Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 55 – How to Penetrate 101

Harem King 1 frowned: "They are taking their sweet time..."

Harem King 2 teased: "I heard she already has Mate, so you know..."

Harem King 3 sternly said: "This is ritual so they can't be late."

Harem King 1 scoffed: "Oh shut up! You are just tired of your Harem and you are trying to get your hands on new Foxes!"

Harem King 2 snorted: "As if you are any different."

Harem King 1 was speechless: "Why are you after me?!"

The Audience "... I wish they would just go ahead and die."

There were currently 7 Core Disciples, thus 7 Harem Kings, but not every one of them had Harem, the Blood Fox's brother didn't have one. As well one more who didn't look all that appealing to other Foxes.

That didn't mean there weren't any harems in the lower tiers like Inner and Outer Disciples. It just meant that they had the first pick and biggest sway as they were under the Elders's direct teachings.


A 'Doll' with a group approached. They would already jump at them if they didn't have a scary person called Grandmaster walking right behind them.

They straightened their backs. One harem king put away his shirt, another unbuttoned it, next one frowned at those two and equipped all his Storage Rings on his fingers... and so on.

Aiko was not very interested in them, but since she was a 'Mate' of this mean Fox they would definitely appeal to her first. Attention was burdensome, she didn't like it.

They arrived next to the other Foxes, there was an exchange of glances. It felt uncomfortable as it felt like they were in some kind of auction.

Aiko's nerves were strained from their stares. She fidgeted and hid behind the Queen, there was no reason not to, since they weren't ordered to keep in line, just to arrive here.

The Queen's lips twitched, but she was quite happy. 'The more attached she is the less likely she will leave me, I got the perfect Servant.' She still lived in her small world where Aiko served her, completely suppressing the fact that she cooked and groomed Aiko day and night.

At first, the Harem King's eyes were strained on the Blood Fox, but once they received a hit from her brother they didn't dare to look again... they would peak and salivate, but conceal it with their Illusions.

"The Harem Kings may try to attract Mates. They are not allowed to force them or touch them, you will be punished if you use Charms or Illusions on their Mind or Souls." The Elder explained in detail. He had never done that previously since it was bother, but Grandmaster was staring straight at him, he had to do it.

Aiko's ear twitched. Those large ears were extremely cute compared to her size and the first few got a nosebleed.

The Harem Kings moved, their first target would be Aiko since they like 1+1 kind of deals. They didn't care about the Fire/Earth Fox with the Shadow Fox since... there wasn't much on the Fire/Earth Fox.

However, that was not the case for this little one and Jade Fox. This little one was so cute and lovable, what if she grows up? They smirked in their minds.


The Harem King 1 who had a bare chest approached Aiko first as he was much faster than the others.

He had Flaming Hair and a very large stature at around 189cm. He was towering like a titan above Aiko, flexing his muscles.

He had a well-chiselled chest, it looked like a work of art found rarely in the museum as she could see almost each individual muscle group. They were extremely well-defined, yet he was no Hulk. His body was a bit bulky, his shoulders were wide and his back muscles were large, but he was still quite thin.

Aiko was slightly intimidated by the moving muscles...

'Did he skip leg days?' Aiko noticed that his legs were incredibly thin.


The Harem King 2 approached with an unbuttoned shirt. He had likewise well chiselled chest, but smaller in height at 180cm. He was still towering above Aiko, but Aiko didn't mind as much as he didn't wiggle his muscles.

He had Lightly Blue hair and the air was making his posture look more mythical. He had more of a romantic air about him. His face was well shaped, it wasn't sharp or intimidating, but that kind you would like to caress all day.

Aiko didn't mind this one-

“Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?” The Harem King 2 said seductively.

Aiko didn't like this one, at all.


The Harem King 3 approached last as he was much slower. His numerous rings on each finger clanked. It was a grating sound for Aiko who was much, much more sensitive than her peers.


They approached her. One with muscles, another with sex appeal and the last one with wealth.

Aiko saw them as obnoxious little shits, but since she couldn't voice her opinion, they didn't know it.

Aiko's hair slowly turned black and her eyes turned Scarlet, giving a similar air to Blood Fox's eyes, but much more sinister.

Seeing this change they redoubled their performance to attract this little one.

The Blood Fox shivered. She remembered this kind of reaction.

Aiko moved much faster than they expected, her first target was the clanking guy.

He was close to her and considering her height difference she had the perfect line of attack.

Her fist sped up faster as she used [Quick Double Jump] to add another layer of speed.

He was unguarded, he didn't expect to be attacked here so he didn't put any Qi barrier or didn't try to defend.

She jumped meeting something soft against her small fist, she could see his eyes enlarge like lightbulbs.

[[Trickster] has triggered! Damage has been reduced!]
[[Mischievous Cub] has triggered! Damage inflicted upon the enemy increased!]


An incredibly painful whine spread into the surroundings. Male Foxes naturally recoiled and Blood Fox's brother was no different. Female Foxes placed their hands in front of their mouths, they were incredibly happy as many of them were once part of their harem but thrown away.

The Harem King 3 fell like a broken puppet.

The Other 2 Harem Kings were shocked and wanted to either attack her or run away.

The Queen would have none of that. She held them in place with her Divine Sense, allowing Aiko to beat them up to her heart's content.

Aiko didn't care about beating them up, but since she had the perfect height. She would get rid of the bothersome individuals.

