Cultivator Who Travels Between Two Worlds

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 You Still Want To Be My Little Brother?

It’s been a full week since winning Power of Nine Bulls.

During this period, Li Zhi was not only busy with the site selection and decoration of the supermarket, but also familiarized himself with his own power in the space.

Anyway, time won’t pass here, so don’t be in vain.

The only downside is that he may age a little faster than his peers.

A cow has a weight-bearing force of about 400kg and a pulling force of about 380kg.

Nine Headed Bull superimposed…

Seriously, the stronger it is, the more powerful it is!

The limit of Martial Artist Grade 9 is Power of Nine Bulls.

The higher Grade 8 represents the power of two tigers.

The power of the two tigers refers not to strength, but to qi.

Although cattle have brute strength, they have only dull energy and no sharpness.

The tiger is one of the most aggressive animals in nature.

At Martial Artist Grade 9, the Power of Nine Bulls has reached its limit.

This is where the cultivation technique you’ve been playing with soy sauce comes in handy.

Breathing Technique, and then when the first breath is generated, it is considered Grade 8.

However, this qi is still very fragile at this time. Not only can it not help itself to fight, but it has to be cautiously cared for and nourished.

It won’t be a battle chicken in Grade 8 until this wisp of air rises again.

Slaughter Qi!

At this stage, the Qi can be attached to the blade to attack the enemy, making its formidable power greatly increased.

It can also be stimulated by some special means to form a whistling sound to deter the enemy.

And then, it is to open the door, be promoted to Grade 7, and achieve Innate.

The Martial Artist can only utilize the Power of Heaven and Earth through its own Qi hook once the gate of heaven is opened.

To put it bluntly, Qi is the sublimation of Martial Artists’ strength after condensing to the extreme, and it is just a kind of energy.

It can not only be used to kill the enemy or defend, but also help Martial Artist communicate the world, use Heaven and Earth to wash his own flesh, making it harder and more fleshy.

“Going to this step, my Marital Arts Path is basically over…”

In the space, Li Zhi put down the one-ton iron ingot, Mei Yu All the melancholy.

He doesn’t know if he’s a Grade 9 or not.

Without the assistance of the cultivation technique, the Power of Nine Bulls was obtained by just taking advantage of space.

But the battle strength should be able to keep up.

If he wants to go a step further, it is not enough to simply use tricks. There must be the assistance of a cultivation technique to help him generate a sense of qi.

“Perhaps… I disassemble the Martial Artist of Grade 8, maybe I can get Qi directly??”

Then he dismissed the idea.

The qi and blood are good to say, but this qi helps me connect Heaven and Earth.

This thing didn’t come out of my own cultivation, I’m really worried.

If you kill people with cultivation techniques, there is a certain chance that they will be able to reveal their cultivation techniques.

The three masked men are a good example.

They definitely didn’t just practice boxing and kicks, and they didn’t reveal the cultivation technique to estimate that they were not at home.

But thinking of this, Li Zhi inexplicably thought of Li Wei father and son.

“Perhaps my cheap nephew’s merit…not good! I can’t, shouldn’t, at least can’t!”

Li Zhi forcibly stabilized his mind and dismissed the cheap The nephew exploded the idea of the cultivation technique.

But if you can’t move him, it doesn’t mean you can’t use other methods!

In such a big world, there are always Martial Artists who are willing to share cultivation techniques!

There are many low-quality Martial Artists, but Li Zhi couldn’t find him.

After making up her mind, Li Zhi dodged out of the space.

The various artificial gems he ordered online finally arrived, and after picking up the goods, he went to Wu Kingdom.

You can ask Li Kai!

As for why it’s Li Kai, this stunned boy and not his father Li Wei…

Hey, don’t worry about these details.


As soon as he left the space, Li Zhi saw the cat of the resident in the next building on his balcony,

looking straight. follow him.

“Mist grass… When did you Little Fatty come here!!!”

Li Zhi was slightly surprised.

This cat’s eyes are so human, just… full of adoration? ?

“Come, come, come to Little Fatty, tell Uncle what have you seen?”

Gently stepped forward and squatted in front of little kitty, Li Zhi just wanted to slap two hands , I saw this little bastard turned around and turned his ass towards him! !

“I treat you as my nephew, but you want to be my little brother?? Impossible!!”

When the cat points at you with its butt and gestures for you to lick it, it means you conquer Get it, it wants to be your little brother!

Li Zhi remained unmoved, and patted its head lightly.

Cat: Failed alliance, attack! ! ! !


After a harsh scream, the cat stretched out its paws to scratch Li Zhi, but was easily avoided by Li Zhi.

Both of them have the power of cats, but Li Zhi also has the bonus of Jiu Niu physique, can he be injured by a cat?

The result is self-evident, easy to hold the cat master, and it took a while to let it go.

As soon as he let go, the cat owner ran away in a hurry, leaving only a sad back.

Cat: The temperament is very flirtatious, sworn and unwilling, let me go after the masturbation, ruthless and cruel!

It’s fortunate that Li Zhi didn’t have the ability to read minds, otherwise he would have suffered a cerebral thrombosis.

When I got downstairs at a moderate pace, a girl was yelling around anxiously

“Mimi~~Mimi~~It’s so late, it’s time to go home, Mother is very worried about you!”

Li Zhi couldn’t help but look at the girl more.

Having been a neighbor for more than ten years, he watched this girl grow up a little bit since he was a child, but he didn’t dare to talk to her.

The high-end community where his family lived was created by Laodou during his lifetime.

After Laodou left, if it wasn’t for missing him, the impoverished mother and son would have sold the house long ago.

This girl is different, she is a genuine Ms Perfect.

Earlier, Li Zhi’s single-parent family was not very good, so she felt a little inferior and didn’t dare to talk to her.

But now…

Li Zhi said that he is not in the mood to talk about dogs..Sour and smelly love, Feng Siniang, the top card of Fuxiufang, has asked him several times, but he has not go.

The main reason is that the space is not ready for T..cough cough.

Just as I was about to leave, I heard the girl muttering to herself again

“No, so big Mimi, where can you hide?”

! ! !

Hearing this, Li Zhi couldn’t help but stop.

Indeed, such a big boob is hard to hide! ! !

This time, Li Zhi can’t get it right, so I leaned over uncontrollably

“cough cough, I seem to have seen it just now!”

“Brother Xiaozhi!~ Yes, pull out your younger brother and let it help, please!”

younger brother …

Your whole family All young brothers! !

The ‘younger brother’ was a husky he picked up in his sophomore year. Mother liked it so much that he named it Li Wu.

He became Li Zhi’s younger brother.

This fellow was really naughty, and then he simply sent him to his hometown in the countryside to go wild.

“cough cough, Li Wu went to play at grandma’s house.

It seems that Mimi ran outside, so let’s find each other separately. You add me on WeChat and we found each other. Let me know”

After saying that, Li Zhi naturally took out his mobile phone.

The girl’s heart is all on Mimi, and she didn’t think much about the two adding WeChat to each other.

“Thank you, Brother Xiaozhi, I’ll treat you to a big meal later!”

“Hey, little thing, just call Brother Xiaozhi to have a separation, just say big brother! By the way, you give me a photo.”

Li Zhi waved his hand, indicating that he should not pay attention to those details.

The girl didn’t know why, but she was still obedient and sent a very warm photo to Li Zhi.


“I’m talking about cat photos, you…”

Wonderful, sweet voice and body Well….still a fool! ! !

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