Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 63 – Aiko writes, Elders writhes

The judge hurried for the pen with a bit of Ink as a congratulatory gift.

Aiko was still sitting down, looking around, since her Stamina improved greatly she was able to last in this form for 94 minutes.

'I'm really looking forward to Inscriptions, maybe I will be able to uncover why I can read some of them...' Aiko was deep in thought.

The judge soon returned with an Inscription Pen and a small bottle of Inscription Ink.

Aiko touched the Pen, it was a Metal Pen that felt familiar, yet she couldn't remember from where.

The judge told her how she could use this Pen. You either dip it in the Ink or place the Ink into the opposite side of the Pen and it will slowly trickle down from the inside.

Aiko was mesmerized by the ink slowly moving down as part of that Pen was made out of something that looked like glass.

Aiko curiously touched the Pen and tried to write on the table.

She wondered if it would make an even line, but she also remembered that the Inscription Ink was precious, so she might as well use it while trying the rune that she remembered.

Aiko carefully used the tip to write. At first, she was startled as it produced sparks, but she liked the sound of it and she also soon started to like the effects.

'It feels like I'm making tiny fireworks...' Aiko smiled sweetly and continued to slowly draw the rune.

The sparks intensified each moment, but nobody stopped her. They all stared at the Rune she was writing.

The Peak Elder even pulled out 5th Grade Protection Talisman and was ready to slap it on the little girl.

Aiko finished drawing the rune, wiping the sweat. The Rune called "Strength" gently glowed.

Aiko was happy about the Rune but soon wanted to cry.

The table turned to ashes in front of her, shocking her.

The room was quiet, nobody said anything.

[Mission Completed!]
[Shock the judges.]
[Reward: Passive Skill - [Calligraphy Mastery]!]

She stared around with moist eyes. 'I didn't do it! It just happened!' She was scared that they would punish her for ruining the table.

"Amazing!" The Peak Elder said close to Aiko startling her.


She disappeared behind the stinky Fox, cautiously looking at them.

The Queen finally recovered. '... I didn't expect her to know Runic Language.' The Queen was completely taken aback when she thought about it again.

'Maybe if I teach her a bit of what I remember she could improve even more.' The Queen stared at the table that just vanished and her lips twitched. 'How much knowledge does she have about that Rune? Didn't she burn through her whole Beast Core?'

The Queen stared at her little servant. 'Half of it...' She quivered. 'She burned half of the Beast Core energy with just a single Rune...'

This was both good and bad. Her fluffball would become unrivalled in Inscriptions, but envy can do too much. She didn't want her little fluffball to become a prodigy while she was still a Cub.

'But I can't really stop it now.' While she did have some sway over Elders, she didn't have as much over Peak Elders. She could nudge them in the directions she wanted, but if they refused she would have to beat them up.

That would cause the other Peak Elders to retaliate against her or make things more difficult for them. She didn't want to make things more complicated than they already were.

'It's enough that she has the Dream Bloodline...' The Queen sighed, hugging her little furball.

The room recovered. They looked towards that little Cub with some apprehension.

'I have spent decades to master the Runes, but I was overtaken within a few minutes...' Quite a few lamented like that.

'This is a Blessing for my Peak! I need to recruit this seedling!' Meanwhile, Peak Elder had the time of his life. He knew that he wouldn't be able to advance without reaching the mainland, but if he taught this little one well, he would get a golden ticket to the mainland and progress his Inscriptions.

"Little one, how about becoming my disciple?" The Peak Elder asked, shocking everyone.

Aiko looked at him suspiciously, but the other intercepted.

"Peak Elder, I believe we also have the right to teach her." The judges were upset.

"Then that's simple." The Queen clapped her hands, attracting everyone's attention. "Demonstrate your prowess and let my little Mate decide."

The room went quiet for a moment, they looked at each other and nodded.

One judge demonstrated his Skill in imbuing and carving metal sticks. He made it glow with faint light.

Aiko didn't understand, so the Queen explained.

"That stick uses the ambient Qi to produce light, as such it will never stop or degrade as long as there is enough ambient Qi." The Queen gently caressed her.

Another Elder demonstrated a stick that vibrated and made weird motions.

"You bastard!" The other judges howled, dragging him away.

Aiko stared at the Queen. 'Explain, Explain.' Aiko had a mischievous smile.

The Queen blushed furiously, pinching her Mate's cheeks.

Aiko protested, but the Queen was adamant when it came to this. 'I can't tell her about this, she is too young. That bastard...' She already planned to cripple his little brother.

The judges returned and the last judge demonstrated his craft.

"Here." The last judge placed a piece of cloth in front of the little one.

Aiko tilted her head. She changed into Human form and picked up the piece of cloth. She didn't understand what she was supposed to do, but the piece of cloth was quite nice.

"May I?" The kind judge asked and Aiko gave it back.

The judge demonstrated her Skills and placed the cloth before Aiko again.

Aiko tilted her head but picked it up.


"Warm, isn't it?" The judge smiled.

'It's really warm and a bit softer.' Aiko was staring at it for quite some time as her brain did the mental gymnastics for her.

Aiko stared at the last judge. She didn't really care about their appearance as long as they could give/teach her something she would like/need.

She was quite young now that she was looking at her. She had lightly Purple hair, with ocean blue eyes, they were slightly similar to Aiko's, but not at the same time.

She didn't have almost any bosom and her body was thin, she looked a bit sick but sickly beautiful.

She was a head shorter than the others and less intimidating. Aiko didn't mind this one.

