Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 57 – Aiko begs and the Queen yields

Aiko licked her mouth. 'Here goes nothing...'


[Meat x215 -> x15]
[Level: 200 -> 400]


Aiko was inflated like a balloon after eating so much, but there was also good news.

[Level: 400]
[You can Evolve into [Demonic/Holy] Beast]
[User can choose between Demonic Evolution Tree and Holy Evolution Tree.]

Aiko's eyes shined. She clicked Holy since it would balance her current situation

[Sun Fox]
[Moon Fox]
[Lightning Fox]
[Gale Fox]
[Dew Fox]

Aiko stared at them, she was very interested in them since they were opposite to what she was supposed to normally get.

[Sun Fox]
[#### Rarity]
[Fox that embodies the Sun. She doesn't fear Darkness and is worshipped by many. She doesn't have any purification Abilities, but is unrivalled in destruction and creation.]

Bath in the purest Sun for 30,000 consecutive days
Nurture Sun Stone
Core Purity of at least 100%
During Evolution User needs to reach the peak of the Day (Noon)
[Hidden Requirements:
[Stats Requirements:
Vitality 5,000+
Vigour 5,000+
Strength 5,000+
Beauty: 50,000+
Luck 10,000+
[Title Requirements:
Something that means cheerful or embodies the warmth of the Sun

[Moon Fox]
[#### Rarity]
[Fox that embodies the Moon. She is the quiet observer of the night. Darkness doesn't fear her, but would never oppose her. She is unrivalled when it comes to the Tranquillity of Mind and observations.]

Bath in the rays of the Moon for 30,000 consecutive days
Nurture Moon Stone
Core Purity of at least 50%
During Evolution User needs to be bathed in the rays of the Full Moon
[Hidden Requirements:
[Stats Requirements:
Mind: 10,000+
Soul: 1,000+
Beauty: 50,000+
Luck 10,000+
[Title Requirements:
Something/Someone that means being loved

[Lightning Fox]
[Unique Rarity]
[Fox that embodies the Lightning. She is quick, yet destructive. Her ability to shine in the Darkness is great but short-lived. She had great destructive powers, but ran out of energy very quickly.]

Bath in Lightning for 3,000 consecutive days
Core Purity of at least 80%
During Evolution User needs to survive strikes from Heavenly Lightning
[Stats Requirements:
Agility: 5,000+
Dexterity: 5,000+
Luck 10,000+
[Title Requirements:
Something about Lightning

[Gale Fox]
[Epic Rarity]
[Fox that embodies the Wind/Gale. She is quick, yet soothing. Her Ability to mend with anything is commendable, but she is not very liked by others as she doesn't have form and takes the form of the others.]
Bath in Ravine Gales for 300 consecutive days
During Evolution User needs to seek Cyclones and survive them
[Stats Requirements:
Agility: 5,000+
Dexterity: 5,000+
[Title Requirements:
Something about Wind

[Dew Fox]
[#### Rarity]
[Fox that embodies the Morning Dew. She is wet and sweet, soothing to anyone who plays with her. Her Ability to produce sweet warm nectar is unrivalled, but she is easily corrupted by others.]

Bath in Morning Dew for 30,000 consecutive days
Needs to seek nectar from ####
During Evolution User needs to bath with #### and survive its temptation
[Hidden Requirements:
[Stats Requirements:
Beauty 500,000+
[Title Requirements:
Something that means being Pure of Heart

Aiko looked at those Evolutions, she was left speechless.

'Those higher Rarities are completely insane...' Aiko thought.

She looked at her own stats...

Status System

She was far away from everything...

'Did I just waste all that meat for nothing...?' Aiko clutched her head. 'No, no. I now know what I have to do to achieve those Evolutions... but 30,000 days is a bit too much...'

Aiko sighed. 'Fortunately, I have the Moon Stone already with me.' She rummaged through her little Pouch, pulling out the Moon Stone.

It was a shockingly large stone that emitted warm kind energy.

[Moon Fox]
[#### Rarity]

Bath in the rays of the Moon for 30,000 -> 30 consecutive days

'...' Aiko was left completely dumbfounded. She knew that that rock must've been important, but this important!?

'I just need 30 days... but that doesn't solve my other issues.' Aiko's Mind, Beauty and Luck were too low for her to obtain that.

'I'm not sure if I have a Title that means being loved...' Aiko shook her head.

She then stared at something else.

Stat Points: 5,228
Skill Points: 4,999

'I don't have enough Stat Points to raise it, but I have plenty of Skill Points... My shadow augmentation works only in shadows, since I'm tasked to be bathed in the rays of the Full Moon I will be probably penalized for being in the light...' Aiko sighed. 'I can meet those requirements if I stay in the shadow, but I need to be bathed...'

'Maybe that stinky Fox would know something...' That Fox has been protecting her so far. It was one of the other reasons why she didn't mind the Grandmaster. She couldn't imagine that Mean Fox being beaten by another Fox.

Aiko decided to return... Unfortunately for her, her body was too inflated and she could barely walk.

