Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Public Execution!

“Young Master Li, the carriage is ready”

Li Saner nervously supported Li Zhi on the carriage.

Taking advantage of this time, he also stuffed a piece of yellow paper into Li Zhi’s hand, and warned repeatedly in a low voice:

“Young Master Li, this symbol is called a barrier symbol, tear it apart. Hundred Venoms Immunity will be guaranteed within 12 hours after it’s broken!”

Li Zhi face doesn’t change the nodded, and the two of them didn’t mention it after that, as if nothing happened.

Is this a remedy for Li Kai after being poisoned and plotted?

“Tell me who has been to my house when I’m not here?”

Although it’s almost dark, people are still coming, people going on the street.

The two tacitly did not mention Li Mansion.

“Zhang Yuanwai sent me an invitation once, and Feng Siniang sent someone every day”

“She is the elder sister in brotherl, please this young and rich son Drinking is normal!”


Not necessarily!

According to Li Kai’s words, it was either Li Susu or Feng Siniang who attacked him.

No, it should be Liu Susu!

However, the high probability of the murder this time is Feng Siniang.

Because this Feng Siniang has not invited him for the first time since Li Kai was kidnapped.

This alone makes Li Zhi suspicious of her.

Others don’t know, but he himself knows the whereabouts of the three masked men.

The masked man’s accomplices knew better that the three must have been killed.

“Young Master Li, there is a saying that the villain doesn’t know what to say?”

Li Zhi: If you don’t say it, don’t say it!

It bothers people like you the most.

Seeing Li Zhi’s silence, Li Saner gritted his teeth and said

“If you haven’t broken your body yet, it’s best not to stay overnight for this appointment. If you have already…”

“If it’s already broken, so what?”

Li Zhi face doesn’t change.

It’s a joke, I’m Li Zhi, but a man with cheats, how can I tell you that I’m almost twenty-five and still married?

Li San’er heard this and laughed at herself for being too talkative.

Yes, Young Master Li is rich and handsome, not like me, I only enjoyed the happiness of a man when I was fifteen years old.

Shrugging, Li San’er said with a smile

“Then you are lucky, although Feng Siniang is a kiln sister, she is known as one in a thousand. The name..”

The carriage jolted suddenly, followed by a sudden brake.

Li San’er fixed her eyes and saw that it was a servant in coarse clothes who stopped the carriage, and immediately shouted loudly

“Applause~~~ Which servant does not have long eyes? , dare to stop Li Mansion’s carriage? Do you know who is on the carriage!”

Jiading didn’t argue with Li San’er, and shouted at the carriage

“Young Master Li!! Please come to the house to talk to my family members!”

“Your family members? Zhang Yuanwai??”


Inside the carriage, Li Zhi’s pupils shuddered, and said solemnly

“I already have an appointment, please tell Old Brother Zhang, and tomorrow I will bring a gift to apologize in person!”

After finishing speaking, Li Zhi gently clapped the inner wall of the carriage

“Li Saner, what are you doing? Go!”

This family was in a hurry when he heard that Li Zhi was about to leave, and now he No matter if this is on the street, he shouted with his throat pulled

“Young Master Li! Young Master Li, be careful! That Feng Siniang of Fuxiufang is not a good person!”

Fuck ! ! Where did Fatty Zhang find such an idiot! !

Li Zhi cursed inwardly.

Although going to brotherel is considered elegant, but it is not so elegant to say it on the street!

Before Li Zhi could speak again, a few fists and feet came from outside the carriage, followed by screams.

“Where is the lunatic who came to tarnish Young Master Li’s reputation! Begging for a beating!!”

Li San’er got on the bus again shortly after getting off.

This time, no one stopped him, and the carriage ran all the way.

It was almost as if it was completely dark, and he arrived at Fuxiufang.

“Young Master Li, the little man can only be delivered here, I will respond to you outside, if…”

Li Zhi nodded slightly ahead, stride proudly walked into Fuxiufang.

Li Zhi was a little surprised by the actions of Zhang Yuanwai’s servant just now.

In particular, both suspects made an invitation to him.

And Zhang Yuanwai’s family even blocked the road in the street, saying that the other party was not a good person.

Li Zhi sneered at the corner of his mouth

‘The prophet Liu Susu killed the werewolf Feng Siniang? Are you going to play Werewolf with me? But I seem to be a wolf, right? ? ‘

He just wanted to know, what are the chances of breaking down the cultivator to explode the cultivation technique!

Li Zhi walked into the door of Fuxiufang, wondering how to concoct Feng Siniang later.

As soon as I entered, I saw a row of little elder sisters in light clothes and tulle twisting their butts.


With a slight movement of his throat, Li Zhi forcibly took his eyes away from the P… girls.

It’s not that he’s not firm enough, it’s that he’s an older virgin who has never seen such a battle!

A turtle man saw Li Zhi standing at the door like an idiot, and immediately concluded that he was a chick.

But this man should be a rich man.

Because the sapphire on Li Zhi’s waist is about to catch up with the size of an egg!

After seeing the color of the gemstone, Duke Turtle hurriedly walked over with nodded bows

“This master, you are familiar..”

Li Zhi He was looking vigorously, but his vision was suddenly blocked, and he said unhappily at the moment

“Feng Siniang invited me here!”



Gui Gong stared wide-eyed, after taking a close look at Li Zhi, he suddenly turned around and shouted while pulling his throat

“Your honored guest is here~~~ Beijie Li Mansion, son Li Zhi!”


Fuck what are you calling your uncle! !

Li Zhi is also the first time to come back, didn’t expect prostitutes…I have to be publicly executed once for an appointment!

At this time, those present at Fuxiufang, even if they don’t know Li Zhi, have heard of his name to some extent.

If this is spread out, how can he mess around!

“You tm shouting a fart!!!”

Li Zhi’s face was slightly annoyed, and the leg raised kicked the turtle out.

Then without waiting for him to stand up, Li Zhi took a step and walked upstairs.

Although I don’t know where Feng Siniang is, she is a top card, so she can’t twist her butt in the hall, right?

Before taking two steps on the stairs, a little girl in a light azure dress greeted her.

Seeing Li Zhi, the other party looked at him curiously and asked a blessing, and asked in a clear voice

“But Mr. Li Zhi is in person?”

Looking at this young and lovely little girl, Li Zhi gently nodded after blinking.

“It’s me”

“Hey~ come with me, my family’s lady can wait!”

li Zhi’s approval of little girl After that, he pulled Li Zhi with a smile and walked upstairs.

‘Your lady? ? Feng Siniang is your lady? ? Which lady will come out to sell? ‘

Li Zhi groaned inwardly.

But if you really think about it, it’s not wrong that Feng Siniang is a young lady.

‘A little maid next to Feng Siniang is so beautiful? ‘

The little girl who led Li Zhi upstairs was at most thirteen-fourteen years old.

But the skin is really not bad.

Wearing a light azure dress, with a symmetrical double bun, a playful strand of hair scattered on her delicate face.

At first glance, it looks naughty and lovely, making people want to hold her in his arms and love her fiercely.

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