Cultural Invasion In Different World (Cultural Invasion into Isekai)

Chapter 184 - The temptation of the devil (4000 words)

This is the so-called devil temptation? No… No, it is a sinful act to compare a saint to a demon.

But the adjutant has no reason to reject the request of the woman Heralonia.

He told all of his own observations in Nolan that the woman, Heralonia, including some that would be executed if she was known by the Archbishop.

“The magic that connects all people’s consciousness together?”

In the adjutant’s narrative, the only one that caused the interest of the Holy Lady Herriota was the ‘magic magic’ that he finally said.

“Yes… yes, the virgin, Nolan has recently launched a new kind of magic, almost everyone around me is using it.” The adjutant said.

“Connecting the consciousness of others sounds a bit like rumors, I need more detailed content.”

The singer Herriot searched through the knowledge she had accumulated over the past 100 years, only to find two or three magics that could share consciousness with others, but no matter which one is far from his narrative.

Because the narrative of ‘connecting all people’s consciousness’ is enough to understand the ‘miracle’ that only the gods can do.

“A kind of magic called ‘Magic Net’ was built with a system of order inscriptions. A tiny original spar was purchased at the White Jinghua Theatre in Nolan, and then it was crushed to use the magic net.”

The magic of the magic net is that the adjutant cannot express it in words.

His hands were surrounded by pale white magic, and the interface of the magic net in his mind began to condense with the supply of magic.

In the end, Heroria saw an interface made of pure white light in front of the adjutant, with a lot of text and image content on the interface.

“what is this?”

Herloa fought face-to-face with the adjutant, so the words she saw were the opposite of the picture, which made Herloa turn around the adjutant and finally stood behind the adjutant and looked at the contents.

The content inside is very messy, what ‘damn this morning who took my lizard soaked! ‘‘Why should the wizard of the sputum system begin to learn from that inscription? ‘Structural muscle is the first step to becoming a qualified caster! ’.

A lot of dazzling information made Heronia not knowing from there.

“The Caster Forum.”

The adjutant glanced at the position in the lower right corner to show the time. There was a post in the caster forum that briefly described the magic net function. One of the posts mentioned the concept of ‘network connection and speed.’

The usual adjutant stayed in the chapel of Nolan. The signal in his lower right corner showed that it was barely three squares. As a result, it has completely changed into a pattern of two colors with warning colors: gray and red.

These two colors remind him of… disconnected the net.

He has recently developed the habit of posting some posts on the caster forum after prayers every day. It is a disaster for him to break the net.

Fortunately, the caster forum is a local load, that is, the contents of the caster forum will be stored in the user’s ‘brain’, and the dynamics of the post will be updated again when connected to the network.

After all, the human brain is a super-capacity ‘hard disk’, and Qiao Xiu must take advantage of it.

Of course, the user can also choose to clear the useless content in the forum with one click.

“The caster…the forum? It is the parliament, in the form of words?”

Herloa quickly found the rules of the text on the caster forum. After finding these rules, the sense of clutter disappeared instantly.

“Yes, the singer, Nolan’s caster posted his views and questions to the forum in the form of words, and soon other users will see and respond.”

The adjutant reached out and clicked on one of the posts and showed it to Heroliya.

“Everyone is anonymous in this forum?”

Heroliya noticed that neither the poster nor the respondent’s name was like the real name, but more like a code name.

“Anonymous, everyone rarely knows each other’s identity.”

This is one of the reasons why the adjutant likes the caster forum. He can talk to anyone on the forum as long as he does not violate the ‘user agreement’.

He also enjoys the feeling of communicating with others on the forum, showing his true thoughts and opinions, and… sending those funny dwarf expressions, as well as a newly added expression, which is simpler than a dwarf. face.

One of the expressions called ‘funny’ is currently popular in the caster forum.

“What a… ridiculous.”

After listening to the adjutant’s narrative, the singer Herloa suddenly showed a self-deprecating smile.

