Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 94 – Time Passes and Mei’s Cuddling

Aiko was right, Mei was still grumbling, but there was no time for her to ask as Mei was constantly refining Pills.

Meanwhile, Aiko could not think about it properly because she was being beaten by the Grandmaster.

"You have a small build so leverage that advantage!" The Grandmaster reprimanded.

"You have the strange jump in midair use it more!" The Grandmaster was pretty difficult to deal with, she was very demanding and her only close-quarter combat teaching was her beating Aiko up.

Aiko didn't like this at all, but once it came to throwing or anything that didn't revolve in CQC then the Grandmaster was very helpful and kind. Slowly teaching everything she knew about those things and even sometimes researching about them to help Aiko get used to her tails.

"But it's strange." The Grandmaster shook her head. "I know that you have two tails, but I can't seem to find them on you."

"I'm using Technique for that from Mei." Aiko admitted it was safe to tell Grandmaster as she was under a gag vow.

"I see... that is good, that will save us a lot of trouble in the long run." The Grandmaster nodded and praised this insight.

"Keep your hands slightly higher when throwing." The Grandmaster gestured. "There will also be a relapse soon, so it will be time for you."

"What am I supposed to do?" Aiko vaguely remembered that deal, but she still didn't quite understand it.

"It's simple, you just have to sit still." The Grandmaster smiled. "And not use that Technique."

Aiko frowned, but she knew that the Grandmaster wouldn't put her in danger and this place was pretty much isolated from the outside so nobody would dare to invade.

"But why stay still?" Aiko tilted her head.

"It's better like that." The Grandmaster smiled vaguely.

"You won't hurt me right?" Aiko guarded herself against the Grandmaster.

The Grandmaster flicked her. "Even if I wanted to hurt you, you are not powerful enough to stop me, so train well and stop thinking about useless things."

Aiko rubbed her forehead and looked away.


A month passed like this and it was time for the relapse to happen.

Mei expressionlessly prepared the Array and Pills for the Grandmaster not saying much, just the usage and what was necessary.

Aiko was troubled, she wanted to finish the massage chair, but knew it was not the right time as Mei hadn't improved.

Mei left quietly and the Grandmaster sat down inside the Array.

"Come here." The Grandmaster patted the pillow on her lap.

"In Human form?" Aiko asked just in case.

"Fox form is preferable." The Grandmaster smiled.


Aiko changed into her Fox form and jumped on that pillow, that pillow was not all that bad, but it wouldn't get a better rating than 8/10 since it was not warm.

Aiko lay there waiting. The Grandmaster picked up a brush and brushed Aiko's fur.

'Her Bloodline is more powerful than I thought... this will be troublesome.' The Grandmaster quietly clicked her tongue. 'I already syphoned some resources for Aiko once she grows up a bit more, but with the current power of her Bloodlines it will take a lot more resources than I expected.'

The Grandmaster was deep in thought, meanwhile, Aiko was looking through the system.

[Beast Cores(50%): 1,615 -> 3,835 (35,865)]
[Moonlight Qi: 1,512 -> 3,732]

'My Moonlight Qi was boosted greatly, while Beast Core was likewise increased, but I had not managed to enter the dual Meditation.' Aiko frowned. 'I don't want to spend so much Beast Core Energy in nurturing it so it would be best if I learned that.'

Aiko thought that she could ask the Grandmaster, but her eyelids felt heavy and she soon drifted to sleep.


Aiko woke up the next day, she felt... airy? Like her fur wasn't there? But it was still there? What was happening??

Aiko turned around, the Grandmaster had a gentle smile that froze Aiko in place. She was unaccustomed to that smile and her brain lagged.

'I can't believe the Grandmaster can smile sweetly...' Aiko raised her 'eyebrow'. 'No way that this battle maniac can smile like that, this must be a dream. Definitely a dream!' Aiko gently convinced herself but felt a pull on her ear.

"It's not very nice to badmouth others." The Grandmaster smiled with that dangerous smile like she was about to beat Aiko up. She pinched and massaged Aiko's cheeks.

"I'm sowwy." Aiko apologized as she knew that the Grandmaster could read her mind.

"As long as you are really sorry I will forgive you since this was a small thing." The Grandmaster let go of Aiko and lifted the pillow with her.

She walked towards the small place that the Jade Fox hogged for herself.

The Grandmaster knocked as a courtesy, but only because she held some respect for the Jade Fox, otherwise she would just enter without asking.

"Come in." Mei answered buried in herbs.

She looked towards the Grandmaster. "How was the relapse?" She asked if she needed to change the Herb formula, but...

"What relapse?" The Grandmaster beamed. "I didn't expect it to work so well." The Grandmaster gave the Jade Fox a genuine smile as she was happy that she made that deal and it worked so well for her.

