Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 537

Chapter 532 Please go to death together

“As your majesty, there is nothing to be ashamed of!”

Lu Yan spoke to King Niu.

“Master Lu Yan helped the lonely a lot, but there is not much to reciprocate for the lonely. In front of you, I am naturally a little ashamed, especially this time!” King Ni continued to speak while watching Lu Yan.

“Your Majesty joked. For the previous help, I also got what I wanted from your Majesty. I don’t owe each other. This time, as a help from the people of Yu Kingdom, your Majesty did not owe me anything!” Lu Yan replied again.

Hearing what the other party said, Nioh smiled, then turned his head and looked at the people in the hall who couldn’t move. Then his body trembled slightly, and he reached out his hand to cover his chest, his face was also It became a little pale at this moment.

Lu Yan saw Niwang’s performance and took a quick step forward, but stopped shortly thereafter, then sighed faintly, and then spoke.

“The curse on your Majesty is too powerful. Even my One Day Gu cannot hold up to such a powerful method. The time left by your Majesty may be slightly less than the original one!”

“Nothing, even if there is only half a day left, it is enough for Gu, but since there is not much time left, Gu doesn’t waste any time. Excuse Master Lu Yan!”

Nioh clutched his chest and said with some difficulty, the smile on his face made it easy for people to see that he was suffering at the moment.

When Lu Yan heard the words, he nodded slightly, and then stretched out his hand to pinch a magic formula in front of his chest. The various snakes, insects, and ants that covered the entire hall almost disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a small jar with the talisman attached to the bag from his waist, opened the jar, and released many flies-like gu worms from it.

These gu worms flew to the body of every stiff person, then broke the skin and got into their body. Then, these people’s bodies moved again, but the movements seemed a little stiff, obviously. The appearance of being manipulated by others.

Lu Yan controlled these people and walked out of the main hall one by one, and then King Ni also stepped to follow him, but at this time he seemed to be very difficult even to walk.

Seeing the appearance of King Nen, Lu Yangang wanted to cast a spell to help him, but King Nen seemed to foresee his thoughts in advance, and said immediately before he could speak.

“The mage doesn’t need to help me, the lonely hasn’t reached the point where I need help when walking!”

After saying this, Nioh speeded up a bit, and it seemed that the journey was not so difficult.

Seeing this, Lu Yan didn’t cast any spells, just followed up slowly.

After leaving the main hall, a group of controlled small country masters walked all the way out of the capital of Qi. King Ren and Lu Yan followed unhurriedly and walked out of the capital of Qi together.

After leaving the capital of Qi, the people brought by King Ren, and the gorgeous frame he rode on when he came, have long been waiting outside the city gate.

Nioh stepped onto his frame and looked at the coffin inside. A gentle smile appeared on his face. Through the transparent coffin lid, he looked at the princess inside, Nioh, who seemed to be asleep. Speaking softly.

“Wait for lonely again, and lonely will come with you soon!”

After Nioh got in the car, the team quickly moved. The warlocks in the team also displayed spells that could speed up the speed.

About an hour later, the team stopped in a mountain col. King Ni stepped out of the frame and looked into the distance. There were still dilapidated houses that were faintly visible there.

A warlock and a few soldiers leaned over at this time, and after paying a salute to King Ni, they went and carefully lifted the coffin of the princess on the frame.

During the whole process, Nioh had been watching their movements, as if they were afraid that they might accidentally cause any damage to the coffin.

After a few people lifted the coffin out steadily, and then walked in front, Niwang followed them and walked forward until they reached the mountain. The few people carrying the coffin of the princess did not stop, but continued. Go ahead, regardless of the soil **** in front of you.

However, their bodies easily penetrated through the soil slope. When they saw the inside, there was a passage nearly a hundred meters long. At the end of the passage was a flower house decorated with various flowers.

These flowers bloomed very brightly in such an environment, and they were obviously treated with various techniques, otherwise they would not have been preserved so well.

The few people who carried the coffin of the princess, after they carried the coffin here, they continued to carry it for a certain distance, through a door, and into another room decorated with flowers. The coffin was placed on a table made up of flowers.

After putting down the coffin, these people saluted King Niu, then turned and walked outside. Only a few people were left except King Niu and the lord of the small countries.

