Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Fengyang City

Fengyang City is not a big city like the Qing’an City that we passed before. It is about the same size as Qing’an City. The city is located about twenty miles away from the official road.

When Zou Heng, Renwang and others came to Fengyang City, it was not until noon, because there were injured soldiers in the team, so when everyone was on the way, they used the assistance of magic techniques to ensure that everyone could rush as soon as possible. Go to the city and arrange for the injured people to rest.

When the officials who came back with them reported the arrival of King Ren and others, the officials in Fengyang City immediately rushed over, and then the scene was somewhat similar to when they were in Qing’an City.

After a greeting, Zou Heng and other injured people were first arranged to rest. King Ren and Li Sheng were still in contact with the officials. Among the people they had contacted, there would be Zou Heng, but he I didn’t like this kind of occasion, and the injuries on my body did not respond, so I didn’t follow along, but stayed to look after the wounded soldiers.

Based on the situation of the injured soldiers, Zou Heng estimated that if everyone recovers, even with good wound medicine, it would take at least seven or eight days.

But if they stayed in Fengyang City for seven or eight days, it would be really hard to say what dangers they would encounter when they were on the road.

“The rest time here shouldn’t be too long. You still have to get on the road as soon as possible, otherwise the safety of the next section of the road will not be guaranteed!”

After checking the recovery of all soldiers, Zou Heng couldn’t help but flash this thought in his mind.

In the afternoon, King Ren and Li Sheng finally got rid of the officials in Fengyang City and returned to their resting place. When they met Zou Heng, the three had the opportunity to sit down again and discuss what to do next.

“Today I checked the recovery of the injuries of the soldiers. Those with relatively minor injuries should be able to recover in two or three days. Those with more severe injuries may take seven or eight days to recover.”

“When I come to Fengyang City for a temporary rest, I shouldn’t stay too long. The longer I delay, the greater the possibility of encountering unmanageable dangers when I go on the road, so I still have to go on the road as soon as possible.”

After seeing the two of them, Zou Heng took the initiative to speak.

Hearing Zou Heng’s words, King Ren did not make any comments, but just turned his attention to Li Sheng.

Although he is the person with the highest status in the team, and this team mainly protects him from returning to the capital, it is Li Sheng that really decides what this team should do.

Li Sheng looked at Zou Heng, his eyes fell on King Ren, and then slowly said.

“The warlock who was caught last night, his name is Zhang Zhen, and he didn’t get much from his mouth, but from what he found and his accent, it can be inferred that he should be in Wenxia City all year round. Activities in the area.”

Li Sheng opened his mouth and did not respond to Zou Heng’s words. Instead, he was talking about the warlock of Zuo Ye, and the meaning he wanted to express was not very clear. However, neither Zou Heng nor Ren Wang was a fool, and had already learned from him. In the words spoken, the key words he heard were heard.

Wenxia City, this is a city located near the eastern border of Yu Kingdom. Like Ye City, it is also a big city.

This city is the fief of King Yu, and King Fu and the current Lord of Yu are both the blood of the previous generation. Because of the original battle for the position of the Lord, the King of Fortune chose to protect himself at the most critical moment. The power of Wen Xiacheng has been completely built into his own territory by him now.

Since the dead warlock might have been active in Wenxia City all year round, it was already obvious who sent him.

After a short pause, it seemed that Zou Heng and King Ren had time to digest, and Li Sheng spoke again.

“There is also the warlock who attacked us on the official road before. Although he did not catch anyone, when interrogating that Zhang Zhe last night, according to the other party’s account, among the people who attacked us last night, there was still him and the history of that warlock. Although I don’t know, the person who sent him knows from Zhang Zhu’s mouth that it should be the mansion of Chen Guogong!”

After Li Sheng finished saying these words, watching Zou Heng and Ren Wang still staring at him, he continued to explain.

“A concubine of the current country lord was born in the mansion of Chen Guogong. Before I set off to meet His Royal Highness, there was news that it was the concubine who seemed to be pregnant with the descendant of the lord.

Hearing Li Sheng’s explanation, both Zou Heng and Renwang understood immediately. No wonder that Chen Guogong’s mansion sent people to kill Renwang. In all likelihood, the concubine was identified during Li Sheng’s departure. The child she was pregnant with was a baby boy, so she had the intention of letting him become the lord of the country.

With the help of sorcerers, after a woman is pregnant, two or three months later, she can use magic techniques to find out whether the child in the woman’s womb is male or female. Zou Heng also heard of some weird magic techniques that can be used in At this stage, change the **** of the fetus in the abdomen.

