Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 99 – (18+) Shadow Elder


This chapter contains: Toy-play, Voyeurism without sexual intent

Read at your own discretion!


Aiko walked silently behind the Shadow Elder, still looking around curiously.

She could still feel some new presences, but she just couldn't pinpoint them.

"Your next test would be a simple dodging." Before the Shadow Elder finished, Aiko was showered by a wall of knives, kunai... chair?

Aiko dodged to the left and shifted her body so that she had a thinner profile, but there were just too many of them, she wouldn't be able to dodge all of them.


In Human form, that is, in her tiny Fox form, she was able to easily weave through the knives, kunai and... chair? Who keeps throwing chairs?!

The danger was passed easily in her Fox form as she was much faster and she also had fewer debuffs.

"Only half of the points since you took your Fox form." The Shadow Elder nodded.

Aiko snorted.

"What? You don't agree?" The Shadow Elder narrowed his eyes.

"Obviously. When I was a cub, the pseudo-transformation reduced my speed to 1/10, now that I'm juvenile it's 1/5, so I'm guessing that you, shitty adults, have something like 1/2.5 or 1/2." Aiko scoffed at him. 'Trying to measure me to adult standards? Dream on! I will chew your ass for that!'

"But the matter still stands, that you took your Fox form."

"Sure sure, smart-ass, it doesn't seem like your nickname comes with intelligence." Aiko rolled her eyes.

The Shadow Elder breathed deeply, he was about to punch this brat but restrained himself since his mistress told him she could leave unharmed.

"Next up is math-"


"See? I told you, your nickname doesn't come with intelligence attached." Aiko scoffed at him once again and she had a good reason to.

1,000:0 in favour of Aiko.

She won 1,000 times against this brainless 'Shadow Elder' and she would keep winning if the Peak Elder didn't stop her. She was a bit upset that it ended so quickly, but she didn't mind it as much, since this Shadow Elder was dumb as a brick.

"What's next." Aiko smugly stared at him.

The Shadow Elder groaned, he never suffered such a defeat. He wanted to get rid of this brat who didn't give him any face, but...

'She is to leave unharmed.' The Shadow Elder practised his Mental Cultivation Technique to calm himself down.

Aiko waited for him to finish and stared around for the time being.

"Fish..." Aiko murmured. They sat under a small pagoda when they were doing those simple equations and fishes swam around them in the ponds.

'They are so quiet.' Aiko thought, staring at those fish like she was trying to hypnotize them.

The Shadow Elder stabilized his mind and looked at this brat. She was hungrily looking at those fish.

"Do you want to eat them?" The Shadow Elder asked as he spotted an option to get back on this brat.

"No." Aiko denied it.

"Don't lie, I saw how you hungrily looked at the fish." The Shadow Elder shook his head.

"Are you stupid? No, wait, don't answer that. You are stupid!" Aiko nodded seriously.

The Shadow Elder's forehead twitched and a few veins popped up.

"Why would you want to eat such skinny fish?! Do you know how much work it would take to prepare them?! Seriously, how can you be a Shadow? Or maybe Shadows are supposed to be without brains?" Aiko cursed him, but still restrained herself since he would be her future colleague if she liked this place.


Laughter drifted from all around, and the Shadow Elder looked incredibly angry.

"Bastard! Go take another round of Assassination Training!" The Shadow Elder took his anger on them since he couldn't really do that on this brat.

'Mistress doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable and she is protected.' The Shadow Elder frowned.

"Last test would be you sneaking around." The Shadow Elder spoke. This was not the last test and it was not even part of the test. He just wanted to make things difficult for the brat.

"Sure, where do I start and what is my destination." Aiko didn't reject this, as it was much better than keeping this geezer's company.

The Shadow Elder didn't say anything any more and guided her to the entrance of the Shadows Peak.

"You are to reach the Peak Elder's room." The Shadow Elder said before disappearing from his place.

"At least he has some skill..." Aiko chuckled.

The assassin in hiding almost spat out blood. 'This is only 'some skill'?!' But they soon realized why Aiko said that.

Aiko turned into her Fox form as it was smaller and better at sneaking around and she fully activated all of her stealth Skills, alongside [Assimilate].

Her whole being seemed to merge with the surrounding shadows and if you had not stared directly at her, you would never notice her.

The Shadow Elder was pleasantly surprised at this and the animosity he held towards this brat lessened a little, but only a little! He would never forgive this brat for ridiculing him!

Aiko walked around in the Shadows, only some veterans were able to spot her, but once they spotted her, Aiko would move into their blind spot to hide yet again, before moving forward.

This place was quite large, so she would have to explore this place and nab- displace a few things.

She went inside the first room, but there wasn't anything worthy to take, only some bamboo sticks and small wooden throwing knives.

'Probably a training storage room.' Aiko thought, closing this room.

The assassins tailed Aiko out of curiosity, but mostly because of the Shadow Elder's orders.

Aiko's Skills in hiding were improving at a stunning rate. She was slowly beginning to predict where the young assassins would look and she no longer needed [Intention Perception] to tell her. That was not the case for the older generation as even with [Intention Perception] she was unable to completely guess their positions and thus she was unable to predict them.

