Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 49 – Smol Sneaky Assassin and Mischievous Babi

'Why can't I sleep peacefully?' Aiko was fed up, she couldn't sleep well because her heated nest wasn't counted as expensive enough.

She was bothered and angry.

[Good/Evil: 500 - 500 -> 400 - 600]

Aiko frowned. 'Let's find out what's happening.'

She climbed outside, only for the system to slap her in the face.

[You have entered The Ying Soul Restraining Formation!]
[Your Soul has been Restrained!]
[Your affinity with Soul is deep! Soul restraining is weakened!]
[[Soul Palace] shrouds your Soul! The Formation is unable to restrain you!]

Aiko climbed up again as she was too surprised by the system and fell.

'Stupid system, can't you tell me that in the corner of my eyes.' She was angry that the system would always slap her face with it.

She explored the surroundings, it was eerily quiet. She explored some more around only to find corpses of Humans that looked like old mummies.

Aiko poked them, but they didn't move. She could still feel their breathing.

'What in the world?' Aiko tilted her head. 'Since when there were mummies in this place.' She was unaware that it was the work of the Formation.

She walked around, not finding anything. It was quite creepy.

"Finally the formation activated." She heard a voice.

"I was worried that the Foxes would escape, but that doesn't seem to be the case." Another voice spoke.

"Right? We had to plan so many years and 'help' so many kingdoms just to obtain enough 'disciples' for this." The first voice sighed.

"What about the other Sect, won't they go after us for this?" The second voice asked.

"That is unlikely as this place is under our territory, if they did something like that we could accuse them of spying." An Old voice spoke.

""Greeting Elder"" They greeted him.

"How many did we capture?" The Elder asked.

"There are about 12 Foxes, but there are quite a few Unique ones, even a Demonic Fox." The first voice spoke with respect.

"Hohohohoh~," The Elder laughed. "I will be taking the Blood Fox." He licked his lips.

""Naturally Elder."" Those voices were respectful, but Aiko could feel their curses emanating from their bodies.

"Let's go!" The Elder couldn't wait, but to get his hands on beautiful a Demonic Kitsune. He was gentle on the outside, but a complete degenerate inside.

He already prepared the necessary ingredients and Villages to sacrifice to make her into a full-fledged Kitsune.

Of course, other Elders were unaware of this as they were also looking into the 'Fox Village' to strike some kind of deal that would allow them to get beautiful Dao Companions.

Aiko tailed them from afar, using all of her Skills and Abilities to stay hidden. She would stay in the Shadows and observe.


The Sect Leader's face hardened as they saw what happened.

Aiko was still asleep and under the actual formation so it didn't affect her.

The Queen looked at the Sect Leader with a frown. 'They dare to strike a deal with me while not being able to properly manage the tests.' She clicked her tongue.

"Everything will be alright Jade Fox." The Sect Leader spoke politely. She wasn't able to ascertain the age of her Soul, it was completely shrouded which struck fear in her heart.

"As long as she doesn't climb up we will-" The Sect Leader wanted to say that they would rescue her to strike a better deal, but Aiko had different thoughts.

She woke up due to the commotion and stretched. The Sect Leader and Elders hardened as she started to climb outside with an annoyed expression.

"Fuck! Stupid! Go back!" The Elders cursed that little cub for her curiosity, completely ignoring the Fox.

"Phew." They breathed a sigh of relief as she fell back down, it was comical, but they wouldn't say anything about it as it helped them.

"No! Bad Cub! Go back down!" The Elders resumed their cursing once Aiko was climbing back up.

The Sect Leader was pinching her nose bridge when she noticed the Jade Fox's irritated, no, angry expression.

"We will be still able to save her-"

"No need." The Queen coldly said. She would bring Aiko back herself, their leader might be in Soul Formation, but that was still within her Power.

She then paused. Aiko walked around inside the formation still annoyed. Like she was not even affected.

'What in the 9 Heavens...' She was stunned and left speechless. Her brain couldn't process what she was seeing and the Elders were the same.

The Sect Leader's face stiffened, once she realized that Aiko was completely fine.

"You didn't make her into Yang Fox, while she is Demonic Fox, right?" The Sect Leader asked bluntly regretting her loose tongue.

"It would be better if you didn't say anything, Sect Leader. The deal would have to be altered even further than what I'm now thinking." The Queen coldly brushed her off.

'I didn't turn her into Yang Beast... right?' The Queen thought in panic. 'It is impossible for the medicine bath to change that.' The Queen shook her head.

'Then how can she walk under-' She tilted her head. 'Powerful Soul? Or is it Divine Ability? Maybe the treasures she got?' The Queen was calculating at high speed, unsure of herself. 'But that would mean we would have to adjust the deal further.'

She was completely fine with that as she didn't care about how much resources they had to spend to keep them here. She smiled evilly and the Sect Leader shivered.


Aiko tailed them to where the Foxes were held captive. They lay motionlessly only their eyes moving.

The Elder was satisfied as their bodies wouldn't work as long as the Formation worked. He was satisfied but had to hurry. He didn't have the proper materials to sustain this formation as for some reason these Foxes were too vicious and killed too many 'disciples'.

The Elder frowned again.

"Their will is too strong." He wanted to contract them right now, but if he did that the Formation would be undone. He licked his lips. 'I can't believe she was ruined so much... or maybe she is into that?' He thought looking at the Blood Fox.

