Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 104

Chapter 104 Inn

Starting from Fuhuang City, heading westward, you will find a strange situation, that is, the environment seems to be getting desolate, but the road is well built, and there is no shortage of places to stay and stay on the road.

After Zou Heng left Fuhuang City, he went west for two days. He did not enter other cities along the way, but he passed three small towns along the way. The distance between these three small towns is in the footsteps of ordinary people. , Should be able to arrive in about a day, so the location of these three small towns is really quite reasonable for those on the road.

The reason for this phenomenon is that as Fuhuang City continues to the west, it will be out of the border of Yu Kingdom, close to the border, and the population distribution is getting less and less, so naturally there will be some places that are relatively barren.

However, after leaving the borders of Yu Kingdom, there are several small warlock countries nearby, and there are many trades with Yu Kingdom. In order to facilitate transactions, there are many more towns and roads along the way. The ones that have been repaired are better to make it easier for businessmen to come and go.

In the evening, Zou Heng came to a small town next to the road. Looking at the inns in the town, Zou Heng chose a new-looking one and walked in.

As soon as he entered the inn, a buddy came to greet him.

“This guest officer, Yo, it turned out to be a mage, do you want to stay in the shop? How many are there in total, single room or common shop?”

“Just me, I want a single room.” Zou Heng looked at the man and said.

“Master Master, come with me, please come upstairs here!” After hearing Zou Heng’s words, the guy immediately greeted Zou Heng upstairs, and after he led Zou Heng to the room, he stood in the room and continued to ask Tao.

“Look, Master, it’s getting dark. Would you like to prepare dinner for you?”

“Help me prepare some!” Zou Heng said to the buddy while looking at the room.

This small town is a relatively new inn on the outside. The environment inside is actually a bit old, especially this room. Not only is the environment very ordinary, Zou Heng also smelled a smell after coming in, which made him feel unsatisfied.

However, Zou Heng estimated that this might be the case for the several inns in the small town, so he didn’t want to change, he would stay for one night, and Ren Yi Ren passed away.

As soon as Zou Heng finished speaking, he took out a few copper coins and gave them to his buddy. It was regarded as a reward for him. He was not considered a rich man, so he was not so lavish.

The guy took a few coins, looked up and down Zou Heng’s clothes, and walked outside the door without saying anything. When he was about to close the door, his expression seemed to hesitate before continuing.

“The mage is resting here tonight. If there is nothing wrong, please try not to come out. There is a caravan living in the inn tonight. They are more sensitive. If they walk around at random, misunderstandings will easily occur!”

“Of course, Master, you also put away your belongings at night. It’s not too peaceful here at night. There are so many people going around. There are always some poorly clean hands and feet. There are also some caravan people in some small towns. The Chinese have learned some magic methods, and they don’t pay much attention to what they do!”

After speaking, the guy smiled, and then he closed the door and left.

Zou Heng frowned slightly when he looked at the closed door. He knew that the man was kind to persuade him, so he was reminded in advance to let him pay attention.

But through the reminder from the guy, it can also reflect that the closer the location is to the border, it seems that it will gradually become a little chaotic. It is not safe to live in the inn at night, especially when encountering a caravan.

Zou Heng carried all his belongings with him, so naturally he couldn’t be stolen at night, so he made up his mind to be careful at night and beware of someone stealing things.

After a while, the guy came to Zou Heng’s room with a dinner plate and brought him food.

The dinner prepared by the inn is not very rich, just a bowl of vegetarian soup, plus two cakes, the taste is not very good, but at any rate it is warm.

After dinner, Zou Heng opened the window of the room and looked outside.

The town is not big, basically you can see it at a glance. There are not many people living in the town, but at night, the noise is still quite loud. Basically these sounds are transmitted from the inn. The noises inside, especially the inn where Zou Heng is currently staying, are loud.

Zou Heng could vaguely hear the content of their noisy voices, nothing more than drinking and bragging, and punching and laughing by the way.

The noisy sound waited until the buddy came to clean up the dinner plate, and then it gradually became smaller. Then, when the night darkened a little bit, there was basically not much noisy sound, and everyone seemed to go back to the room to rest.

Zou Heng looked outside, a small town that was originally not crowded. At this time of the night, no one could be seen on the street. There were only some buildings with two lit lanterns hanging in front of the faint fire. Against the backdrop of the entire town, it looks even more gloomy.