'Whatever tomorrow is a day too...' Aiko slept while being inflated... unfortunately-[Filthy RICH Den Master]-she couldn't sleep at all.

'Tomorrow will be a rough day.' Aiko sighed in her mind.

"Here you are." The Queen said gently, but Aiko felt a shiver down her spine.

"I was wondering where you were." The Queen was smiling, but not so smiling.

She picked up the shivering teary Aiko and used her special Divine Sense to peek at her Core.

'... What? It didn't get worse?' The Queen caught Aiko eating the last pieces of meat, but since she was too angry at Aiko she didn't check that meat herself.

"You shouldn't eat so much, you won't be able to sleep." The Queen soothed the quivering Aiko.

Aiko sniffed.

"You have not stolen anything right?" The Queen asked gently while returning to their Den.

Aiko shook her head.

"Was it tasty?" The Queen smiled.

Aiko didn't know what kind of question was that or if it had any hidden meaning, but-

Aiko nodded.

The Queen sighed. "Let's return to the Grandmaster I made additional demands so we are safe from outsiders while she is around, she also won't leak our secrets to others. I made her swear to Heaven and Earth so it's absolutely safe." The Queen caressed Aiko's fur.


They returned to their Den. The Grandmaster was already sitting back and drinking her tea.

"Let's have a discussion." The Queen said to the Grandmaster.

"You are talking way too familiar with me." The Grandmaster sighed, but didn't mind all that much, those two were 'Pure' by her standards so she didn't mind.

Aiko sat on Queen's lap wrapped in her Tails, happily snoozing, but not yet sleeping.

"Why did you eat so much meat?" The Queen continued to caress Aiko.

'I need to Evolve.' Aiko said.

"It's no good to rush your-" The Queen cut the Grandmaster short.

"Please only translate Grandmaster, it would be a problem if you decide things by yourself." The Queen was sharp and Grandmaster was startled.

"She said she needs to Evolve." The Grandmaster spoke flatly disagreeing.

"Hmmm... it's too early for you to Evolve." The Queen agreed.

Aiko growled at them. 'I will Evolve with your help or without your help.'

The Grandmaster frowned, but still translated.

The Queen was slightly taken aback. Aiko would usually concede if she explained it to her, but this time she didn't.

"Is there something important that you need to Evolve for?" She realized that Aiko had more secrets than she expected, which could mean that it could be dangerous for this little fluffball to not Evolve.

Aiko nodded. 'I need to reach balance, I don't want to be Evil.'

Grandmaster translated but was displeased. "You are already a Demonic Beast, it is impossible to ignore that, your Evolutions will revolve around Demonic Origins."

"Do you need something from me?" The Queen ignored Grandmaster and asked her little cutie.

'I need to raise my Core to 50% and strengthen my existing Bloodlines.' She noticed that her Bloodline power can be Equal to her Beast Core, but not higher.

The Queen nodded. "I have already prepared medicine baths, but you can take only 1 a month, so 4 months to reach 50%" The Queen explained and Aiko nodded.

'What else do I need for the Bloodlines?' Aiko asked the Queen.

"You need to consume large quantities of the Element that your Bloodline excels at and then collect that Energy in the place where your Bloodline is." The Queen was deep in thought. "What is your secondary Bloodline?"

'Dream Beast Kitsune' Aiko answered happily.


The Grandmaster choked on her tea, coughing violently. "What the- *Cough**Cough*"

The Queen waited and the Grandmaster translated. "How incredible that she was able to get that kind of Bloodline, but..."

"What's wrong?" The Queen asked.

"If others know about this they will try to force her to have as much sex as possible to create more realistic 'Dreams'." The Grandmaster spat.

The Queen's energy changed to a vicious one. "They can try, I would wipe them out if that happened."

For some unknown reason, the Grandmaster shivered at that voice. "Anyway! That Bloodline needs a lot of time to nurture so you should focus on her innate Bloodline."

The Queen nodded, she already knew this, but it was nice that the Grandmaster agreed with her.

"Is there a place to buy Beast Cores?" The Queen hoped it was possible otherwise it would take quite a long time.

"They are costly-" The Grandmaster paused. "I will guide you there once we finish tomorrow's classes."

"Thank you." The Queen was happy about this. 'I don't have time... I need more Pills for my body, but now I also need to draw quite a few Arrays. She will definitely need to convert some Spirit Stones to pure energy.' The Queen clicked her tongue. It was better to feed this little one than Evolve.

"It will take a few months to prepare everything. Are you alright with that?" The Queen asked cautiously, seeing Aiko so adamant about her Evolution it meant it was very important to her.

Aiko was deep in thought. 'I have used so much meat, so it's a bit of waste to wait that long, but I also don't have any other way to raise my Beast Core Purity.' Aiko sighed but nodded. It shouldn't be that bad since she could use the Moon Stone to reset her alignment once in a while.


My apologies, I was in a state of perpetual feeling of vomiting, while not being able to vomit, so I had to go to the doctor, but misclicked the hour of this chapter, so it's fixed now. Please enjoy this chapter~ <3 <3

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