Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The Messed Up World

“The words are divided into two parts. The great ancestor was wise and farsighted, and reused Wuyan, Buxie, Lu Kang…”

On the storytelling stage, Mr. It’s almost impossible to praise Sun Zhongmou too much.

Li Zhi was drowsy, if it wasn’t for the sake of understanding the situation in this world, he would have slapped him in the past.

When you praised Sun Zhongmou, did you ever think about Zhou Yu’s feelings? ?

Li Zhi, male, a university monk who was unemployed just after graduation.

A few days ago, I suddenly got a portable space.

I originally wanted to make a fortune as a magician, but who knew that this portable space was not that simple.

Portable space is just an add-on feature.

What really surprised him were the other two items:

1. Decompose animal carcasses and extract characteristics to feed back to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi inadvertently decomposed a cat corpse and obtained dynamic vision and super neural reflex speed.

Later, I spent all my deposits, Huabei, borrowing, and credit card balances, and got a cow.

Get a physique of the power of an ox.

2. There is a built-in Transmission Gate in the space. After coming here, it is an ancient dynasty world.

Then Li Zhi got the confidence and plunged into this space to explore.

It is now his fifteenth day in a pub in a certain city in Jingzhou.

The people here speak Chinese and write Chinese traditional characters.

And the weirdest thing is…this country is called Wu Kingdom! ! !

It’s the Wu Kingdom in history, but some seems right but actually isn’t.

After the second serious illness at Old Sun, he stood up and called ‘immortal help me’.

Afterwards, the whole life was like a hang-up, reusing the humerus minister and listening to the strategies of loyal ministers.

Even he himself seems to be open to hanging, capable of carrying the tripod, and pulling the weeping willows upside down is trivial.

Empty-handed, Indestructible Vajra Body is called Diao.

The most ridiculous thing is that Shu and Wei were forced to join hands to deal with Soochow.

Seeing that the subjugation of the country was just around the corner, Old Sun took no hassle, and after blowing a whistle, a Qilin ran down from the sky.

The earth shook and the mountain quivered with a body as big as a mountain, spitting flames and stomping hoofs.

The big snowflakes are flying in July and August with just one breath.

Wei Country saw that the situation was not right, so she ran away and sold all the generals and soldiers of Shu.

In the end, after Imperial Uncle received the news, they worked day and night and rushed to the battlefield with six fast horses.

Seeing Old Sun, he fell to his knees with a thud.

In front of the generals of the dozens and countless soldiers, he left a sentence

“My head will give you wine, I beg you to spare thousands of soldiers”

Then Imperial Uncle said nothing, pulled out the Dragon Phoenix double-strand sword and slaughtered himself in front of the three armies.

Li Zhi was stunned when he heard this.

I have always heard that Liu Bei is hypocritical. Is this called hypocrisy? ? ? ?

Old Sun II was also unequivocal. On the same day, it was announced that the Wu Kingdom would dominate the world, and no one dared to object to it.

After all, the protector of the country Divine Beast Qilin is still licking the head of Old Sun Er.

Then read Liu Bei’s benevolence and righteousness, and posthumously named him the surnamed Wang: King of Shu, hereditary.

pa! ! !

On the stage, Mr. Storyteller slapped the gavel heavily, drawing Li Zhi’s attention back.

“I am a fairy in the sky, and the poor people are suffering. Today, I spread the Dao, and everyone can become a dragon!”

When Mr. said this, he was already crying.

The audience covered their faces and wept regardless of whether there were tears or not.

Nonsense, this sentence is the farewell speech said by Sun Quan, the grandfather of Xiangao, whoever doesn’t cry should wait to wear small shoes!

There are still two Kuaishou glare like a tiger watching his prey in the teahouse, just waiting to see who doesn’t cry!

After crying for a while, the husband quickly changed his smiley face and greeted the servant boy with a plate to go off the court.

“Thanks Zhang Yuanwai for the reward half-pass~”

“Thanks to Scholar Guo for the reward…two coppers”

With a sound of announcement,

p>The plate came to Li Zhi.

Li Zhi was also unequivocal, he reached out and threw a piece of silver.