Such a place is easy to attract evil and strange things. Zou Heng doesn’t know how long this small town has existed, but he can be sure that something related to evil and strange things has definitely happened here before, maybe even more than once.

Close the window, Zou Heng blew out the light in the room, then lay on the bed and began to practice today. When the practice was over, it was already late at night, and then Zou Heng lay flat and prepared for real rest for a bit.

Just after he closed his eyes, in the corner of the room, two small black insects the size of ordinary ants began to move around in the room.

They stirred their wings, were very small, and made almost nothing. They slowly approached Zou Heng’s side, came to Zou Heng’s pillow, and then flew toward Zou Heng’s nostrils.

At this moment, Zou Heng seemed to be aware of it, suddenly opened his eyes, and quickly stretched out a hand to cover his nose.

Zou Heng’s reaction was indeed very fast, but these two little bugs moved faster. When he covered his nose and mouth, he already felt his nose itchy, and it seemed that something had crawled in. .

At this moment, Zou Heng was immediately shocked, and he quickly exhaled, as if he wanted to use this method to get out what had entered his nose.

Zou Heng had personally seen Lu Yan’s methods of practicing Gu technique, so he had always paid enough attention to things like Gu worms.

Although it is difficult to see things clearly in the dark now, Zou Heng’s senses are becoming more and more sensitive now. When the two insects are very close to him, he can still hear the flapping of their wings, and now in the nose Zou Heng was sure that it was nine out of ten, maybe it was some kind of Gu worm that flew into his nose.

Zou Heng had been vigilant enough tonight after hearing the reminder from his buddy, but he did not expect that he would encounter such a method.

While violently using his nose to vent his breath, Zou Heng also began to mobilize the mana in his body, as well as the power transformed by the earth’s muddy Qi, and he was ready to expel the Gu worm before it actually entered his body.

When he used his mana and the power transformed by the earth’s stale air, Zou Heng suddenly discovered that another power in his body had already taken care of the Gu worms that wanted to crawl in through his nose. , And the source of this power is the spirit that stays quietly on his arm.

As the two Gu worms were cleaned up, Zou Heng felt that the itching sensation of something crawling in his nose had disappeared, and the bodies of the two Gu worms were blown out by himself.

When the crisis was over, Zou Heng’s heart was immediately settled. Just as he was about to get up, and then look for who made it by himself, he heard a very slight noise outside the door, as if someone was still talking in a low voice.

“Don’t worry, a little bit more, Warlock, weak, for a moment, people sleep soundly, when the time comes, succeed, absolutely, money, look at that dress…!”

The voice was very weak, and Zou Heng could barely hear some words, but by connecting these words, he could also know the general meaning.

It’s nothing more than someone outside is staring at him, seeing that although he is a warlock, but his strength is too weak, so he has a greed for himself and is ready to take a black hand against himself.

After analyzing these vocabulary, Zou Heng knew that the two Gu worms that jumped on him just now had the effect of making people drowsy or passing out of a coma. No wonder it was solved so easily.

Thinking of this, Zou Heng simply lost his body, closed his eyes again, and deliberately let himself breathe heavily, and began to snor.

The people outside waited for a while, hearing the snoring from inside, they seemed to finally relieved, so there was a very slight noise at the door, and after that, the door seemed to be opened.

Zou Heng opened his eyes slightly, and saw that at the door of his room, two people walked in lightly to see their dressing. One of them seemed to be the caravan who was also living in the inn today. The person among them, as for the other one, was the guy at the inn who reminded himself to pay attention.

The two walked to the bed lightly and looked at Zou Heng who was sleeping in his clothes. The guy at the inn said in a low voice.

“I’m not wrong, although this guy is dressed as a warlock, but with his tall figure and his age, he may be a renunciation halfway through, and he doesn’t have much ability, and depending on his clothes, maybe he is really a fat sheep. !”

“Don’t talk nonsense. I wasted two sleepy bugs. You must earn back what you should earn. First, see if I don’t have anything valuable in his bag. It’s best to use his technique. If you don’t have one, put it away. The person is tied up, let’s slowly ask about the skills he knows!” Another person also lowered his voice and said, as he finished speaking, he also took out a rope in his hand, and was about to take Zou Heng Tied up.

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