Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 128

Chapter 130 The East Palace Incident

“Crown Prince has urgent news. Before tomorrow, we must severely punish all people, demons, Buddhas, and demons who intend to harm the people!”

“Before tomorrow?” The card is taken back.

Tomorrow will be the fifteenth day of August in Wu Kingdom, and it will be the day when An Meiyi will be angry.

Since the Crown Prince has arranged it like this, it is 80% likely that something will change tomorrow, and maybe this will be the last time An Meiyi will complain.

After tomorrow night, if I want to see her fuss again, I’m afraid it won’t work if Monkey Sun is here!

“The Mingyue Temple has been blocked. The boss and I are in charge of the inside of the temple, and the rest of the embroidery guards are in charge of the outside.”

“Guo Jingyu, with Qin Sheng and Li Zhi, guarding the temple. Here, there will be a bloody battle later, there is a place for Li Zhi!”

Looking at his dignified face, maybe even the secret spy who was hiding his identity was pulled out this time.

“No!” The three of them responded in unison.

After that, Dian Rui didn’t talk too much nonsense, and after telling some details, he stood on the short halberd and flew away in the air.

Looking at Dian Rui’s swaying silhouette, Qin Sheng smacked his lips and said regretfully

“What a timely order, otherwise Xiuyiwei will lose two talents!”

“Two?” Guo Jingyu rolled his eyes helplessly, ‘shameless, don’t put gold on your face!”

When he said this, he secretly relaxed.

The situation just now is basically clear. If it wasn’t for this sudden order, Li Zhi and Qin Sheng would have designated to leave Xiuyiwei.

The importance of Li Zhi goes without saying, it involves many forces, not only the advice of the noble in the palace, but also an incoming territorial official.

Qin Sheng seems to be only a Confucian Grade 6, but his role is not only a Grade 6 battle strength, but also a signal, a signal to the world’s Confucian scholars.

It is also a signal to Yingchuan Academy and Confucianism.

If these two people slipped into his Guo Jingyu’s hands, then the Guo Family would not be able to raise their heads under the Great Princess banner in the future.

Oh no, it should be…His Highness the Crown Prince!

The three packed up their moods and joked a few words with each other. The atmosphere was harmonious again, and no one mentioned resignation.


there was a loud noise in the distance, followed by angry roar

“base and shameless, Dianxiang Dianrui, you dare to sneak attack in secret.. ..”

This voice was familiar to everyone present, and it belonged to Zhizhang.

Listening to his breathless voice, it seems that the sneak attack of the two brothers is very effective.

“Isn’t this monk able to see through? How could he be sneak attacked?” Li Zhi suddenly found something wrong.

Zhizhang has more than just eyesight. When chatting with Dian Rui, Li Zhi also learned that Zhizhang Xiu’s Divine Ability is eyes and ears.

In layman’s terms, it is clairvoyance and clairvoyance, among which clairvoyance is still a clairvoyance with perspective.

“I want to know too” Guo Jingyu shrugged.

He was also wondering at the moment, the fights between monks are basically golden lights flickering in the sky, and high-quality monks fights will also show the Buddha’s Dharma, just like the huge Buddha’s face that day.

But judging from the current situation, Zhizhang has not only lost his Heavenly Eyesight and Heavenly Ears, but even the Buddha’s dharma is not visible, and his fighting strength is 50 to 60 percent.

“Could it be due to Bo Wu’s contribution that day? I heard later that this monk was not attacked by Bo Wu?” Qin Sheng interjected.

“This…” Guo Jingyu pondered twice and found that it was really possible!

He later also heard from the second brother of the Dian family, who has been monitoring Zhizhang, that Zhizhang had basically no trauma when he returned, but he stayed behind closed doors, and frantically recited scriptures and meditated, obviously his mood was damaged.

“If you count it like this, maybe today you can really kill…” He didn’t say the word Buddha. Zhizhang is the Holy Son of Buddhism, the son of Buddha, but he is by no means a true Buddha.

