Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 532

Chapter 527 Faint

The breath of Zou Heng’s body was completely released. Centered on the top of the mountain, the surrounding area was covered by a huge pressure, and this pressure was still rising.

Around Zou Heng, a steady stream of light submerged into his mouth and nose, turning into the mana in his body, continuing to improve his power.

Finally, Zou Heng’s breath seemed to climb to a critical point, slowly stabilized, and then began to slowly fall back.

At this time, the fundamental method Zou Heng displayed has become the resting method that he has rarely used now. The breath on his body and the artistic conception belonging to him all follow the resting method quickly. Returned to peace, and eventually fell into silence.

At this moment, under the mountain peak, several screams rang, and finally a curse was mixed.

“Ah, the thief of Kingdom Yu, you must die!”

As if hearing this last curse, Zou Heng slowly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a ray of light in his eyes, making his pupils look very agile at this time, as dazzling as the stars in the sky.

Zou Heng felt that at this moment, from the inside out, he seemed to have undergone a transformation, even his already very strong body, at this time, he has gone to the next level and has become even more powerful.

The thoughts in his mind have become clearer, his thinking has become more active, and the things he can see with just a pair of naked eyes are also richer.

“Yun Shen Realm!”

Zou Heng whispered in his mouth, then slowly stood up.

From the late stage of Tongxuan realm to the present realm of Yunshen, Zou Hengxiu has surpassed another great realm, and his strength has been raised a lot.

Feeling the operation of mana in his body at this time, Zou Heng felt that his mana was more agile, and even the power transformed from the muddy earth in his body was also a little more agile.

From the inside out, Zou Henghun had a feeling of full strength at this moment. He felt that every bit of his body’s strength could now be controlled freely by himself, and he was able to fully exert his strength.

Of course, the full display of this kind of strength refers to the use of one’s own strength without waste, not to say that it is in the spell, and it is also controlled to the extreme in an instant.

For ordinary warlocks, the full use of this power may be to allow them to use mana more reasonably, and by the way, they can exert their stronger physical power than ordinary people.

But for Zou Heng, this kind of full control of his own power can bring him great benefits. After all, his physical power is a kind of terrifying existence compared to other warlocks.

Feeling the changes on his body a little bit, Zou Heng then raised a hand, and the snake spirit got out of the ground in front of him, wrapped it around Zou Heng’s arm, and finally turned into a tattoo again.

However, through the snake spirit’s feedback, Zou Heng already knew that when he broke through the realm, there were indeed some people who tried to murder him at this time, but unfortunately, among those who came, there was even a warlock of the Profound Profound Realm. Not at all, only a few elder warlocks in the realm of alchemists were killed by snake spirits at the foot of the mountain.

Zou Heng glanced at the bottom of the mountain, he seemed to be able to vaguely see the bodies of the alchemist realm warlocks, but Zou Heng didn’t care too much.

Those few warlocks in the state of alchemist who were already in the old age came to attack him, which was more like sending him to death. Anyway, they wouldn’t live long. Before they died, they would assassinate the future national teacher of Yu Kingdom. Whether they succeeded or not, this For them, it will make them feel that they have not died in vain.

Taking a step forward, Zou Heng jumped directly from the top of the mountain. As his body fell, a pair of wings grew behind Zou Heng and he flew up.

However, after flying, the wings behind Zou Heng changed for a while, and turned into a variety of different appearances. The last second was a pair of eagle wings, the next second they became bat-like wings, and the next moment. It became insect-like wings again.

Just after breaking through, Zou Heng only felt that some changes had taken place in him. Now that he displayed his supernatural powers, Zou Heng realized that after his breakthrough in cultivation, his supernatural powers seemed to improve.

It seems to be easier for the body to change, and there are some image changes that can almost be taught without a teacher, and can be displayed suddenly, without having to wait for a detailed understanding of the actual object before it can change into its appearance.

After flying all the way to the bottom of the mountain, Zou Heng’s body fell back to the ground. He looked around, then came to a tree, reached out to touch the trunk, and after a while, Zou Heng retracted his palm again. , His body shook slightly, and the appearance of his whole person quickly changed, from a normal person to a tree growing there.

After a few breaths, the tree that Zou Heng had transformed into, twisted slightly again, and returned to Zou Heng’s original appearance. Then he set his gaze on a rock again and reached out to touch it. He leaned down slightly, his body changed again, and the whole person became a stone again, and no breath leaked out. If someone passes by here, it is absolutely impossible to find that the stone was changed by human beings. .

