm sorr-" The Nine-Tailed Fox tried to apologize while shaking.

"What are you sorry for, dear Junior?" She tilted her head scaring the 'little' Fox even more.

"I-i messed with your world." The 'little' Fox was shaking like a rabbit.

"That's not right." She shook her head and the spear returned.

"You have kidnapped a suffering soul, didn't cleanse its misfortune or memories. Didn't teach him about the world. Placing him inside my world." She paused. "No, is it she now? You even altered her thoughts." She was shaking her head listing almost all the bad things she had done.

"What am I going to do with you..." She sighed again, scaring the 'little' Fox out of her wits.

The 'little' Fox cried. "I'm sowwy."

She cried for a while.

Meanwhile, the spear-wielding serpent stared at Aiko. 'What a pitiful Soul. Let this mother help you a bit.'

She waved her spear and her soul was released from the suppression. She gently kissed that soul giving it her blessing. 'This is the least I can do for you...'

She was getting weaker by the year, she no longer was able to manage those worlds properly. Her fate was sealed.

'What an interesting game...' She stared at the system. 'I can't believe all my Juniors would forsake me and not let me play with them.' She sighed and then noticed something.

'I-is that you Grandpa?' Her body shook.

A Translucent yet black body appeared before her, smiling.

'I... see, I hope you are alright...' A tear rolled down her cheek and fell on Aiko's Soul, nourishing it.

'I will see you soon Grandpa.' She almost cried remembering her happy memories from when she was young.

The grandpa disappeared and she calmed down. She will chastise this girl later.


Aiko woke up exhausted. She was confused as that sarcophagus was missing. No, this whole place changed.

She was in a large space full of Spirit Crystals and Spirit Stones. There weren't any ornament swords or crowns, but Aiko didn't mind.

She stared at those mountains with shining eyes.

She licked her paws and got to the looting, only for her to stop.

'M-my personal Pouch is not big enough.' She almost cried. She wished she could use her Qi to open-

'Hm?' A strange energy was flowing through Aiko's body. She tapped upon the [Storage Ring] and her consciousness was sucked in.

She was in a large empty space, about 50 cubic meters. Large enough to store most of the Spirit Crystals and Stones inside.

But oh boy she was wrong. One [Storage Ring] could only hold 100,000 Spirit Stones and only 25,000 Spirit Crystals.

There were many more Spirit Stones in here.

Aiko liked the Spirit Crystals more as they were smoother and pellucid while retaining their warmth.

Aiko took a bit from here and bit from there and also a bit from over there. She only stopped because she stepped on that Bloody Scripture, Aiko was so startled and horrified by how it merged with her body that she stepped backwards.

She stepped on that nicer-looking gentle Scripture and like the Blood scripture it went inside her body.

'Whyyyyyy' She wanted to cry, but stopped, because of her system.

[Congratulations you have obtained [Blood Tyrant Scripture]!]
[Congratulations you have obtained [Moon Goddess Scripture]!]

'Uh...' Aiko blinked several times but soon picked up her looting spree. She looked here and there until the whole place was almost clean.

Why didn't she take all of them?

'I don't have enough space, I will need to buy more Rings...' She sighed.

She was reluctant to leave this place when she still had so much to loot...

'Maybe I can try absorbing them like Beast Cores?


The audience currently had a mourning ceremony. They saw Aiko in front of those HUGE piles of Spirit Stones and almost fainted.


The Elder hearing about Spirit Stones immediately perked up. He completely forgot the previous experience and backlash.

He peeked inside and almost coughed up all of his blood.

'I-I can get only 1,000 Spirit Stones per month, but this...' Unlike those ignorant disciples, he knew the true worth of those Spirit Crystals.

'I-i'm poor...' The Elder almost passed out from envy.

The Queen had a strange expression on her face.

'This... I was supposed to provide for her...' She frowned. 'I need to keep her, but how am I supposed to do that when I'm...' *Sigh* She was tired, she would have to make Arrays and Pills for that little rascal to keep her worth.


"S-s-s-sect Leader." One Elder was shaking like a leaf on a tree.

"I can see that!" The Sect Leader shouted back. 'We need those Spirit Stones.' She clicked her tongue.

They were in need of Spirit Stones to maintain their Great Illusion Defensive Array, without it Human Cultivators would invade this Village and enslave everyone.

'But we can't force it.' She was in thought. 'She is well-liked by the young ones and old ones, but not by the rest. They are jealous of her, that her tests were so easy and that she declined that [Spacial Ring].' She clicked her tongue in annoyance.

'She won't have a nice stay here and we won't have an easy time as her Mate is simply too powerful and precious.' She had to agree that if Jade Fox didn't have Mate, she would try her luck.

'We need a way to extract those Spirit Stones, without incurring their displeasure... Maybe I can ask Jade Fox for some kind of trade?' She thought that it was a plausible solution. 'But can we extract enough from them?'

The Great Illusion Defensive Array consumed a lot of Spirit Stones each year and it was difficult to maintain, but as long as they maintained it they would be safe...


A lot of things happened in this chapter, but the next few chapters will be mostly about Aiko, so please stay tuned~!

On another note, writing with one hand isn't that much more difficult if you ignore all the inconveniences and scuffed words :D. Especially the athletic gymnastics and sight to not make any mistakes, so please be gentle with my one-handed warrior style writing :DDDD

Also~! Thank you so soooo much for the 100,000 views~! AND 4,000 hearts. It's simply amazing how much you guys like my story~! Now we just need 5 Stars~ *Cocks shotgun* and you will help me with that, MUHAHAHAHAHAHAGH *Cough* *Cough* *Dies of 1D4 Cough Damage*

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