“The House of the Virgin…His Highness…I…I am not sure…”

The adjutant realized that he seemed to be a bit smug, even though no one in Nolan stood up and declared that he was the maker of the magic net, but the deputy could guess that this should be the work of the demon.

“You don’t need to panic, I just think it feels ironic.”


“The teachings left by the gods have always hoped that his followers can tolerate each other and build a world where all people are equal. As a result, the church has not done it for a thousand years. A demon has completed the desire of the gods one step at a time. Although the heat is only in the spirit, you say… Is this ironic?”

Herloa glanced at the adjutant, and the adjutant could only bow his head and didn’t know how to answer it, or he couldn’t answer it.

Those who dare to criticize the church and the gods in the church are only one saint. If these words are spoken from his mouth, he will be sent to the execution desk on charges of defamation.

“Don’t bow, so I can’t see the contents of the caster forum.”

“Yes…the saint.”

Herriota glanced at what the users on the caster forum were talking about.

Several replies made her feel very interesting, and she couldn’t help but want to get involved.

“How do I reply to them?” Herriot asked again.

“This… At present, the coverage of the magic net is only in Nolan. The Holy City cannot accept the information of the magic net. The contents you see by the Virgin are stored a few hours ago.”

The adjutant gave the sage Herriot to the explanation according to the instructions of the use of the magic net.

“In the Holy City, I can only view past content, can’t join the discussion? Is there any post related to the church on this forum?”

Herriota has been able to vaguely guess why Xie Lier defected.

Under the command of the saint, the adjutant immediately found a post he was most familiar with in the caster forum, that is, the “Digitator’s Diary”, the reply volume of the diary has been officially announced to be broken, hanging in the ‘not moving The top position of the library.

“Sister Stantan, it’s a long-standing name. Is this why you defected? Xie Lier.”

Herloa had got the information she wanted, and her eyes were removed from the interface of the magic net, when a ball of light floated on Heroliya’s shoulder.

This light ball is a living creature. It whispers a few words in the ear of Heroliya, and it becomes a little bit of light disappearing.

“You can return to Nolan after three days as a guide to crusade the demon.”

“Three…three days later?”

The adjutant heard some news from this news. The portal to Nolan was completely closed. He wanted to return unless he walked from the holy city to Nolan on foot.

This distance can take more than three months to ride, which is a prerequisite for no sudden situation on the road.

“There seems to be a special transmission array at the bottom of Nolan’s church… I now have only one commission, bring back a raw spar carrying the ‘Magic Net’, and find out if there is a way to connect to the magic net. ”

Herloa can be sure that ‘Stanko’s Sister’ is the deceased Sheliel.

As a saint, she is not a special case. She can’t leave the holy city privately, so she wants to contact Xie Lier. She can only rely on this magical magic net.

“This is the funds for the event. You want to stay in Nolan and do the task I have done as much as possible.”

The golden inscription appeared at the fingertips of Heroliya. She waved the inscription, a pile of gold coins and jewels floated in front of the deputy, and the adjutant quickly reached out to catch the gold coins and jewelry.

“Otherwise I might recommend you to be an ascetic.”

“The ascetic…the saint…I…understood.”

The adjutant holds the gold coins and jewels in his hand, but his inner heart is miserable. The so-called ascetic is a person who wholeheartedly dedicate himself to the gods. Although his status is very high, his life is extremely difficult…

But in the face of this commission, the adjutant did not have the right to refuse, because he had already accepted the bribery of Herolia.

He looked at the smile on the face of the Virgin Herriot, a smile in her eyes that was no less than the glory of the gods.

But in the eyes of the adjutant, there is no difference between it and a demon!

Sure enough… this is the lure from the devil!


Furnace tavern, in the silent hall.

“This is what you do, is there any doubt?”

Qiao Xiu spent a few minutes explaining to Pruk the role of ‘Nolan’s Voice’ and the work he was responsible for.

