Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 108

Chapter 108 Solve Jia Guang

When he came to the king’s side, looking at the king’s master who was lying on the ground, coughing blood in his mouth, Zou Heng spoke in a calm voice.

“You said, what should I do with you now?”

When Zou Heng asked this sentence, he was actually thinking about it in his heart.

Now people have been subdued by him, but how to deal with it is really a problem, all killed a hundred, this is a very simple choice, but surely unable to solve the trouble, because in this small town, there are other than them. Many people, these people are awakened by them now, and some people’s eyes are looking at them.

He killed the person himself, and if someone pursues it later, it is absolutely impossible to hide the matter. Moreover, with the means of a warlock, he can also be traced to him through some spells.

If Zou Heng can be cruel and kill all the people in the whole town, then this matter may be hidden for a longer time, but this is obviously impossible.

Since it was impossible to hide things, Zou Heng asked this sentence. While thinking about it in his heart, he also wanted to know from the king’s affairs whether the people behind them were irritating or not.

Hearing Zou Heng’s words, the lord who was vomiting blood on the ground struggled a little, then looked up at Zou Heng, and said with some difficulty.

“Mage, it’s better to let us go, today, the things, faults, in us, the mage let us go, in the future, there will be rewards!”

After he finished saying these words, Zou Heng’s eyes fell cold, and he looked at the king and said.

“Do you think I didn’t dare to kill, and let me let you go. If I let you go, then I am afraid that your future reward is to find a chance to avenge today’s revenge!”

“If you want me to let you go, let me first talk about whose caravan you belong to and who is behind it. Let me listen to you and see if it is enough!”

After Zou Heng finished speaking these two sentences, he looked at the king who was still struggling, and waited for the other party’s next answer.

To his disappointment, the king did not answer him next, but he coughed up there, coughing up more blood in his mouth, as if he had died soon.

Seeing him like this, Zou Heng raised his brows lightly. He realized that he seemed to have found the wrong person to inquire. He wanted to find out who was behind them, and make sure that after he killed them, he would be troublesome. Big, in fact, asking the leader is not a good choice. It may be easier to ask other people in the caravan.

Zou Heng turned around a few steps and came to a caravan who didn’t seem to be hurt so badly. He asked him, “Tell me, whose caravan are you?”

When he questioned this person, a look of horror appeared on his face when he saw Zou Heng walking beside him. After hearing his question, he answered almost immediately.

“I, we are the caravan of Wangdu Yuanxing Firm!”

“Fantastic firm!” When Zou Heng heard the name, he immediately thought about it.

This name sounds familiar. During his time in the royal capital, he seemed to have seen the shop of this chamber of commerce several times when he went out for a walk, and he seemed to have heard relevant discussions in the teahouse and restaurant.

Most of the backgrounds of the Chamber of Commerce that can establish a foothold in the capital city should be the dignitaries of Yu Kingdom, so for Zou Heng, this caravan is really troublesome.

“Behind your caravan, who is from the Yu Dynasty court?” Zou Heng continued to ask people.

“Well, I, I don’t know. It’s just that when I was chatting with people, I heard people mention it, saying that behind our caravan, the person standing behind the caravan might be His Royal Highness Yu, I don’t know if it is true!” The person in, continued to answer honestly.

“Cheng Wang!” After hearing his words, Zou Heng frowned slightly.

Cheng Wang is also the brother of the Lord of Yu Kingdom, but his sense of existence is not very high. He also lives in the royal capital, which Zou Heng has never seen before.

Zou Heng heard Li Sheng mention the other party’s name once. According to what Li Sheng said at the time, it was not necessarily a simple character.

Looking around, Zou Heng turned to Jia Guang again. In the horrified eyes of the other party, Zou Heng grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

“Explain the technique you master!” Zou Heng stared at Jia Guang and said in a cold voice.

Tonight he and this caravan will have a conflict because of the person in front of him and that guy. No matter what decision Zou Heng makes next, he will not let the person in front of him go. Still very interested, especially after he raised this Jia Guang and found that the other party did not seem to have any magic power.

Zou Heng is now quite sure that there is indeed no mana in Jia Guang’s body, but the opponent does not have mana, but he is able to cast spells, which is very interesting.

Being caught by Zou Heng, Jia Guang’s eyes were full of horror. He vomited blood in his mouth and said in a panic.

