Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 138 - Open the door

This moment, coupled with the opening of the dark and bloody, Kaus has a feeling of nervousness and breathlessness.

will die! Caos decisively judged that if Matilda in the movie returns at this time, there will be no chance of survival.

Although the people who slaughtered the Matilda family were law enforcers, those law enforcement officials would not follow the dogma of ‘no killing innocents, and they would certainly give Matilda a ruthless murder for their own benefit.

This is the dark human nature. Kaus can understand that the villain in the dark “Beauty and Demons” is much more terrible and more real.

It is a pity that this is the story played in the movie. Kaos has no way to remind the poor little girl.

He could only watch as the little girl took the goods she had bought and walked towards the home that had become a death penalty.

At this time, the lens also deliberately sent a close-up to the expression that Matilda expected, and also used a slow motion.

When the classical music in the background sounded slowly, the camera took Ma Dilda and the goods on the face appeared in the hallway outside her house.

“It should be discovered in advance, Matilda is the heroine.”

“But she is already standing in the hallway!”

Kaus has forgotten to breathe at this moment, and he can still hear some whispers in his ear.

Regrettably, the audience in the performance hall could not help the Matilda on the screen. The audience at the scene seemed to forget that what they were watching was a fictional plot.

What made the audience desperate was that the law enforcers eventually saw Matilda, and Matilda’s line of sight also looked at the Uighur who stood outside and watched the door.

The aristocratic girl around Caos did not need her elders to help her cover her eyes. She had already caught her eyes and could not look at the next development.

Maybe just being caught? Kaus is clasping together and waiting for the next move.

In this scene, Gallo’s excellent acting was shown to the fullest.

When Matilda discovered that her family was killed by the law enforcer, she had to pretend that she didn’t know what to expect, and she walked over to the door of her home under the watchful eyes of the law enforcer. The devil killed the door of the room where he lived.

In addition to shocking at this moment, Kaos could not find other words to describe his inner thoughts.

Just as Gallo’s play, Matilda screamed at the doorbell of Lyon’s house, pleading with Lyon to open the door. The impression left in the audience is far more than that on the stage. A gorgeous character is much more impressive.

Because this little girl is real and so helpless, anyone at this moment wants to lend a helping hand to her.

“Open the door… Why don’t you dare to open the door if you dare to kill? Open the door!”

When Lyon hesitated, Caos heard the girl sitting next to him whispering.

But Caos knows that in this case, the real cold-blooded assassin will choose to give up a stranger’s help in order to save himself.

If Lyon really opened the door, then he would completely lose his life with him.

But after hesitating again and again, it seems that in order to prove the title of “This demon is not too cold”, the demon who is on the Squirrel Street is far more kind than the human law enforcers. He finally opened the door.

For Matilda, it was like a light shining in her eyes. The demon saved the poor little girl in the hands of a group of ruthless human law enforcers.

Kaos sighed and leaned against the seat behind him… The aristocratic girl next to her was already happy and even her tears came out.

“It is sad.”

At this moment, his side suddenly sounded the voice of his mentor, and Caos looked over and found that General Fred had opened his eyes.

“Guide… Why is it sad?”

Caos has forgotten what his mentor, General Fred, said before the film was aired. He is now full of the story of the film.

So Kaus did not pay attention to when Fred’s generals around him opened their eyes, perhaps at the beginning of the movie, or perhaps when the law enforcement slaughter began.

But General Fred has completely forgotten what he said before, “I should not waste time on this boring thing.”

He felt sad in the character of Lyon in the movie.

“When you do this, when you make this choice, you have already walked halfway into the grave.”

General Fred’s voice sounded vicissitudes and seemed to remind him of some long-standing memories.

“I don’t think there will be any problems. Master, you should haven’t seen the front when you are asleep. Lyon is very good at his skills. Now he just saved a little girl.”

Although Caos said this, he remembered the ending of “Beauty and Devil”. Originally, it was a very good story of a girl and a prince. The result ended with a tragedy.

But now Kaus is sincerely looking forward to the end of the film.

It can be like the words of General Fred.

After the demon killer saved Matilda, he tried to make fun of the little girl who was immersed in sorrow, but when Ma Dilda was asleep in his room, he took out the weapon. Arrived on the head of Matilda.

“If it were me, I would kill her.” General Fred said suddenly.

What was said by General Fred was heard by the aristocratic girl sitting next to Caos.

Because the performance hall was too dim, the young and ignorant girl did not recognize the person who spoke is the marshal marshal of the country of steel.

“Why… their previous relationship is so good!”

So the girl dissatisfied with the rebuttal, but did not get the response of General Fred.

Kaus is also a person who has seen the world with his mentor. He also dealt with some cold-blooded killers in the world. He clearly knows that the demon killer is in a very bad situation, bringing a little girl. It will make him into a desperate situation.

So he began to understand why Lyon would do this, but the goodness of the devil finally made him not do such cruel things.

“Maybe he can give up the dangerous work of continuing to kill the killer.” Kauss tried to find some turning points in this story that must become a tragedy.

“Impossible, there will be a day of repayment of the blood of others, and this demon is destined to do this in this life, this little girl will only bring him bad luck.” General Fred said.

“But the devil still chooses to protect her…”

Caos understood what it meant by his mentor, and realized the true greatness of the demon killer.

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