The faceless demon has a good voice, probably related to his race. As a faceless demon who has the name of a fraudster, if the voice is unpleasant, it is estimated that few people are willing to listen to the teachings of this demon.

In this “Demon is not too cold”, Pluker is directly playing the original soundtrack, and the slightly hoarse bass attracts many female audiences who come to watch the movie.


Pluck read a very strange word in a slow tone.

Since he stepped into the Hearthstone Tavern, he has been exposed to a lot of strange words. Qiao Xiu has already explained his work to Pruk.

It was at 9 o’clock every morning that I arrived at the Hearth Tavern on time and sat in the silent hall to tell the news content on the manuscript.

Pruk, who knew the words of mankind, it was not difficult for him to spend ten minutes a day reading a manuscript.

But this time, Joe Xiu hired not only him, but also all the members of the black pigeon behind him.

“News can be understood as valuable information, that is, what your members of the black dove have been doing, telling Nolan about the important or interesting things that happened in Nolan in the first time. All residents.”

Qiao Xiu gave the fraudster an explanation that he could understand.

“Do you mean to send information to all residents of Nolan for free?”

Pluk’s ability to understand is not bad, but the things that Qiao Xiu has to do, for their professional intelligence dealers, is undoubtedly a loss-making business.

“But Joshua’s Highness, so that you won’t get anything… The information collected by the black pigeons has a lot of value enough to allow some of the Nolan’s casters to spend a lot of money to buy, so that you will lose all the information you deserve. value.”

Pluk’s qualifications in this organization are longer than the current leader, the Dark Elves. He knows that even the black pigeons belong to the low-level organization of Nolan’s dark side.

But because of this, some businessmen who are doing business in Nolan, in order to hold the handle of their opponents, will spare no expense to find the black pigeons to buy the other party’s information.

Intelligence is a commodity for black pigeons, and what Qiao Xiu does is equivalent to giving these products free of charge.

“Pluker, if you do this, what I get will be that the entire Nolan is close to tens of thousands of people… or an audience of 100,000 people.”

At this moment, Qiao Xiu showed a thing called ‘ambition’ to the fraudster.

“Imagine, they open the magic net to open the voice of Nolan. Every morning, you can know what happened to Nolan through your narrative. Whether it is an incredible event or some interesting little news, they can be the first time. Knowing the latest developments in Nolan, this is enough for any resident of Nolan to sit down and spend a few minutes sitting down to listen to the news.”

Qiao Xiu believes that the place where the broadcast is really attractive is not a musical, nor a late-night story, but a news that is relaxed in the broadcast. Everyone cares about what is happening around them.

“His Royal Highness… does this make sense?”

Pluker still can’t understand what it means or value. Black pigeon sales can at least change some gold coins, but if it is ‘news’, there will be no gains.

“The point is that there will be hundreds of thousands of people who are willing to sit down and listen to your voice quietly. Just like church missions, there are hundreds of people in a city who are willing to listen to a missionary’s speech…”


After listening to the simple metaphor of Qiao Xiu, Plukh wiped the cold sweat that overflowed his forehead.

The fraudster finally understood what effect ‘Nolan’s Voice’ would have on the world.

“But if you want to hire a black pigeon, you need to wait for thousands of faces to return to Nolan. It will take a week before she can return to the human world.”

Pluck’s position in the black dove is not high. This is a loose organization. Only the current leader of the black dove, the dark elf, can make those members obedient.

“Then just wait for her to return and formally talk about the employment, you can go back now.”

Qiao Xiu did not retain the fraudster. Since the release of “This Devil Is Not Cold”, Squirrel Street has been faintly moving towards a tourist attraction since the Black Pigeon Hotel.

If Joshua makes another film in the future and makes a site there, he might really be able to make it into a Hollywood.

Pluck left the Hearthstone Tavern with a somewhat awkward manner to Joe.

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