Looking at the princess who seemed to be lying among the flowers, Niwang showed a smile on his face. Then he turned his head and looked at the masters of the small countries that were under control, his eyes swept over them one by one, and then he spoke.

“The promise I made with all the masters is lonely. I will lose my life alone. Now I will pay you. It’s just that the country behind the masters will no longer exist after today. So I want to invite all the kings together. Going to death, I will return to the world together, even if this matter is completely over, grievances will begin with us, and they will end with us!”

“The burial place prepared for the monarchs is a bit crude. I don’t know if you like it or not, but it doesn’t matter. This is the hometown of the lonely concubine. I like it very much. If you can’t stay here, it’s like being a companion with the lonely here, so be it!”

As soon as Nioh’s words fell, he turned and drew a long sword from the waist of a guard next to him, and then holding the long sword, he came to the front of a small country lord and swung the sword across the opponent’s neck.

In an instant, hot blood sprinkled out, and King Ni had no time to dodge. The blood splashed on his body, but he ignored it, but bowed slightly to the lord of the country, and then walked to the other person. , The long sword lifted up again and drew across the opponent’s throat.

Nioh himself is just an ordinary person, and his current state is still a bit poor. Even if these people stand in front of him and let him kill, Nioh’s actions seem a bit difficult, but he still insists on bowing to the other person every time he kills a person. Until the long sword crossed the throat of the last person, King Niu saluted, he staggered and almost fell.

Among the people still left at this time, some wanted to come forward to help, but was rejected by King Ni. He dropped the long sword in his hand and looked at the fallen lord of the small countries, and then his face was full of blood. It seemed to pull out a smile.

“From now on, around Yu and Qi, apart from Yu and Da Cang, there will be nothing that can threaten Yu. All the faults are loneliness, and all the infamy is also loneliness. The object of everyone’s resentment is Gu, and these things will be taken away along with Gu’s death!”

“When Yuer succeeds to the throne, he will take everyone’s expectations and bear the hope of Yu, Qi, and these small countries without hundreds of people. He will impose a benevolent governance, strive to govern, bring all people to heart, demonstrate virtuous benevolence, and have a master. Support, worry-free life, haha, hahaha!”

Nioh seemed to be talking to himself, and he seemed to be talking to the remaining people present. At the end of the speech, he couldn’t help but burst into laughter. In his laughter, there seemed to be a lot of suppressed for a long time. All things are released at this moment.

After a few bursts of laughter, Nioh’s body suddenly softened, and his whole body finally fell to the ground unsupported, and then, supported by the person next to him, stood up straight again with difficulty, and said to Lu Yan.

“I don’t have time to change my clothes. Can Master Lu Yan help Gu clean up the blood stains on her body? Gu is going to accompany the princess. She is very courageous. Seeing these blood stains will worry me!”

Hearing the words, Lu Yan nodded silently, then raised his hand and squeezed a magic trick. Some firefly-like light spots appeared on his body, which flew to King Ren, and quickly cleared all the blood stains on his body. The whole thing is clean.

Seeing the newly renewed clothes, King Niang nodded with a smile, then he turned and walked to the tomb where the coffin of the princess was placed.

After entering here, Nioh asked the guards beside him to open the lid of the coffin, and then helped him into the coffin.

After lying in the coffin, King Ni stretched out his arm to embrace the corpse of the princess, with a very reassuring smile on his face, whispered in the ear of the princess.

“I have settled Yu’er, now I can come to accompany you!”

After saying this, Nioh slowly closed his eyes, and the guard on the side saw this and stepped forward to cover the lid of the coffin again.

Everyone exited the tomb, while Lu Yan was outside, disposing of the corpses of the leaders of the small countries to ensure that no evil would breed from them.

After doing these things, everyone retired, and in the tomb full of flowers, there was only King Ren who was still alive.

Not long after a few people came out, Lu Yan saw a terrifying force burst out of the mountain in front of him, a black aura burst out, and even rushed out of the mountain peak, and then, the mountain peaks in front of him were all Distorted, in less than two breaths, the entire mountain was transformed into nothingness in the distortion, and completely disappeared before everyone’s eyes.

After the mountain peak disappeared, the remaining curse power in the place left behind was almost still visible to the naked eye.

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