Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 89 – Profession and Kinky Foxes

They dragged that Elder away for questioning, Aiko didn't care and wanted to leave, but she was stopped by the Patriarch.

"Your Inscription Token is finished." He said while taking out Black well-decorated Inscription Token with [Inscription Master] written on them.

Aiko completely forgot about her Token and took it from the Patriarch.

[Congratulations for finishing [Hidden Trial]!]
[Unlocked Main Profession and Sub-Profession!]
[You have obtained a Special Token. Your Sub-Profession changed from - to [Inscription Apprentice (1st Low-Grade Inscription Cultivator)]!]
[Your main Profession changed from - to [Opportunistic Kleptomaniac (Apprentice)]!]

Aiko stared at the system for a bit, attracting the attention of the Fox Elders.

"Is there something wrong?" Inky Head Elder asked.

Aiko snapped out of it and hid the Token. "No, mine!"

The Elders smiled warmly at her antics.

"Since we have finished our business we will wait till all the Foxes that passed get their Tokens and we will leave." Lightbulb Elder smiled brightly, they were just pretending to leave to pressure the Patriarch so they could get more treasures out of him.

"Please fellow Taoist stay for a tea." The Patriarch beckoned them gently but was frowning inside. He lived for quite a long time and was already used to the shameless ways.

"Since you insist." The Fox Elders smiled from ear to ear, ready to extort the Patriarch.

Patriarch could only sigh when staring at the hungry Foxes.


Aiko left that room with Mei, she was restless, she really wanted to know what those Professions and Sub-Profession do.

'You need to control yourself better so your secrets don't get exposed.' Mei gently reminded Aiko through telepathy.

Aiko nodded shyly, she was aware of that, but when the system was silent for such a long time she couldn't help, but pause and be curious.

They returned to their place and Aiko immediately went into her room to check those new shiny.

[Profession: [Opportunistic Kleptomaniac (Apprentice)]]
[Opportunistic Kleptomaniac (Apprentice)]
[First step towards the Dao of Kleptomaniacs.]
[1st Effect: Finding Shiny new things is easier.]
[You can upgrade the Stage, by collecting/extorting Treasures from others.]

Aiko smiled, she could get more treasures now. What is more, collecting and extortion is very easy for her when she considers her complexion and cuteness.

[Sub-Profession: [Inscription Apprentice (1st Low-Grade Inscription Cultivator)]]
[Inscription Apprentice (1st Low-Grade Inscription Cultivator)]
[First step towards Dao of Runes.]
[1st Effect: It's easier to understand Runes.]
[You can upgrade the Grade, by Inscribing Runes onto objects. The more complex and defined Inscription the better Evaluation and thus higher chance to advance Grades!]

'... Why am I not [Inscription Master] already?' Aiko tilted her head, she was confused as to why this was not the case.

The system didn't consider her as [Inscription Master] since she was severely lacking in Skill, what was considered [Inscription Master] in the lower Realm was not considered [Inscription Master] in the worlds beyond. Thus the system was Evaluating her based on the criteria from Worlds beyond this small insignificant lower realm.

'Whatever...' Aiko pouted, but she was still upset that she didn't get her just deserved Rank.

She sat down and doodled with her Pen a couple of Runes, she already noticed her higher understanding of the many Runes that she casually doodled.

[Inscription Mastery: Lv.9->Mastered]

And the system agreed with her sentiment. She achieved Mastery in it, she could now upgrade it, but...

"Ugh... everything costs 10,000 Skill Points." Aiko frowned seeing the insane prices, but those prices were not THAT insane, so she didn't consider using the [Skill Combination Coupon].

"I will have to level up once I return so I can purchase it..." Aiko thought about it.

"I should hunt some monster and roast their meat, but..." She stared towards the house where Mei rested. "I don't think that she will let me?" Aiko thought that sometimes that mean Fox was too overprotective.

"But it's not like I can roast that meat myself..." Aiko frowned, she was already addicted to the taste that Mei created when she cooked the meat.

This was a good thing for Mei as she was planning to ensnare Aiko in different ways so that she wouldn't want to leave her, but even Mei didn't expect it to be so effective.

Aiko sighed.

She went into the house of that mean Fox.

"Mei?" Aiko looked around, but couldn't find Mei anywhere.

She went to another house but was empty again, so she went to the last one where the Blood Fox resided.

Aiko opened the doors, only for her to see two half-naked Foxes. Those Foxes were completely stunned. Their minds blanked and their words were caught inside their throats.

Aiko stared at them without blinking. "I'm sorry, I will be on my way."


Mei frowned. She just tried the Defensive Artefact, but it didn't fit her. Certain parts of her body were too small so the shirt was too big.