The Queen crushed their barrier. She already noticed that Aiko's hand was red, possibly from meeting something harder than what she was used to and while their balls were soft, they still had the body of almost Spirit Beasts Rank Foxes.

Aiko punished the muscled guy next, he did want to defend, but Divine Sense held him in place, not allowing him to guard.

[[Trickster] has triggered! Damage has been reduced!]
[[Mischievous Cub] has triggered! Damage inflicted upon the enemy increased!]


Aiko felt brief pain in her hand but ignored it as he needed to take down the cheesy guy too, while he was not as obnoxious as the others...

'I don't like those pickup lines.' Aiko snorted.

The last Harem King was crying while being stuck in that 'seductive' position, but that just made it easier for Aiko to aim...

[[Trickster] has triggered! Damage has been reduced!]
[[Mischievous Cub] has triggered! Damage inflicted upon the enemy increased!]


Aiko was seriously angry at them, since they approached her safe space, nobody was allowed to approach her safe space!

She looked around with her Scarlet eyes, startling the audience. She spotted a girl who was cheering for her with strange flags.

Aiko's eyes shined and a mischievous smile appeared on her lips.

It had a devastating effect on the audience as they started howling and some taking seductive poses, but Aiko ignored them.

She came to the girl with those large flags innocently.

[[Plushie Princess] triggered!]

The girl was stunned. 'D-d-d-d-d-does she l-l-l-like me?!' Her brain was short-circuiting.

Aiko stared with her somewhat large innocent eyes and stretched her hand towards that girl's flags.

The girl got a nosebleed from this cute display. 'B-but I need them for my Formations if they try something.' The girl hesitated and moved her hands slightly upwards.

Aiko was now out of reach and her ears dropped.

[[Plushie Princess] triggered!]
[[Plushie Princess] triggered!]

The girl bled even more from her nosebleed. 'Nope! Don't need them, take it!'

"T-take them." The girl stammered still bleeding from her nose.

Aiko cutely received the larger flag than her arms, making it an even more adorable display.

[[Plushie Princess] triggered!]

The girl fainted and the rest of the flags fell.

Aiko gathered a few, others were also bleeding from their noses but were curious about what she would do with them.

The Queen was shaking her head. 'You don't even know how to use them... should I help her?' She suddenly thought.

The Grandmaster looked away awkwardly. She already read that little one's mind and... she doesn't need to see everything.

Aiko moved her hand throbbing, but she ignored it for now.

She placed the flags down and picked up one.

Others were curious if she knew any Formations, but soon froze.

Aiko positioned herself behind the Harem King 3. His ass was up in the air unguarded.

Aiko tried to stab it but didn't succeed. She frowned cutely.

The Audience breathed a sigh of relief, as well as the Elder, while they wanted to take revenge on them, this seemed a bit too... excessive.

Aiko failed so she had another idea. She positioned her 'borrowed' flag on his backdoor and jumped. She used [Quick Double Jump] in mid-air to gain more momentum and stomped that flag.

*Critical hit*

[[Trickster] has triggered! Damage has been reduced!]
[[Mischievous Cub] has triggered! Damage inflicted upon the enemy increased!]


Another shrill spread from the 'podium' and people shivered. They couldn't look forward. The Wealthy Harem King was foaming from the mouth.

Aiko moved to another it was the muscled one, for some reason he was already positioned with his ass high up.

Aiko tilted her head as she didn't remember him being like this, but she used the same technique on this one.

*Critical hit*

[[Trickster] has triggered! Damage has been reduced!]
[[Mischievous Cub] has triggered! Damage inflicted upon the enemy increased!]
[[Master of Sex Toys] has triggered! Penetration force increased!]


She expected shrill, but only a loud moan spread. Aiko felt a shiver down her spine and recoiled as everyone else.

She stared at him cautiously, but he was salivating and twitching.

Aiko was intimidated by that display and ran behind the Queen.

She was cautiously looking at them.


The Queen's lips twitched when she saw Aiko position that flag. "Surely you wouldn't do that...?'

The Elder. 'T-this... should I stop her?' He looked at Grandmaster who was looking away and misunderstood. 'R-right, if I don't see it there is no harm.

Aiko failed.

The Queen sighed in relief, but she was too quick... 'W-what are you doing now?!' The Queen was left speechless.

The Elder looked back when he didn't hear anything, but that was a bad idea. A scream spread towards him as he saw that little one impale that flag into his backdoor.

The Elder instinctively clenched his muscles.

Aiko moved to another target.

'Y-y-you.' The Queen was left speechless.

She did it again, but this time it was an incredibly loud moan.

The Queen stiffened and saw her little one recoil.

The Grandmaster looked back as she didn't expect this and frowned.

The Elder vowed to himself to create an artefact to protect his backdoor.

Aiko ran behind the Queen shivering. She was intimidated.

The Queen patted her head and the small hands clutching her clothes eased up.

It took some time for the audience... everyone to recover from this shocking development.

They stared towards Aiko with fear and admiration and for some reason, some even had stars in their eyes.


There was an interesting suggestion from kind reader @Indream, where he said that we should get the Blood Fox on board, which isn't as important, but he also said that we should let them have fun from the beginning till the end, which is planned, every single romance interested would stay relevant till the end as each of them will have their own little cheat.

Now the important part which I was thinking about. Should we introduce love interests into the Harem only at the start of the book and then let them roll till the end of the book or should we just roll with it whenever something interesting happens? Should we make a poll and vote about this?

There are 3 books planned, so we would have 3 opportunities to pick up waifus.

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