Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 114

Chapter 114 External Appointment Institute

In King Yu’s capital, King Ren received Zou Heng’s letter. It has been a month since Zou Heng left Yu and came to Baigong.

In this month, Zou Heng traveled carefully to the three cities of the Hundred Workers Kingdom, learned about this country in more detail, and roughly saw some techniques of the Hundred Workers Nation, and his horizons widened a lot.

Although his vision has broadened a lot and he has gained a lot of insights, Zou Heng’s real gains in this month were not as great as he imagined. At least he wanted to obtain the magic techniques that ordinary people can cultivate, but he didn’t Get how much.

For these spells that can be called techniques, it is true that they are not very tightly covered like ordinary spells, but they can’t be obtained casually.

These techniques are all people who are engaged in all walks of life in Baigong Nation. Some of them can master them. For them, this is their ability to eat better than others, and how easy it is to teach them to others.

Generally, folk artists who teach a certain craft to their apprentices will have to test for a period of time. Let the apprentices do hard work for a few years. Only then can they teach something, and in this way, they might keep a hand, let alone these techniques. .

Zou Heng spent some silver as a price, and also collected a few. The cultivation methods and functions are the same as those obtained from Jia Guang before. It is very troublesome and tasteless. For Zou Heng, it only has some reference significance. There is no need to practice, because for Zou Heng, these techniques not only have a long period of practice, but also have too little power to learn.

At that time, Zou Heng could take the spells he mastered to a higher level, and the cost-effectiveness of doing so would undoubtedly be higher.

The value of the magic techniques that ordinary people can practice is indeed average, but through this month, Zou Heng has also learned that in fact, there are many advanced and powerful magic techniques in all walks of life in the Baigong Kingdom. The sorcerers of all walks of life mastered, very distinctive, these spells are what Zou Heng is really greedy for.

Unfortunately, to learn these techniques, the conditions are too harsh. According to the normal channels, you need to enter the corresponding industry as an apprentice. After a few years, you will be proficient in your skills before you can learn it.

Where did Zou Heng have that time, and he didn’t enter any industry, so he spent time slowly in order to gain the patience to learn one or two spells. Fortunately, there is not only one way. In addition to this conventional channel, There are actually other ways to learn magic in Baigong Kingdom.

This approach can be said to be specially prepared for foreign warlocks, as a small country of warlocks, to attract and retain foreign talents.

The Baigong Nation has no state leader and no imperial court. The country’s administrators are a group of magicians who are engaged in various professions. Those who can make decisions are selected from all walks of life.

There are five master craftsmen in Baigong Country, each of whom is a magician in the Profound Realm. As the best in different professions, they each have mastered this very powerful skill. In Baigong Country and even the surrounding areas This small country is very respected.

However, as a country, no matter how it is managed, it needs its own strength. It can protect the country externally and maintain stability internally.

The defense force of Baigong Nation was mainly composed of two parts, one was Baigong Nation’s own sorcerers, and the other part was from outside sorcerers.

In order to continuously absorb fresh blood from outside and to win over these foreign warlocks as much as possible, Baigongguo has established a special institution called the External Appointment Institute, which hires foreign warlocks to help them do things, and they pay corresponding rewards. Zou Heng If you want to learn spells in Baigong Kingdom, this is another way.

However, Baigongguo’s external recruitment academy is not a very good place to enter, and they are not all the warlocks required. The warlocks that can be hired by them must have real materials, preferably those with superior combat power. That kind, because recruiting external warlocks is mainly for the combat power of external warlocks.

Zou Heng feels that his combat power is not bad. After this month of understanding, he probably knows how to join the external recruitment institute, and he already has a way out.

The streets of Baigongguo in the evening are still very lively, with an endless stream of pedestrians, and various stalls are not meant to close. It seems that they want to seize the last time when the sun sets.

Zou Heng carried his suitcase and a knife on his back, and walked into a restaurant with a five-story loft. This is the most magnificent restaurant on the whole street.

After walking into it, Zou Heng discovered that this restaurant is not only magnificent on the outside, but also gorgeously decorated inside, but also very special, and the atmosphere is also very lively.

The entire five-story restaurant has a two-story stage on one side. There are no stairs inside. The way to go up and down is a column platform that can be raised and lowered in a specific position.

After Zou Heng walked in, a buddy immediately came up and said, “The mage, the first floor is full, please go upstairs!”