He plucked an expensive pill and forcibly used it on her. A miracle happened and her wounds healed.

"I-isn't that a Heavenly Grade Healing Pill?!" The First Cultivator's body shivered. "We only have 3 in our Sect!" He said in disbelief.

"So what?" The Elder growled, he was able to steal one when the Sect Leader went to negotiate with the Fox Village.

They were one of the largest Sects on this Continent, as such they had quite the vast riches, but even they had only a couple of Heavenly Graded Pills.

Aiko smelled that pill and her ears perked. 'Does that mean that some of them have tasty marbl- *Cough* Pills?' Aiko's eyes shined.

She went back into the Forest to hunt a few Cultivators.

She dashed through the Forest to find anyone and she did.

She picked up rocks and hurled them at top speed, but they just shattered upon impact, causing little to no damage.

"Agh!" "BECH" "GRHMF"

"Who is there?!"
"Show yourself, you bastard!"
"I will fucking kill you!"

Aiko was shocked as those rocks had much higher speed now and because of her improved dexterity she hit them squarely into the head!

Aiko moved a few meters away so that they wouldn't spot her, but deep inside she was shocked.

'D-does that mean I can't rob them?!' Her head hurt, she really wanted to taste those Pills.

An insane thought flashed through her mind. 'Surely this would work...'

She picked a glowing rock with her tail, it was warm to the touch and slightly shiny...

[Storage Ring(50m3): Spirit Stone 100,000 -> 99,999]

Aiko aimed carefully as this was one hell of an expensive rock and hurled it while sprinting at top speed.

The Spirit Stone easily broke the sound barrier, flying like a bullet through the air.

"Huh?" The guy noticed something shiny flying at him but didn't have time to dodge, so he raised his weapon.


The Spirit Stone flew at him with too much force staggering him. He looked speechlessly at the Spirit Stone between his feet and his mind blanked.


His head that was sitting on his neck was now gone. Another Spirit Stone took it cleanly and continued flying through several trees, until...


It obliterated nearby hard rock.

The other Cultivators sweated at this sight, but moments later they also had their heads taken off cleanly!


But she caused too much commotion with her throwing Skills that it attracted the attention of the Elder.

He found a small Fox trying to loot the dead bodies and used his Martial Ability.

Aiko's [Intention Perception] warned her of the incoming danger and she dove into the ground.

The ground caved in and Qi spread out throughout the soil.


Aiko cursed silently at that bastard as she felt her body was heavy and painful.


The Elder stared at Aiko who was using Spirit Stone as rocks and cried inside their hearts.

Most of them would polish Spirit Stones, or sleep with them. So that they could absorb at least a little bit of the Energy inside. Yet this little... *sigh*

The Queen giggled with a gentle expression, freezing the Elders. She was too mesmerizing when she didn't have a cold expression and their hearts stopped. The Sect Leader had to chant her sutra to calm her heart so that she wouldn't shout. 'Let me become your concubine!'


"S-she is throwing Spirit Stones..." One girl on the seat spoke, while her Soul was leaving her body.

She was not the only one, the Elder maintaining the Projection was already crying. 'Using Spirit Stones as rocks.' He cried so much that some Foxes believed he had reached epiphany and would enter another stage...

The girl who was previously scolding Aiko for being a bully, now was completely stunned. 'Why won't they pay attention to me!? Just because I don't throw rocks around like some kind of barbarian?!' She frowned. She didn't have enough Spirit Stones to throw around like that little Fox.

'Curse you!' She was biting her nice nails.


Aiko popped her head from the soil when the Elder wasn't paying attention.

Aiko readied another Spirit stone for throwing and slammed it against the Elders Head, but it only bounced off.

"Bastard!? Where are you?!" He was not interested in this little thing as even if she grew up she would be small and not very well endowed, meanwhile that large Blood Fox, being Demonic Beast would have a ravishing body and he was looking forward-


Another Spirit Stone hit his head. It didn't deal any damage, but oh boy was he pissed off.

He used his Martial Ability in a frenzy, gouging the Earth under him.

Aiko was constantly cursing him for his thick skin.

'Why he won't pop like the others?!' Aiko cursed, she was unaware that he was Elder as she missed that greeting and even if she didn't miss it, she wouldn't know how great that was.

'I will have to check that book later to know what is wrong.' She was talking about the [Introduction to the Mortal Realm] as she encountered something she didn't understand.

However now it was not the time, she was frustrated and annoyed when-

'This way, come, come.'
'He won't be as arrogant once you mess up his Formation, go!'

The Darkness guided her towards one of the Formation flags and Aiko saw the guards.

They looked a bit intimidating, but who said she had to fight them!

She dove under the ground and moved below the flag, listening to the voices.

'Just tilt it, tilt it.'
'Any movement of the flags will bring about backlash!'

Aiko smirked and nudged the flag.

[[Mischievous Cub] Activated!]
[Your Luck is great! The outcome will be more favourable!]

The flag completely tilted and Aiko was startled.


Finally, we have 100k+ words! You can imagine how distressed I was when I saw 99,958 words :DDD, it was a real pain in the ass, but I didn't want to unnecessarily extend it.

In the next chapter we will have even more mischief so please look forward to it~ ^-^

Also, this is a tribute to @Ruti for explaining a few words~, so I thought I would use them ;p <3

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