"That's amazing, I expected some pain or stuff like that." Mei nodded looking interested in the effects. "Anything else?"

The Grandmaster sighed. "Here."

She placed Aiko who was sitting on the pillow onto Mei's lap.

The Jade Fox was confused and was about to hand Aiko away, but she was not allowed.

"I will be excusing myself now, as my body feels refreshed and needs some stretching unless you would like to join me?" The Grandmaster smiled with her 'training' smile.

The Jade Fox hardened. "I'm good."

The Grandmaster left the room, leaving those two alone.

Aiko didn't want to move too much and also knew that Mei needed space for her work.

Mei was... stunned. Hesitant about what to do. She wanted to drive Aiko away as she didn't know what to do about her current situation, but at the same time, she was concerned about driving Aiko away completely.

Her emotions were a mess, she was pissed beyond belief that someone would say such a disgusting claim.

She was too upset to care about others at that time, but now that she was presented with Aiko...

She slowly picked up Aiko and cuddled her.

"You won't leave me right?" Mei squeezed Aiko tightly, not letting her say anything.

"You won't hurt me..." Mei chanted like she was so sure about it or maybe she just tried to hypnotize herself that this would be the reality.

Like this Aiko spends time in Mei's arms, unaware of the passing time.


A week passed and Mei finally let go of Aiko.


Aiko was hungry, she didn't expect Mei to cuddle her for so long, so she was exceptionally hungry.

"I will cook you something nice." Mei smiled faintly. It seemed like her emotions were much more stable, but not in shape that she would want to work on something.


Aiko ate quietly, glancing at Mei. She played with her food but finished everything she cooked. Mei's portion might've been only 1/5th of what Aiko had, but it was still similar to the Human food portion, so there should be no worry about her food intake... Aiko hoped.

Mei returned to her place to Refine Pills and Aiko went with the Grandmaster.

Once A month Aiko would spend a day in Grandmaster's arms and then some days being cuddled by Mei.

She didn't dislike this lifestyle, but was concerned about Mei, as this situation lasted for almost a year.

The time for Beast Core tests was postponed to every 5 years, but they also announced that you had to reach 60% Beast Core Purity to ensure prosperity.

Aiko didn't understand what was happening at first, but-

"There might be war incoming, so to ensure everyone's safety they need to get stronger. There was not much of an incentive at first, but now there is." The Grandmaster calmly explained.

"What about Mei?" Aiko asked concerned.

"She is one of the main Refiners, there is no way that the war might affect her, she is too precious." The Grandmaster spoke calmly. After experiencing the quality of Jade Fox's Pills she was sure that those old fogeys would never let her leave the Village and join the war.

"There will also be more Assassination Mission and Hunting Missions, so it would be best to use this situation and get plenty of rewards..." The Grandmaster paused and 'flicked' her own forehead. "Right, you are still a cub, but how old are you?"

"I'm over 2 years old now." Aiko spoke slowly.

The system offered her those nice things. Including the [Sleeping] Skill. Aiko was overjoyed, but also upset, she could've had 2 Skills if that miss-click hadn't happened.

[You can enter a pseudo-sleeping state, you can still meditate or have your Abilities activated at a moment's notice.]

She was able to dual Meditate with this Skill.

At first, she tried to ask Grandmaster about it, but it just wouldn't work, she was too restless and it didn't help her much.

[Beast Cores(50%): 3,835 -> 20,000 (52,030)]
[Moonlight Qi: 3,732 -> 46,500]

She tried it a few times, but because of her [Filthy RICH Den Master]. She was unable to sleep under the bright sky.

The best one was the Grandmaster's pillow, but she would not allow Aiko to sleep on it, lest it would get dirty.

Later she tried making holes in the roof to let the moonlight drift onto Mei's tails, but both Mei and Grandmaster put her through hellish training because of that and from that point, she dropped it.

'I will need some kind of portable bed that I can dirty, but that requires resources...' Aiko frowned. 'There is still time before I grow...' Aiko sighed, she didn't know how long would it take, but she hoped it wouldn't be too many years...

Status System


In the next one, we will have Aiko's shopping spree once again and one final time skip so we can slowly explore the world during the war~! This means Aiko will be now a teen~ ^-^

But with all good comes bad... yes I'm talking about you rascals! In the previous chapter, I talked about bad numbers, but that didn't mean you were supposed to rate it! Now it's 161 which is an even worse number than 151, at least with 151 you have the middle ground and two 1 in there so it looked somewhat presentable, but 161?! What am I going to do with that?! :DDD
Shame on you~ ;P <3

On a serious note, I really want to thank you so much for everything, I'm setting up things and we will soon have more things to talk about so please bear with me till then~! ^-^ <3 <3

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