After speaking, he brought Zou Heng to the column platform on the upper floor, standing on it with his feet, and then the round platform slowly rose, and after reaching the second floor, it stopped very smoothly.

The guy took Zou Heng to a table on the second floor near the railing, and then asked Zou Heng to sit down. The position here is facing the opposite stage. It is a very good position to be able to see the performance on the stage.

After taking Zou Heng to sit down, the buddy did not leave, but continued to say to Zou Heng: “Master, here is the pot bar!”

After speaking, without waiting for Zou Heng’s promise, the guy reached out and grabbed a set of wine utensils from the table. Then he walked to the side of the pillar in two steps, reached out and took out a bamboo tube from his arms. The bamboo tube was inserted toward the pillar.

Zou Heng noticed that there was a big wine jar painted on the pillar. The bamboo tube in the man’s hand was inserted into the position of the wine jar. Then, the wine flowed out of the bamboo tube and the man used the wine. The pot catches.

After the jug was filled, the man pulled out the bamboo tube again. There was not even a hole in the pillar, which was no different from the previous one.

Putting the wine on Zou Heng’s table, the guy asked Zou Heng what he wanted to eat. Zou Heng ordered a few dishes at random, and then sent the guy away.

He came to this restaurant today not to eat, but to meet people, so it doesn’t matter what he eats.

Waiting for the food to be served, Zou Heng poured himself a glass of wine, staring at the stage below, waiting for the person he wanted to see to appear.

At this moment, the stage is actually performing on stage. It is a few artists performing a kind of local drama from Baigong Country. Zou Heng can’t appreciate it, but he knows that after these people have finished their performances, It was his turn to see the person he was going to meet today.

After a while, after the guy delivered all the dishes ordered by Zou Heng, the drama on stage finally ended, and the people Zou Heng was waiting for today finally came on stage.

I saw the curtain on the stage slowly drew up, Zou Heng’s line of sight through the curtain, you can see a person behind came to the center of the stage, and then the curtain slowly opened, but the people behind did not It was revealed that a layer of thick smoke was spreading on the stage at this time, and then, a sad and sweet voice, with a very unique singing voice, fell into the ears of everyone, like a clear spring.

In a few sentences, along with the content of the voice singing, the emotions of the people have been brought to a tragic story.

And with the unique and beautiful singing voice, scenes of scenes began to appear in the smoke. With the sound, the story was revealed, allowing people to understand more intuitively and to be better driven by emotions.

Zou Heng looked at the scene of the smoke changing on the stage, his eyes could not help but show amazement.

If the scenes in front of him were completely displayed by magic techniques, he was amazed that most of the scenes displayed in the smoke were actually arranged in advance, and they were very complicated. The arrangement of the smoke makes this scene appear in the smoke.

This form of drama is called cloud opera. There are not many people who can perform, but it is very popular in many places. The cloud opera performed on the stage now tells about a defender of a country that has long since disappeared. The story of the hero, Shou Tuanbang, cast out evil spirits, and was later framed to death by an adulterer.

If the content of the story alone is not very brilliant, but with the unique and beautiful singing, after the combination of the two, it will thoroughly bring people into the story. You can experience the tragic and vigorous characters in the story, and the mood will change. The development of the story keeps ups and downs.

From the beginning to the end of the performance, there was almost no sound in the restaurant. All the guests watched the performance on stage intently. After the performance was over, after a few breaths, there was a deafening applause. Some of the more expensive ones threw some gold and silver objects on the stage as a reward for the performers.

Zou Heng had no mental ups and downs at this time. He looked at the excited guests. He just silently held the wine glass and waited for the person he wanted to meet. The other party’s performance was over, and he should come over next.

Zou Heng didn’t wait long, and there was a graceful figure slowly coming to his table.

The visitor is wearing a colorful skirt with willow leaves and curving eyebrows. He has very smart eyes and a long face. When he walks, he also moves with lotus steps lightly, and his posture is quite dignified, like a lady, that is The satchel slung on her body somewhat ruined the overall beauty.

When Zou Heng saw the person coming, he immediately stood up and said, “In the next Zou Heng, I must be the girl who met me today, so polite!”

The woman walked to Zou Heng’s table, looked up and down Zou Heng, and said: “My name is Xi Wanshi, Master Zou has been waiting for a long time!”

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