There was already a bitter smile on Nioh’s face at this time. He was originally looking forward to coming back from Qi. He was greeted with a life of hardship and joy. It doesn’t matter if there were more hardships on the road, but the past few days and the experience along the way told him , Even after returning to China, his hardships have not yet come to an end.

Noting the bitter smile on Niwang’s face, Li Sheng did not comfort the other party at all, but continued to speak up to increase Niwang’s psychological pressure.

“Fu Wang, Chen Guogong Mansion, these two families are sent to rob you, His Royal Highness Niwang, but besides these two, there are many people who want to be happy after you. The sons of the former country lord, live In addition to the current state lord, there are three of them. Fu Wang has moved his thoughts in this regard. How would Cheng Wang and Wu Wang give up the second chance to compete for the title of the country? .”

“The strength of our country Yu is medium among the nations. It borders Qi to the north and Wenxia City to the east. After crossing the border, it borders two small countries. From time to time, they will test our country’s strength, the southernmost one. It is the sea. Although there is no country bordered by it, there are many things that need to be guarded on the vast sea. The small country established by the warlocks in the west is safe, but who knows how long they can be safe!”

“His Royal Highness, I will protect you all the way from Qi to Yu, and even if you can protect you back to the royal capital, this does not mean that you will sit back and relax from now on. On the contrary, what you will face next is more than What you have experienced along the way is even more dangerous. The last will dare to ask His Royal Highness King Ren, is His Royal Highness ready to face this, and is he ready to take over as the lord of the kingdom and maintain the peace of my country Yu?”

After Li Sheng said these few words, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and his eyes were staring at Nioh’s eyes tightly. Although there was no strong aura from his body, there was an aura of no anger and prestige. Oppressing the king.

Seeing Li Sheng like this, King Niang was a little afraid to look at him for a moment, and a sense of timidity developed in his heart. Subconsciously, he wanted to avoid the opponent’s gaze and show his cowardice.


He lowered his head slightly, avoiding Li Sheng’s gaze first, and opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he could not tell, his body shook slightly, as if he was a little uneasy, and then his gaze Turning to Zou Heng, there was a hint of asking for help in his eyes.

Seeing such a performance of King Niu, Li Sheng’s eyes immediately flashed disappointment. The oppressive aura from his body slowly dissipated, and then stood up and saluted King Niu.

“His Royal Highness, the general will lead his subordinates to **** you all the way back from Qi State. Many of them have been buried in a foreign country forever. Now, these are more than a hundred people who are left. I am waiting on the order of the Lord of the Kingdom. When fulfilling your duties and fulfilling your mission, the end general still hopes that your Highness will think about whether you are really ready to return to the royal capital. Now you, after returning to the royal capital, will you be able to live in the royal capital? ?”

After saying this, Li Sheng stepped back two steps, all the way to the door, then turned around, did not move, and stood there and said.

“Today’s words, the end general did not mean to offend, the end general just does not hope, after the hardships of His Royal Highness, King Niu finally returned to the capital, and then there will be an accident. I don’t want these soldiers under my command. They fight. The mission accomplished by fate is in vain in the end!”

As soon as the voice fell, Li Sheng stepped forward and walked straight out, leaving only Zou Heng and Ren Wang in the room.

Looking at King Ren, who was slightly bowed and looked a little cowardly, Zou Heng noticed a small detail on his body.

The moment Li Sheng walked out of the room, Nioh’s body was a little straighter than before.

This small detail shows that Nioh may not be really cowardly, but his current performance is clearly like that.

After thinking a little bit in his mind, Zou Heng soon came up with an explanation. The cowardice that Nioh is now showing is probably a habit. It is a disguise he deliberately made in order to protect himself as a proton in a foreign country for a long time.

It’s just that sometimes, if you pretend to be too long, you really get into this kind of personality, and it’s difficult to get out of it for a while, and you might even become such a person.

“Mage, I…!” Wang Ren felt Zou Heng’s gaze, and turned his head as if he wanted to say something, but he also stopped talking, continuing to maintain that cowardly image.

Zou Heng stood up at this time, smiled and said: “His Royal Highness, you are no longer in Qi State. Although you are not completely safe, there are some things you don’t need to be so careful about. Identity, but His Royal Highness Nioh!”

After finishing speaking, Zou Heng bowed and bowed, and then walked slowly toward the door. The rest of the time can be left to Nioh himself for careful consideration.

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