That's not to say they were not impressed by her, most of them didn't take this test as they would fail immediately, but this little one has lowered her profile and is very cautiously exploring. They wouldn't be able to do that if they were in her shoes at that time.

Aiko sneaked into another room, it was a herb room with many Herbs, but also flasks with strange liquids.

'Let's leave this creepy place alone.' Aiko had a bad feeling whenever she looked at those flasks. She felt danger from them and as such she would never touch them.

Another room was bedding-

'They are fucking...' Aiko rolled her eyes. 'They aren't all that pretty either... the best one is 4/10.'

Naturally, Aiko compared them to the Jade Fox and Grandmaster. If she compared them to Blood Fox's body...

'At most 2/10...' Aiko sighed silently.

Aiko didn't care about ugly people fucking, it was like staring at an ugly blob trying to make you aroused. It disgusted her.

The assassins were surprised to not only see Aiko's disgust, but also her lack of lust. They couldn't help but look at each other. Most of them were looking forward to this kind of training since they had their urges, they felt kind of weird when they spotted this little one who was not only indifferent but also disgusted by such scenes.

Aiko went towards another room.

She opened the doors and immediately something inorganic fell on her.

Aiko barely dodged and stared at that object. "Fucking dildos again!" Aiko almost cried out loud but restrained herself only glaring at it like it was her mortal enemy.

At this point, the assassins thought that she was asexual when they saw her attitude towards those sexual things. They shook their heads as this was an important part of the training that everyone would have to do.

They didn't know that Aiko was pardoned from such training...

Aiko sneaked around some more, looking into clothing rooms, dressing rooms, shower rooms and so on.


'This is the last room.' Aiko panted, she couldn't believe how huge this place was.

Aiko opened those doors, but she regretted that action.

The Peak Elder was currently using a huge dragon dildo, and she was ramming it into her pussy with ecstatic expression, only for that expression to completely stiffen when she saw Aiko.

They stared at each other and Aiko placed her paw on the doors, slowly closing them with the expression of 'Sorry, my bad.'.

"Hold it!" The Peak Elder demanded and Aiko immediately shut the door, but those doors were blasted apart and the assassins behind Aiko, who were hiding in place, but still stunned at the Peak Elder's beauty, were shot down from their hiding spots.

The Peak Elder was already clothed. "Come inside and explain your attitude."

The Peak Elders Energy allowed her to erase temporary memories, so if Aiko didn't explain herself properly the Elder would make her forget this situation.

At this point the Shadow Elder was pleased as only the Peak Elder was allowed to deal with this brat, he was smugly smiling when...

"The Shadow Elder told me to sneak into your room." Aiko immediately ratted out the perpetrator. "He also didn't tell me which room was yours, so I had to explore this place and I have plenty of issues." Aiko snorted.

The Peak Elder was stunned. "Shadow."

"Yes, Mistress?" The Shadow Elder appeared already formulating an excuse for himself, but this momentary distraction allowed the Peak Elder to kick his balls. "Ungrateful bastard." The Peak Elder scoffed at the quivering body on the floor.

"I have been wronged, Mistress." The Shadow Elder said weakly.

"Bullshit! You have always played these kinds of pranks on people that displeased you!" The Peak Elder didn't believe the Shadow's bullshit. "Not only that, but you didn't expect her to get so far, am I right? It would be no issue if she was caught properly before, by the younger generation, as the older ones move only if the person invading is dangerous." She stomped his balls several times and the Shadow Elder writhed in agony.

"I was wrong, Mistress." The Elder wasn't a masochist and he could hear the giggles of other assassins, he felt like he lost all of his face...

"Now you admit it! 50x Assassination Training and without rewards!" The Peak Elder slapped his face a few times.

The Peak Elder kicked the Shadow Elder away and sighed.

"Come inside." The Peak Elder looked irritated so Aiko complied.

She pointed at the chair for the Vicious Cu-Juvenile? Child?

The Peak Elder sighed, they would need to sit down and give her a new nickname.

She sat down only to slam her fists on the table right after.

She completely forgot about the dragon dildo that was still inside of her and as she plopped down it got lodged deeper than it was supposed to go.

'Agh, the ecstasy.' The Peak Elder shivered as her eyes rolled backwards.

Aiko was creeped out by that expression, the Peak Elder looked like she was possessed.

"Leave for a moment." The quivering Peak Elder told Aiko.

Aiko nodded, she didn't want to stay in this musky room and left.

The Peak Elder sighed, her stomach felt full, and she tried to stand up so that she could remove the dragon dildo.

Unfortunately for her, the floor had another idea as it was soaked with her juices and she slipped just as she freed herself, and this time the dildo went somewhere where it truly was not supposed to go.

She screamed in ecstasy as she squirted from the overwhelming pleasure and passed out.


Aiko shivered from that scream and walked a bit further away from that room, waiting for the Peak Elder to do her business.

That waiting turned into nighttime when the Peak Elder finally arrived next to Aiko.

"We can talk now." The Peak Elder said, but she was strangely fidgeting with her legs.

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