'Why is she looking at her for so long.' Meanwhile, the Queen had an existential crisis. 'Surely she doesn't like this old hag, right?' She was unsure and confused.

She protectively hugged her Mate. Getting a giggle out of that judge.

Aiko was pouting her lips as she couldn't move.


She reverted again and jumped on the table, still staring at the judge.

"Would you like me to teach you?" The judge was slightly taken aback as her art was not as well received.

Aiko nodded.

'I have tons of Spirit Crystals that are warm, maybe I can adjust their heat and make them into bedding?' Aiko thought.

The judge was startled but smiled. "Elder Shu." She readily gave the little one her name.

Aiko nodded again. The Queen was upset. 'The Peak Elder would be much better when it comes to teaching, or the first one that has mastered the art of Ambient Qi Inscriptions...'

"Do you really want to be taught by her?" The Queen couldn't conceal her disapproval.

Aiko tilted her head. The Queen and the Mate stared at each other.

"Do you want to be taught by everyone?" The Queen's voice quivered.

Aiko nodded. 'I can use the first one as lights for my Den, the Second one for massage and the third one for bedding. It's perfect!'

She then tilted her head towards the Peak Elder. 'But I don't know anything about this guy.' She frowned.

"I have knowledge about many, many Runes." The Peak Elder suddenly blurted and everyone looked at him strangely.

'No way will I allow her to monopolize her, hmpf!' The Peak Elder pouted.

The others gave him a knowing look.

The Queen sighed. 'I will have to prepare some nice baths and Pills or I might fall out of favour.' She desired her little fluffball. 'I could get high-grade Caldrons if she learns well.' She already made mental plans.

Aiko turned back into Human form again and circled the 'bedding' teacher.

Elder Shu giggled at the curious little Cub and gently petted her head.

Aiko let her, while she kept observing her. She had 5 tails, but most of them lost colour. The last 2 were also slowly losing colour.

"Would you like to start tomorrow?" The Elder Shu took the initiative, she really liked the smoothness of Aiko's 'hair' and found her ears very cute.

Aiko nodded.


They returned home and the Queen was still frowning, but Aiko ignored that, she had her own troubles.

[Beast Core(10%): 1,000 -> 500 (620)]

'It cost me half of my Beast Core energy to create that one Rune.' Aiko frowned.

On the other side, she was able to get the [Calligraphy Mastery]

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 170?]
[You have received a Sub-Profession Coupon(Servant).]
[You can choose the Sub-Profession for your 'Servant'. They will receive bonuses in that Sub-Profession, but only if they have an affinity for it! (Doesn't get used, you have to have an intimate bond with the receiver. Can't be used multiple times on the same 'Servant')]

'I don't have any Servants...' Aiko thought. She then stared at the mean Fox.

[You don't have enough affinity with this individual.]

'Thought so...' Aiko sighed.

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 190?]
[You have received a Sub-Profession Coupon.]

'Another? Does that mean I can have multiple Sub-Professions?' Aiko tilted her head, she would postpone this for later. She wondered if she could get an Inscription Sub-Profession without actually needing to use this.

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 200?]
[You have received a Cultivation Gift(Servant).]
[Cultivation Gift(Servant)]
[Gives your 'Servant' the best Cultivation Technique. (Doesn't get used, you have to have an intimate bond with the receiver. Can't be used multiple times on the same 'Servant')]

'Another one...' Aiko snorted. 'Like the system is telling me I won't make it.'

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 230?]
[You have received an Ability Coupon.]
[Ability Coupon]
[Allows you to get 1 Ability for free.]

'Fina-fucking-ly! Something I can use! I should go through the shop later and have a look if I can find anything of value~' Aiko hummed.

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 250?]
[You have received a Bloodline Gift.]
[Bloodline Gift]
[Chooses suitable Bloodline for the User's needs.]

'Can I get Bloodline that would allow me to counter the negative effects of my Demonic Bloodline? They were always talking about me being Demonic Beast...' Aiko narrowed her eyes. 'But soon I will have the Moon Fox Race, which should counter it...'

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 280?]
[You have received an Ability Coupon.]


[Receive a reward for reaching Level 300?]
[You have received a Bloodline Gift(Servant).]
[Bloodline Gift(Servant)]
[Gives your 'Servant' the best Bloodline. (Doesn't get used! You have to have an intimate bond with the receiver. Can't be used multiple times on the same 'Servant')]

'Seriously? Can't you give me something I can use?!' Aiko was angry.

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 340?]
[You have received an Ability Combination Coupon.]
[Ability Combination Coupon]
[Allows you to make 1 combination for free.]

'Now this is really good. I can get Divine Ability if I choose the right Combination~' Aiko smiled from ear to ear.

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 350?]
[You have received a Profession Coupon.]
[Profession Coupon]
[You can choose your main Profession.]

'Profession... I don't have any tabs about Professions, so I will have to look at it later. What if I could get 2 Professions?' Aiko tilted her head.

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 390?]
[You have received an Ability Combination Coupon.]

'More! Give me more!' Aiko demanded.

[Receive a reward for reaching Level 400?]
[You have received a Karma Bound.]
[Karma Bound]
[You can select a living being that is close to you and bind their Karma with yours!]

'This feels oddly ominous...' Aiko didn't understand the implications of Karma, so she would use this cautiously.

[Special Hidden Mission!]
[❤Seduce Immortal!❤]
[Reward: Bloodline Evolution - Dream Goddess Kitsune(Dormant)]

'Oh fuck off! I'm still tiny and a Cub!' Aiko roared at the system.

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