“Sure enough, the use of supernatural powers was limited by my original cultivation level. I didn’t use the full power of supernatural powers at all. Now, after my cultivation base breaks through, I can change even every plant and tree! ”

After returning to his original form again, Zou Heng couldn’t help but feel so emotional in his heart.

Although he had known for a long time that his previous cultivation at the Profound Profound Realm would not be able to use the power of his supernatural powers to perfection, he did not expect that he was so far behind.

After the cultivation base breaks through to the realm of containing the gods, the mastery of supernatural powers has been improved. Naturally, other methods need not be said. Zou Heng, after trying some small techniques, he probably understands how big this improvement is, in short. Did not let him down.

Even after breaking through the realm of containing the gods, Zou Heng’s mastery of the two Taoism skills has now been improved a lot, and the distance to the realm of true meaning has begun to approach.

Zou Heng returned to the capital of Qi State, and after seeing Zhao Yu and explaining to him the breakthrough of his cultivation base, soon the entire Qi State capital learned about the breakthrough of Zou Hengxiu, and even the news was sent back soon. In the capital of Yu Kingdom, King Ren also sent a message to express his congratulations to Zou Heng.

In the next few days, Zou Heng was familiar with some of the changes he had made after breaking through the realm of the gods.

The first is the improvement of strength. Zou Heng’s current strength, if he encounters another evil-level evil, Zou Heng is completely confident to keep it.

However, after the various methods that he originally mastered, after the cultivation level reached the realm of the gods, after looking back at himself, Zou Heng could easily find some of the problems that still existed in himself, and then correct them.

In addition, after he broke through the realm of the gods, although the growth rate of mana in a short period of time has slowed down a lot, the power transformed from the muddy earth in the body has grown very fast in the past few days. This may be because of the breakthrough. After another transformation from the inside to the outside of the realm of containing the gods, the cultivation efficiency has been improved.

Now Zou Heng feels that his true height may be more than 20 meters, and the highest figure he can reach after performing the great technique of moving mountains definitely exceeds the 100-meter mark. Even if he tries his best, this figure can still be achieved. Continue to improve.

While Zou Heng was experiencing his own changes and improvements, the new orders of King Ren from the capital of Yu Kingdom brought some new changes to Qi, which had gradually stabilized.

The Lord of the Kingdom of Yu ordered that some officials of the State of Qi should be executed, and some of them should be held accountable.

The officials who were executed accounted for almost one-tenth of the officials who took refuge in the Qi state, and those who were held accountable reached about one-fifth, and there were also about one-fifth of those who were arrested by the Qi royal family. Bloodline, King Niang also ordered him to be put to death.

When this order was issued, he had already accepted some surrendering generals who would become members of the Yu Kingdom, and there was an uproar. Those who were ordered to be executed naturally also rebelled unwillingly.

As a result, Yu’s army began to suppress these rebels, and the rebels had no chance of success at all, and basically all were suppressed.

However, after this incident, the situation in Qi State, which had stabilized originally, has added some factors of instability, and some talents who are already preparing to join Yu State are now watching again.

As for Li Sheng and Zhao Yu, a lot of advice on this matter has been sent, hoping that they can write to the country’s lord Yu and adopt a gentle policy at this time, so that it will benefit the two countries. Fusion.

Some people even begged Zou Heng here, hoping that Zou Heng could come forward. After all, with Zou Heng’s strength, in their opinion, he must have a lofty position in Yu Kingdom.

As for Li Sheng and Zhao Yu, both of them did write admonitions during this period, but unfortunately it did not have any effect. Even the people in the court of Yu Kingdom had no results in their admonitions. King Ren seemed to be determined. , Must get rid of these people, even if he has a reputation for mediocrity, he will ignore it.

Many people are wondering whether it was because King Ren was so wronged in Qi that he wanted to retaliate now, so he insisted on going his own way. This statement is the best explanation now.

It is also because of this that, although many people have written to persuade Nioh for this somewhat inappropriate decision, but after it has been ineffective, they finally gave up. Anyway, many of the people ordered by Nioh to kill are potential. Unstable factors, although killing them will make the situation turbulent to a certain extent, if they are dead, it is also advantageous in some respects.

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