“Don’t kill me, I will tell you my magic, please don’t kill me!”

After speaking, Jia Guang hurriedly talked about the spells he mastered.

He didn’t master many spells, there were only three in total, but after Zou Heng heard about the cultivation methods of these three spells, his expression quickly became weird, because of the magic. The cultivation method was completely different from the techniques he had mastered before. It seemed to be more complicated, but the threshold became lower, so that ordinary people could also cultivate.

For example, Jia Guang said that the method of cultivating sleepy worms is to select some small insects, place them in a dark and opaque environment, and feed them with special medicinal materials. Draw special talismans from the materials, ignite them in the water, and feed them together.

After a period of time, due to this special cultivation method, some of these insects will establish contact with the cultivator, and because of the medicinal materials used in the cultivation, they have the ability to make people fall asleep.

And the rope he controls, also needs to be woven into hemp rope with special materials, and then use more than 30 kinds of materials, add his own blood, keep soaking, and then use a special talisman to make it. Make a rope that can be controlled by people, and it will be tougher than a normal rope.

Jia Guang is not a member of the Yu Kingdom. He comes from the Baigong Kingdom. According to Jia Guang, the two kinds of spells he mastered can’t even be said to be spells. It is more appropriate to call them spells.

What he has mastered, in the country where he was born, it is not difficult to learn, especially the rope that can be manipulated. It is said that it is a kind of technique spread by some coolies. The role of the rope is mainly It is for the convenience of work, and by the way, you can also protect yourself.

In his country, he is just a very ordinary little person, even a person who has had a miserable life. Because of his previous experience of dirty hands and feet, he is not treated in his own country, and few people are willing to get close to him.

I really can’t get mixed up, because I worked for the people of the Far Travel Chamber of Commerce before, and I heard from the members of the Far Travel Chamber of Commerce that there are very few people in the Kingdom of Yu who have mastered techniques. Based on his skills, if he goes to Kingdom of Yu, he should He could make a difference, and then he joined the caravan.

After running a few times on the side of Yu Kingdom, Jia Guang realized that these little tricks he had mastered were indeed magical in the eyes of ordinary people, but compared with the real Yu Kingdom warlocks, there was no advantage at all.

If you want to get ahead in the kingdom of Yu, you have to become a real warlock, and to become a real warlock, you must first obtain a basic method and cultivate the magic power of the warlock.

Because he wanted to be a real warlock, Jia Guang always paid attention to every warlock he came into contact with. When Zou Heng entered the inn in the evening, Jia Guang listened to the wood mage of their caravan saying that he was just a little warlock in the realm of magic practice. , And being alone, there is no danger, that’s why the evil spirits arose.

It’s been a while since he joined the caravan. The guy at the inn is an old friend who has met him a few times. The rich man, but he was too stingy, and deserved to be stolen at night, so he called the dude, and the two really took action.

This is probably the cause of the whole incident. After Zou Heng understood these things, he broke Jia Guang’s neck blankly, and solved the culprit that caused the incident.

After seeing Zou Heng killing Jia Guang, the people in the caravan who were still struggling became more frightened, for fear that Zou Heng would kill them and kill them too.

Fortunately, Zou Heng didn’t walk towards them next, but walked into the charred inn. From the pile of fallen wood, he pulled out the wood mage who was also vomiting blood underneath. He tore off the shoulder bag from the other party and began to check the contents.

He poured out all the things in his satchel, all kinds of messy things, after being poured out, looked quite a lot.

And seeing this scene, the situation on the other side did not look good, but his face became anxious, staring at the pile of things that had been dumped by Zou Heng, especially when he discovered that Zou Heng picked it up. In the pile of things, after a roll of paper rolled together, his face paled even after brushing.

Zou Heng opened the roll of paper and found that simple pen and ink were used on the paper to draw a few lifelike objects, a few plates of steaming dishes, and a plate of pie. In addition, there were some plates on it. Silky things together, and things that look like parts of the painting.

In fact, Zou Heng has seen this painting more than once. He has personally seen a warlock reaching into the painting and taking out the things in the painting, so he also knows that several things on this painting can be Take it out of paper.

Most of the things in this painting are ordinary food, but only the silk thread and parts are the same, but Zou Heng looks at it and feels that something is not right.

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