Mei was upset and cursing, if this wasn't a Defensive Treasure she would already burn it to crisp.

She then stared towards the residence of Passion Fox and a playful thought crossed her mind.

Mei was aware of the Passion Fox's condition, but that didn't mean she would help her rival. They both relied on Aiko in some way, so there was just no way she would concede her current position.

She moved towards the house of Passion Fox and opened her doors.

Passion Fox was currently changing dress and was half naked.

The Passion Fox stiffened from embarrassment.

The Jade Fox stiffened from rage.

'Why the fuck are they so big!' Mei cursed in her mind and was upset at Passion Fox's body. 'Should I also find the Blood Bloodline so I can get that kind of body?' Mei clicked her tongue. 'No, I don't want to completely rely on Aiko like this stupid Fox.'

'W-w-w-why is she here?!' The Blood Fox was embarrassed. 'W-what does she want?!'

She immediately picked up her previous clothes to somewhat cover, but the Jade Fox grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

"W-what do you want?" The Blood Fox tried to maintain a tough front, but her voice quivered. She was afraid that if she hurt this Jade Fox she would get stoned by the little one.

"Try this." Mei placed the shirt in front of her with a frowning face.

"O-okay." The Blood Fox was beet red, but couldn't say anything as she was really worried about the fluffball.

She picked the longer shirt from Jade Fox and-

The doors opened.

They both looked towards the door. There stood Aiko frozen in place. She browsed their bodies like she was in some kind of shopping centre.

"I'm sorry, I will be on my way." She said slowly, keeping her eyes on them.

Both of the Foxes were embarrassed, both for different reasons, but Mei refused Aiko to leave like this.

She grabbed Aiko and pulled her inside sealing the doors behind her.

"W-what?" Aiko was smothered by Mei's smooth body.


She transformed and jumped outside through the window.

Mei was stunned as she didn't expect this event, but she was too slow to stop it as Aiko's ears tickled her, making her reaction time slower than what it was supposed to be.

The Blood Fox grabbed Mei. Her chest squished Mei's easily, which upset Mei.

"Y-you need to explain it to her!" The Blood Fox didn't wish to be seen as a pervert.

Mei frowned and slapped the Passion Fox away.

"Auch." The Blood Fox hit the side of the bed, but before she could get angry the Jade Fox was already gone.

*Sob* "What am I going to do now? Will she avoid me?" The Blood Fox was restless and pitiful, once her emotions overwhelmed her, her Bloodline would make it difficult to think straight.

She quietly sobbed inside her house until her emotions calmed down.


"Aiko." Mei stared at Aiko who was Inscribing Runes.

"Finished?" Aiko tilted her head at Mei.

"What do you mean 'finished'?!" Mei cried out.

"I mean... you don't last very long." Aiko tilted her head.

Mei frowned and pinched her nose bridge explaining her situation.

"Oh..." Aiko had a very passive attitude, she didn't believe Mei that it was really like that.

"It is the truth!" Mei cried out again, feeling wronged and she dragged Aiko back into her house for her to try the shirt.


"GHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!" Mei was laughing so loud it spread through the entire courtyard.

Aiko currently had that shirt on her, but it was so big that it basically worked as a one-piece dress with comically long sleeves.

"HAHAHAHA!" Mei couldn't stop laughing, she felt much better about her lack of assets once she stared at Aiko.

Aiko pouted. "Stinky Fox you owe me meat and more Beast Core." Aiko wouldn't take it lying down. 'Just you wait, once I'm bigger and stronger I will tie you up!' She threatened the mean Fox in her mind.

"HAHA, sure!" Mei was still laughing but conceded to Aiko since she was in a much better mood.

"And it better be exceptionally good!" Aiko pouted throwing that shirt away before activating the Sect Token, which gave her back the one-piece clothing.


"We will be leaving soon." Inky Head interrupted them just as Mei was starting to prepare some meat.

"What about my Spirit Stones and those large pieces of meat?" Aiko frowned, sure she got the treasure, but what about the shiny stones and delicious meat?

"Here." The Elder gave her a Pouch that was filled with meat and 3,000 Spirit Stones.

"Just 3,000..." Aiko pouted and the Elder wanted to spit blood.

'What do you mean 'just' 3,000! I don't earn more than that in a year!' The Elder was upset at this clueless Cub.

"Hmpf!" The Elder flicked his sleeve and left without looking back.

Mei stifled her laughter that threatened to escape her lips and gently nudged Aiko.

"Go pack up." Mei smiled sweetly.

Aiko frowned but listened. They would be leaving today.

Status System

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