Buddhism has the most abundant means of defense, control, and support.

There are basically no disadvantages except for those who prefer direct lethality and quick recovery of blood.

But still the old saying, boiled tofu in brine, everything has its nemesis.

If Zhizhang’s Buddha Dharma and Divine Ability cannot be used because of their damage, then they will definitely not be able to compete with the two brothers by virtue of the precepts alone.

Because the Formation of these two brothers happens to be breaking the formation!

Removing Formation and Dharma is what they are best at, and adding precepts also happens to belong to the category of their Martial Arts True Meaning restraint.

After Guo Jingyu figured this out, he suddenly felt a little chill down his spine.

If that’s the case, then wouldn’t everything have been arranged early in the morning…

Guo Jingyu was still a little puzzled, if it was about surveillance, Grade 4 Martial Artist still It’s better to find a warlock or a Taoist priest who is good at the way of breathing.

But thinking about it now, I’m afraid these two people are the most suitable!

The second brother of Dianjia, who has the true meaning of breaking the formation, is simply not to monitor Zhizhang, but to wait for an opportunity, ready to kill him at any time!

………In the East Palace.

“Okay, okay, okay, you guys are really nice!!!”

Crown Prince Sun Cheng slumped on the ground, disheveled hair, looking at him with resentment In front of him, he looked at this group of ‘team members’ and ‘assistance’ that belonged to him.

Li cultivation base head, hands behind ones back standing at the forefront with a calm face.

Slightly weaker than him is the general finger of Xiuyiwei, Guo Tenglong, a reserved middle-aged man, and Guo Menghu’s length is seven or eight points similar.

Further back is the densely packed full of embroidered guards.

These embroidered guards are different from ordinary embroidered guards. These are all dead men trained by Guo Tenglong, but they are specially inserted into the embroidered guards, so that they can be used at any time.

Seeing that it was almost time, Li Xiu lightly sighed, took a few steps forward, and said

“Crown Prince, now the Heaven and Earth Rule has changed, the emperor is not incapable of cultivation. The reason, I hope you can…”

“Don’t call me Crown Prince, you don’t deserve it!!” Sun Cheng got emotional and interrupted what Li Xiu was about to say.

In his cognition. Anyone in this group could betray him and join another camp, but only Li Xiu would not.

But he absolutely didn’t expect, Li Xiu not only betrayed him, but also stood at the forefront.

Li Xiu didn’t care that Crown Prince was sprayed with saliva, he reached out and wiped his face, turning his head to Guo Tenglong.

Guo Tenglong understood, nodded at the embroidered clothes guard beside him, and winked.

Seeing the boss’s gesture, a masked man in the embroidered clothes came out. Although he couldn’t see his face clearly, he looked exactly like the Crown Prince who fell to the ground!

Not nearly, but exactly the same!

Even the walking posture, posture, and temperament seem to be carved out of a mold.

This person is the dead man secretly cultivated by Guo Tenglong, and also His Highness the Crown Prince in the future!

Li Xiu stretched out his hand and took off the face towel from his face. After taking a closer look, he couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy.

‘It can be considered so much! Not to mention the date of birth, even the appearance is exactly the same! ‘

Li Xiu only learned today that this fake Crown Prince was found and cultivated by the supervisor 30 years ago under the guidance of Guo Tenglong.

Thirty years ago, Crown Prince was still a child thirty years ago! He was actually counted what he would look like in thirty years!

Just after everything is ready, entire group you look at me, I look at you, but don’t know what to do.

The above command is only explained to this step, and there is no next command.

Just when everyone was hesitating, the fake Crown Prince took a step forward with a faint smile on his face

“The lord explained to this palace:

He is a decent person, if he is decent, you make him decent, if he is not decent, then you help him be decent”

This fake Crown Prince has already entered the play, and the opening is ‘this palace’.

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