The young servant’s eyes are straight, his face is flushed, and his voice is hoarse and shouts

“Young Master Li, reward money, one silver!!!”

Everyone responded to Li Zhi one after another: people are stupid and money is a fat sheep.

Li Zhi didn’t care either, holding a cup one fist in the other hand to everyone, smiling shyly.

‘Wipe! ! ! This character is really difficult to maintain, one silver! ! One silver of my Fuck You! ! ! A little girl is only five silver! ! ! ‘

In Wu Kingdom, one hundred copper coins are consistent, one thousand is one silver, and ten silver is one gold, but ‘gold’ is basically not circulated in the ordinary person’s house.

It takes only two coins to eat a flatbread for a day!

When Li Zhi first arrived, he didn’t even have a way to guide him, so he was caught by the yamen.

Seeing that he was about to be imprisoned as a three-no-one person, Li Zhi had an idea and claimed that he was a survivor of the Shu Han Dynasty.

During the war, the whole family moved overseas, and now both parents died, the two elders explained that they must return to their hometown before they died.

County Magistrate then asked Li Zhi to show evidence.

Li Zhi was also unequivocal, handing over an artificially raised pearl on the spot, saying that it was a clam pearl from overseas.

County Magistrate looked at such a large piece of evidence, it must be a survivor of the Shu Han Dynasty, and they gave Li Zhi a registered permanent residence in Raising Yang City on the spot.

Yes, this city is called Raising Yang City.

You ask pearls? What pearl? Where are the pearls? ?

Subsequently, in order to stabilize his foothold in Raising Yang City and to facilitate future shipments, Li Zhi reluctantly set up a wastrel image.

“Young Master Li is very rich, and if you have time to drink tea together, I have tribute tea, you can taste it!”

Zhang Yuanwai seized the opportunity and got close to Li Zhi Be nice to your side.

He is in the business of the four treasures of the study, and his customers are all scholars. The precious stones in Li Zhi’s hands, fine jade, are very popular there.

“hmph! Zi once said…”

Scholar Guo stared at the silver that Li Zhi offered as a reward, and then said sourly.

Li Zhi doesn’t care when he sees it. This scholar is poor, but he is a scholar with a strong character and is worthy of respect.

“Scholar Guo, how about coming to my house tomorrow to teach me how to read and hyphenate?”

“hmph, small readable….”

“One day, one day!”


“Absurd!! Disrespectful!! Shameless!! Dirty!!”

Scholar Guo was somewhat flustered and exasperated, and left the restaurant with a flick of his sleeves.

“….You took the wrong medicine??? Hey, are you coming tomorrow??”

Li Zhi looked at him annoyed, a little confused.

“Hehe, Young Master Li is so elegant” Zhang Yuanwai grinned twice, saying that Li Zhi knows how to play.

After making an appointment with Zhang Yuanwai for Heavenly Grade tea, Li Zhi sauntered and headed home.

During the period, smile, greet the neighbors warmly, and maintain your own personality.

Just as soon as I entered the mansion, my face suddenly turned cloudy.

Dou Ya scared to the point of shivering, the little maid in the house, huddled in the firewood room and didn’t dare to come out.

“It’s really TMimpossible!! It’s obvious that everyone is like a dragon, how can it be so difficult to find a cultivation method!!!”

He is generous and generous, spends a lot of money, and makes friends, just for the sake of more Some channels, so that you can get a cultivation technique.

But at this time, let alone immortal cultivation technique, not even the most vulgar martial arts cultivation technique.

And that Scholar Guo, too impossible to tell good from bad! ! !

Li Zhi can tolerate Scholar Guo’s sourness because he values his literary talent and style.

Li Zhi’s abacus is very good.

He is only barely aware of traditional Chinese characters, but various cultivation techniques cannot be learned just by barely literate.

Although the main world also has traditional characters, there are still discrepancies.

The cultivation technique must not go wrong.

I made friends with Scholar Guo so that the other party wouldn’t backstab him when he asked for some incomprehensible clips in the cultivation technique in the future.

This person is really strong, but also a stinky bone! !

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